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Eli (Devil's Flame MC Book 3)

Page 18

by Romi Hart

  As the sun peaked through the curtains, Eli drew her tighter against him, placed his mouth against her ear, and whispered, “We really have to make this place a bit more manly”.

  “I agree. I could use a few trinkets and some of your things to remind me you live here when you’re away,” she smiled against his chest. “You can show me your place, and we’ll grab some things.”

  “Do me a favor,” Eli said as they laid on a yoga mat on the floor.

  “What’s that?” she questioned.

  “I don’t care what else we add or toss out. Never get rid of the yoga equipment”

  Rory laughed with abandon, and he joined her as they both looked around the room at the damage they had done through the night. Yoga equipment had been spread throughout the room. They both laughed even more together as Eli swung Rory on top of him for perhaps another goes around.

  “I am going to have to sanitize this stuff before my next class,” she said.

  And then they kissed.


  "We could do this some other day you know,“ Eli offered as he heard Rory in the bathroom retching for about the third time in the last twenty-four hours. He was trying a little worried, but he left it alone, considering the last time he had worried he'd almost started a war, blown up her phone, and nearly gotten her killed.

  “Absolutely not,” she said angrily as she came out of the bathroom pulling her hair up into a high pony tail. Any other time he would have made a comment about how it made her look like a high school cheerleader he wanted to bang, but he could tell by looking at her she wasn’t up to the banter. Her usually milky skin looked sallow. “It took me forever to get you to agree to this at all, and I don't think the artist will take too lightly to us rescheduling considering we asked to shut down the place for the day so some of the Flames could come. I still say it's safe enough to have at the clubhouse, but I'm not going to step on your toes.”

  It was this kind of sass he was getting used to. But he put up with it because he loved the girl, regardless of having bucked against it for so long. At least he couldn’t say he didn’t try to stick to his principles. He came up behind her and landed a kiss on her neck as she was trying to get ready.

  Today was supposed to be the day that she got tatted as his old lady. Not that anyone would look at her and think of her in that regard. Sure, she was young and hot, had a couple of tats, but she was into yoga and spirituality, a oneness with the universe. And she was a therapist, for crying out loud.

  But it was somehow that brighter part of her that made them work. And he had made her promise to stay out of club business, but the hell if he wasn’t going to mark her now that he had her. She was his ride or die, and he wanted everyone to know it. He just hadn’t wanted to make a big deal of it.

  He had actually gotten better at sharing things, though, and there were no real secrets. He just didn’t want her around the strip club, wanted her completely removed from as much danger as possible. It was hard to keep everything separate, and lines were starting to blur, but it was all for her. Everything he did now was for her, and it amazed him more and more every day that he had found someone worth protecting so completely.

  "I’m just looking out for your health, Rory. You know nobody would want you doing this if you were sick."

  She shook her head. "I just ate something bad, or maybe the milk was expired. But I am getting that tattoo today. I don’t want to wait any longer to become yours," she said.

  Eli sighed and turned her to face him, his arms loosely around her waist. "You’re already mine. How many times do I have to tell you that? I love you. We live together. You broke me down, babe, what else is there?"

  She looked at Eli and rolled her eyes even as he pulled her to him, trying to make her believe it. He felt guilty because he knew deep down her insecurity had to do with his actions, his rejection, first giving her the cold shoulder and then insisting they would never be together. He should have known with her strong will and her beauty she would rope him in, and there would be no turning back. But he had been determined not to get involved with a woman ever again.

  "I’m sorry if it seems like I’m telling you it’s not enough. It is. But I’ve always wanted this, Eli. And the fact that it is you that I get to do this with is even more special. I want to show you and everyone what you mean to me, that I would do anything for you."

  Eli’s eyes softened at her insistence, and he bent down to give her a kiss, loving how soft her lips felt against his. But she pulled away much too quickly.

  "You know I was just throwing up, right?"

  "So what?" he asked with a shrug, following her into the bedroom as she began to dress, donning clothes she had spent all day yesterday picking out for the occasion. She had worried about being too dressy and then the tattoo artist not having the ease of access. It was adorable and maddening. It was just one of the many mysteries about women, and her in particular, he would never solve.

  While he waited for her to finish, he gazed around the apartment with satisfaction. It wasn’t so feminine now. They had painted an accent wall in a dark tan and moved the yoga equipment and all of her other Zen things to the small office and some on the patio where she could spend time when it was nice outside. And to show how much he loved her, he’d repaired the calendar, though he hung it in a less conspicuous spot.

  She seemed to be better until she tried to get some food in her stomach, just a few crackers, and started gagging, running for the bathroom again. She didn’t even manage to get the door closed this time, and his eyebrows creased in concern.

  "C'mon, why don’t we get you in bed and see about some meds and soup. I’ll call and deal with the tattoo artist and the rest of the club. We can do this the same time next week. Or literally any day you want, when you’re well," he emphasized. He rounded to head to the kitchen, but from the corner of his eye, he saw she was no longer hanging over the toilet. Instead, she was collapsed on the floor.

  He dropped down to her side in a panic, feeling for her pulse and checking her breathing. It was shallow, but her pulse was strong. She looked exhausted, pale with her face drawn tight. This wasn’t about food poisoning.

  He picked her up and carried her to the car, lying her across the backseat while he ran back to lock up. The last thing he needed was to leave the place vulnerable, an easy target.

  Then, he got in the driver’s seat and took off to the hospital. "Hang in there, Rory," he said, more for his own sake than hers as he drove the little car to its limits.

  He pulled up to the emergency room in minutes, and he demanded that she be seen immediately. He knew he was being an ass to an overworked and underpaid staff, but he wasn’t about to lose her, not now. They had finally started a life together, and she had taken a bullet because of him. Eli couldn’t live if he lost her, and he had no idea what was wrong with her.

  They forced him into the waiting room as they took her back but promised to let him know once they had run some panels and had more information. He couldn’t sit, pacing back and forth, people staring at his cut with fear or disdain. But he didn’t give a fuck. He was just there for Rory. Nothing else mattered.

  Eli’s phone buzzed, and he picked it up, remembering about the tattoo. Some of the club would be showing up to the tattoo parlor if he didn’t tell them what happened. He wished he had something definitive to tell them, a diagnosis or a prognosis or something. He still had nothing. He ran his hands through his hair, slicked with sweat from the stress, before he started to type a message to Zeke. He could trust Zeke to handle the rest of the club. And Zeke would let Leigh know. Hell, she worked here. Word may have already gotten to her.

  I have to bail on the tat. Can you tell everyone else?

  Eli finally forced himself to go get a cup of decaf from the coffee station sitting in the corner and sat down heavily, his leg bouncing nervously, unable to stay still.

  Finally, he got a message back form Zeke.

  What’s wrong??? Not backing out a
re you?

  Eli scoffed, as if he would ever leave her side now. There was nothing she could do that could make him walk away, even if she begged him to go. She would have to kill him.

  No. She’s sick, passed out. We’re at the hospital.

  His phone buzzed almost instantly.

  Leigh’s on her way. I’ll spread the word. Keep me updated.

  Eli looked around, as if a doctor would just appear in front of him, but there was still nothing, no news. At least he hadn’t heard any code blues, but waiting was excruciating.

  I’ll let you know.

  He texted just to have something to do with his hands, but not having anything to say just frustrated him further. Eli put his phone away, wondering if there was anyone who would be able to calm his soul if he lost Rory.

  He heard footsteps, and he lifted his head, spotting a doctor headed his way. Did he dare hope for news? There were other people in the waiting room, after all. Eli’s heart began to race as the doctor approached. He didn’t know if he was ready to hear this, and the woman’s face gave nothing away.

  “Is she okay? Please tell me she’s okay,” he implored as he stood. He was a couple of heads taller than her, and yet, she held all the power right now. She was the one who got to say whether his heart survived or not.

  “Yes, she’s fine, and she’s awake. She’s asking for you, if you want to see her. We’ll keep her overnight for observation, so we moved her to a room. But I feel confident she’ll be able to go home in the morning. We can talk more in a bit. I’ll give you a minute,” the doctor said with a smile as she led Eli into one of the rooms. Luckily, this was a private room, so he didn’t have to worry anyone would see him if he actually shed a few tears of relief.

  Rory smiled at him weakly as he stepped up beside her. She was awake, though she still looked a little pale, she looked better. “I’m sorry for scaring you again.”

  Eli looked at the bags of fluid dripping through her IV curiously, trying to figure out what had happened. The doctor hadn’t said much, only alluding to a future conversation of some kind. One of the bags was clearly just saline solution, which made sense. She had to be dehydrated from throwing up rushing around to get ready instead of taking care of herself.

  “For nausea,” she said as he looked at the other one.

  He cocked his head and sat down next to her, reaching out and holding her hand. At least she wouldn’t be vomiting anymore. “You’ve got to stop trying to put me in an early grave,” Eli teased, though he could feel the emotion bubbling up behind it as he tried to keep things lighthearted. He wanted to be a strong man for her, but there was something about the idea of losing her that made him so weak.

  She rolled her eyes. “I feel ridiculous. I can’t believe I fainted. I should have listened to you. I was just so worried that if I didn’t do this now, I would never get it done.”

  “So, what’s the prognosis?” Eli dared to ask, wondering why she hadn’t explained what had happened yet. He didn’t like the evasiveness he sensed from both her and the doctor.

  “Well, they said I passed out because of my blood sugar. That it was low because I couldn’t keep any food down and because of hormonal changes. Apparently, it is one of the many things that can happen when you’re pregnant.”

  Eli blinked, feeling numb for a moment as he processed her announcement.

  They were having a baby.

  “I’m going to be a father?” he asked incredulously, not knowing what to think about that. He was overjoyed but terrified, having lost his first family and nearly already having lost Rory more than once. And with the way he’d almost screwed this up before it began, he didn’t feel like he deserved this sort of blessing.

  But then he looked into Rory’s eyes, and he knew this was everything, the pinnacle of existence. She trusted him, and she loved him, and now, they were going to bring a new life into the world.

  “It’s twins.”

  Her additional words almost didn’t register, and he blinked at her, gawking. “Twins!” He stood up to pace, running his hands through his hair, and Rory started laughing at him, bringing him back down to earth. “How did we manage that?”

  “Oh, boy, I thought you knew how those things worked” she teased, and he gave her a withering look before busting out in laughter. He couldn’t remember ever being this happy.

  “How did I get so lucky?”

  “I don’t think you’ll be saying that when we’re both up changing diapers at three in the morning,” Rory reminded him, but he didn’t really care.

  The doctor came in then to explain care for her body, what vitamins to take, and all of the basics of pregnancy, as well as to offer her a referral to an OBGYN. Eli was sure to listen, vowing to make sure his children and his woman were safe and healthy. When she left, he knew what he wanted to say to Rory. He had been working up to it but didn’t know if there would ever be a perfect moment. But what better time than now, with a family on the way?

  “I’m going to take care of all three of you. I hope you know that. Even if it means making you slow down.” He winked at her, and she rolled her eyes. “Look at me,” he told her, catching those blue eyes and holding them with his. “I want to show you that, with or without some tattoo, you’re mine, and I’m yours. I have been for so long and was just too stubborn to admit it. I don’t ever want to be apart, and I wouldn’t want any other woman to have my children. I know a hospital may not be romantic, but I want to ask you to marry me.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out the small box with the solitaire he’d been holding onto for a while.

  Rory laughed before Eli noticed a few tears streaming down her face. “I can’t think of a better time or place. Yes, I’ll marry you, Eli.”

  Eli slid the ring in place before kissing her with all the love he held for her and their unborn children. “I think there are a couple of people really worried about you.”

  As if on cue, Leigh came bursting into the room in her scrubs, looking relieved to find Rory awake.

  “What happened?” she demanded, her eyes darting back and forth between them.

  “Tell Leigh the good news,” Eli urged, unable to erase the ear splitting grin on his face.

  “Eli just proposed,” Rory burst out.

  “Oh my god! Please tell me you said yes!” Leigh screamed, covering her mouth with both hands and making Eli laugh.

  “Of course I did!”

  Leigh ran over and hugged Rory, but then she stood back and put her hands on her hips. “Wait a minute. A proposal doesn’t usually send someone to the hospital. What the hell is going on, Rory?”

  Glancing at Eli, she raised a brow, and he nodded. Why would he ever want to keep this news to himself? He wanted to shout it out to the world, schedule fireworks to celebrate.

  Turning back to Leigh, she said, “I’m going to have twins.”

  The squeal coming from the woman nearly busted his eardrums. Eli winced, not sure how long this would last, but before he could back away, Leigh had thrown her arms around his neck and was hugging him so tight he could barely breath. “Oh, Zeke’s going to be so pissed. You’re showing him up, big guy.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Leigh stepped back and rolled her eyes. “I can just hear him now. ‘I can’t believe he knocked her up and got engaged, all in the same day. Fucker always has to do better than me.’”

  Eli laughed. That sounded like Zeke. “I guess you’ll have to get busy,” he teased. “And tell him now, he owes me two beers.”

  “I guess so. She folded her arms and assessed him from head to toe. “So, the terminal bachelor thinks he is ready for a wife and kids.”

  “Fuck, yeah,” he replied without hesitation. Looking at Rory, he knew without a doubt that, no matter how much he loved riding and found it exciting, this chapter was going to be even better.

  Harrison (Devil’s Flame MC, Book 4) - Special Preview


  Texas dust flew into Harrison’s face, but with his bandan
a fashioned over his mouth he managed to avoid the dry and foul taste of the dirt in the air. There was a freedom to the road that he couldn’t put into words, but he felt it every single time he maneuvered his motorcycle back out onto the pavement, in every bone and muscle and tendon in his body. It seemed like the only place he really felt alive – aside from the occasional – scratch that, frequent – women he barreled through like it was open bar night with unlimited shots at the club.

  In fact, it was that very motive that had him curving the chopper around a long and winding chicane. He was headed to celebrate the club’s newest victory, signing the contract to purchase the strip joint. Harrison could hardly believe how lucky this made him, especially since it meant he had his pick of hot chicks who would swoon over him and throw themselves at him, begging him to take them to bed. “Tattooed Bad Boy” might as well have been written across his forehead because he fit the bill to a fault. Just the sort of man mamas everywhere secretly lusted after but also the men those mamas would have killed if their daughters brought them home. A cocky grin curled across his lips, invisible behind the bandana as he rounded the corner with ease.


  Red and blue flickered just behind him and in the rearview mirror, and Harrison gritted his teeth.

  Fuck. Here we go.

  He shifted the bike to the side of the road and placed both hands on the handlebars, hoping it wasn’t a State Trooper. As the tip of a dusty brown ranger hat poked its head out from the patrol car, Harrison immediately knew his hopes were crushed. The officer slowly made his way to the bike and Harrison’s side.

  “You mind telling me why you’re in such a hurry tonight, son?” the clearly elder Ranger asked. Harrison’s eyes flickered to the officer’s name-tag, committing his name to memory.


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