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Eli (Devil's Flame MC Book 3)

Page 6

by Romi Hart

  “Oh no, ladies first,” he countered. Rory shrugged, wondering hopefully if he just wanted to check out her ass in the skirt. Just in case, she added a sensuous sway to her hips as she strode to the bar.

  Hours of drinking together, and a couple of games of pool ensued, Eli stomping her at most of them. It all added up to a great, fun evening, as far as Rory was concerned.

  But when Eli glanced at the clock, it all came crashing down as he announced, “It’s getting late. You should probably head out before you have one too many again.”

  Rory grimaced, not quite liking the way he treated her as if she was a child. “What about the bunk rooms? Aren’t those for rent? I could get one of those,” Rory tried, hoping Eli would catch her drift. She raised her eyes to meet his, gazing at him through her lashes, but Eli pulled his head back, his lips curling down slightly at the corners in the hint of a frown.

  “They aren’t for rent,” he stated flatly.

  Obviously, she was going to have to be clearer. “Maybe I could share with someone.” He didn’t respond, but she could see his jaw working and sense his breath growing fast and shallow. With a dark and lustful gaze, Rory whispered, “There’s no reason to say no, Eli.”

  Eli sighed and glanced around the room, likely noting what Rory already knew. Harrison, Zeke, and Leigh, along with several others, were watching the two of them with rapt attention, awaiting his response.

  Popping his neck as if readying himself for a bull ride, Eli growled, “Like I said before, ladies first.” He waved toward the corridor. Rory grinned, the same sashay carrying her down the corridor as she thought to herself, I win!

  Eager lips met Rory’s as Eli slammed the door behind them, and Eli slid his tongue past her welcoming lips, possessing her mouth just as she’d longed for. His hand found the hem of her shirt, fingers gripping at the fabric as he tore it over her head. His lips broke free for a moment, hovering as he tossed the shirt aside, and then his mouth came down on the soft flesh of her neck, where his teeth scraped and nibbled a sweet trail down the sinewy muscle and tendons.

  Rory moaned, her mind clouded as her hormones rushed through her body and sent her senses into overdrive. With both hands, Eli found purchase, spreading his fingers and cupping her ass. He lifted her off the ground like she weighed nothing, and Rory wrapped her legs around him readily, reveling in the feel of his lips on her neck. The sensation of his hard on pressed into her center, and that combined with the warmth of his body through the fabric of his jeans against her bare thighs had her reeling.

  She ran her fingers through his hair, relishing his touch on her body and shivering with need. She couldn’t stop herself from pressing tighter against his pelvis, whimpering as he thrust back against her. Pressing her against the wall for leverage, he freed one of his hands to explore her, and she bit her lip as he tickled his way up one thigh, inching her skirt higher until he had his finger hooked in her lacy panties.

  “Didn’t think I’d end up here tonight,” Eli grunted, his voice husky and his lips close enough to Rory’s ear that his breath slid over her skin, the words making her blood boil instantaneously. He turned and carried her the three strides to the mattress, setting her on the edge and working her bra off. She only now realized how his tall, broad shouldered frame dwarfed her petite one, his large hand with the lightest touch brushing fingertips lightly over her nipple before bending his neck and drawing his tongue behind. He licked a circle around the taut peak before sliding over to the other breast with the same indulgent treatment, tugging at it with his teeth.

  Rory arched her back, begging for more, and as she closed her eyes, basking in his touch, Eli gave it to her, his fingers deftly pulling the panties from her waist and working them down her legs till she could kick them off. Desperate to touch more of him, Rory slipped the button on Eli’s jeans free, then fumbled with the other three until they, too, were undone.

  To her dismay, he stepped back, and she watched anxiously as his boots flew from his feet and his jeans hit the ground, followed by his shirt as he nearly ripped it from his body. Oh, that body. Perfect lines accenting tight, hard muscle.

  Hiking her skirt up to her waist, Eli settled between her legs, pushing her to her back as he loomed over her. His tongue slid into her mouth again, owning it as it tangled and twisted in a heated frenzy with her own. She was wild with need, and she was desperate to have him inside her. She raised her hips, begging entrance, and Eli pushed into her with one long, smooth thrust of his cock.

  She cried out with pleasure, the long, thick shaft stretching her body to suit his size. The sensation sent a flood of pleasure washing over her, pressure gathering low between her belly and her pelvis. She moaned and whimpered, wanting more but needing to draw out the pleasure.

  Eli found a slow and torturous rhythm, but it wasn’t enough. Rory wanted more. “Oh, god, Eli. Harder. Deeper!”

  He growled and shivered above her before meeting her eyes and asking in a lustful whisper, “Are you sure you can handle that?”

  “Yes, please!” she begged. And he complied, thrusting hard enough that his body smacked against hers, his pace quickening and his movements rougher as he filled her, over and over again. She raked her nails over his chest, scored his back as the delightful tightness in her stomach grew and thickened, becoming insistent.

  Straining to hold back just a little longer, Rory nearly came apart as he altered his position just a little, just enough to strike deeper inside her, hitting a very sensitive point that made her gasp. “You’re a fucking god, Eli,” she breathed. And as she finished the statement, the first wave of pleasure flooded her veins, making muscles clench as she writhed and screamed his name.

  The orgasm lasted forever, blinding her, and when she came down from the high, she nearly panicked as Eli completely withdrew from her body. But to her surprise, he only twirled a finger in the air. “Turn around,” he commanded with authority in his voice. She obeyed instantly, dripping at the demand in his tone as she got on all fours, casting a gaze over her shoulder to look back at him. His eyes slid hungrily over her ass, admiration in his blown pupils as he caressed her.

  Distracted, she didn’t see his hand coming down until the stinging of her ass and the reverberating sound in the empty room echoed off the walls. Two smacks, across her ass. The pain blended into pleasure, and her cries became moans, especially as Eli slid home, his cock filling her again. His pace was quick and purposeful, their bodies slapping together, the sound of flesh on flesh heightening her arousal.

  Faster and faster, and Rory could feel his control slipping, his body tightening, and it sent her over the edge again, his climax a moment behind. She arched her back, his orgasm intensifying her own, and she tumbled into the oblivion of complete and utter bliss. This was what she’d waited for, what she’d wanted, and it was better than she could have possibly imagined as she floated away, nothing but the sensation of Eli bucking and spilling into her cutting through the haze.

  At some point, the high ended, and Eli rolled off her, collapsing on his back on the bed. She flattened to the mattress, face down, and turned her head to the side to heave for air. “Damn,” she sighed reverently. She closed her eyes, letting the afterglow encapsulate her as she curled into Eli’s side.

  “Yeah,” he rasped in response. With a smile of satisfaction, Rory let her heavy eyes fall closed, and she was asleep in moments, at peace here in the arms of the man she’d wanted most.


  The sun broke through the curtain, golden light warming Eli’s face so he cracked an eye open to assess his surroundings. Feeling something resting against him, Eli looked down and his eyes widened in shock as he began to piece memories of last night together.

  “Shit,” he whispered. The beautiful, half-naked woman sharing a mattress with him, and curled up against his stomach, slept soundly. Not wanting to wake Rory, Eli closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, an instant headache coming on as he realized his blunder. He needed a few momen
ts to himself to figure out what he’d done and why, and then to determine what he was going to do about it.

  What had he been thinking? Annoyed with himself, he quietly slid from the bed, carefully replacing his body with two thick pillows under Rory’s head. Coffee seemed like the first step to fixing all of his problems, and he tugged on his jeans and a shirt, gently closed the door to the bunkroom and practically tip-toeing to the bar.

  “Sonofabitch,” he hissed aloud as he noted that none other than Rocky was again playing bartender. “Don’t you ever go home?” he groused at the kid.

  Rocky ignored the question. “Have a good night, Eli?” he asked with amusement. Eli shot him a warning glance. He wasn’t prepared for the poking and prodding, especially without coffee and the physical memory of last night still playing in his head and through his body.

  “Just give me a coffee.”

  “Is Rory still in the bunkroom?” Rocky slid the mug in front of him.

  “Anyone ever tell you to learn to mind your own business?” Eli asked, wrapping his hands around the cup in an effort to keep them off the kid’s throat.

  “It’s my job as a bartender to make conversation and get up close and personal with the clientele,” Rocky smirked. “I’m observant.”

  “Yeah, but some things are best left alone,” Eli remarked pointedly. Sighing, he admitted, “To be honest, I’m not sure how the hell it even happened.”

  “I can break it down for you,” Rocky teased.

  “Shit, I didn’t mean it like that,” Eli groaned, but the joke made him smile a little as the caffeine started to course through his veins with a delicious buzz.

  “Need any help cleaning up the aftermath?” Rocky asked. “I could take her off your hands.”

  Eli glared at him. “No thanks. I’m going to go wake her up and get her out of here.” Eli chugged the last of the coffee and slammed the glass on the bar as he got up and trudged down the hall.

  The door clicked shut, and Eli looked down at the slumbering Rory with a frown, “Great job following your own rules, dumbass,” he muttered as he considered how he should wake her up.

  He sat on the edge of the bed and sighed. “Hey,” he began, nudging her gently, “Rory, wake up.” Rory groaned rolling to the side and opening one eye as she looked up at Eli.

  “Hey,” she smiled pleasantly. “Good morning.”

  He ignored her bright sentiment. “It’s time for you to get out of here, and I need you to understand something,” Eli began, looking her directly in the eyes as she sat up with a curious expression.

  “What’s that?” she asked apprehensively, reaching for her bra and shirt.

  “What happened last night, it was just sex. A friendly encounter, one person helping another.” He was having trouble putting it into words without sounding callous. “Just like when I gave you a lift. I don’t want you to think it means anything. I’m way too busy to get involved with anyone, and I need you to be okay with that if we’re ever going to consider a repeat performance.”

  Aurora tilted her head, snapping the front of her bra closed and pulling her shirt over her head. “I get it. Just friends with benefits. Nothing more.” She gave a slight nod.

  Eli wasn’t sure what to think of her nonchalance and surprised by her agreement. Honestly, though, she was probably just saying what he wanted to hear. He was sure Rory just didn’t want their sexcapade to end. “You sure?” he asked again, as she bent to adjust her boots. He glanced at the torn underwear resting in the corner and leaned over to pick them up quickly.

  “We’re cool, Eli,” she assured him. Then, she pointed to his fist. “You can keep those if you want. I don’t think they’ll do me much good anymore. Consider them a souvenir.”

  Eli couldn’t help but chuckle as he shook his head. Then, trying not to feel awkward, he opened the door. “You should get on out of here. I’ve got shit to do today and don’t need any distractions.”

  “You and me both. I have a life,” Rory said, walking out and heading toward the front door. Eli closed his eyes, sighing briefly only to open them again and watch Rory’s supple ass as she disappeared into the brilliant light outside. She was more trouble than he’d imagined, but somehow, it was impossible to not admire her sex appeal, especially after getting her under him. He was not going to survive this, he was sure.

  * * *

  “Alright, we’re down to the wire and need to finalize the plan,” Rafe’s voice carried through the room as the rest of the Devil’s Flames members took their position along the table.

  “I think Eli has something to add,” Corey announced from the head of the table, waving to Eli. “Something that could impact our plans.”

  Eli cleared his throat and sat up straighter. “I went for a ride up Chapel Road to try and clear my head,” he began.

  “Yeah, he needed to cry a river about the fact he can’t remember how to use his little head, or he would have been all over Leigh’s friend by now,” Harrison interjected.

  “Knock it off, Harrison,” Corey chastised sharply. “This is business.”

  Swallowing his retort, Eli continued, “Point is, I saw a three Ravens riding through our territory, unannounced.”

  “Damn,” Harrison stated, quieting down as Corey stood up.

  “You all know we’ve got a lot to riding on this raid, and the stakes high. If we don’t take Gomez out, he’ll retaliate, and we’re screwed. But where we’re sitting right now it’s either do or die. So, we’ve got to run with the intel we’ve got. I’ve gotten together with Dylan and the other presidents with interest in this, and everyone’s holding church today to prepare.”

  For the next hour and a half, they discussed in detail the how’s and when’s, but Eli’s mind kept slipping to the last conversation he and Rory had. Harrison’s jab had provoked his thoughts, and it made him feel even more unnerved. He snorted slightly and lifted his hand.

  “Mind if I take a breather?” he asked.

  Corey nodded. “I’d say we could all use one about now. Everybody of one accord on this?” he asked, glancing around the room. There was no need to take a vote on this one. It was already laid in stone, and heads nodding prompted Corey to dismiss the meeting,.

  Eli made a quick escape. Truthfully, a lot of business still needed tending, and he wanted to get out of there before someone with more shit talk about Rory caught up with him and caused a delay. Free and clear, he mounted his bike and pulled out, ignoring everyone and everything else around him.

  It wasn’t far to his destination, and he felt a sense of relief as his eyes set on the strip club. After having been away for several days, he knew he needed to get back down to brass tacks about this business.

  “Hey, Eli!” A sweet redhead girl came toward him, her arms outstretched as he walked through the doors.

  “Hey, Ginger.” He offered a smile and a hug. She had always been a real sweetheart, and he knew that she had a young daughter named Jade whose father had run off with some Southern Baptist rich girl with a less tarnished reputation. Most of the girls here had some similar circumstance. The irony of the matter was that he had left his daughter and never even sent so much as a single cent to support her. He didn’t understand that mentality. He’d do anything to have his family back.

  It was the stories like these that drove Eli crazy, and he wished he could do more to help.

  “What’s wrong, sugar? You seem a little off,” Ginger muttered, tilting her head in question.

  “I’m alright. Is Scarlett in yet?” Eli asked, “I need to talk to her. Kind of important.” Scarlett could have been Ginger’s twin and the two often did shows together. They had similar stories and had bonded over the connection long ago.

  “No, but I can have her call you,” she offered.

  Eli shook his head. “No, that’s alright. Why don’t the two of you come down to the clubhouse tonight. I need to talk to you both, but I can’t sit around waiting. Time don’t wait on anyone in my shoes, and I’ve got other dut
ies to tend.”

  “Well, I could give you a dance or a free drink,” Ginger said, batting her eyelashes playfully.

  He scoffed. “You know I’m not into that. But thanks anyway.”

  “Oh, I know, baby. Trust me, if you were, things might be totally different,” Ginger flirted, winking at him. He was well aware she would have crawled on him in a heartbeat, but strippers weren’t his idea of bed buddies. In all actuality, he was incredibly possessive of his own woman, when he’d had one, and he had standards for what he would or wouldn’t screw. As much as he liked Ginger as a friend, there was no kind of attraction there.

  “I’m sure you say that to all the guys,” Eli chuckled, shaking his head as he turned to leave. “I’ll see you guys later.” He had to get things squared away with the club, and he wasn’t going to leave it as an open question. It was a demand.

  “As soon as Scarlett comes in I’ll let her know,” Ginger called after him.

  Eli nodded, the door slamming behind him. He wished Scarlett had been there. He didn’t like waiting to warn her that, with Ravens in town, there might be serious danger lurking around the strip club.

  The woman already had a lot on her plate. Scarlett’s old boyfriend hadn’t shown his face yet, but his threat lingered. He wanted his son, and the Devil’s Flames had been hired by the club owner to ensure that no Ravens – or anyone with a vendetta to claim – came around. Which was just the way Eli intended on keeping it.

  * * *

  “Where the hell did you take off in such a hurry?” Corey demanded when Eli entered the clubhouse.

  “I had some errands to run,” Eli replied, ambling toward the bar.

  Corey quirked a brow. “Anything new to report?”

  “No, but I have a couple of the girls from the club coming by later.” He redirected himself toward the bathroom.

  “Where are you going now?” Corey called after him.


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