Cocky Billionaires: A Contemporary Romance Box Set

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Cocky Billionaires: A Contemporary Romance Box Set Page 3

by J. P. Comeau

  Kelly snorted. “No, he has the hots for you. You’re the one who -”

  I shrugged. “What ever.”

  We were led through a massive dance floor already packed with people. Even though it was only eight-thirty, everyone was there. A gargantuan bar spanned the entire back wall, with seven bartenders behind it. They were ready to serve up whatever drink people wanted. The bar was made of marble. A slab of brown and black swirled with a decadent white that had gold flakes sparkling within it. The barstools were genuine leather, greased down and twinkling beneath the strobing lights. The hardwood floors smelled as if they had been freshly waxed. The small spiral staircase we walked up had pads that lit up in Omnia’s signature colors every time we took a step. Deep blues that faded to white before sparking with red.

  I was mesmerized with every step I took.

  We walked along the balcony of the second floor, and I gazed down at the sea of heads quickly mounting beneath us. A sea of hands lifted up as lights flashed, and dry ice fogged up the room. The haze made me feel lighter than air. Confetti rained down from the ceiling as everyone started to cheer. With drinks in the air and waitresses fighting the crowd to offer jello shots to all the unassuming dancers, the bass of the music rattled my ribcage. And my eardrums.

  But, a sound more piercing than the music rose up beside me. The sound of Kelly squealing. She shoved her way past me, and I whipped my head over, watching her shuffle in her impossible heels. She dramatically threw her arms around a man’s neck. They looked happy to see one another. Then the strange man held out his arm. Before another man, clad in an impeccably tailored suit, stepped up to the plate.

  The man in the suit didn’t seem to be happy about being out.

  Trust me, dude. I get it.

  “Who’s that?” I asked.

  Roxy leaned into my ear as Kelly tried talking to the man in the suit. He typed away on his phone, seemingly in his own universe.

  “Well, the guy in the blazer and polo shirt is Brenden. I’d suggest you stay away from him. He trades in women more than he does his cars. And trust me, once you get to know him? That’s pretty often.”

  I nodded slowly. “And the unimpressed man in the suit?”

  “I’m assuming that’s Zane.”

  I quirked an eyebrow. “You don’t know?”

  She nodded. “He met in college. He’s Brenden’s older brother and business partner.”

  “So, they’re gay.”

  She laughed. “No, silly, they both work for a real estate something or other in the city.”

  “Ah. So, they’re salesmen.”


  Neither of them looked like any salesmen I’d ever seen before.

  Brenden had hazel eyes that looked almost steel in quality. His smile was snake-like. As if it didn’t quite reach his eyes. His navy blazer looked weird with his khaki pants, and the light yellow polo shirt he wore significantly clashed with the dark brown loafers he was wearing. The man in the suit, however, was a different story. With a frown on his face and a furrow in his brow, his dark navy suit, tailored to his body, seemed to fit him perfectly. Broad shoulders gave into strong arms while his waist tapered and drifted into a sturdy set of legs. Both men easily stood above six feet. But, even with Zane looking down at his phone, he was taller than his brother.

  The pearls on the man’s cufflinks kept catching the strobing lights, almost mesmerizing me as Roxy rubbed my back. His watch twinkled with diamonds. Or, at least what looked like diamonds. I saw Brenden nudge Zane, whose eyes whipped up from his phone. And when they caught mine, I held my breath.

  Zane had the most amazing amber eyes I’d ever seen.

  Suddenly, the girl’s plan to find me a man for the night went out the window.





  My fingers flew across my screen as I spoke into my Bluetooth headset. “Yes. Mhm. The property right next to it. Tell the seller I’ll offer twenty grand above his asking price if he keeps everything there. Yep. Everything. I’d like to put in paperwork to get it re-zoned as well.”

  Brenden furrowed his brow. “What the hell are you doing?”

  I held up my finger. “Yes. Perfect. Once you get all of that done, let me know. Uh-huh. Thanks.”

  I hung up the phone call before finishing my text message. The leather seats beneath my ass kept reminding me of where I actually was. Not in my car, but in the back of Brenden’s. I didn't know why the hell he insisted on always being driven everywhere. I got the bulk of my peace during the week, driving around, listening to audiobooks I enjoyed.

  Imagining myself living another kind of life.

  Brenden ripped my phone out of my hand. “Will you put that down? We’re almost there?”

  I slowly looked over at him. “Give it back. Now.”

  “You’re not going to work all night. We’re supposed to be having fun.”

  I held out my hand. “Don’t make me ask again.”

  “Are you always on this thing because it makes you less nervous?”

  “Why in the world would I be nervo...” Then, it hit me. “Don’t,” I said.

  Brenden palmed his hair. “Zane. You have to move past this. It was an accident.”

  I glared at him. “You’ve got ten seconds to give me my damn phone, or I’m smoking you out of the company.”

  “You don't have to get so dramatic, you workaholic.”

  I took my phone back. “Besides. The reason why I don’t go out with you is because it’s not as much fun as it used to be.”

  “I’d be hurt if I actually thought that was the reason.”

  “Suit yourself. I have another call coming in, though. So, hold on to your panties.” I stuck my Bluetooth back in my ear and took the call, even though Brenden huffed like a disappointed wife right next to me.

  I didn’t care, though. Work had to get done, and since he decided to jet off to new places every month with his flavor of the week, that left me behind to do all the heavy lifting. And while I paid myself very well because of it, the money didn’t erase what I truly wanted.

  Though, I’d never have it now.

  “We’re here, Zane. Can you at least put it up now?”

  I held up my finger again. “Uh-huh. Thanks for that. Yep. Invoice me for overtime, too. I know this was inconvenient. Gotta go. I’ll get it paid in the morning.”

  I took the Bluetooth out of my ear, but text messages kept rolling through. I knew I was pissing Brenden off, but I didn’t care. One of us had to work to keep this business afloat. I slid mindlessly out of the car behind him and followed him into the club. The dry ice and fog around me didn’t deter me one bit. I had been fighting back and forth with a prospective client all day. Apparently, they thought that utilizing our services meant they could run the entire show. And while I was usually okay with letting clients run themselves into the ground before we swept in to clean up the mess for double the price, I didn’t want to do that this time.

  I wanted that damn property space, and I’d get it.

  One way or another.

  The booming music and boosted bass made me wrinkle my nose. The way everyone laughed and cheered and tossed back drinks made me want to invest in a set of noise-canceling headphones and a raincoat. The place smelled of cheap booze, loose women, and sweaty ball-sack. A less than tantalizing smell when I wanted to wind down and have a bit of fun.

  Something I knew how to do.

  Just not to Brenden’s standards.

  I heard a girl squeal, and I lifted my head. I looked around, now realizing we had come up to a second-floor balcony. I studied the girl Brenden wrapped his arms around before looking back down at my phone, trying not to judge my own surroundings. I mean, I didn’t want to be there anyway. I wanted to be in my office. Or, better yet, in the comfort of my own home while having the bullshit argument with another ‘realtor.’

  A shoddy title for this particular client, though.

bsp; “And this is my business partner and brother, Zane. The one I told you would be coming out with us tonight,” Brenden explained.

  The girl wrapped her arms around my neck for a hug, and I stiffened. I stared over her shoulder at two other girls watching the scene unfold in front of me. I didn’t know why the hell we were up there or how long we’d be staying. But I wanted out. I wanted that giggling girl to stop hugging me. I wanted her to go back to her loud friends, and I wanted everyone to leave me alone.

  “Hello,” I said flatly.

  She finally released me. “Hi. It’s so wonderful to finally see you again! How have you been?”

  I paused. “Kelly.”


  A half-smile pulled at my lips, out of an attempt to be sociable, nothing more. “I didn’t recognize you.”

  She giggled. “You’re so silly. Roxy’s over there, and we brought our friend, Karina. She just moved into town a couple of weeks ago, and she’s finally gotten settled into her place.”

  Brenden chuckled. “She’s a cute little thing.”

  I didn’t pay her much mind, though. Mostly, because my phone kept vibrating in my hand like some sort of sex toy gone wild.

  “Is there a place for me to sit?” I asked.

  Brenden slapped my back. “Look around you! This is our V.I.P. section. Any chair or couch on this side of the balcony is ours for the night.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “This is V.I.P.?”

  Kelly laughed. “Is he always this funny?”

  Brenden put on his best smile. “More like ‘always this unsociable.’ I had to practically drag him out.”

  Kelly clicked her tongue. “Same with Karina. It’s like, where did your sense of adventure go? Why do you want to just sit at home and do nothing?”

  I typed away on my phone again. “Because home is comfortable.”

  Kelly swatted my arm. “You’re very silly. She’s going to like that.”

  I shrugged off her comment and mindlessly made my way to a pathetic excuse for a leather couch. I sat down on the edge of it, not wanting to lean back. I didn't want every single bacteria known to man on the back of my suit. I switched over to my emails and started replying to a few of them. It was rare for me to be out of the office before ten at night on a Friday night. Everyone always wanted to get one last word in before the weekend. Just to make themselves feel better.

  No matter what it did to me.

  “Hey, Zane. You serious right now?”

  Brenden’s voice hit my ears. “Not my fault we have needy clients.”

  “Dude, they’ll be fine for a night. Put your phone up. It’s three against two over here. And by the sounds of it? You need some time to unwind with one of them.”

  I shook my head. “I’m fine. You go have fun.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Don’t make me take your phone again.”

  “Only if you feel like losing your hand today, Brenden.”

  “Zane, all I want to do is--.”

  I glared up at him. “If you’re going to be jetting off every month to take your girlfriends to new and exciting places, one of us has to stay and work. You get the fun. I get the tasks. That’s how this has always gone. So, why don’t you stop complaining about it and go have the fun you came here for and ride my ass some other night.”

  He blinked. “A drink. That’s what you need.”

  “You’re relentless.”

  “I’ll go get you some whiskey so you can relax a bit. And when I come back, you better not have that phone out.”

  “Okay, Mom.”




  The lights strobed and colors flashed as I plucked another jello shot off a passing tray. This man on the floor in the blazer dancing with me and the girls had a loose wallet, so I decided to take advantage of it. Not that I wanted to ring up his tab. But, if he offered me a drink, why not? I didn’t have a lot of money to spare anyway, and if he wanted to buy me something, I didn’t feel bad taking him up on it.

  I slid my tongue into the cup and loosened the jello before it slithered down my throat.

  “Woooo!” Kelly exclaimed.

  “Get it, girl!” Roxy yelped.

  I threw my hands into the air and swayed them with the rhythm of the crowd. More dry ice crept along the floor, wrapping around my exposed legs. I felt sweat dripping down the back of my neck. The music overwhelmed me, wrapping me up in its pulsing, rhythmic presence. My heart beat in time with the bass. My fingertips trembled with the rising notes, building to a drop that made everyone jump up and down. I couldn't jump well in the heels I wore, but the sounds overwhelmed me. Every sense I possessed was engaged with every song from confetti falling against our skin to my bones rattling with the baseline, to the smell of sweat wafting up my nose.

  It was wild. And out of control.

  And I loved it.

  “Woo hoo!” I exclaimed.

  Roxy wrapped her arms around me from behind as Kelly came to stand in front of me. With Brenden handing us all yet another jello shot, the three of us stuck our tongues into the cups. Around the edge, they went, loosening the sweetened alcoholic mixture. And after letting it slide down my throat, Brenden plucked our cups from us.

  Then, he yelled over the music. “I’m going to go get us some more drinks!”

  I gave him a thumbs-up as Roxy and Kelly nodded their heads. Then, Brenden pushed through the crowd toward the bar.

  The three of us gyrated against one another. We shimmied our breasts and swirled our hips as we went down as low to the floor as we could. My hands twisted in the air and my arms swayed side to side. I wrapped myself around my two best friends, dancing to the beat with a smile across my face that grew so wide it hurt my cheeks.

  It felt good to be reunited with them again.

  The DJ's voice echoed across the club. “All right, all right, all right. This is D.J. Matthew-Hay--.”

  “Hay!” the crowd exclaimed.

  The D.J. chuckled. “--and I’m bringing you sweet tunes and heavy bass all night. We’ve got drink specials at the bar rotating by the hour and shots making their way across the floor. Get some drinks, enjoy yourselves, and don’t forget to tip your neighborhood friendly bartender!”

  Brenden appeared back at our sides. “Here, Margaritas all around. Pink for the ladies, and green for the men.”

  I felt a drink being shoved into my hand as my eyes rose to the second floor. Every time I looked over at the other man up there, he had his head stuck in his phone. But this time? He was standing at the railing. He looked down at the crowd below him, almost as if he were staring down his nose at us. And as I brought the margarita to my lips, I lost myself in the beauty of his form.

  Especially, that robust and clean-shaven jawline of his.

  Those amber eyes he possessed sparkled with every flashing light. The suit he wore clung to his body in all the right places, allowing me easy access to the subtleties of a man’s body that I adored. Like, the strength of his arms. And the sturdiness of his legs. The length of his torso and the swell of his chest filled out his crisp white button-front shirt. Every time I looked at him, I found myself speechless.

  And the more I drank, the more gorgeous he became to me.

  Kelly wrapped her arm around me. “I don’t know about you guys, but my feet need a break.”

  Roxy nodded. “Mhm. I could really use a nice sit-down. These heels are murder on my, well, heels.”

  Brenden butted in. “Would any of you like a piggyback ride? I’m more than willing to offer my services.”

  Kelly raised her hand. “Oh! Oh! Oh! Me, please!”

  Roxy smiled. “Then, me next.”

  Brenden looked at me. “What about you, sweetness?”

  I smiled politely. “It’s ‘Karina,’ and no thank you.”

  He shrugged. “Suit yourself. You gonna hop on, Kelly?”

  I watched as she hopped onto Brenden's back. I followed them back to the spiral staircase. We all wa
lked up, and I made my way for a three-cushioned couch before I sat down beside Kelly. He took her hand and kissed it, making Kelly giggle like a damn schoolgirl. Then, he returned back downstairs to keep his promise to Roxy.

  The three of us huddled together on the couch.

  “So, are you having fun?” Roxy asked.

  It took me a second to register that she was speaking to me. “What? Huh? Oh, yeah. It’s been a lot of fun.”

  Kelly nudged me. “You keep looking up here at Zane. You think he’s cute?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Me, and every other girl staring up here at him.”

  Roxy squealed. “Oh! This is so exciting. I was hoping this would happen. Zane looks intimidating on the outside, but he really is a nice teddy bear on the inside. We met the two guys back in college.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, you already told me. And it was obvious since Kelly practically pounced on them.”

  She scoffed. “Hey. I was just excited to see them again.”

  Roxy rolled her eyes. “And excited to try and get in Brenden’s pants.”

  Kelly leaned across my body. “I’ll have you know he’s got a girlfriend right now. And I never cross those kinds of boundaries.”

  Roxy giggled. “And you know next month he won’t have one. So, you can make your move then.”

  As the girls argued in front of me, my eyes searched the balcony for Zane. I found him standing at one of the tables near the railing, his face stuck in his phone again. His eyes glared. His fingers flew at lightning speed across the keyboard. Something had him riled up, for sure.

  But, I also got the feeling this kind of place wasn’t his scene.

  It’s not mine, either. Don’t worry.

  Roxy nudged me. “You know he and Brenden own a huge real estate business here in Vegas, right?”

  Kelly nodded. “That’s right. They own the thing. Why can’t I ever remember that?”

  “Because you're shit with details,” I said mindlessly.

  Roxy winked. “He’s totally single, too. Has been for a while.”

  Kelly sipped her drink. “He’s always glued to that phone, too. He wasn’t like that back in college, but he is now. Ever since he and Brenden really made it big time and made a name for themselves in Vegas.”


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