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Cocky Billionaires: A Contemporary Romance Box Set

Page 44

by J. P. Comeau

  “Sounds like business is going well, then.”

  I nodded. “It is, yes.”

  He leaned forward. “You know I love you, right?”

  I snickered. “Don’t get all sappy on me now.”

  “Clint, I’m serious.”

  I swallowed hard. “I know. I love you, too.”

  “So, talk to me.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about.”

  He sighed. “Clint, you come home after not re-enlisting because you buried your best friend. And I can’t possibly imagine what that feels like. But, you’re home now. You’ve got family. And we’re worried about you.”

  “I’m fine, Brenden.”

  “I’m worried about you, Clint.”

  I closed my eyes. “Don’t do this, Brenden. Just spit out why you came here.”

  “I came here because I wanted to see about enlisting your services through the realty company on a patch of office spaces we’ve snatched up to sell.”

  My eyes opened. “Just get me the details, and we’ll work it out.”

  He nodded. “Good. Now, what’s on your mind?”


  “I’m not leaving here until you talk.”

  I shook my head. “Fine. But, you have to promise me you won’t tell a soul.”

  “On my honor, I won’t.”

  I finally gave up the goat. “Roxy and I have been hanging out a lot recently.”


  I nodded. “Yep.”

  “Well, how’s it going? How long have you two been seeing one another?”

  “I don’t really know if we’re seeing one another, per se. But, we do get together and hang out. It’s nice.”

  “Have you two… you know.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Twice, yes. But, that was before she wanted to drop the physical stuff and ‘get to know one another,’ as she put it.”

  “And you’re struggling because you want to… you know.”

  I stared at him. “Have sex, Brenden. If we’re going to talk, use your words.”

  He chuckled. “Fair enough. So, you two have sex twice, then she agrees to hang out with you so long as you two aren’t constantly hooking up?”

  “That’s about right.”

  “So, what’s the problem?”

  I raked my hand through my hair. “I want to be with her again.”

  He grinned. “You sly dog.”

  “I’m serious, Brenden. I like the girl, okay? She’s great. She’s funny and beautiful and intelligent. Even though she doesn’t see that in herself. She’s a hard worker and dedicated. Wonderful sense of humor.”

  “Sounds like you’ve got it a bit bad for her.”

  I shrugged. “Maybe. I went over to her place last night to cook for her, and I tried to kind of hint at getting physical again. I mean, it’s been over a month, and we see one another at least three times a week outside of work. I figured she’d feel more comfortable with things, but she’s not ready yet.”

  “Have you expressed your reservations to her?”


  “Don’t you think you should give that a try?”

  I snickered. “Not really a talker. You know this.”

  “I don’t know. You’re doing a pretty good job right now.”

  He has a point. “I don’t know, Brenden. I don’t want to make it seem like I’m pressuring her.”

  “Then, tell her that. Tell her you don’t want to put her in an awkward position, but you’re ready. And ask if there’s something you’re doing that is making her more hesitant to move forward again. It can’t hurt, right?”

  “I guess so.”

  He stood up. “Look, wait until work is over, show up at her place with some flowers, and ask her to talk. Take all of the burdens onto your shoulders, and don’t make it seem like it’s her fault. Who knows? Maybe she’s feeling the same way, and she just doesn’t know how to approach you. It’ll look good if you take that first step. It’ll show you’re invested in more than just her body.”

  I blinked. “Since when did you get so smart on women?”

  He chuckled. “Since Kelly. She’s taught me a lot.”

  “She’s a good woman.”

  “And so is Roxy. Just go talk to her, Clint. You won’t get any answers you’re looking for inside your own head. And, uh, I’ll email you the details on those properties by lunchtime.”

  I nodded mindlessly. “Right. Thanks.”

  My brother’s words hung with me all day. And when it came time for me to leave work, I took his advice. I ran by a florist and picked up a bouquet of lilies and roses. I stopped by her favorite bakery and got her two cheese danishes. And when I stood in front of her door with my offerings in my hand, I kicked her door softly with my foot.

  “Who is it?” she asked.

  She’s never done that before. “It’s me, Roxy. Clint.”

  The doorknob didn’t move. “Is something wrong?”

  “Could you let me in? I’d like to talk if that’s okay.”

  The door still didn’t open immediately, but she did finally open it. It slowly swung open, revealing a disheveled Roxy with bags underneath her eyes. My brow stitched together tightly as she ushered me into her place. I handed her the flowers and the danishes, but she seemed less than pleased.

  “I’m sorry, I’m just not feeling very well this evening. Thank you, though. These are beautiful,” she said.

  “Do I need to get you to a doctor?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “No, no. I’m fine. Just take a seat on the couch.”

  I watched her walk into the kitchen, and there was something different about her walk. I couldn't put my finger on it, but something didn’t seem quite right. Still, I did as she asked. I wanted her to feel as comfortable as possible, so I sat down, giving her enough room on my other side to sit as far away from me as she wished.

  Just like I figured, she sat as far away from me as possible.

  “So, what brings you here?” she asked.

  I cocked my body to face her. “Are you all right?”

  She blinked. “Yeah, of course. Why?”

  “You’ve been acting a bit off lately, and I’m wondering if it’s something I've done.”

  She shook her head. “No. Just a bit tired recently.”

  “Am I working you too hard at work?”

  “Not at all.”

  “Am I keeping you up too late when we’re out?”


  I scooted a bit closer to her. “Then, why do I get the feeling you’re pushing me away when all I want to do is be closer to you?”

  Her brow ticked with confusion. “Closer to me?”

  I took her hand in mine. “I like you, Roxy. A lot. And what I feel for you is more than sexual. I enjoy your company, and I look forward to our time together. It’s been a long time since I’ve enjoyed the company of a woman without there being sex, but I do enjoy sex with you.”

  She pulled her hand away. “You’ve come over to beg for sex. Great.”

  I scoffed. “I haven’t come over here to beg you for anything. I’ve come over here to talk with you. Something is wrong, and I’m concerned you aren’t as interested in me as I am in you at this point. And if that’s the case, it’s my right to know that.”

  Her eyes found mine. “You think I don’t want you around?”

  I shrugged. “What else is there to think? We had a silent dinner last night. You didn’t even want to cuddle on the couch. It’s almost like I intruded on a space where you didn’t want me, but you were too afraid to speak up about it.”

  “Clint, you’ve got this all wrong.”

  “Then, set it right for me. And if it’s something I can help with, then let me help.”

  She shook her head. “You wouldn’t understand.”

  “Am I pressuring you in any way?”

  “No, you’re not.”

  “And you’re still interested in getting together?”

  “Yeah, I am.” />
  “Do I need to find another job at my company for you, so we don’t work as closely anymore?”

  She shook her head. “No, no. Please, don’t do that. I’m going to need the benefits when--.”

  Her lips sealed themselves tightly, and dread filled my gut.

  “You’re sick, aren’t you?” I asked.

  She shook her head quickly. “No, no. That’s not it.”

  I closed the gap between us. “Now, look. Something is wrong. Something terrible has happened. And you’re going to tell me what the fuck is going on so I can help. Got it?”

  Her eyes watered. “Clint, this isn’t--.”

  I cupped her cheek. “Talk to me, Roxy. Whatever it is, you don’t have to do it alone. I promise you that.”

  “Wait, what?”

  My forehead fell against hers. “Whatever it is, I’m not going anywhere. You have my word.”

  She sniffled. “Oh, God. I’m so sorry, Clint. I didn’t think two days would make such a difference.”

  I pulled back a bit. “Two days? What are you talking about?”

  Her watery eyes found mine. “I’m pregnant, Clint.”

  My world careened to a screeching halt. “You’re what?”

  “I’m so sorry. I missed my doctor’s appointment for my arm implant, and it took me two days to get another appointment. I didn’t think it would be this big of an issue, though. I swear, I didn’t do it on purpose. I’m always so careful, and I just--.”

  “We’re pregnant?”

  She paused. “Yes. We’re pregnant, Clint.”

  My hand cupped the back of her head. “I want to kiss you right now. Is that okay?”

  “Wait, you want to do what?”

  “Let me kiss you, Roxy. Please.”

  Her eyes widened. “Yeah, sure. Okay.”

  When our lips finally connected for the first time in over a month, glorious happiness filled my veins. I pulled her into my lap and started envisioning my life as a father.

  The one thing I’d wanted more than anything else in this world.





  “Then I said, ‘who in the world do you think you are, messing with my sister like that. She said no’. And do you know what he said back to me?”

  Clint sipped his Coke. “What?”

  “He had the audacity to say that I was encroaching on his territory and that I needed to back off.”

  “Please tell me you punched him in his throat.”

  I scoffed. “Oh, I did more than that. I slapped him across his face, then hooked up with his best friend that night. And you should’ve seen his face when I came out of his friend’s bedroom. I wish I would’ve had a camera!”

  He barked with laughter. “Roxy, you are one ballsy woman. And I like it.”

  I reached for my water as his face lit up with joy. I still couldn't believe that things had gone over so well with him and this pregnancy announcement. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was actually happy things had worked out like this. Nevertheless, I enjoyed every moment I spent with him. Including our lunch hours at work.

  Which we took together now, despite what people in the office thought.

  “Uh, Roxy?”

  I set my water down. “Yeah? What’s up?”

  He nodded to my shirt. “Your button came undone again.”

  I looked down, scoffing. “Are you fucking kidding me? Come on.”

  He chuckled. “It’s kind of a nice look on you.”

  I shoved my tits together to button it back. “There we go. All fixed.”

  But, the second I let my tits relax, the button burst open again.

  “Oops,” Clint said.

  I groaned. “Damn it, I hate this. I absolutely hate it. I’ve read literally everywhere that women don’t have to buy new clothes for pregnancy until their second trimester, at least! But, all of my clothes are already growing tight. Every time I get up, my boobs are bigger. I couldn’t button my favorite pair of jeans the other day. Even my ankles are already swelling. I can’t slip into some of my heels anymore! And let me tell you something, I look terrible in flats. I can’t pull them off like Kelly can. I used to fit my little body into the latest fashions. I used to be a walking billboard for shops around here, you know? And now, I can’t even keep my blouses buttoned up. What in the world am I going to do?”

  Clint’s voice pierced through my rant. “You could let me take you shopping like I’ve been telling you for days now.”

  I looked at him sheepishly. “I’m so sorry. I’m rambling for no reason right now.”

  He held out his hand. “Come here, princess.”

  I melted inside every time he called me that, and I quickly slipped my hand against his.

  “I’m really sorry. I just can’t get over how quickly my body is changing. It’s just--.”

  He squeezed my hand. “Rest for a second and listen to me. Okay?”

  I drew in a deep breath. “Okay. I’m sorry. What is it you were asking?”

  He grinned. “For starters, you’re gorgeous. Curves look great on you, and I struggle at work sometimes to keep from staring at you.”

  I blinked. “You do?”

  He nodded. “I really do, Roxy. Your new curves are…”

  He shook his head and licked his lips, making me blush in the booth we scored for lunch at my favorite deli place.

  “You really like them?” I asked.

  He growled. “More than you know.”

  I smiled. “Well, if you like them, then I’ll stop complaining about them.”

  “Hey, you listen to me right now. You’ve got plenty to complain about. Your body is changing at a rate you haven’t ever seen before. You're tired. Your favorite foods are making you nauseous. You complain however much you want. Just know that I’m here to listen and that I secretly love how your body is changing.”

  My heart stopped in my chest. “How do you always do that?’

  “Do what?”

  “Make me feel so good after feeling so bad.”

  He shrugged. “It’s a gift.”

  I clicked my tongue. “Pompous windbag.”

  He smiled. “Sexy vixen.”

  I giggled, lowering my voice. “Daddy.”

  His eyes darkened. “Be careful with that word, princess. Or I might just have to take you into the bathroom.”

  “Is that a promise?”

  He stood, pulling me up from the seat. “Come with me. I want to take you somewhere.”

  “Hey, hey, hey. Now, wait just a second, mister.”

  He paused. “What?”

  “What makes you think I’m done eating?”

  “The fact that you haven’t touched your food in well over fifteen minutes and have been waiting for me to finish my food. The ketchup made you sick again, didn’t it?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “I don’t know whether it’s nice or terrible that you can read me like that.”

  “Maybe I just find you worth studying. Ever think of that?”

  After tossing some money onto the table, he offered me his arm. And I gladly took it. These past couple of weeks with Clint felt more like a dream than a nightmare, and I wondered if he felt the same way. My feelings for him were growing stronger. Every time he showed up at my place with food and a kiss, I melted a bit more toward him inside. Granted, taking things slowly seemed stupid at this point. But, I still tried to keep an air of decorum around him.

  He made it hard, though.

  And some days, it was damn near impossible.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  He led me out to his car. “You’ll see.”

  “So, we aren’t heading back to work?”


  I eased myself into his car. “Don’t we kind of need to go back and earn our paycheck?”

  He chuckled. “I’m the boss. And as your boss, I say you can go back when I go back. There. Happy?”

  I giggled. “
If you insist, Bossman.”

  He closed my door and jogged around to his side of the car, slipping quickly beside me behind the wheel. His hand gravitated to mine, and he held it as we took off, weaving our way into a part of town I didn’t recognize. There were plenty of places in Vegas I hadn’t visited, mostly because I was a creature of routine. Once I found a place I liked, I kept going until I exhausted it. That’s just how I’d always been. I always went to the same club on Fridays, a different club on Saturdays, and I had my three favorite places I interchanged evenly for lunch during the workweek.

  I wasn’t as spontaneous as I came off sometimes to other people.

  But, when we pulled into the parking lot, my jaw hit the floor.

  “Clint, I said--.”

  “Look at me, Roxy.”

  I peered over at him. “Do we really have to do this now?”

  He took my hand. “I’ve already called ahead and scheduled a two-hour reservation. This is the top maternity boutique in town, and when we walk through those doors, you’re going to have a team of stylists helping you pick out some outfits that will grow with you for the coming months.”

  I blinked. “Did you say ‘stylists’?”

  He nodded. “I certainly did. These women here are going to make you look and feel as fabulous as you’ve always felt, and they’re going to make sure we leave with clothes that will fit you just the way you want no matter what shape your body takes. And you have my permission to get whatever you want, no matter the price.”

  “No matter the price?”

  “Yep. Whatever it takes to make you feel as beautiful as you already are to me.”

  I sighed. “Promise this isn’t going to suck balls?”

  He kissed the back of my hand. “Since when have I ever not been a man of my word?”

  I smiled softly. “You’re amazing, you know that?”

  He grinned. “Maybe a bit.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Come on. Let’s get in there, Windy.”

  He chuckled. “All right, Sassy.”

  We strolled into the boutique, hand in hand, and three women swarmed us the second we stepped inside. I looked up at Clint, and he smiled down at me before introducing me to the three women that had come to help us. I clung to him a bit more than usual. I felt out of place in an area of town I wasn’t familiar with and surrounded by strangers to boot. But, he held me tight and did all the talking as my eyes danced around the racks and racks of beautiful clothes made specifically for pregnant women.


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