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Pride: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Kingdoms of Sin Book 4)

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by Willow Aster

  Again, Jadon’s words about my father being behind the threat to his life and the murder of his father fights its way to the surface and I try to push it back down again. Jadon is my father’s biggest enemy; of course, he’d try to plant doubt.

  My cousin sits where I’d been sitting and he and my father resume a conversation they must’ve started the last time they were together. My mind wanders back to Jadon. I didn’t like all the things that came out of his mouth, the seeds he tried to plant against my family, but the way he seemed to instinctively know I was in over my head and didn’t throw me out…the forthcoming way he spoke to me…that’s something that is sorely missing in my life. Having that for even the briefest amount of time was addicting.

  And I’m craving more.

  Chapter Six


  When I return, the pup I left behind is waiting at the door, tail thumping like a drum stick against the floor.

  “Well, look at you. You’re looking much better.” I bend down and pet her and her tail thumps faster. She stands up and circles around me, licking my face and when I stand up, she jumps up, her paws on my shoulders. “I’d never know you were hurt…” I lower her paws. “Sit, girl.” She stares up at me and sits, tail resuming its steady beat. It’s hard not to smile when she’s so damn cute.

  Jonz, who has recently done double duty as a guard and sometimes housekeeper, walks by and stops when he sees me with the dog. “As soon as I brought her back to the house from the vet, she ran to your office to look for you and then stationed herself in front of the door.” Jonz shakes his head. “This is the most active she’s been. I’ve actually been worried about her. She’s hardly eaten.”

  As he says that, the dog goes to the nearby bowl that’s sitting by the door, and starts chowing down. I laugh and she turns to stare at me, tail wagging again.

  “Aw, sweet girl, you are hard to resist.” I reach out and pet her. “What should we call you?” Her snowy white fur is cleaner than when I left. The vet must have cleaned her up before sending her home. “You look like a snow queen, white as a ghost. I’d name you Ghost, but you deserve something more beautiful…” Delilah comes to mind and I’m tempted to name my dog Queenie after her, but it would make me think of the future queen even more than I already am.

  I can’t stop thinking about her. Night and day. She invades every brain cell. I’m supposed to be running the damn kingdom and I can’t get her beautiful eyes and lips out of my head. The way her breasts curved with the light of the stones on the cave ceiling casting just the right brilliance across her…

  “Okay, Star it is,” I tell the dog. “From now on, you will be the only star I think about.” She nudges me with her nose and I pet her. I start walking to my office and she follows.

  Jonz laughs behind me. “Looks like she’s just been waiting for you to get home.”

  A couple days later, I notice a stack of mail in the entryway. Usually it’s brought to my office, but as I thumb through it, I realize it’s been sitting here for a few days. An elaborate envelope is at the top and I open it first, taking the pile back to the office. Since Kathryn has been moved to a nearby facility, I’ve asked some of the staff to care for her so she doesn’t feel so alone, but I probably should have someone here more often if I’m missing mail.

  I slide a letter opener through the envelope and pull out a gem-studded invitation. When I read it all the way through, I blow out a long stream of air and sit down at my desk, reading it again to make sure I’m not imagining things.

  A grand ball in less than two weeks at the Farthing castle in Alidonia.

  It’s a first in at least forty years that the Safrins have been invited to a Farthing event. I rub the gems absentmindedly, imagining seeing Delilah again. Is this her doing? Did she plan our meeting so I’d be sure to come to Alidonia? Is this a setup?

  I have to set it aside to get through a few meetings, but in the evening after supper, I call Luka and ask him if he received the invitation.

  “I was just going to call you. I got the invitation a few days ago and haven’t known what to think.”

  “We’re going, right?” I ask, pulling up a picture of Delilah on my laptop. She looks younger in this picture…

  “Do you think that’s wise? What do you think this is about?”

  “It’s probably Farthing’s way of saying I’m healthy, I’m back, watch out.” I grit my teeth and shake my head. “I think we should go and let him know we’re not afraid of him. We’re not backing down.”

  “Okay. If you say so. He is honor-bound to not harm any of us or our families while we’re there. He won’t break that vow. It’s in the bloodstones,” Luka says. “But I don’t doubt that he’s up to something.”

  “I almost missed the invitation altogether…didn’t even see it until today.” My voice drifts off.

  “You need to hire someone already. I feel like a broken record,” he adds, laughing.

  We end the call when Elias knocks on his door, ready for their meeting. Luka’s become one of my closest confidantes since he married my sister. He has the same challenges I do, only he’s ruling across the world in his kingdom of Niaps. Sometimes I wish we could scrap everything and have a good old-fashioned family vacation. My sister Ava and her boyfriend Gentry would be there too, and we could do normal things like—well, what do people even do on vacation? I’ve never been on one.

  Luka is always telling me I need a right-hand man like Elias, his assistant, to help out with the day-to-day, but after my stepmother almost killed me on my own property, I haven’t been as trusting of anyone. In fact, I’ve let most of my staff go.

  I’d gotten used to the idea of thinking Farthing was no longer a threat with him being on his deathbed for such a long time, and now it’s difficult to know otherwise. I’ve thought it should’ve been him dying instead of my father many times. I’m not sure there’s one good bone in Vance Farthing’s body.

  Delilah sure seemed to think there is.

  I pick up my phone and carry it to my bedroom. I want to talk to Delilah, ask her about this ridiculous ball, but I shouldn’t call her. I take my second shower of the day just to distract myself from thinking about her. Doesn’t work. What kind of crazy spell did she put on me?

  I crawl into bed, my list for the next day already made. Luka’s right. I need a new assistant, I remind myself. It’s crazy not to do more delegating. Tomorrow.

  I toss and turn and look at the clock a dozen times. What time is it in Alidonia? It’s midnight here and I think it’s eight there. I pick up my phone and do something really stupid.

  What is this about a ball?

  I immediately see the dots of her replying and my heart pounds. I wasn’t sure if she’d bother responding.

  Delilah: It’s all my father’s idea. I came home and he already had a party planned out. So far, there has been no RSVP from the Safrin family…does that mean you won’t be in attendance?

  I pause before answering, unsure of what to say. It feels almost like a conversation between friends and I have to remind myself to be cautious.

  I’ll be there. I hope it’s truly as the invitation says and that this is simply a celebration of your father’s life. Possibly a gesture of goodwill?

  Delilah: I assure you that nothing bad will happen to you while you’re here, King Jadon…I had no idea you were such a scaredy-cat.

  I grin. I can just imagine her mouth quirking up as she makes a sassy comment, the way her eyes crinkle at the corners and her perfectly straight teeth shining. I run my hand through my hair and groan. I don’t need to entertain thoughts of Delilah’s smiling eyes or her mouth. But fuck me if I don’t do it anyway.

  I assure you I’m no pussy…although I have nothing against them personally.

  There’s nothing for several long seconds and I am about to punch my fist into the mattress when she starts typing.

  Delilah: Do you turn every comment into a sexual innuendo or only late at night?

  I curse
out loud and toss the phone aside. I need to stop this now. I have better things to do, for jinga’s sake. I haven’t slept with Mavis in a month, but she’s always willing and available. The problem with her is I think what started out as harmless fun seems to be her wanting more from me lately…which is why I’ve stayed away the past month. Maybe I imagined that though—she swore she never expected a commitment from me. I could take her at her word and seek out her distraction—anything that will put a stop to this sudden obsession with Delilah.

  My apologies. I shouldn’t be texting this late at night.

  Delilah: Don’t apologize! It was just starting to get fun.

  I draw in a deep breath and my eyes widen at the ceiling. I sit up in bed and stare at the phone again.

  Well, do carry on then. I grin and wait to see what she has to say.

  Delilah: Why are you never photographed with a lady besides your sisters, Lord Jadon?

  My sisters make me look good. Why else?

  Delilah: That doesn’t work with me. Do you have commitment issues?

  Damn. You don’t mess around with small talk, do you?

  Delilah: Once pussy is mentioned, no, I don’t.

  Fuck me. This IS Delilah Farthing, correct?

  Delilah: The one and only.

  So you discuss pussy on a regular basis?

  Delilah: I’m starting to think we’re not just discussing scaredy-cats anymore.

  I chuckle out loud and walk to the bar on the far side of my bedroom, pouring myself two fingers of whiskey. I tilt the glass back, savoring the last sips, and pour another finger. Another indulgence I don’t usually allow myself. The burn down my throat feels like an adrenaline rush. I set the glass down and pick up the phone, ready for whatever is next.

  Once you mentioned sexual innuendos, I’m pretty sure you were in on the joke. But we can pretend you’re still sweet and innocent, if you’d prefer that.

  Delilah: I’m plenty sweet and innocent, trust me. This is the best conversation I’ve had in my life. How sad is that?

  I laugh and it sounds loud in my room this late at night, when the castle is sleeping. Not for the first time, I wish for a quaint cottage that would feel cozy and warm instead of this cavernous monstrosity. I imagine Delilah lying in her bed, smiling at her phone, while I’m over here hard as granite.

  Something tells me you’re not as innocent as you seem. This conversation being the main clue. Your secret meeting with me being the other. Don’t get me wrong, I am here for it.

  Delilah: Since I am but a lowly princess and not a KING, tell me how it works…you have someone at your disposal at all times and don’t have to worry about hurting feelings or stringing anyone along? Everyone just knows you’re allowed to do whatever you want?

  Mavis comes to mind again and I cringe, feeling guilty that I even considered having sex with her again after realizing she might have feelings.

  When you put it that way, I sound like a terrible person. Let me clear one thing up. You could never be considered lowly. Have you looked in a mirror lately? Lowly is the last thing you are. Goddess, more like. And on the topic of disposals…I don’t regard any human as a waste. I have had mutually beneficial attachments that are maybe not the best option, but it’s pretty impossible to find a wife while being king. I refuse to have an arranged marriage. It worked out for my sister, but she is one of the few. And how do I trust anyone?

  Delilah: I can see I’ve hit a sore spot. But thank you for the compliment. I’m hardly a goddess, but I do appreciate your silky words. You’re good, really good.

  I assure you they’re not just words.

  It’s quiet for a few moments and I wonder if I’ve said too much. Scratch that—I KNOW I’ve said too much. My skin is heated and I feel like I’ve just exposed my soul to the devil. A beautiful she-devil who seems to know how to get under my skin, but a devil nonetheless.

  Enemy, enemy, enemy, I remind myself.

  The phone dings again and I reluctantly pick it up.

  Delilah: You are much nicer than I realized. What if you really are a good person?

  Well, I should hope I am! It’s really all I strive to be.

  Delilah: Wouldn’t it be crazy if all the things we’ve always heard about each other were never true at all, and we’re actually both really good people deep down inside?

  I think about that and about her father, who my father always said was the worst human he’d ever met. What if that hasn’t touched Delilah? How could it not? I shake my head and decide to put an end to this nonsense.

  No one is ever all good or all bad. But our kingdoms are known enemies and I can’t help but think your father is out to destroy me. So I guess it doesn’t really matter if deep down you’re good-hearted. We will always be on opposite sides of the fence. Goodnight, Delilah. I’ll see you at the ball.

  I turn the power off on my phone, but when I turn it on a few sleepless hours later, she hasn’t responded anyway.

  I can’t help but regret what I said.

  Chapter Seven


  Two weeks later

  I haven’t spoken to Delilah since that night. I’ve started working out at night until I can hardly move…anything to keep myself from texting her again. Her lure is more than it should be, that she can be speaking to me from across the world without saying anything at all.

  I will be seeing her tonight and to say I’m apprehensive about it is an understatement. I will stay as far away from her as I can. Luka and Eden will be there, so I’m hoping I’ll be distracted.

  I tie an elaborate Farrow knot around my neck and smooth down my tux. I was tempted to cut my hair for the occasion, but I’m not willing to make any extra effort for the Farthings. My tux is black and my tie is gold, the colors keeping with our tradition for grand balls. It’s been years since I’ve been to anything as elaborate as this and the fact that it’s hosted at the Farthing castle has my nerves getting the better of me. I wish Father were by my side to face Farthing. He was the face of calm at all times. He knew what to say in every situation, and I’d give anything for his wisdom now. I force myself to sit and meditate in my hotel suite for a few moments before leaving.

  Fifteen minutes before we’re set to leave, I meet Luka and Eden in their penthouse suite. Luka has at least a dozen guards watching over us, which feels like overkill compared to my three, but I’m grateful he has extra protection for my sister.

  Eden rushes forward when she sees me, her gown swishing as she sweeps across the marble floor. She wraps her arms around me and squeezes tight.

  “You look beautiful.”

  “So do you. Who knew you could clean up so well?” she teases, straightening my jacket when she pulls away.

  “Apparently, no one.” I grin and look over her shoulder at Luka. He pulls me into a bear hug. “You’re looking pretty decent yourself, Catano,” I tell him.

  “Ah, brother, it’s good to see your face. We’ll go in and make a formidable front—the Farthings won’t know what hit them.” He pounds me on the back and nods his approval as he checks out my suit. He’s become quite the softie since marrying Eden, when he isn’t talking politics.

  “Let’s not talk about hitting anyone,” Eden says, giving both Luka and me a stern look.

  “If they mess with you, all bets are off,” he says, growling as he leans down and kisses her.

  “Okay, that’s enough. I can’t even tell you to get a room since I’m in yours, but let’s go before this gets more awkward than it already is.” I open the door and Eden laughs, pulling away from Luka.

  “I’ve always wanted to meet Princess Delilah,” she says once we’re seated in our limo.

  “She’s not what I expected,” I say before I can stop myself.

  “What do you mean?” she asks.

  I look out the window and wish I’d kept my mouth shut. Eden is like a dog on a hunt when she tries to set me up with someone. If she catches a whiff of my interest in Delilah, she will be merciless about shutti
ng that down. There’s no reason for her to ever know a thing—I’ve shut it all completely down myself.

  “I didn’t know you’d met Delilah! When was this? What is she like?” The questions pour out of her and I level her with a look. “What?” She frowns.

  “I’m sure she’ll be just as enthralled with you and your gown and your—” I wave my hand toward her hair that is done up in her finest rose curls and twists, hoping flattery will distract her from the fact that I didn’t answer any of her questions.

  “Oh, you like my gown and hair?” she asks, grinning. “Why, thank you. It’s like pulling teeth to get a compliment from you.”

  “I said you looked beautiful!” I laugh, rolling my eyes.

  “You’d say that to anyone. You have to get specific with women, Jadon. This is why you’re still single,” she says, jabbing me in the stomach.

  I jerk to the side and catch her finger before she can do it again. “Enough,” I laugh, “you’re as bad as Ava.” I sigh. “I really wish she could be here tonight too. I’d feel better if we were all together.”

  “I know what you mean,” Eden says. “I wish she was too, but I’m also glad she’s gotten as far from this life as possible. It’s what she wanted more than anything.”

  I sigh again and sink deeper into my seat. My sister Ava never wanted the life of a royal, and I’ve tried my best to ensure she doesn’t have to live that life. She endured too much in the past few months; now she deserves whatever her heart desires and she’s getting that with her beloved Gentry. Still, I miss her. We used to talk just about every day and now we talk once a week.

  Eden starts to say something and stops in mid-sentence with a loud gasp. The Farthing castle has just come into view, and it is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. The grandeur is out of this world, the turrets and columns sweeping up to the sky and standing proudly. The entirety of the Safrin castle could fit into the east wing.

  “Holy shit,” I mutter. “What have we gotten ourselves into?”


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