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Page 15

by Evelyn Adams

  The lasagna would likely throw him over the edge, but she didn’t care. She wanted it. She had a day off. There was nothing weird about cooking dinner for a man you were sleeping with. If he had a problem with it, he’d have to get over it. She finished with more cheese and noodles and sauce, ending with a layer of cheese.

  She glanced at her watch and then turned on the huge commercial oven to preheat. It was after six. Unless he was hiding from her he should be home soon. After the trip to the salvage yard, they’d delivered the door and the knob sets to the flip and then gone back to his place. He’d dropped her off and then headed into his office to work.

  That didn’t bother her. She knew how hard he usually worked and how much time he’d lost trying to take care of her. The way he’d dropped everything to meet her at the police station when Mike got pulled in for questioning. He hadn’t needed to do that, but she loved that he did. If anyone understood what it was like to give a project everything it was her. She’d never begrudge him work he had to do.

  Regardless of whether it made any sense to her, it was probably better if he’d didn’t walk into his house after working most of the day and find her playing Donna Reed. If an offhand mention of buying an investment house was enough to literally knock him on his ass, who knew what finding her playing house would do. She picked up her phone to send him a warning text.

  I’m cooking. Don’t freak.

  The phone chirped with a reply before she could set it down.

  You can cook? You forget to eat.

  She grinned at screen, typing her reply.

  Not the same thing. I made lasagna.

  The phone pinged almost immediately and she smiled wider thinking of him across town at his office holding his phone so he could reply right away.

  Keep it warm for me, Lucy. I’ll be home in 40 min.

  Apparently they were playing Lucy and Ricky now. The man was an emotional rollercoaster. He was going to give her whiplash.

  She set the phone on the counter and checked on the lasagna before heading down the hall to the bathroom. Lucy would meet him at the door in a dress and heels. Claire intended to be naked and in the tub.

  LUKE SHUT DOWN his computer and padded down the hall in his bare feet to grab a cup of coffee, stopping when he saw Claire sitting on the sofa. She was turned sideways with her feet on the cushions and her laptop resting against her knees. She’d piled her hair on top of her head in a messy knot and she was absentmindedly tugging on her bottom lip, the same lip he’d been biting when he thrust inside her that morning.

  He’d come home last night to homemade lasagna and a naked woman in his tub. That morning he’d woken with her in his arms, and he’d had her before breakfast. They lounged around drinking coffee and reading the paper before settling in to work for a few hours. She hadn’t placed a single demand on him, simply nestling into his life like it was exactly where she belonged. He loved it, loved knowing she was there even when he wasn’t.

  Aside from the moment of panic at the salvage yard, which sent him sprawling, it was the most relaxing weekend he’d had in, well ... ever.

  Which was ironic considering the edge of panic he felt at how easy it all seemed. He glanced around his penthouse and saw bits and pieces of her all over the place. A bag, her cellphone, the Architectural Digest on the coffee table, the second coffee cup in the sink. It wasn’t that she was messy; she wasn’t. She was just everywhere. She hadn’t moved in. He knew she’d been so careful about not bringing her things into his space and part of him felt like a huge asshole for making her worry about it. It didn’t stop him from being able to feel her everywhere.

  And if having things between them fall into a relaxed pattern had him feeling edgy, it was nothing compared to the full blown attack waiting just under the surface at the idea of watching her leave. He was fucked, truly and completely.

  Letting out a frustrated breath at his own inability to act like a normal human being, he headed toward the kitchen for another cup of coffee, pausing to stroke her cheek as he walked past the sofa. She looked up at him, her lips curving in a smile, but he could the stress around her eyes.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, smoothing his thumb over the crease in the center of her forehead.

  “Nothing,” she said with a little shake of her head. “It’s payroll. Don’t offer.”

  She held her hand up and he closed his mouth not realizing he’d even opened it, and loving that she knew him well enough to know that he’d try to fix things for her.

  “It’s not Armageddon. I’ll get it sorted,” she said, closing her laptop. “But I wish the distraction had lasted a little longer. The real world stuff is a bit much sometimes.”

  As he bent to brush a kiss over her lips an idea was taking root in his head – one that might work for both of them, distracting her from her obligations and moving things back to a place much more comfortable for him than playing house.

  “Go get dressed,” he said, straightening. “Wear the gray silk and pearls from New York.” He knew the outfit was tucked away in his closet, one of the few things of hers that was. “Don’t forget the stockings, Claire.” He helped her from the couch, ignoring her puzzled look and pulled his phone from his pocket to make the call to complete his plan.

  LUKE PULLED HIS CAR INTO the space reserved for the penthouse and went around to open Claire’s door. She’d given him more than one curious look, but for now at least she seemed comfortable to let him lead. Taking her hand, he led her to the elevator, grateful when the doors immediately slid open and it was empty. Unlike the one in his building, this elevator wasn’t private, but he and Eric didn’t use it all that often and the building was convenient for both of them. They’d had the place for years.

  Luke inserted the special key that let the elevator bypass the other floors and go straight to the penthouse. It only took a few moments for the car to reach the top floor but he kept his hand on Claire the entire time, stroking her back through the silk of her blouse, letting his finger trace the bumps of the pearls cuffing her wrists. He’d had plans for those pearls since their weekend in the city.

  When the doors slid open, he guided her to the front door and she looked up at him with another puzzled expression on her face. Using the tip of his finger, he smoothed the crease she got in her forehead when she was thinking too hard.

  “Relax, sweetheart.” Before Luke could say more to reassure her or reach for his key card, Eric opened the door. “Overeager much?” he murmured over the top of Claire’s head to the other man.

  “Eagerly anticipating,” said Eric. “There is a difference. You look beautiful, cher.” He pulled a surprised Claire from Luke’s arm and led her into the penthouse.

  The sun had just started to sink and the wall of windows glowed golden, warming the mostly white room. Keeping his arm around her, Eric led Claire to sit in the center of the deep leather sofa. He’d already put a bottle of Cristal on ice and poured a glass for he and Claire, leaving Luke to fend for himself.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” Eric said, stroking her cheek with the back of his hand like a lover not a friend.

  Claire froze, and Luke struggled to remind himself that he was the one who’d set this all up. Eric agreed, of course, enthusiastically but it had been his idea. He’d seen the way she reacted to the trio at the club. She’d been turned on, so turned on in fact she took what she wanted from him instead of waiting for him to give it to her. And if what they were doing with each other was having sex why shouldn’t she experience something she was obviously interested in. They were all consenting adults, and it wasn’t the first time he and Eric had shared.

  “I made food,” said Eric. He must have sensed some of Claire’s tension because he pressed a kiss to her cheek only pausing for a moment to nuzzle her ear before standing again. “I’ll be right back.”

  As soon as he disappeared into the kitchen, Claire stood and walked to the window. Sipping her champagne, she looked out over the city below. The creas
e was back and he wondered what was going on in that gorgeous head of hers. Pouring a glass of champagne for himself, he joined her at the window, but when he tried to pull her into his arms, she stepped away, turning to face him.

  “Is this what you want?” she asked, motioning back toward the kitchen.

  At first he tried to convince himself she was asking for some kind of permission from him, but that didn’t feel right. “We can make you feel so good, sweetheart.”

  “I don’t doubt that,” she said, but there was no heat in her voice, only resignation. “But is it what you want? Are you sure?”

  She searched his face, and he fought the urge to cover his eyes. He was a grown man; he shouldn’t have to hide, but he wanted to. She wasn’t just asking if he wanted the sex. There was something with much greater weight behind her question. Finally he nodded, unable to say the words out loud that he had the feeling would change everything.

  “Okay,” she said, but instead of curling into his arms, she turned away.

  When Eric came back with small trays of appetizers, she hurried to help him and then settled next to him on the sofa.

  “This looks fantastic,” she said, leaning in to press a kiss to Eric’s cheek. “Is that your pate?”

  “Of course, and I’m still going to feed it to you even though your hands are much cleaner now.” He raised one of Claire’s hands to his lips, lingering for a moment, before turning it over so he could run his nose along her palm and press a kiss to the pulse point at the inside of her wrist.

  Normally Luke would mimic Eric’s movements, but he couldn’t bring himself to reach for Claire’s other hand. He sat and watched as his friend spread pate on a cracker and held it to Claire’s lips and watched as she opened her mouth for him, leaning forward to take the bite from his fingers. She closed her eyes, making sounds of pleasure so similar to the ones she made when he touched her, it shot straight to his cock.

  The look on Eric’s face said his friend was enjoying himself too. Claire opened her eyes, licking cracker crumbs from her bottom lip, and Eric was there with another bite of pear this time. She murmured appreciatively and took another swallow of her champagne, draining the glass. Luke forced himself over his inertia and refilled the flute for her, topping off his own glass.

  He absentmindedly ate whatever it was Eric had put out for them while Claire and Eric talked about reductions and complementary tastes, and Claire made those noises that had his cock going rock hard. Eric insisted on feeding Claire with his fingers and by the time Luke had drained his glass of champagne, he could see she was taking extra time licking the chef’s fingers with her hot pink tongue. Luke watched hypnotized as she sucked Eric’s finger into her mouth. The chef’s eyes went dark and Luke knew he was feeling Claire’s tongue working his finger the way she worked a cock.

  “I think I’ve had enough food,” she said, releasing Eric’s finger. “I’ve never done anything like this. You’re going to have to help me.”

  “It will be our pleasure, cher. All of ours. We can make you feel extraordinary things.”

  Luke was glad Eric was finally including him in the seduction, but he could barely hear over the pounding of his heart in his ears.

  “Could I ask something?” She looked nervous and Luke wanted to reach for her. Fold her in his arms and keep her safe. Instead he let his hand rest on her thigh, grateful when she didn’t pull away.

  “Of course, cher. We’re here to serve you.”

  “Would you blindfold me?”

  “It’s the easiest of things,” said Eric, standing and helping Claire up.

  Luke got to his feet behind them, letting his hand rest on the small of her back as Eric led her by the hand toward the bedroom. He felt her hesitate when they reached the doorway, but she didn’t stop. Once they were inside, she looked from the bed to Eric and then back to him.

  “Would you blindfold me now?”

  Luke nodded. “Yes,” he said, reaching for the knot of his tie.

  She’d asked for it, but he was glad to do it. It was one thing to decide to go ahead with his plan. It was an entirely different thing to watch the pleasure in her eyes when Eric touched her. Sliding the tie from his collar, he turned her so her back faced him and placed the silk over her eyes.

  “Hold it for me, sweetheart.”

  She held the tie while he snugged it around her head, knotting it in place.

  “Too tight?”

  She shook her head, and he saw her swallow before she spoke. “No, it’s good.”

  “Good,” he said, running his hands up and down her arms.

  He stepped close enough so she’d be able to feel his body along the length of hers. When he nuzzled the tender skin behind her ear she relaxed against him, tipping her head to give him better access to her throat. The simple act of her softening for him made him want her that much more. Eric stepped in front of her and Luke felt her go stiff under his hands.

  “Easy, cher.” Eric took one of her hands in his and started to slowly unwrap the strand of pearls from around her wrist. When he finished, he brought her hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to the center of her palm.

  She gasped at the contact, and Luke forced his attention away from what his friend was doing to focus on Claire. Closing his eyes, he buried his face in her auburn hair, breathing the spicy floral scent that had invaded every part of his world. He nipped and kissed his way down her neck to scrape his teeth over the pulse point where the pearls wrapped around her.

  He opened his eyes to unwind the pearls from her throat and saw that Eric had already freed her other wrist and was working his way to her elbow, laying a trail of kisses up the sensitive skin of her inner arm. When he saw Luke watching him, he smiled up at him, his lips curving against Claire’s skin. Luke couldn’t manage a smile in return, concentrating instead on taking off the other ropes of pearls. He took the strands Eric was holding and laid them all on the dresser with a clacking sound that had Claire flinching where she stood.

  Unable to prolong things any longer and not sure why he wanted to, he reached for the catch at the back of Claire’s black pencil skirt, unhooking the small clasp and tugging down the zipper. He paused for a moment to rub his knuckles over the dip at the base of her spine before pushing the skirt over her hips and to the floor.

  Eric took her hands in his and helped her step free of the skirt, steadying her in her fuck me heels while Luke reached for the hem of her silk blouse.

  “Arms above your head, sweetheart.

  Eric let go of her hands and she lifted them in the air. With deliberate slowness Luke raised the blouse inch by inch, letting the silk slide over her skin until it slipped free of her fingertips.

  Claire stood in front of them naked except for a few wisps of lingerie and her garter and stockings. Luke knew firsthand how fucking gorgeous she was, but he watched as honest appreciation filled Eric’s eyes. They’d both been with dozens of beautiful women, more than a handful of them together, but there was something about Claire. There was no reason to assume Eric wouldn’t see it and no reason for the anger welling up inside Luke. This had been his idea, why did he want to knock the cat – or more like tiger – licking cream look off his best friend’s face?

  Still standing behind her, Luke gripped her arms and guided her gently to the bed. Maybe when she was sprawled out in front of him and he could concentrate on her pleasure, he wouldn’t be so tempted to kill Eric. Taking her hands, Eric helped her climb onto the bed.

  “That’s it, cher. Lie back.”

  She lost her balance, reaching for Eric to steady herself, and Luke knew what he needed to do. Grabbing the pearls from the dresser he strung two strands together making one long enough to bind Claire’s wrist. He handed the rope of black and gray pearls to Eric and repeated the process with another pair of strands. Making a modified slip knot, he looped the pearls around Claire’s wrist and then tied them snuggly to the frame of the bed while Eric did the same thing on the other side.

n they were finished they stood back to admire their handiwork. Lying on her back with her arms spread wide, she was like a delicious offering. The black lace of her lingerie made a beautiful contrast to her pale skin and the gray pearls were the perfect erotic binding. With the crimson silk of his tie covering her eyes and her red lips parted in invitation, she was so much more than he could have ever imagined. He watched the rise and fall of the glorious swell of her breasts as she breathed through her nerves.

  “You are giving us the most delicious gift, cher.”

  He was right; even in this Claire was offering herself to him. He only wished he’d been the one to recognize it instead of Eric.

  Eric toed off his shoes and socks and unbuttoned his shirt, slipping his belt from his pants with a snap. Luke’s fingers froze on the buttons of his shirt as his friend, wearing nothing but a pair of black slacks slung low on his hips, stalked toward where Claire lay sprawled on the bed.

  Luke knew what would happen next. They’d start with her breasts, teasing and suckling her nipples until her skin flushed and her breath came in shallow gasps. When they were sure she was ready, Eric would move down her body, stripping off her panties and positioning himself with his face above her pussy. While Luke continued to suck her nipples, hard enough to bow her body with pleasure, Eric would lick with long steady strokes, dragging his tongue through her swollen sex until she was on the edge of coming. Then pressing two slick fingers against the tight bud of her ass, he’d start to fuck her with his hand, stretching her and getting her ready so he could fuck her with his cock. Luke would take over sucking and biting her clit while Eric drove her over the edge into her first orgasm of the night.

  Before she had a chance to catch her breath, Luke would lay on his back and pull her over to straddle him, thrusting up into her tight wet heat, still pulsing from her climax. Holding her hips, he’d anchor her to his cock, draping her body over his. Eric would kneel between their legs and then Luke would have to watch as his friend fucked her ass.


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