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Baron: A Reverse Harem Romance (The Sacred Oath Series Book 3)

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by Plum Pascal

  I feel his knee forcing my legs further apart. Everything is suddenly beyond bearing. The cell is too small, the smell is too musty and dank, the feel of Baron’s heavy erection nudging between my folds… too enticing.

  “Please,” I beg helplessly. “Please, Revenant. I... I need you.”

  “You’ve wanted this for a while, haven’t you?” His breath is hot against my ear as he slides the head of his cock against my clit and my eyes clench of their own accord. “You’ve been thinking about me fucking you all this time, ramming my dick into you until you can’t walk.”

  “Yes,” I admit. There’s no point in denying it.

  “I know you have. I could smell your need since we first set out on this… fucking suicide mission.” He pauses for a moment or two. “Beg me, Eilish. Tell me how much you want it.”

  “Revenant... Please.” I don’t want to beg. I’m done with begging. I’m done with playing this game. My need is stronger than ever before and all I can think about is Baron’s… cock driving inside me.

  “Please what, Angel?” he teases with a chuckle. “Beg with that pretty, little mouth of yours.” He pushes his hips forward and his tip enters me, robbing my lungs of air.

  “Please… fuck me,” I whisper as I feel myself grow even wetter.


  “I… I need your cock inside my pussy.”

  “Who am I?” he demands and throws me for a second.

  “Revenant,” I start.

  “No,” he interrupts, his tone of voice short, irritated. “Who am I?”

  “Bar,” I start but suddenly realize what he’s asking me for. And it’s not the name of the man he once was. He’s not the same man he once was. He’s not Baron and hasn’t been since he woke up from the grave. “My King,” I say.

  Something dark and primal reverberates through the cell as he pushes inside me. I yelp while he forces the entire length of himself into me with one thrust. There’s no warm-up, no gentleness, no inching his way inside. He’s raw power and he asserts his dominance over me with his cock.

  Once he’s thrust himself all the way into me, he pulls out quickly. Then he rams himself back in again, relentless in his force. Each drag of his cock against my inner walls causes me to clench tighter around him.

  It’s a brutal, violent capturing of my body and I feel myself hurtling towards a beautiful climax. His fingers stroke between my folds. The wet, squelching sounds of our passion fills my ears.



  I come around, but I have no clue where I am.

  I’m bathed in darkness and I can’t see. But I can hear. And the sounds I hear make little sense to me. They’re the sounds of a woman moaning.

  I sit upright and rub my eyes as I blink a few times in quick succession. Gradually, my eyes grow accustomed to the darkness until I’m able to deduce a faint yellow light from the far end of the… dungeon? I reach out and touch the rough stone walls. Yes, dungeon. Variant’s dungeon, no doubt.

  The light is perhaps twenty feet away and it’s bright enough to reveal our surroundings. Prison bars line the front of my cell and as far as I can tell, there’s no one in the cell with me.

  But what is that moaning?

  At first, I believe the woman to be in distress and then I remember the only woman among our group is the Succubus. Eilish. Is she hurt?

  “You’ve wanted this for a while, haven’t you?”

  It’s Baron’s voice.

  I fine-tune my ears and with my excellent Elvin hearing, I can make out Eilish’s whimper.

  “You’ve been thinking about me fucking you, forcing myself into you until you can’t walk,” Baron continues as I swallow hard and surprise quivers through me. The bastard is about to fuck her. Here? In the fucking dungeon? After we’ve been taken prisoner by fucking Variant?

  He’s got balls, I’ll give him that much.

  “Yes,” she breathes.

  “I know you have. I could smell your need since we first set out on this fucking suicide mission. Beg me, Eilish. Tell me how much you want it.”

  He’s a fucking fool, such that Dragan is a fucking fool. The Succubus wants to fuck all of us, so she can drain the life from us. Luckily for Baron, he doesn’t have any life to drain. I want to yell at him to stay the fuck away from her because she’s the reason we’re in Variant’s prison to begin with. But, I find myself silent.

  And I find myself raptly listening.

  I can’t suppress the sudden urge to… watch them. I pull myself to the front of my cell, as both sides of my prison are constructed of stone and therefore, impossible to see through. From the entrance to my prison, through the slats between the iron bars, I’m able to catch sight of them.

  Baron straddles Eilish, her ass between his thighs. He leans over her, holding her head to the ground, while he braces her stomach to keep her ass up high in the air. He’s behind her and as I watch, he bores himself into her and she writhes underneath him, smashing her eyes shut as she bites her lower lip. The expression of pure ecstasy coats her face.

  I feel my cock growing hard and it’s all I can do to suppress the shame that overwhelms me. Even so, I can’t stop watching them. I won’t stop watching them.

  Baron pulls out of her and then plunges into her ruthlessly as she cries underneath him. I’m surprised the sound doesn’t wake Dragan or that fool sprite. It’s a stroke of luck for Dragan that it doesn’t, because I know the foolish barbarian would lose his mind if he knew Baron was fucking her. Lucky for him he doesn’t know.

  Unlucky for me that I do.

  My cock won’t go down. It’s hard as a rock and even as I hate myself for doing it, I reach down and rub the throbbing head through my trousers. I can hear how wet she is. With every thrust of Baron’s cock, her pussy makes a swishing sound.

  Fuck. I want her so much. More than I’ve ever wanted her before and there were times when I thought my need couldn’t become more pronounced.

  Well, it’s much more pronounced now.

  I wish I were in the cell with them. If I were, I would take turns with Baron.

  At the thought of Eilish sucking my cock while Baron drives himself hard within her, I unbutton my trousers and release my dick. I begin to stroke it and feel the beads of wetness leaking from my head.



  The Castle in the Sky

  This moment… that’s all I am aware of.

  There is no past nor future as a warm glow begins to unfurl in me. I push back against Baron’s thrusts, my hips moving in a rhythm I have no control over. He bites down on my shoulder and sucks in my blood as I explode. A million galaxies roil within my soul and I feel his strength fill me up.

  I push Baron off with a surge of power I didn’t know I had. He falls back, looking at me in surprise. I sense the same surprise, but I can’t tarry on it long because the Succubus is still in control and she’s demanding.

  She isn’t finished with him yet.

  Baron chuckles as I push him down against the stone floor. I climb him once more, lowering myself onto his length. He reaches up and wraps his hand around my throat as a reminder that he’s permitting me to assert my control over him. But I can tell he appreciates this forceful side of me, at the same time, even if he feels the need to confront it. I grind against his stomach, rubbing my clit into him as I chase that blissful wave of pleasure that causes tingles to spread through the marrow in my bones. He holds me upright by my hips and then repeatedly thrusts into me, meeting the roll of my hips perfectly.

  “Do it,” he says. “Take what you want.”

  I lift a brief second and brace my hands beside his head and throw myself into a swift release. Baron shouts. His face sags with an expression of pure agony and it’s blissful. He claims my lips with a snarl and it’s as if a dam breaks as he releases himself within me, flooding my insides with his seed.



  The enticing ambiance of darkness sweeps through me wit
h a blind fury. Eilish clings to my shoulders in the aftermath of our destructive coupling. I imagine the others are still unconscious in the cell beside ours. But, even if they aren’t, I don’t care.

  The bars between us and then are still bathed in darkness and I can’t see anything or anyone. Which is just as well—the only person I’m interested in at the moment is Eilish. She kisses the spot where my neck and jaw meet, causing my cock to twitch inside her. She gives a little shudder and smiles. I see the same darkness in her that journeys through my veins.

  “Up,” I demand. She raises off my lap slowly, but doesn’t move away.

  She surprises me by dipping low and pulling my softening erection out of her body. She smiles as I watch her with an unbridled yearning. The way she licks her lips and tucks me into my trousers is too much. I look away, lest we find ourselves in a similar situation. But, now is not the time for more fucking. Now, is the moment to figure out how to get out of this fucking prison.

  I feel strong.

  Much stronger than I did before I drank her. This is what her blood does to me—it fortifies me, fills me up with a strength I’ve never known before.

  She adjusts her clothing and sits beside me. The healthy flush on her cheeks is beguiling.

  “What will Dragan think?” My words are meant to be shrugged off, but I see how she stiffens. She cares about the gargoyle and she cares about what he thinks of her, much though I wish she wouldn’t and didn’t.

  The gargoyle views her as something to be caged. I’m quite sure he’d neuter her of her Succubae powers if the opportunity ever presented itself. I wish to nurture that darkness inside of her and watch it flourish.

  She turns her gaze back to mine and I grasp a strand of her hair when it arrests my attention. The strand is pure black in the midst of her long, white tresses. She plucks the strand from my fingers and scrunches her brow in confusion.

  “What happened?” she asks in a quiet tone.

  “You fed.”

  “Why would feeding turn my hair black?”

  I shrug. “I assume the Succubus will grow more dominant each time you succumb to the hunger.” I lean my head against the wall and close my eyes.

  “What will happen if I don’t feed?”

  “You’d die.”

  I peek over at Eilish as she worryingly looks at the strand of hair between her fingers.

  “Are you sure?”

  I nod. “It would be a horrible way to go and I wouldn’t recommend testing it.”

  “Why horrible?”

  “Because it would be slow.”

  “How slow?”

  “First, you’d become so exhausted, you wouldn’t be able to move. And then the pain. After that, a sweltering fever would plunge you in and out of consciousness. Your pheromones would become so strong that any male in the area would be affected by the scent. It would force them to serve you whether they wanted to or not.”

  “And if a man wasn’t around?”

  “Then the fever would spread to your brain and you’d die.”

  “What if I... relieved myself?” she asks with a tinge of embarrassment lacing her words. Part of me is disappointed that she continues to make war with this side of herself. But I realize I must exercise patience. After all, she’s only just realized what she is.

  “Feeding must come from a male life force.”

  “How do you know this?”

  I shrug again. “I’ve studied shadow magic as well as shadow creatures. As an assassin, it’s important I understand those I’m up against.”

  “But there are no more Succubae,” she argues, shaking her head. “Aside from me. So why study them?”

  I nod. “True, but better to be prepared than not, correct? And, I’ll admit, the Succubus has always intrigued me.”


  “A creature fully driven by her own sexual appetite and need?” I respond with another shrug. “What’s not to find interesting?”

  She nods but seems disturbed, at the same time. I flinch away when she reaches for my hand, but she hunts it down and tangles our fingers together. I hear shuffling from the cell beside ours and watch as Cambion lights another torch within his.

  When we make eye contact, Cambion stings me with a look of pure loathing. It brings a smile to my face as I stand up and walk over to the bars. Even though my trousers are back around my waist, I don’t bother buttoning them. Let the asshole know I’ve had just fucked Eilish—I don’t care.

  I wrap my hands around the iron bars and immediately feel the magic reinforcing them. I try to reach my arm through, pushing past the magic but, as I do, it feels as if my arm is being shredded into pieces, even as I know such isn’t actually happening. Regardless, I can’t take the pain and I pull my hand back. When I inspect it, I find blood beneath my nail beds.

  “How strong are these walls?” I ask Cambion.

  He ignores me and begins pacing his cell, whispering spells under his breath. I shake my head and look from the barred wall up at the ceiling. “Where the hell is the damn door?”

  “Ain’t no windows, neither,” I hear the sprite’s voice, but I can’t see him. He might be in Dragan’s cell that isn’t in view from mine.

  “Nothin’ but these bars,” the sprite continues, in that nasally and whiny tone of his. “How they ‘pose to get inside? Fuck, how’d we get inside?”

  Then I see him beside Cambion. The two pace the cell, Flumph leaving behind tiny footprints in the dust. I feel a smile on my mouth—of the four of us, I believe Cambion dislikes the sprite most. Fitting he should end up with the little bastard as a cellmate.

  Suddenly a door opens from the far end of the hallway, shedding light into the dungeon. I’m able to see more of the prison and I realize there’s one main hall with cells to the left and cells to the right. Eilish and I share a cell at the end of the hallway and Cambion’s cell is just beside us, to the left.

  Maybe owing to a rude awakening from the light, I hear a growl from one of the front cells and I watch as Dragan appears in front of the prison bars. He glances to his right and then his left, spotting Eilish and then me. When he first sees her, relief washes over his face, but once he realizes we’re imprisoned together, his expression transforms into one of anger. No doubt he can see her rumpled clothing and with his expert sense of smell, he can probably scent the sex still hovering in the air.

  “You son of a..,” he starts as he glares at me.

  But he’s interrupted when three or more soldiers walk through the door. They ignore Cambion and Dragan, with their eyes focused solely on Eilish.

  “You,” the first soldier says while pointing at her. “You’re coming with us.”

  I move to stand in front of her as they march down the short hall.

  “Why?” she asks, her voice betraying her fear.

  “Variant requests your company,” one of them answers.

  “What’s he gonna do with her?” Flumph yells.

  “What do you think?” one of the guards responds, his lip lifting with a sneer.

  “No,” Dragan shouts as he wraps his hands around the bars and gets a sizable shock for his trouble.

  The soldier closest to the cell waves what appears to be an iron key across the face of the prison bars. In response, the bars begin to glow and he places the key into a lock I can’t see, cranking it to the left. The bars in front of us suddenly dissolve into thin air with a hissing sound that ricochets around the entire cell, making it sound as though the walls are suddenly closing in on us.

  The sound distracts me, and the soldiers use the momentary diversion to their advantage. The guard closest to us unleashes something that appears to be a glowing orb from between his hands and the power hits me square in my chest. The magic is so powerful, the orb throws me backwards until I hit my head against the stone wall behind me and I’m then knocked on my ass. Instantly the soldiers surround Eilish, one grabbing her from either side as she attempts to fight them off. But she’s easily overpowered, and I’
ve been struck dumb by the strength of the orb.

  “Remember what you are, Eilish!” Dragan yells as the soldiers pull her from the cell. She kicks and squirms, but there’s no way she can free herself. She must soon realize this for she stops fighting and goes limp as they carry her between them. I wonder what Variant has in mind. I have a fairly good idea—to kill her of course. No doubt, he’ll sample her body first.

  And there’s not a fucking thing anyone of us can do about it.

  The last soldier to exit my cell secures the prison bars behind him with simply a nod. The iron bars reappear as I struggle to regain my wits. Whatever power hit me is strong and I feel as helpless as an infant.

  “You’re powerful! Don’t forget that!” Dragan yells at Eilish’s retreating figure. Moments later, she disappears through the door and it closes behind her, leaving us to our solitude of darkness.

  I regain my composure and force myself to my knees. Then, using the stone wall for support, I pull myself up until I’m standing.

  Eilish will soon be dead, I think to myself. And we’ll be next.

  “Fuck!” I yell as I bash my fists into the stone, tearing open my knuckles and streaking the wall with blood.

  She can’t die like this! I scream at myself. I was supposed to protect her! Fuck!

  Flumph flies upward and then attempts to wedge himself between the bars, but the reinforcement wards zap him, and he falls to the ground. After that, he doesn’t move. I wonder if the shock has killed him. Cambion reaches over and nudges him and, as I watch, Flumph’s eyes flutter open, even as he shudders in pain.



  None of us speaks a word at first. There’s really nothing to say.

  I feel a cold void deep within me at the thought of what Variant is going to do to Eilish. He’ll kill her. I have no doubt. And the truth of that hard reality eats me, sucks away my breath and leaves me feeling like I want to die, myself.

  “What will he do to her?” Cambion asks, his voice low and haunted.


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