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Eli (Devil's Flame MC Book 3)

Page 11

by Romi Hart

  She stood, still in her show attire, a red bustier and thong beneath a matching skirt of little more than fringe. She had a robe draped over it that she pulled tighter and tied, always striving to be a little more respectable with him. She grabbed another cigarette and lit it defiantly, taking a sip of what Eli assumed was hot tea and sauntering up to him. “I figured you’d come. Nothing like a man who knows how to handle business.” She blew out a stream of smoke, and he raised a brow at her. With a huff, she told him, “I did quit, but these kind of situations stress me out. I keep a pack around just in case. It calms me down.”

  Yeah, she was still reeling and still incredibly pissed, though Eli noted a bit of smeared mascara on her right eye, as if she might have been crying. He felt guilty. None of this was his fault, but he felt like he and the Devil’s Flames were responsible, since they provided protection. And they should have prevented this incident, somehow.

  They were stretched too thin, especially with men now scouting the area, looking for unannounced runs by the Ravens. With Zeke busy preparing for his ceremony, he was pretty useless at the moment. They’d taken on several prospects, but newbies needed supervision, so he couldn’t exactly throw this on their shoulders.

  Rubbing the scruff on his chin, he told her, “I’m sorry. I assure you I am going to use this shit to our advantage, Skye. I really am determined to take this over, not just come in for security. I will take a picture of every bit of damage, get an outrageously high quote from the insurance, and use that to force a sale.”

  She scoffed. “How is this different from any other time, Eli?”

  “Because I’m going to threaten to release those pictures and the lack of safety to the press,” he told her with a devious smile. “And then, I’m going to remind him that we’re offering to pay to take it off his hands, and he’ll choose the money over bankruptcy. And he’ll be long gone.”

  “Good!” she stated with emphasis, taking a one more drag before putting out the cigarette, having only smoked half of it. “I’m so sick of this shit. I just don’t trust anyone else but you and your MC. The clients are scared of you, but they think they can get away with shit because the owner is scared of repercussions. Either that, or they’re lining his pockets. I don’t know, but I’m done. I’m getting too old for this shit. I can’t get away with this much longer, and I was hoping to be sitting on a chunk of change I could use to build something of my own for the future.” She suddenly looked older than her years, the stress and disappointment lining her face.

  Eli respected her aspirations to better herself. He knew she seemed content some days with this living, but most of the time there was purpose in her that defied what most of the dancers seemed to settle for. She was making the best of it, but she wanted more.

  “I’m going to fix this,” he promised. “Are you alright? Did anyone hurt you? Because if they did, I’ll make sure they can barely crawl out of here.”

  She sprayed some perfume, waving her hand around to disperse it and cover up the scent of smoke. It wafted to his nose, tickling it with the intricate scent, but it wasn’t nearly as enticing as the musky smell of Rory’s skin after sex.

  Damn it! He chastised himself as his mind filled with thoughts of the woman who was only supposed to be a friend he shared a bed with now and then, nothing more. He needed to stop going down that road. It was dangerous, and he wasn’t looking to swerve and crash instead of follow his planned route. He was determined to spend the rest of the day, and maybe a good deal of the night, right here, diving into the business at hand. He should forget about the sultry, curvy woman he left behind and let her enjoy her pretty tatted boys on her calendar and wear her yoga pants. It was such a cruel – and admittedly painful – thought, but Rory signed up for this. There were no guarantees, and he’d warned her. They had both agreed that this would be nothing more, and if he couldn’t keep it that way, couldn’t stop getting distracted, then he had to end it.

  Facing her if she continued to come around with Leigh would be awkward at first, but they would get over it. They were adults. She would find another biker who would take her into a whirlwind of excitement. Why no one else had already, he couldn’t say. Maybe they all assumed they’d be stepping in Eli’s territory. Which only showed he was balls deep in this.

  And not just in terms of burying himself inside the woman.

  Skye pointed to a few nicks and scratches, and then she pulled the robe off her shoulder to reveal a bruise forming in brown and purple. Eli’s attention instantly returned to the matter at hand, and he was livid. “Assholes. This won’t fly, won’t go unpunished, Skye.”

  “Don’t get your panties in a twist,” she sighed, sitting back heavily in her chair. “I’ll be fine. I’ve had far worse than this from a cat fight.” She laughed, and Eli could definitely imagine that. He’d seen some of these women tangle before, was over a man or some object. “I don’t want them coming back. Get them out, and get this shit together.”

  She swiveled her chair, turning her back and dismissing Eli’s presence. It was his cue to head back to the office and crack some skulls, threaten to remove their tiny dicks, and chuck these assholes to the curb. He left the dressing room, ready to play the hero for Skye and the other girls yet again. Then, he would get his evidence and call the owner about how this was going to happen. He was determined to be productive.

  It would keep his mind off whatshername.

  Dammit. An image of Rory popped into his head, and he shook it off, growling as he walked back into the office. At least the frustration served a purpose. His reaction had the men gazing up at him nervously. He kept his tone low, giving the message loud and clear with venom in his voice, and then he sent the drunk regular home. He didn’t know the other two, and he went at them, one of them barely reacting till he grabbed a pair of pliers and threatened to start pulling teeth and nails if they didn’t swear to cooperate.

  It was as he broke the second man that his eye caught something leather in the corner.

  He went to pick it up and instantly recognized the cut as belonging to the Vipers. He couldn’t fucking believe it.

  That MC had some relations with the Ravens, but they usually stuck to business around the border with Mexico. This reeked of Gomez, and it raised a red flag, considering that the Vipers had been one crew to buy into the group effort to get rid of the president of the Ravens. He grabbed one of the men by the collar, yanking him forward until they were face to face. “Which one of you is a Viper, and who the hell tipped you off that this was Devil’s Flames territory? What was the plan?”

  The man shook, finally terrified. “I don’t know his name, but he had a leather jacket and a motorcycle, a black bird on his cut. He told me he would get me patched quick with an ally, and I’d be set for life, with plenty of money and protection for my family. I was just supposed to shake up the ladies a bit. A couple of redheads were supposed to be here, but I didn’t see them. So I just waited, until that other jackass you threw out started shit.”

  “Damn it!” he cursed, throwing the man to the floor. He had no choice but to take these two out, send a message to both the Vipers and the Ravens. And then he would have to put tails on Ginger and Scarlet full time. This was more than some riled up drunk and horny men.

  He needed to get this mess mopped up and get back to Corey, give him the unsavory news so they could be ready in case something else happened. And they needed to move up their attack, or this was going to get out of hand. Somewhere in there, he needed to push through the purchase of the club, and had to do all of that and still manage to avoid Rory.

  * * *

  He didn’t know why he was there, his bike back in the same lot it had peeled out of before dawn this morning, especially considering everything on his plate. He was annoyed at his persistent thoughts of the woman who lived in the apartment upstairs. It was like he was obsessed and had a conscience that had long been silenced. Should he care about how she felt when he ran out of there, when they weren’t su
pposed to be an item?

  This was new territory, unexpected obligation tearing at him even if he’d made it clear there were no expectations. It had been forever since he had been with a woman and felt responsible for her emotions. He had come to apologize, which was particularly unnerving, and he couldn’t understand what drew him here when he needed to finish taking care of club business first.

  He huffed a sigh, feeling whipped, and he grumbled under his breath as he walked up the stairs to her door and knocked. He just hoped he wasn’t making a mistake by coming here.

  Even if he felt like a fool already.


  Rory looked at herself in the mirror and smoothed out her button down top. She was running a little earlier than usual, and she had taken the extra time on her appearance, even though she would mostly be tasked with aiding special needs children and the occasional parent dropping them off for therapy, which meant nobody really gave a damn how she looked.

  Her day job was as a music therapist. It wasn’t something she had considered when she was first in college, until she met someone on campus conducting clinicals and instantly recognized that she loved the idea. She had taken choir for years and played drums during her high school rocker phase. She loved music and especially the way it could heal people.

  Of course, she didn’t typically think she looked the part. Tattoos, yoga equipment, leggings and leather, and a love for motorcycle riders didn’t exactly shout that she was a teacher and therapist with dual degrees. But today, she made the effort.

  Just after spritzing herself with organic body spray she concocted herself, a knock called her attention, and she frowned, wondering who it could be. It was an odd time for a visitor. Early afternoon didn’t usually mean foot traffic around here.

  Could it be Eli? Maybe he’d forgotten something this morning in his rush.

  A million emotions surged through her on her way to the door. Seeing him well and in one piece would give her a sense of relief. The way he had mysteriously run off made it clear something was wrong, and her mind had filled with horrible nightmares about it since. Talking with Leigh about it had done little to ease her anxiety, considering that her best friend had literally given her an ultimatum – learn to live with it or walk away. She was blurring the lines between friends with benefits and a relationship to want more, to even ask where he’d been, but she had trouble controlling her emotions.

  But for the same reasons, anger swelled in her at the idea of him showing up on her doorstep now, when she’d found some serenity and was headed to work. If he was looking for a quickie, he was shit out of luck, no matter how good he looked or how much he begged.

  And she didn’t even know it was him rapping at her door.

  Sure enough, Rory opened the door to find him leaning against the door frame, one hand on either side as his head hung. He gazed up, looking weary and seemingly surprised, like he hadn’t expected her to answer the door. Rory narrowed her eyes at him as his gaze swept over, taking in her appearance, much different than what he was used to.

  "Going somewhere?" he asked, and that was enough to set her off. What right did he have asking that, when he’d torn out of here like a bat out of hell a few hours ago? Rory’s temper flared, and she shoved a finger in his chest.

  "You can’t be bothered to tell me what emergency you run off to in the wee hours, but you can show up at my door and ask where I’m going with that irritating, demanding tone of yours?" she accused, poking harder with each word. She was in no mood to take this from him or anyone else, not after the morning full of apprehension and self doubt. She wanted to get to work and try not to spend her entire day pining after a man she had to practically beg for sex, despite his obvious attraction to her. Logically, she could do better. She could find a man that pined for her, treated her like a lady, supported her, and doted on her. That would be far better for her wellbeing, but she didn’t want that, exactly. The heart and body were not built on logic, even when the mind tried to pull them in the right direction.

  "Hold up. I came to apologize, and I wasn’t prepared for you to be running out the door,” he countered.

  She scoffed. “You mean the way you did earlier?” She had half a mind to push him out of her way and run.

  “That’s what I want to apologize for. I’m used to being alone and handling things myself, it didn’t occur to me how you would feel till I was already pulling out of the parking lot. But I felt a little guilty. I thought I’d offer a do over, but it looks like you already have plans." His jaw worked, and his eyes crinkled with disappointment.

  Rory crossed her arms, still frustrated. " I’m going to work. And I don’t want to be late. What happened that pulled you out of here, ninety to nothing?" She was trying to handle this like an adult, but now she felt ridiculous for worrying so much when he stood here now, like it had been no big deal.

  He hesitated, and she didn’t think he would tell her. Then, to her surprise, he sighed and told her, "It was the strip club. That’s all I can tell you." He looked away, scratching his head. He was probably still worrying if that was a sore subject.

  Rory had thought it was fine, but she suddenly saw green at the thought of him leaving her bed and rushing off to the strippers. An image of Ginger and Scarlet came to mind, and she nearly vomited right there.

  He continued before she could speak, "Some patrons got out of order, and I had to clean up the mess, calm the girls, and make sure the owner knew that the club is serious about buying him out to stop this shit. Now, that’s more than I should have said." He shrugged like it was nothing, but Rory was hurt, though she probably didn’t have the right to be.

  “And why shouldn’t you tell me these things?” she demanded. “Is that some code of yours, don’t tell the bed buddy what you’re doing, in case it pisses her off?” Eli didn’t deserve that, but she was stung, her jealousy overwhelming rational thought.

  “I keep these things private for a reason. It’s against the rules to share club business with anyone on the outside. You saw what happened to Leigh. And the same thing went down with Kira. I don’t want to be the reason anyone gets hurt. We have enemies, and the less you know, the better.”

  Eli spent too much time taking care of those strippers, like he had all the time in the world for them and no time at all for her, and that didn’t settle well. All his blustering about not being available, about having too much on his plate for a relationship, sounded like a load of horse shit, and she wanted to rant and rave about him blowing her off for that bunch of women who couldn’t give him what she could.

  And that thought made her freeze.

  Rory knew she had no true claim to him, which irked her even more as her thoughts went to what they could really be, if he opened that door. She wanted to pull rank and tell him to make it someone else’s problem, but she it wasn’t her place. The only way to even feel right in voicing her opinion about the strip club was for her to admit the truth, to herself and to Eli, that she had feelings for him that went beyond their sexual chemistry. She was far too proud, though. She wouldn’t grovel. And she didn’t want to bare her soul until she determined if it was possible that he would ever remotely return her feelings.

  But she couldn’t go on like this, either.

  As much as she hated the thought of losing him, she needed to let it go. It would all fade eventually, get easier as they spent more time apart. And she wouldn’t even have to break up with him. "Well, I hope everyone is okay."

  He nodded. "All the girls are fine." His voice was gruff and distant, and she knew he was hiding something, which was the proverbial nail in the coffin.

  "I appreciate you stopping by, and I accept your apology, but I do need to get to work. I wouldn’t want to be late. I'll see you around." Hopefully, he would get the hint. Or maybe he would admit he felt something for her.

  "Of course. I have business back at the clubhouse anyway." There was no sign of disappointment as he tromped down the stairs and got back on his bike, leaving
Rory blinking after him and stunned. How could he be so sexually fierce and on fire while being so emotionally cold? Maybe it was just the universe's way of balancing things. However unfair.

  * * *

  Rory was determined to go out and blow off some steam, and she was also certain it wasn’t going to be within a five mile radius of the Devil’s Flames clubhouse or Eli. Venturing there would be downright pathetic. She called and several of her girlfriends from work and the gym to see if they wanted to join her at a new club she had heard about a couple of towns over but hadn’t yet had a chance to check out.

  When yoga and mediation didn’t work, there was nothing like a night of drinks and dancing to get her mind off her failure in the romance department. Especially when she knew she’d have plenty of male eyes on her. Maybe the spell Eli had inadvertently put on her would finally be broken.

  Rory picked up her keys. Rachel and Mila would meet her there, taking a cab. They were always up for a party. Forever single. She always knew she could count on them for a good time.

  Then, she dialed Leigh’s number, almost expecting her to decline but hoping for something different.

  "You sound cherry compared to this morning. Did something finally go right with Mr. Right?" Leigh teased.

  Rory frowned. "No. Nothing tonight is about him. It’s girls’ night. I am going to check out that new club, Plush."

  "I’ve heard a lot of good things about it. Zeke and I already kind of have a date planned, but I hope you enjoy it."

  Rory frowned but didn’t let on how much it hurt that Leigh wasn’t coming to support her, when she knew Rory needed it most. Leigh wasn’t single anymore, but Leigh hadn’t realized how much that impacted things. She’d thought Leigh would continue to show a solidarity in single sisterhood.


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