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Headlong: The Hellbound Brotherhood Book Two

Page 12

by Shannon McKenna

  Just like the last time he touched her. Only more.

  He got it right, again…and again…and again. Righter, every time. The pulsing got deeper, the pace got faster. She clutched his shoulders, head thrown back, her luscious lower lip caught between her teeth. Lost in her own pleasure.

  That’s how it’ll be when I’m inside you. I’ll fuck you so good. Slow, fast, below, behind, on top, whatever you want as long as it lasts for-fucking-ever. As long as you come and come. All night long.

  He couldn’t say it. No sexy, seductive patter tonight. He was at her feet. Wordless, panting, desperate. He wanted to lose himself in her. Forget what had just happened.

  Just let the pain go. Fall into her arms and never come out.

  Her thighs tightened, squeezing around his. He gripped her ass and pulled, feeling his way toward her first climax. That was how it had to be with Demi. She had to come before he even got her clothes off. This had to be best-ever sex. Unmatchable.

  If this was all they were going to get for the rest of their lives, he’d make it count.

  He kissed her like his life depended on it. She was life itself, the hot, the wet. Astonishing salt-sweetness. Warm lush softness. The strength in her slender frame. The impossible, velvety softness of her warm skin, the plump heft of her tits. His hips surged and bucked under her squirming body, pushing her up to the edge…

  And over it. She arched back with a cry as the orgasm wrenched her.

  Its echoes pulsed against his own long-suffering dick. A distant, teasing throb that aroused him so sharply, he teetered on the edge of losing it.

  Breathe it down. Don’t open your eyes. Do…not…fucking…move. Not one muscle.

  Okay. He was cool. He dared, very slowly, to open his eyes.

  Lust surged at the sight of her. Head flung back, a sheen of moisture on her flushed face, her eyes closed. She licked her lips. They gleamed, lush and soft.

  His dick twitched with eagerness to get on with it.

  Demi’s head lifted slowly, and she sagged forward, leaning her forehead delicately against his. It was a tiny point of contact, but suddenly his forehead was an erogenous zone, and the point was a tingling glow, spreading outward. Filling him with heat and light.

  “Hey,” he said. “You good?”

  “Yes.” Her lips curved in a sensual smile. “Incredible.”

  Eric stared at the sexy swell of her bottom lip. The sensual gleam as she licked them again. That hot red color. Flushed and full. He wanted to touch every inch of her. Every detail of her bone structure. He wanted to explore every warm, silky dip and swell and hollow and curve of her skin with his lips, his tongue. In his mind he could still feel her snug, silken wet pussy clinging to his caressing fingers, like his finger was a cock, and she was taking him in. Slick and deep and willing.

  So responsive. Burning for him. It blew his mind. Humbled him.

  “So,” she murmured. “Now what?”

  “This is a good starting place,” he said. “We can move any direction you want from here. Erotically speaking.”

  “Yeah?” Her eyes were dilated, heavy-lidded. Smiling. “Such as?”

  “You tell me,” he said. “Ladies’ choice.”

  Her laughter sounded breathless. “You want me to spell it out for you? Or do you have a pre-set menu for me to choose from?”

  “If you need one, sure. Go a la carte, if you feel like it. Be as specific as you want. I stand ready to fulfill any desire, any fantasy.” He slid his hand down into the waistband of her jeans, stroking the exquisitely smooth, fine texture of her ass cheek, then pulled her back into a swift, hard kiss. “Or if you don’t want the responsibility of choosing, you could just go with the special of the day.”

  He felt her lips curve against his cheek. “Tell me about the special.”

  “With the special, you just let go and trust me to get you there,” he explained. “Point me to any horizontal surface, let me get your clothes off, and I’ll just make you come all night long. Hands, tongue, cock. All over you, kissing and licking and sucking and fucking you. As long as you want. It stops when you say. Starts again when you say.”

  He felt her tremble in response. “That’s quite a sales pitch for the special.”

  “I’m good for it,” he said. “Making you come makes me feel like a god. I’m so motivated to make it good for you. You would not believe my steely resolve.”

  Demi reached down between her legs, wiggling back until she could grip his aching penis. “Very steely,” she murmured. “Inspiring as hell.” She gave his stiff erection an appreciative pat, and slid off his lap. She took his hand and pulled. “Come on.”

  He followed her through a door leading to a steep white-painted staircase. At the top were two doors facing each other.

  She pushed open one of them. The attic bedroom was dim and shadowy. A small, glowing rock lamp let off a reddish glow like firelight. There was a double bed with an old-fashioned quilt, lace-trimmed white sheets. A turned-down bed. Pale and pristine.

  Eric looked down at himself. For the first time in several overheated minutes, reality intruded as he registered the mud-caked boots, his sodden, filthy jeans.

  Demi was waiting for him to enter. But he couldn’t get anywhere near snowy linens or heirloom quilts in this condition. “I’m filthy,” he said. “I’ll ruin this place.”

  “There’s a bathroom where you can wash up,” she said. “I’ll show you.”

  She led him into a connecting bathroom with a sloping attic ceiling. Reached up onto the shelf for a white towel, thought better of it and tossed him a navy blue one.

  “Leave your stuff in here,” she said.

  She left him in there, peeling off his muddy clothes and contemplating his own face in the big mirror. It reminded him of the look they all had after the GodsAcre fire. That bottomless-pit look of someone who’s seen things he can’t un-see, no matter how fast he ran. No matter how compelling the distraction.

  He turned the shower as hot as it would go and scrubbed himself until the muddy water ran clear and clean. Tonight would be different. If anything on earth could heal him, Demi could. He would fill his eyes with her. Fill his mind. Tough and prickly and guarded as she was, she was still pure magic for him. She had the power. He craved it. Craved her.

  He was hers. Always had been. Nothing held back, no matter the cost.

  He was all in.


  Demi paced the room, listening to the shower in the other room. Pictured him gloriously naked in there, hot water running down his perfect body. She couldn’t breathe.

  Two options. She could strip down right now and flaunt her bare naked body to him when he walked out. Or else she waited to get her clothes peeled off.

  Both options had their unique appeal.

  In the end, she got busy pulling her clothes off, not being the type to wait around for others to decide how things were going to go. She’d invited him here for sex, plain and simple. It made no sense to be all fluttery and demure about it now. And it was late, after all. They had no time for coy, time-wasting crap.

  The lingerie was another mini-dilemma. In the end, she stripped it off, too. It no longer felt like the right vibe for this encounter. Tonight wasn’t going to be a light-hearted, teasing seduction involving peach-colored lace or French cut lace-trimmed panties. Her naked boobs alone would have to do the heavy lifting. Fortunately, they had some raw stopping power all on their own. She’d make full use of that fact.

  In fact, she could hardly wait.

  The shower stopped. Her heart was in her throat already, but swelled up in there, in that final flash of girlish panic.

  Oh please. Just stop. She was no longer the clueless girl she’d been when they were together before, all dazzled by his smooth, sensual bedroom moves. She was a grown-ass woman who knew exactly what she liked.

  She could run this show herself. She sat down, her fingers biting nervously into the foam mattress, sliding over the white sheets.

nbsp; The bathroom door opened. Eric snapped off the bathroom light and emerged, wreathed with drifting, scented steam, the blue towel wrapped around his hips.

  No surprise, but still. Holy crap. His body, whoa. Not that she’d forgotten how stunning he was.

  Eric took her breath away even when fully clothed. Naked, the effect was even more intense. Big and broad. Taut sinewy muscle. Thick-shouldered, heavy-chested. That tangle of dark hair on his chest, threading down in a damp line over his lean belly.

  He looked at her naked body, and a flush rose on his face. He tried to speak, and just swallowed. She’d intended to say something teasing to break the tension. Nothing would come out. The silence was deafening.

  Eric was the first to find his voice. “You’re so beautiful,” he said hoarsely.

  The towel was tented out over his erection. He let it drop.

  Oh. Good Lord. That was one beautiful penis. Broad, thick, blunt, jutting from his thatch of hair, high and proud. She’d admired it before, at great length…but still. Wow.

  “Do you have condoms?” he asked. “I was going to pick some up, but...”

  “I brought a few with me.” She reached for her purse on the bedside table and pulled out the three-pack she still had stashed in the bathroom cabinet back at her house, back from her more hopeful dating days. She’d been in a cynical sex drought for a while now. She wasn’t even sure how long it had been, and was too distracted by his stunning presence to do the math now.

  Eric took the three-pack and shook one out. She plucked it from his hand and laid it down on the bedside table. “Don’t tell me you’re going to shrink-wrap that excellent thing before I even get a chance to play with it,” she said. “That would not be fair.”

  His words broke off into a gasp as she grasped his cock and squeezed. Broad and hot and smooth. Stiff and pulsing in her hand. She loved the shudder that racked him. The tendons standing out in his throat, the tension in his jaw. His throat moving as he tried to speak, failed, swallowed. “Oh God,” he rasped. “Demi.”

  Yeah. That was the reaction she was going for. Her hottest fantasy. Eric Trask helpless, gasping, fighting for control. It made her feel so powerful.

  And she desperately needed to feel powerful with his man.

  Demi reached around to grip his hard, muscular ass, and pulled him closer, twisting her hands sensually up and down the length of his shaft. Close enough to drop a kiss on the tip of his penis. He smelled sweet, like shower soap. Hot, spicy and fragrant. She licked him, tasting the salt-slick of his pre-come. Liked it intensely. Went for more, lapping him, slowly, luxuriously. Sliding her tongue all the way around his cockhead.

  He groaned, holding her head. “Wait.” His voice sounded strangled.

  She looked up, still caressing him from root to tip with slow, sensuous strokes of her squeezing hands. “Why wait? Don’t you like it?”

  “I fucking love it. But this wasn’t what I had in mind. My plan revolves around making you come. If there’s oral sex happening, I want to be the one giving it. At least the first few times.”

  Demi looked up through her lashes. She flicked the tip of her tongue over the slit at the end of his penis. Tried a long lapping stroke up the length of his shaft.

  His hands tightened in her hair. Her hands tightened around that thick shaft.

  “So this isn’t on the a la carte menu?” She circled the tip of her tongue around and around the pool of slick fluid, spreading it with her fingertips to make his reddened cockhead gleam like polished stone. Licking the sensitive opening—flicking up, down, and slowly around. “Sucking on that big, stiff beautiful cock…that’s off limits?”

  She pulled him deep into her mouth. No easy feat, as blunt and broad as he was. But she got into a rhythm, and took him deep, suckling hard on the out-stroke, until his fingers in her hair began to shake and his ass muscles clenched to steel under her hand.

  It drove her crazy. His eyes, watching her pleasure him.

  “Don’t make me come yet,” he begged. “I want to come with you.”

  She looked up at him. “You can time when you come so precisely? Impressive.”

  “I can try.” He sank down to his knees in front of her, pushing her knees apart, and leaned forward, grasping her hips and dragging her closer. One hand stroking her ass cheek, sliding up to the small of her back, the other hand sliding up her thigh.

  He stroked the folds of her pussy. She was so turned on from the kissing and petting and sucking, the flaunting of his outrageous male gorgeousness, that he didn’t need to do a thing more. She was ready for sex right now. She’d never been so primed in her life.

  But he put his mouth to her anyway. Had to live up to all that big talk, she supposed. Not that she was complaining. His tender, skillful tongue lapping over all her tender inside bits was delicious. Intensely erotic, licking and thrusting and caressing her everywhere. Taking his time, exploring every fold. Loving on her clit. He’d always known exactly what kind of touch melted her, made her shiver and gasp…and then soar.

  The long, intense orgasm wracked her endlessly, wrenching and sweet. She collapsed over his back afterward, damp and panting. His hot, muscular shoulder tasted salty. Her hair clung to him.

  She’d never responded to anyone like that. It wasn’t just his technique. It was Eric Trask himself. He just rang her bells. It was like she was programmed to crave him. Like no one else would do.

  But she didn’t want to think about what that might mean. Not now, anyway.

  One mind-blowing revelation at a time.

  * * *

  They stayed locked together, hearts throbbing in tandem. His face pressed against the silky smoothness of her thigh as he fought for control.

  Get a fucking grip. Condom now. Get the condom. Can’t wait any longer.

  He felt around for it and almost knocked it off the bed. Good thing he’d already opened the envelope before, clumsy as he was now. His body shook as he rolled the latex on. Emotions he couldn’t name. He didn’t want to know what they were. He just wanted inside her, where he could forget everything inside that tight, hot well of perfection inside her. Kissing her, rocking her. Cock and tongue, thrusting madly together.

  Lost in her.

  Demi scooted back and tossed the covers open. Reclining against the white pillows. She reached for him and pulled him down onto herself, her lithe body so smooth, her strong, shapely legs opening wide. The tender pink and crimson folds poking out of her sexy pussy lips were so beautiful. Soft and glowing with arousal. Shining with sex juice. The mouthwatering scent of her made his heart race and his head spin.

  He was wordless and shaking as he stroked her pussy reverently, teasing between the delicate folds to plunge deeper, finding her slick, clinging depths. He caressed her clit, sliding the tip of his dick to spread her juice all around. He wanted her so wet. Slippery soft. He circled her clit with the blunt head of his penis, teasing her.

  She made an impatient sound and reached for his ass, yanking him in. “Now,” she said, breathlessly.

  “Now,” he agreed, nudging himself inside her slick folds.

  Then came the long, slow, delicious shove into that snug hole. It made them both groan. Demi rocked her hips against him, her lip caught between her teeth. Raising her hips to take more of him. Offering herself and demanding everything he had in return.

  He had no choice but to give it to her. It was hers already. Always had been.

  Her eyes challenged him. She saw so much of him, and she wanted him anyway.

  He had to shut his eyes to keep from going to pieces. Shaken to the core. She was tight and small. He had to be gentle. He’d never had to fight so hard for self-control as he fought with her.

  He caressed the taut little bud of her clit with his thumb as they settled into a deep pumping rhythm. A tight, rocking slide. So damn good, having his dick squeezed and kissed and caressed by her clinging body.

  He meant for this to be slow, controlled. All about pleasuring her, but a storm
was blowing up inside him. It raged out of control. He had to get closer. Deeper inside. He was driven brutally onward by that blind, desperate urge.

  All he could do was hold on to her for dear life and fuck like a maniac.

  She held him, fingernails raking his back and biting into his ass, her legs wrapped tight. She cried out something, but he was beyond understanding words. He just needed more, more, more. Her. She was the whole universe.

  Something cracked. Broke wide open inside him. He went off like a volcano.

  When he came to his senses, he was collapsed over her. Drenched, heart thudding.

  As soon as his brain switched back online, so did the fear. Her face was turned away from his. Eyes closed. Just the beautiful, sharp jut of her perfect cheekbone. The sensual curve of her smooth cheek, her jaw. The glow of pink, the damp sheen.

  She still held him, hugging him close. She hadn’t let go, or shoved him away. He could still feel the muscles of her pussy quivering around him. Her thighs shook, still twined around his. Her heart thudded against his. Her chest, bucking for air.

  Duh. Of course it was. He was huge, and he was crushing her. For fuck’s sake.

  He rolled to the side, pressing the small of her back. Holding her against him to keep his penis inside. He wanted to stay inside her forever.

  Demi rolled away onto her back, detaching from him. Stretching with a luxurious sigh. Back arched, tits out. Damn, she was so beautiful, it hurt his eyes.

  But she wasn’t looking at him.

  Eric sat up, holding the extremely full condom on with his fingertips. Looking around the room for a solution to his dilemma.

  “Bathroom,” Demi said lazily. “Waste basket under the sink.”

  He went to take care of it and caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror, wincing away from his own reflection. That look in his eyes. He didn’t want Demi to see it. The pain, the fear. Unquenchable hunger. She unleashed something dangerous in him.

  He still remembered how it felt to be with her years ago. Crazy magic. Anything had been possible. He could even beat Shaw’s Crossing if he had Demi. He was kissed by fate. She was the smartest, sexiest, most special woman alive and he could do anything, be anyone, with her at his side. He wasn’t nailed down by the bad shit in his past or marked by the Prophet’s Curse. Demi could lift the spell. He’d been convinced.


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