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Whispers of Tomorrow (The Alina Chronicles Book 2)

Page 17

by Regina J. Robinson

  No. We can’t do anything more. With a small hint of reluctance, I offer him a smile. “I think we should stop now.”

  Killian cocks his head to the side as if I was speaking a different language. “What about you?”

  “I’ll be alright. I’d rather wait until Alina can join us too.” I wink back giving his arm a gentle shove.

  “But I can return the favor.” The pouty face he sends my way almost has me changing my mind and pinning him to the ground. Although I somehow manage to control myself.

  I move to position myself next to him. Once I’m close enough, I reach out to grab his chin and hold him in place until his eyes can’t leave mine. “Oh, don’t worry Sweetcheeks, I’ll have you on your knees calling me ‘Daddy’ soon enough. You can be sure of that.” I push forward to give him a forceful quick kiss then pull back once more.

  Killian looks slightly taken aback, but also incredibly turned on by the idea. “Daddy? Is that what you wanted me to call you before, the one Alina refused to say?”

  “Maybe” I wink back and watch the adorable blush spread over his cheeks.

  A huge yawn leaves Killian’s mouth as I notice his eyelids begin to droop. I reach over to grab the discarded blanket from last night and position myself beside Killian. Lying down on the floor, I reach my arm out expectantly and wait.

  Killian looks over at me, his eyes flicking from my open arm to my eyes and back again. “Come on Sweetcheeks. I don’t bite. Well, unless you want me to.” I wiggle my eyebrows, which has the effect of making Killian chuckle. With a warm smile he moves to settle into the crook of my arm. He wraps one arm over my chest pulling me close. Gripping the blanket, I pull it over both of us and breath in Killian’s warming, calming scent. I place a gentle kiss to his forehead and then wrap my arm around his.

  It’s not long before he’s asleep in my arms, his soft snores filling the barn. I have never felt this content in all the time I have lived. Although, there’s still one important part missing to make this feeling complete.




  I must have walked miles. My sore aching feet protest crunching against the gravel as I make my way to the barn.

  From the treeline I saw when Killian helped Branor to the house. I carried on watching as Killian walked back to the barn, making sure to duck behind the tree when he began looking around. It was when I knew he must have wanted to come and look for me that I decided to turn around and walk as quickly and quietly as possible away from the farm. After some time of trying to gather my thoughts and noticing dawn breaking across the sky, I decided it was best if I headed back and talked to Killian and Galen before I met with Branor again. The idea of speaking with him after so long fills me with a strange mix of worry and excitement. I just hope I can keep my mind settled enough to try to make sense of everything.

  Brushing aside those thoughts for a moment, I go to check the barn first before heading to the house. I don’t know why, I mean after all Galen is human now, I would presume he would want to be in the house taking advantage of a lovely warm bed. Yet, something is tugging me toward the barn, or it could be because I’m just trying to avoid facing centuries of pain.

  I pull the door open and walk into the dimly lit building. I glance around waiting for my eyes to adjust to the change in light and I can hear soft snores.

  Moving further into the barn, a small gasp leaves me when I see Galen and Killian laid out on the hay with a blanket over them. From what I can make out they are both naked, yet that doesn’t seem to bother either of them as Galen’s arms are wrapped around Killian, holding him close.

  I’m not really surprised about seeing them like this. I could sense they had feelings for each other. Judging by the kiss they shared before, I was wondering how long it would take them before something happened.

  I suppose any normal woman would feel a pang of jealousy seeing the two of them together in a comfortable embrace, especially since I technically had a panic attack after being with Killian. Yet I do not feel one ounce of jealousy toward either of them. When you have lived for as long as I have, your only thought is that if you find love or happiness, then you hold on to it with everything you have.

  The two of them look so cozy together and my mind begins trying to work out what must have happened here last night. I know for a fact Killian was dressed when he went into the barn, which must mean he got naked after he came in here. I’m pretty sure Galen had a hand in helping him undress. He’s had his eye on Killian since he first met him. I’m not sure if it was love at first sight, probably more like lust. The only thing I can think is if this makes them both happy then who am I to disrupt it.

  I smile to myself when I see Galen nuzzle his head into Killian’s neck. Even though they are both still asleep they seem to be holding on as if they are scared to lose each other. I can understand that feeling all too well.

  A throat clearing behind me nearly makes me jump out of my skin and I let out a shout. I spin around to see Branor standing in the doorway with his sorrow-filled jade eyes fixed on me. He looks tired and drained, the effects of years of possession are probably taking their toll.

  I seem to be frozen to the spot, both of us staring at each other waiting for one of us to speak first.

  “Alina?” I glance back over my shoulder to see Killian looking at me. “You came back. You’re, uh, you’re here. Um.” His face has turned a bright shade of red as he scrambles to pull the blanket up his chest. “I…I…Uh. Sorry. Shit.” I can see shame fill his eyes, probably thinking that I am angry or something. I turn a little more, yet not quite turning my back to Branor and I give Killian a small smile. “It’s alright. Honestly. I was wondering how long it would take before Galen made his move on you.” I look over to the man in question and watch as he lazily stretches out with a shit eating grin spread across his face, which I raise a skeptical eyebrow to. He sits up placing his hand on Killian’s knee, who is still red faced looking at me with wide eyes.

  Galen’s grin soon slips when he sees Branor standing behind me, although he doesn’t attempt to cover himself up like Killian did.

  I feel a light brush against my shoulder and my name spoken by the one voice I never thought I would hear again. For centuries it sounded so distorted and wrong, to hear it again brings back so many memories of long ago. Yet, I still flinch away from his touch.

  I turn to Branor and all I see swirling in his eyes are questions, regret, and sorrow. Part of me wants to run forward and wrap my arms around him, the other part wants to run away again. I can’t do that to him. No matter what happened over the centuries, I cannot blame Branor for any of it. When I look at him, I see the beautiful jade eyes I remember so well, even after all this time. I just can’t seem to stop thinking that what if this is all a dream and any moment Vemnos will take over Branor once more and I’ll be tortured again, I know it’s absurd as I watched Vemnos die by my own hands, yet I can’t seem to shake the horrible feeling that it seemed too easy.

  Branor opens his mouth to say something, yet it is Killian I hear speak from behind me. “Uh, maybe we should have some coffee. I could make us some breakfast too. Then everyone can talk about this. It, uh, it seems silly to try to have a conversation before coffee.” I smile back at him over my shoulder.

  “Coffee? What’s coffee?” My head whips round to see Branor looking lost.

  “Have you never had coffee? You have been alive as long as Alina, surely you must have tried it at some point?” Galen queries from behind me.

  “Well I…I was in a cell since the cave, only leaving it to come to you to…No. No, I have never had coffee. I haven’t tasted one bite or drunk one sip since I was imprisoned. I believe the possession curse kept me alive all this time. As a matter of fact, I am actually starving,” Branor replies sheepishly.

  “Wow. I think I would go insane if I didn’t have at least one cup of coffee in the morning. I swear sometimes it’s the only thing keeping me upright.” Killian’s
voice shows a similar shock to what I am feeling. Yet my shock is not about the coffee. It’s the fact he just admitted he has been kept a prisoner for this long. I feel my heart break a little at the idea he has been through worse than me. If Vemnos really had kept him locked away all this time, then there is no doubt in my mind he would have inflicted his torture on him too.

  It seems strange to think Branor has probably suffered more than me. True, I witnessed his murder, then how he was used to torture me for centuries, the nightmares, everything. But compared to Branor being a prisoner for so long, my grief seems minimal.

  “Well that’s settled, we are all having some coffee and food. Then we can talk.” Galen answers for all of us. I know he’s right about talking being the best method here, yet I need a moment alone to gather my thoughts.

  “Okay. I’m just going to run on ahead and I’ll see you all soon,” I quickly reply. Branor seems to sense I need to be alone as he has stepped away from the doorway and is waiting for me to pass through. As I walk past, I give a small smile and quiet thank you. I begin my slow walk up to the house, leaving behind the three men in the barn who mean everything to me.


  I keep my eyes on Alina’s retreating form as she leaves the barn and heads to the house.

  It’s then I realize that not only am I naked in a compromising position with a very naked Galen, but my eyes have just locked onto Branor who is standing by the doorway watching Alina too.

  I pull the blanket a little tighter around my lower half, feeling shy in front of the man who has held such a large part of Alina’s heart for centuries. How will I ever manage to measure up against her first love? What if now that he is back I will be pushed aside and forgotten about? Stupid thoughts start clouding my mind, forcing me to bring my knees up and rest my folded arms and head on them. I take a few calming breaths before looking up to face my fears.

  Branor’s gaze has moved from the doorway and has landed on me. Clearing his throat, he looks down at the ground then back to me. “I guess she is trying to avoid me at the moment. I’ll uh, I’m just going to go for a walk and get some fresh air before I go and see her. Will you please let her know I will be back soon?” He speaks the words at barely a whisper, pain, and regret evident in his voice. He doesn’t wait for a response before he slips out the door and walks away.

  I watch him just as I had Alina, although he is heading in the opposite direction. Seems like both of them are running away from each other. I suppose I didn’t make matters easier by being here stark bollock naked with a man who was a unicorn less than twelve hours ago. A small speck of shame boils in my gut. Not about last night with Galen. No, I could never regret or feel ashamed about that. I feel it because she should have been here too. She had run off so quickly and disappeared before I could stop her. And while I was here wrapped up in warm, comforting arms, she was out there in the cold with probably so many questions. I shouldn’t have left her alone, although I do trust Galen’s judgment. After all, he is older than me, both of them are. Come to think of it, I’m probably the youngest out of all of us. Alina, Galen, and Branor have been alive for centuries and then there’s me. What do I have to offer that Alina can’t already have from Branor or Galen?

  “More than you know, Sweetcheeks. You are an amazingly kind and compassionate person. You gave Alina kindness and patience without a moment's hesitation. Everything may be up in the air right now, but you’ll see, it will sort itself out soon. Alina does need you, as do I.” Galen’s strong voice washes over me. I keep forgetting to block my thoughts from him, although hearing him say he needs me is like a soothing balm to my soul. Just the idea that Alina may need me too fills me with happiness I would find hard to describe.

  Glancing over, I watch with rapt attention as Galen stands gathering the discarded clothes I had brought to him last night. “Although I would love to stay here naked with you, I have a feeling we should go and have some coffee with Alina. Maybe try to break the ice a little with her before Branor comes back.” He shoots me a wink then proceeds to pull on the sweatpants and baggy shirt. Come to think of it, baggy is probably not the right term as the material stretches across the expanse of his chest. The fabric has become so paper thin I can make out the raised veins on his arms beneath it. My mouth begins to water at the sight. The thought of trailing my tongue over each individual ridge leaves me squirming to the point where I need to stand and pull my own clothes on as quickly as I can.

  As I manage to stuff my hard dick uncomfortably into my own pants, I can’t help the small strained chuckle which leaves my throat from the filthy thoughts playing over and over in my head.

  I turn around once I’m dressed to see Galen standing directly in front of me with a wide smirk. I freeze as his hand shoots out to grip my chin, holding me still. “You won’t be laughing when I fill your delicious ass with my cock Sweetcheeks.” I’m momentarily stunned until he darts forward and claims my lips with his. Heat flares through me, causing tingles all over, as my cock strains painfully within its confines.

  When he pulls away, I can’t stop my eyes from dropping down to see his very noticeable bulge. Feeling a sudden sense of confidence, I reach down and trace my hand along the outline of his dick causing a deep groan to leave his mouth. His grip tightens on my chin as his sapphire blue eyes pierce into me. “If you keep that up, you’ll give me no choice but to bend you over and take you hard and fast until you are screaming my name.” Another searing kiss and then he’s releasing me and stepping away. I feel the loss of his body heat almost instantly and I crave for him to come back to me. However, I know now is probably not the right time. Running my hand over my dick once more to make sure he is in place, I delight in the way Galen’s eyes focus in on the movement. I offer him a wink of my own when his eyes meet mine again. He chuckles a little shaking his head before heading to the door gesturing for me to follow. Which I gladly do.

  As we walk out into the brisk morning air, I can see Branor already sitting on the porch steps looking out over the farm. It still seems weird that the man before me is not only the same man who slit my throat, but is also the man who hurt Alina all of this time. It feels wrong to blame him for those actions as I know they were not his own. Everything is so surreal. Fuck do I need some coffee. I rub my temples a few times trying to ward off any chance of a headache brewing when we reach the steps.

  “I thought you went for a walk. What are you doing out here? Shouldn’t you be inside talking to Alina?” Galen’s voice appears strong yet sympathetic at the same time.

  Branor’s eyes settle on Galen before he glances over to me then back out to gaze over the farm. “I decided to wait instead. I wasn’t sure if I should go in or not. So much has happened. I just don’t know where to even begin.” I can feel the pain and apprehension in his tone. I know what he is worried about. He fears Alina will reject him after everything that has happened. Although I have a strong feeling she could never do that. Over the centuries she has suffered through unimaginable pain and anguish, yet she said she never once used her powers on Vemnos as she feared for hurting Branor. She has loved him all this time, despite everything.

  “She won’t reject you. I have a feeling she could never do that to you.” The words leave my mouth before I can rethink them. Every word is true and I see a small spark of hope flicker across his face before he stands upright.

  “I hope you are right. Because the thought of her not wanting me is more painful than anything I have suffered so far.” Branor closes his eyes for a moment taking a few steadying breaths, then opens them again gesturing to the door. “Please lead the way.”

  Galen strides up the steps in front of me as we both pass Branor, and I sense him following me. Galen opens the door and we head on in towards the kitchen to the wonderful smell of brewing coffee and the woman who holds all of our hearts.



  Bringing the steaming mug to my lips, I take a tentative sip as I try to settle my mind. So much h
as happened in such a small amount of time. I found out that Zevanna probably sacrificed herself to create me, I’ve slept with Killian, Branor has been alive all this time, I’ve killed Vemnos, Galen is human and presumably in a relationship with Killian now. What the fuck? Just so much. The beginnings of a severe headache starts brewing as I place the mug back down on the counter.

  Branor is alive. That alone is enough to completely melt my brain, not even thinking about anything else. Sighing, I rub my temples. When I hear a noise behind me I turn to see Galen strolling in wearing the tightest clothes I’ve ever seen.

  “Morning Sparky. My, you look ravishing this morning.” The huge grin he beams my way is stunning, but not as stunned as I am when he continues over to where I am standing. Without a moment’s hesitation he scoops me into his arms and dips me backward just as his lips crash to mine. I gasp with the movement and Galen doesn’t waste the opportunity when he plunges his tongue into my mouth. This is the second time Galen has kissed me and I can’t begin to describe the overwhelming warm feeling it fills me with. It feels like thousands of little sparks are going off inside of me. My fingers tingle when I place them against his bearded chin.

  When he finally releases me and helps me to stand upright, I’m honestly too stunned to mutter one word. I just stare at him with wide eyes, to which his grin only grows wider.

  “Calm down Sparky your face is almost as red as your hair.”

  Managing to grab my wits for a second, I smile back at him. “I wouldn’t need to calm down if you hadn’t kissed me.”

  “Come on now, you know you liked it.” He winks at me with a huge smirk and then reaches behind me to grab himself some coffee. As he does he presses his firm body against mine slightly, which I can’t help leaning into. I turn my head a little so my eyes can trace his profile. His full beard and lips, along his nose, continuing to his striking blue eyes which are now focused on me. With a warm smile he places a small kiss to my temple before moving away. To my amazement, he begins whistling as he sits down at the table. What on earth just happened?


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