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Whispers of Tomorrow (The Alina Chronicles Book 2)

Page 20

by Regina J. Robinson

  The sound of crunching gravel halts my movements and I slowly turn to see what caused it.

  Standing on the other side of the path is a tall man with pale, paper thin, ivory skin and long white hair. He looks vaguely familiar, although I’m not sure from where. I walk down the steps and take a few tentative movements closer to where the man is standing. “Can I help you?”

  He cocks his head to the side regarding me, not saying a word. As I move closer, I notice yellow eyes staring back at me, unmoving yet what seems to be all seeing.

  “Are you alright?” The strange man’s face is thin with protruding cheekbones, similar to that of a skull. When he narrows his eyes at me, I’m struck by an overwhelming sense of dread. I take a few steps backward which he anticipates and moves forward. “Who are you?”

  “What? Does my appearance not seem familiar to you? I thought the unicorn would have divulged relevant information about the gods. Or is he uneducated? Funny to think, the pet of the Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom would be such an uneducated beast. But, then again nothing really surprises me about her to be honest.” The man tilts his head to the side as if assessing and deeming me not worthy.

  Names, facts and faces flash through my head trying to place where I may have seen this man, yet nothing seems to register.

  Rolling his eyes, the man begins circling me, causing me to move further away from the house. “Now I’m beginning to wonder if you may be the same way.” Halting his movements, he stands in front of me. My eyes focus on his as he glares back. “Tell me dearie, how did a pathetic creature like you manage to defeat a God? I fail to comprehend how something like you could kill someone like him.”

  “Excuse me? How do you know so much? Who are you?” I try to take a step back but his hand shoots out and wraps tightly around my wrist. I quickly glance down at his hand then back to meet his gaze, which is once again narrowed on me.

  “You should know who I am. All should know who I am. Well, if you cannot recall my face, perhaps your farm boy does. I believe he may have seen my face once or twice in his nightmares.” The smug look that crosses his features has me trying to shake out of his grip.

  There’s only one other person Killian dreamt of. “Ebris.”

  “Ah, so you have heard of me. Good. Then this should be much easier for you to understand.” He releases my wrist and turns his back to me, raising his long thin finger to his chin. “You have been a thorn in my side for centuries.”

  “But I—” I try to say I have never done anything to him when he swiftly turns pointing a finger at me.

  “You took something of mine. And seeing as I can never get it back, I will make sure I take everything from you. I will make sure I torture and kill every single person you care about to make you pay for what you have done. Unless you do as I say.” His eyes appear to glow brighter the angrier he becomes.

  Enough is enough.

  “No.” I stand still focusing on him, allowing the familiar tingles to begin growing within my fingers.

  “What did you say?” His voice comes out in a snarl which not long ago would have frightened me, yet now I know what I can do and I know I’m not the one who should be afraid.

  “You heard me. No. I defeated Vemnos. He fucking deserved it. I spent centuries being hunted, tortured, flayed, every imaginable cruelty you could possibly think of. I have watched loved ones destroyed because of his actions. I have cried and broken down more times than I can say and all because of his sick games. So, no. You will not touch one single person here. And if you try, I will stop you, as I stopped Vemnos.” Flames engulf my hands as my own anger begins boiling within, fueling my powers. “I will not let another god dictate how I live my life or take anything away from me. I suggest you leave or I will destroy you.”

  I watch in astonishment as he throws his head back and lets out a croaky laugh. My hands begin trembling at my side, not from fear but from the rage seething through me.

  Once he settles he looks at me, wiping one eye with his finger which glistens with a single tear. “Hmm, you are definitely a strange creature. I have to say I don’t think I have laughed like that in eons. Look, I am reasonable. I may love all that is death and destruction, but I also abide by balance and reason. Therefore, I will make this deal with you. Come quietly with me, no questions or hesitation and I will not hurt any of those men or this farm. I will leave everything as it is, as long as you leave with me now.”

  This time my own laugh startles me. I’m not sure if it’s from confusion, anger or fear, all I know is it’s short and sharp. Staring at the horrible man before me, I notice he’s not even looking at my hands which are consumed by fire.

  “Why would I believe anything you say? Say I did agree to go with you, there is no guarantee they would be safe. You would probably just destroy them as soon as my back was turned.”

  “You’re right. You have absolutely no reason to trust me. To be honest, no one should. I mean after all death and destruction are in my name.” He shrugs, folding his arms in front of him. “I would be more than happy to decimate every living thing here, but my word is my bond. If I say I will not harm them, then that is the truth. I have no reason to lie. But know this. If you refuse to come with me, I will walk straight into that building and drag every single one of those men out here and slit their throats in front of you. I will make you watch as they bleed out. You have already witnessed something similar. Do you wish for that to happen again?”

  “You’re right, I don’t trust you. But, then again you shouldn’t trust me.” Quickly raising my hands I reach for Ebris and grab a hold of his arms with my flaming hands. I wait for the sizzle and acrid smell to signify him burning alive as my eyes focus on my fire.

  “Have you quite finished?” My gaze shoots to an unamused Ebris staring down at my fiery hands.

  Glancing down, I notice that although my flames are dancing across my skin, they don’t appear to be burning him. My eyes flicker to his again where he shows a sinister grin, not even flinching from the fire against him.

  “How…How are you…you…?” I stutter stumbling away from him as he brushes a speck of dust away from his arm, chuckling.

  “Not so strong and powerful now, are we? Silly child. Have you been taught nothing over the years?” He steps forward until he is so close I can smell his rancid breath. “You can’t kill what’s already dead.” He moves away again, narrowing his eyes once more as my flames die down.

  Casting my eyes down to the ground I realize there’s no way I can escape this time. Feeling resignation settle within me, I meet his gaze once more. Letting out a shaky exhale, I feel my heart pound against my chest. “Okay. It seems I have no other choice. Swear to me no one will hurt them if I do as you say. Promise me that and I will do whatever you want.” My lips tremble as the words leave my mouth. The thought of having to put my trust in the God of Death and Destruction seems the most absurd thing I have ever done. But really, what choice do I have?

  “You have my word. I will not harm them or this farm, as long as you come with me.” His look is stern in warning and an uncontrollable shiver runs down my spine.

  I take one last look behind me at the farm and the possible future I may have had. Knowing for a fact, I will probably never see any of the ones I have come to care for again.

  Another deep breath and I turn back to Ebris who offers his hand out ready for me to take. Steeling myself once more, I reach out to take it.



  “Something’s wrong.”

  An unpleasant tingling begins at the base of my spine and shoots upward. The hair on the back of my neck stands causing a ripple of shivers to rush through me. My eyes shoot to the doorway Alina had walked through, a feeling of cold dread curling within my gut.

  “What do you mean something’s wrong? What is it? Is it Alina?” Killian rambles moving to stand. Branor copying his movements.

  “I’m not sure. I just know there is something wrong. I can’t sense Alina
’s mind. I tried calling out to her when I first sensed it, but I have received nothing back.” Standing up, I quickly rush past Branor heading for the back porch. Branor and Killian call after me, confusion filling their voices as I sprint ahead of them.

  I don’t know what I feel, all I know is I need to get to Alina and fast. “Alina. Alina. Please Sparky, answer me.” Still no reply.

  Fear consumes me as I reach the back door and look through the glass to see Alina standing with a man.


  No. Not him.

  I watch in horror as she takes his hand. Slamming the door open, I run forward and down the steps just as Alina turns around and her eyes meet mine. Regret, confusion, pain, devastation. So many emotions swirl within her stunning golden eyes.

  “Alina. You can’t go with him. Come back. Please,” I beg her as a single tear falls from her eye. Even from here I can see her lips trembling.

  Instead of static, her voice enters my mind. “Please Galen stay back. I have to do this. If I don’t, he will hurt all of you. I can’t let that happen. Not again. Look after Branor and Killian for me please.”

  “There has to be another way. Can’t you flame him like you did Vemnos?” My tone is pleading as I beg for her to get away from Ebris. I can feel the prickle of tears threatening to break free. I have only just found her. I can’t lose her now.

  “I tried. It didn’t work, he’s immune. I can’t kill him. Please don’t make this any harder for me. Just go back to the others, keep them safe. All of you need to stay safe. I can’t lose you.”

  “We can’t lose you either. Just step away. We’ll think of something else together.” I watch with a heavy heart as she shakes her head back and forth. No doubt knowing that if she goes with him, we will probably never see each other again.

  I’m going to lose her. A crushing weight presses down in my chest as my own tears gather in my eyes.

  The lump in my throat causes me to gag, all I want to do is throw up at the thought of never seeing her again. I need to tell her. Before it’s too late.

  “I love you, Sparky.”

  “Miggles, I—” She doesn’t get to finish her sentence. A cloud of gray and yellow smoke surrounds them and the last thing I see are Alina’s golden eyes before she disappears.

  She’s gone.

  I crumble to the ground as an earth-shattering roar rips from my throat. The tears fall freely and I have no care to stop them. I sense the others behind me but I can’t seem to find the will to get up and go to them.

  Once again, I feel hopeless.


  I’m just in time to see Alina disappear in a cloud of smoke. I see the tears falling from her fiery eyes as the smog crowds around her.

  Yet again I am torn away from the woman I love. Yet again a god has interfered with our lives. When will it end? Have we not suffered enough?

  Witnessing the smiling rogue who had whisked Alina off her feet and passionately kissed her in the kitchen crumble to the ground has me realizing I am not the only one who has lost her.

  Killian is standing beside me with his mouth agape, his own tears threatening to fall and his eyes darting from Galen to where Alina disappeared, and back again. Regaining some of his composure, he rushes down the steps to Galen and falls down to the ground beside him.

  He places his hand upon Galen’s back and pulls his trembling form against him. At least they have each other.

  I have no one.

  No, not this time.

  Striding down the steps, I walk over and stand in front of the two of them. “Get up.” Both of their gazes meet mine, confusion crossing their features. “You heard me get up. You are both acting like fools. We can’t get her back if you are both here crying on the ground, now can we?”

  A flicker of hope fills Killian’s face. “You think we can rescue her?”

  “I’m not sure. But I swear I will stop at nothing until we do. I’ve only just got her back, there’s no way I am going to lie down and let another god take her away from me.” A sliver of uncertainty enters my mind. I could never save her before. How am I meant to now?

  Galen’s red rimmed eyes meet mine and I see a mixture of hatred and anguish dance within those blues. He wipes his sleeve across his face, ridding himself of the evidence of his breakdown. “Branor’s right. No good can come from crying. I swear as well; I will help in any way I can to get her back to us. Or I will fucking die trying.”

  Galen moves to stand bringing Killian up with him.

  “I don’t know how I can help, but I’ll try.” Killian’s voice seems more controlled than Galen’s, yet I can see determination set in the two men before me.

  We all turn to where Alina was taken, where remnants of gray and yellow smoke linger, when the ground starts rumbling and shaking beneath our feet.

  A sound louder than thunder echoes around us as a huge chasm appears out of nowhere, earth, gravel, and rubble are being pushed in all directions as a flash of blue and white light flares from within the dark depths.

  “Great. Now what?”

  To Be Continued…

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  Also by Regina J. Robinson

  Echoes of the Past - Book One in The Alina Chronicles

  Book Three Coming Soon…

  About the Author

  Regina J. Robinson is an Indie romance author from England, UK. She lives there with her husband and mischievous son. They share their home with three grumpy tabby cats and a tubby Jack Russell terrier. For Regina, tea, coffee, books, and chocolate are the only things that make sense in this world. When she is not terrorising her husband or kiddo, she will read, write, and sketch; anything creative.

  Regina’s stories feature strong men and even stronger women, searching for their happily ever afters.

  Want to know more?

  Also find me lurking around my readers group on Facebook: Regina’s Risque Readers


  Wow! I’ve finished my second book!

  Thank you so much for picking up your copy of Whispers of Tomorrow, it means a great deal to me.

  Of course I’ve dedicated this book to my hubs and son. Without them I am completely lost. (seriously, my sense of direction is rubbish)

  Next I have to thank my best friend Bee. Thank you for always listening and providing me with smiles, advice, support, and kindness. You are a wonderful person and words cannot express how amazing you are.

  To the Harem of Bitches ladies. Thank you for all your support, advice, and laughter.

  To my amazing betas Charlotte, El, Katy J, Katy K, Kelly, Lesley, Lori, Mikayla, Rennae, and Tasha, thank you for helping me with my author’s journey, for finding errors, to providing a confidence boost when I am feeling low. I hope you all stay with me throughout many more of my author adventures.

  Lastly, thank you to my readers for picking up my second book .




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