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Pride: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Kingdoms of Sin Book 4)

Page 16

by Willow Aster

  “Are you okay?” I finally ask.

  “About as well as can be expected,” she says quietly. “How are you?”

  “I’ve had better days.”

  She nods, her smile faint but somehow making me instantly lighter. “Yeah, me too.”

  “It’s good to see you.”

  Something shifts across her face and her shoulders relax. “It’s good to see you too.”

  “You’re being so agreeable.” I laugh softly and she does too. “God, I haven’t stopped thinking about us, Delilah. You have invaded every part of my mind and body…” I stalk toward her, only stopping when I’m touching her. My hand snakes through her hair and I pull her face up, bending down until my lips are touching hers. Only then do I feel like I can fucking think straight.

  She kisses me back and I get lost in her, my hands exploring her face and hair and back and thighs. When it gets heated and I pull her leg over my hip to get more friction, she pulls away, breathing hard.

  “I can’t leave with you, Jadon,” she says. She skirts past me and I turn and try to catch her, but she slips just out of my reach.

  “What if I could get your father out too—would you consider it then?”

  She turns and looks at me, her eyes bright. I could drown in her and be a happy man.

  “You’d do that for me?” she asks. “I know he hasn’t been the best father to me, but I can’t sit by and watch him being poisoned by Caulder.”

  “I would move heaven and earth for you, Delilah. If you haven’t noticed, I’m hopeless where you’re concerned. There’s nothing I wouldn’t—”

  She reaches out and takes my hand. “Will you trust me? Let me do this my way?”

  “As long as it doesn’t mean you are marrying Avaban.”

  She puts her hand on my lips and shakes her head. “Trusting me means not questioning what I do from here on. Okay?” She grins and pulls me to the bed. “My father is sleeping. The others aren’t due back for hours. No one will bother us. I don’t know if I remember how good you felt…maybe you could remind me?”

  I laugh against her skin, my nose dragging across her collarbone. “I’d be happy to remind you. I’d rather be reminding you somewhere far away from here, but…I can’t say no to you. I’d like to just urge you to remember that if I’m found here, I’ll be hung for trespassing.”

  She arches into my mouth when my teeth tug on her nipple under her shirt. “Didn’t seem to scare you off from climbing my wall. Let’s make it worth your time.”

  “I’ll climb your wall all right,” I say and she giggles, making me smile. I pull her short skirt down and she pulls her shirt over her head, standing in front of me with the most beautiful lace barely covering her. I motion to her bra. “Take it off.” When she does and then steps out of her lacy panties, I grin. “This is definitely worth my time.”

  We’re both sweating hard after venting all our frustration and lust on each other. We lie facing one another, my hands unable to stop exploring her body even now, after I’ve touched every inch of her.

  “Was it as good as you remembered?” I ask, leaning forward to kiss her nose.

  “The next time will probably be better.” She laughs when I frown. “Only because this time was even better than the last.”

  She curls up into my neck, her arms wrapping around me and I feel complete.

  “Do you think you would’ve felt the same if we hadn’t met at the Cave of Stars first?” I ask.

  “I haven’t made any declarations about what I’m feeling,” she says, trying to stay straight-faced. I glare at her and she laughs.

  “Always so sassy.” I jab at her side, tickling her until she dives under the covers to be quieter. “The way you were chanting, ‘Never stop, never stop,’ just now sure felt like a declaration.”

  “Fine. I do like you quite a bit.” She ducks under the covers again and I jolt in shock and then bliss when she wraps her mouth around my cock. “I like you very, very much,” she says against my skin.

  Later, we whisper about everything and nothing.

  “Don’t fall asleep,” she whispers when I get quiet.

  It’s almost dawn and I have to go before the sun rises.

  “Please, can’t I talk you into coming with me? I’m not too proud to beg.”

  She puts her hands on my cheeks and pulls my mouth to hers. “Trust me,” she whispers again.

  I lean my head against hers and sigh, the weight of leaving her here almost more than I can take.

  “Please don’t make me regret this.” I kiss her one more time and get up, putting my clothes on and not looking at her again.

  If I see her staring up at me from that bed, I’ll never leave.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  She asked me for more solid proof on Caulder and the poisoning, and also to find the connection to Titus. I’ve come to a dead end about the men who kidnapped my sister and Kathryn, but I’m still looking for the answers there too. This is what motivates me for hours after I leave her. Quincie is on it too and he yells when he sees something in one of the files he’s hacked from Caulder’s email.

  Paquin swears that finding proof about the poison will be easy.

  “I’ve found something…” Quincie expands the screen and it’s an email dated a month before my father was killed.

  My breath hitches when I read the email addressed to what we know is Titus Catano’s email. After sitting through the hearing, I could quote a handful of Titus’s secret emails and recorded conversations. This is one I’ve never seen.

  It’s time for one certain dynasty to come to an end. I would be glad to accept your offer. I have a contact in Farrow who will take care of the brakes.

  Consider it done.

  By tomorrow, we should be free of that self-righteous prick forever and then we can move on to the next in line. Only a matter of time before they’re wiped out.

  In return, I expect you to stand by me when I take over the Farthing monarchy.

  As always, it’s good doing business with you.

  From one stepping stone to another and forever grateful,


  My hands are trembling, but I’m excited and livid. I slam my hand on the table several times, anything to get some of this pent-up energy out.

  “Forward that to every dignitary, as well as the police forces of every kingdom.” I look at the time and the wedding will be happening this time tomorrow. “Do you think they’ll arrest Caulder before the wedding?” I laugh as I look at the clock again and then slam my hand down again. “Why couldn’t she get out of there? What if there’s not enough time…we still need the proof about him poisoning V—”

  Quincie puts his hand on my shoulder and I tense. “Relax. We’re bringing him down. I’m forwarding now, look.” He systematically forwards the letter to a mass email and leans back with his hands behind his head when it sends. “Done. And I’ll just print this and take it to the police now. You stay here and try to—” he points at me and waves his finger, “chill.”

  “I won’t be able to chill until we’re home in Farrow.”

  With Delilah by my side.

  It’s a restless night. Star paces next to me, sensing my unease. I watch the news and the house fanatically, waiting for that moment when the cops will tear down that driveway to the castle and carry Caulder off in cuffs…but it never happens.

  I can’t eat. I can’t function. I feel like I’m about to explode.

  Trust me, she said.

  Trust that she’ll get out of this on her own? Trust that I’ll get her out of this even if it’s after she’s married?

  I can’t fucking trust anything right now.

  I groan and put my head in my hands, trying desperately not to lose my grip now when we’re so close to everything coming together. I feel my pup’s wet nose pushing into my hand and I sigh, reaching around her neck and hugging her. My heart rate calms long enough to think about a few options, in case whatever she comes up
with doesn’t work.

  I’ve already moved on to how I’ll kidnap her from Blorl if Caulder isn’t arrested, if the wedding happens, and Xang whisks her out of here. It’ll be a lot harder, but at least in Blorl, she’d be safe from Caulder.

  Trust her. I might be able to trust her, but I don’t trust anyone around her. That’s the problem. And I’m not sure she is able to protect herself.

  Solvang’s words come back to me about Delilah being weak, and I have to shut those thoughts out of my head or I’ll storm into that palace and be gunned down during the wedding.

  If it meant her not marrying that bastard, I’d be willing to risk it...

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  I take the package out of the bag I’ve hidden in the back of my closet and stare at it for a while before walking through the motions. I can’t think too much about what I’m doing and when I wait the allotted time and stare at the result blankly, it’s as if I’m watching it happen to someone else.

  This isn’t my life.

  I’m not about to marry Avaban tomorrow night.

  My family isn’t this mess that I’m ashamed is my blood.

  I don’t love Jadon Safrin.

  Denial, denial, denial. It’s a pretty little word that I immerse my head in to get through the day.

  I wrap my surprise in a fancy box and tie a huge bow around it, not allowing myself a moment to feel. That would be disastrous. Once I get through tomorrow night, I’ll allow myself to think about everything.

  All this numbing works for the time being. Caulder knocks on my door in the afternoon to remind me of a meeting with the family lawyer. He walks with me to the study and the lawyer is already there waiting with Avaban.

  “I don’t want to do this without Papa.” I look around and when no one responds, I walk back to the door. “I’ll go get him.”

  “That’s not necessary, Delilah. You know he’s not been feeling well,” Caulder says.

  I stare at him long enough to make him fidget and walk out the door. Papa is sitting in a chair by the window when I walk in.

  “The lawyer is here. We’re signing the prenup and I thought you should be there to make sure everything goes as it should.”

  “I didn’t realize that was today.” He frowns. “Of course. I’ll walk with you.”

  “You seem better than yesterday.”

  He nods. “I’ve felt a little better each day since you’ve been coming to eat with me. That pretty face cheers me up.”

  This is the sweet dad I’ve always seen. Now I realize our relationship has consisted of shallow conversations such as this one, so I’ll have to make sure I don’t rock the boat again until I have to.

  Avaban is impatient when we walk in, looking at his watch like we’ve really inconvenienced him, but I smile at the lawyer and make sure Papa is comfortable before I sit down.

  A stack of papers is placed in front of me, and I scan through it, ignoring the heavy sighs and agitation with me taking my time. I pause at the part that states I must ensure that I’m a virgin, wondering how they are planning on proving that one and smile to myself.

  I sign the documents and hand them to Avaban to sign.

  “Looks like we’re official,” he says.

  “Not yet.” I smile.

  That evening I eat in my father’s room, and he’s feeling well enough to feed himself. I can’t believe the difference in him in such a short amount of time.

  “You look so much better,” I say when he finishes everything on his plate.

  “I feel like a new man. God knew I needed to be healthy enough to see my baby girl get married.”

  My lips feel pinched as I smile and I pick up our trays so my face doesn’t give me away. I set them outside the door and David is the one to pick them up and carry them back to the kitchen.

  “Should I read to you for a little while?” I ask.

  My father nods and folds his hands together.

  I pick up the book next to his bed and go to the last place we left off, getting situated on the loveseat by him. I read for a couple of hours until Papa’s head droops to his chest. I put my hand on his shoulder and give him the slightest shake.

  “Can I help you to bed, Papa?”

  He murmurs something and stands up, a little unsteady, but he makes it to the bed with no trouble and pulls the covers up to his neck.

  “Thank you, Delilah,” he whispers.

  “Goodnight, Papa.”

  I leave his room and shut the door, my thoughts bittersweet. An era is ending. This will be my last night in this home. I’ll leave this castle and who knows—I might never come back.

  I hear voices in Caulder’s room and slow down, leaning in to hear better.

  “I thought he was going to be bedridden by now…what if he starts suspecting?”

  I take my phone out of my pocket and start recording.

  “This up and down…back and forth—he’s gonna know you’re poisoning him,” Avaban says.

  “Stop worrying so much. How would he come to that conclusion? We have to make it look like he’s sick. He’s had good days and bad days, right?” Caulder chuckles and then I hear both of them step closer to the door. I jump when it sounds like they’re crashing into the door.

  It’s quiet for a few moments and then I hear a moan. My eyes widen. What…

  Another moan and fumbling against the door.

  “Ahh, yes,” Caulder groans. “Yes. You’re going to miss this…”

  “Not for long,” Avaban laughs, “I’ll be back before you know it. Alone.”

  My heart thumps harder.

  I listen for a bit longer, but it’s quiet except for the growing moans and I really don’t want to hear the rest.

  I rub my eyes and wish I could scrub my ears and brain and all remembrance of what I just heard. I don’t know what all of this means, but I just got all the proof I need.

  I’m wired when I get to my room, but I know there’s nothing I can do about this tonight. I compose an email to Jadon with the recording attached. I’ll send it tomorrow afternoon, right before the wedding.

  Getting ready is a solitary affair. Only select officials and a few distant family members are invited. It’s another example of what a sheltered existence I’ve lived that I don’t even have a single friend attending. Why have I never realized how strange this is? Was it always my father or Caulder that kept me isolated? I’ve never even had a personal maid since my mother died, with the exception of that woman who helped me the night of the ball…Darcy. I haven’t seen her since—she must’ve only been sent to help me into my mother’s gown and then was probably thrown out the minute I escaped.

  I don’t take much time with my hair and my makeup is simple, what I’d normally do for any day. I put on the over-the-top dress that I disappear in and laugh at my reflection. I look like a balloon of lace and tulle and ruffles. The gown is ridiculous. I don’t bother with a veil. I want everyone to see the contempt on my face when I look at Xang Avaban tonight.

  I walk to the chapel alone. I’m a little surprised Papa didn’t show up to force me to the altar, but they seem sure that I’ll show up. I guess I have been pretty predictable my whole life. Besides my disappearing act the night of the engagement, I’ve never stepped out of line, and since coming home, I’ve given them no reason to think I’m not going through with the wedding.

  My father is at the door of the chapel and his eyes widen when he sees me. “Oh, hello. You look…lovely.”

  I loop my arm through his and then pat it. “Now, now, Papa, no lying allowed on my wedding day. I know I look like a clown.” I smile up at him and he frowns. “It was intentional.” I wink.

  “Delilah…I really hope you’re not going to try and—” he starts.

  “Oh, I’m not trying anything…” I lean up and kiss his cheek. “Is everyone here?”

  “I believe so.”

  “Let’s get me married then!”

  His Adam’s apple bobs and he look
s relieved. The music starts playing and the doors open with a flourish. The small chapel is only half full and I’m a little disappointed there isn’t more of an audience to see this dress, but then I spot the cameras and I look directly into one, smiling wide.

  I’m handed over to Xang too soon and it physically hurts to have to put my arm through his, but I do it and we walk the rest of the way to the altar where we kneel. The minister says a few things and prays over us and then we stand up and face each other to say our vows.

  Xang opens his mouth to speak and I hold up my hand. “I’d like to go first, if that’s okay.”

  He’s so stunned he just nods dumbly and I grin at him, further catching him off guard.

  Underneath my bouquet, I pull out a paper I’ve sealed with a pretty stamp and tucked between the huge petals. I walk over to Papa, holding it out for him to take. He does and wipes a bead of sweat forming on his brow. Then I walk back to Xang and pull out a package that seems too big to hide underneath the bouquet, but it fit perfectly. Our guests laugh at the cleverness, but Xang looks as serious as I’ve ever seen him.

  I look at Papa. “Why don’t you open yours first…”

  He undoes the seal and holds up a copy of what appears to be the prenup. Except on the front page, it says the prenup was never valid. My dad frowns and then starts flipping through page after page, going pale when he sees what I’ve circled. He looks up at me and stands up, shaking the papers.

  “Why don’t you open yours now,” I tell Avaban.

  Papa pauses to see what Avaban has and when Avaban holds up the contents, there’s an audible gasp. He studies it, not sure what he’s seeing at first.

  I point at it and whisper, “It’s a positive pregnancy test.” His nose curls in disgust and he throws it on the ground with a shudder.

  I look around at everyone else. “The baby’s not Xang’s.”


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