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Baron: A Reverse Harem Romance (The Sacred Oath Series Book 3)

Page 17

by Plum Pascal

“Not according to the truth,” I continue.

  I notice Eilish as she comes up behind me, intently listening. I can still smell her need on the air and it’s becoming more and more difficult to ignore. But, ignore it I must. I don’t know how Cambion does it—but somehow he seems to have built up a resistance to her. It’s as though he can’t even smell the scent of her desire in the air. I’ll say one thing for him—he’s fucking lucky. I haven’t enjoyed walking around with a fucking hard cock for the last few days.

  Cambion nods. “Apparently, Variant has been trying to convince people that he killed Baron in self-defense and that you,” he stops to look at me, “And I, walked away from our oaths and that’s what hurled the realms into chaos.” He shakes his head against the injustice of the whole thing. “The book says that we lead a revolt and attempted to slander Variant’s name.” He looks down at the bound lies and continues shaking his head as he leafs through the pages. “Everything I’ve read in this piece of shit tries to justify Variant’s tyranny.”

  “There will be those who know better,” I argue. “Those who remember what really happened.”

  “Yes, but what voice do they have, if they’re even still alive?” Cambion asks as he looks up from the book and frowns. “Of course there are people who have seen Variant’s wrath and maliciousness for themselves, but…”

  “A lot of people could have read this book,” I finish for him. “Could have been forced to read this book,” I correct myself. Cambion nods as I continue. “There will always be those who believe Variant’s lies and support him.”

  “He’s completely rewritten history, Dragan,” Cambion says in awe. “Not even I would have imagined he’d do that.”

  “I’m not that surprised,” I respond with a shrug.

  “It’s no surprise that Raflamir told the soldiers where to find us,” Cambion continues, mostly to himself at this point. “If they’ve all been fed this bullshit and they believe it…” He looks up at me and shakes his head. “He’s completely turned the tables on us, Dragan. He painted us to be the criminals here, not him.”

  “The only option we have is finishing this quest and trying to repair the damage Variant has done,” I offer.

  Eilish nods. “Even if this book didn’t exist, there would still be people who prefer the realms the way they are now. Anona and her ilk aren’t the only ones who profited from the collapse.”

  “At least she’s dead,” Cambion says.

  I glance up at him, surprised. “Anona’s dead?”

  Cambion looks up from the book at me and then immediately at Eilish, as though he’s said something he shouldn’t have. He clears his throat as he looks at me again. “Yes, Anona’s dead.”

  “And how do you know that?” I demand.

  Eilish answers for him. “I told him.”

  I face her. “And how did you know that Anona was dead?”

  She refuses to look at me and I can see the rise and fall of her chest increasing. She’s nervous but I’m not sure why. “I saw a vision of it,” she answers.

  There’s something about the way she answers or maybe it’s the interaction between the two of them, but I’m left doubting what she tells me. Of course, I wonder why either one of them would lie about Anona’s death. “Well, this is a very good thing then,” I say.

  Cambion nods. “Yes, very good.”

  Flumph floats over our heads, having a hell of a time remaining airborne when the book he carries appears larger than he is. “The lexicon say that humans were extinct durin’ the Singularity. Maybe that Singularity be happenin’ all overs again? With the way Variant be rulin’, who’s to say elves ain’t next on the choppin’ block or gargoyles?” Then he looks at Eilish. “He already got all the angels.” Then he pauses for a moment before correcting himself. “Almost alls the angels.”

  “You are the last winged angel and the last of the Succubae,” Revenant says to Eilish as he appears directly behind her. I feel my hands begin to fist at my sides, though I can’t say why. “That alone means two species will fade from the realms if anything happens to you,” he continues.

  “Nothing’s going to happen to her,” I grind out.

  Revenant looks at me and I return his stare. The two of us are going to have it out. I don’t know when or where but it’s going to happen. And I can’t wait for that moment.

  “Nothing’s going to happen to her,” he repeats.

  Cambion begins ripping the pages out of Variant’s history book one at a time with a taunting smile on his face. “There have been kings like Variant in the past. And they all fell to their knees eventually.”

  “And when he’s down, I’ll take his head,” Revenant adds.

  “Variant will get what’s coming to him one way or another,” I start. “But the only way that’s going to happen is if we build our own army. That needs to be our first goal, our first focus.”

  “Is I the only one worryin’ ‘bout the fuckin’ Unseelie King?!” Flumph announces, throwing his hands on his hips. “We gotta big problem with him too, in case you fergots! Aima an’ Kolvar still be prisoners in the Unseelie Kingdom!”

  “Trust me,” Cambion says as he glances up from destroying the book. “I haven’t forgotten about my brother. But one step at a time.”

  “Do you think that’s the tome Pyre wanted us to find?” Eilish asks as she motions to the history book in Cambion’s hands.

  I nod. “Most probably.”

  “I would agree,” Cambion adds. “Pyre wanted us to see what we’re up against—how far and wide Variant’s lies have spread and to what length he’ll go to see that they do.”

  “And it was a good lesson,” I finish.



  The Castle in the Sky

  I don’t move from the dark room at the back of the library. Instead, I find a rickety old chair and I make it my own. The wood creaks beneath my weight as I rest my weary bones. My eyes close of their own accord, meditation taking me instantly. I haven’t had the luxury of resting while the others slept in their beds while we were safely in the Veil.

  Whether owing to the guilt or paranoia, I have yet to truly relax since Raflamir’s betrayal. I wince, the memory still fresh in my mind as I drift off into the place where I am free.

  At first there’s nothing but darkness, but then a faint light begins to flicker in the distance. I walk toward that light until it brightens, engulfing me in its radiance. When the light dims, I stand in the center of a beautiful, flourishing garden with the scent of sweet flora hovering in the air.

  Here, in the trenches of my mind, I find Eilish. Not a lecherous she-demon, but a brilliant angel with her wings spread wide and her pale hair blowing in the wind. She is nude and her nudity entrances me. I want her.

  She smiles my way and I find myself helpless, falling to my knees.

  “Do not kneel before me,” she whispers.

  My forehead rests on the flat planes of her abdomen, and I soak up her warmth. I press soft kisses on her skin and bask in the whimpers that escape her. Elegant fingers trail through my hair, curling in the silken strands as I worship at the altar of her body. I stand then to tower over her as I stare into endless depths of her blue eyes. She lifts her hands and grips my shoulders. My hands drift down to her lush rear. I lift her up, eliciting a tantalizing moan from her as she wraps her legs around my waist.

  Only here can I allow myself to feel our bond. Only here can I lose myself in the desire I have for her. Only here is it safe to do so.

  “What do you want?” I ask. “Request anything of me and it’s yours.”

  “You... I want you, Cambion.”

  I almost believe her. She licks her lips and writhes in my hold, grinding against me until I feel the wetness of her arousal against the muscle of my bronzed stomach. I feast upon her with my eyes. Eilish moans unabashedly.

  “Yes,” she whispers and then shivers. I feel an electric shock echo through me.

  I press Eilish’s back against a tre
e, and the more I study the tree, the more I realize it’s an apple tree. And I suddenly understand the metaphor—Eilish is my forbidden fruit, a symbol of the destruction that will fall on me, should I give in to her witchery.

  But, I know I will give in. There’s only so long I can go denying this need, this hunger.

  My mouth latches onto the pink bud of her nipple, causing her to arch back with abandon. Her hand slips between us, wrapping around my length. I groan deeply and thrust into her grip. She positions the crown of my erection at her opening and pushes her hips down, sinking onto the velvet steel of my masculinity.

  The sharp pleasure of penetrating her heat rolls through me and I wonder... is this what Dragan and Baron feel when they take her? Or is this intensity of feeling something that only she and I together know? Regardless, this sweet, torturous agony is something I wish to never escape.

  And yet I know our time in the garden is fleeting.

  Eilish rolls her hips as I match her rhythm, pulling the climax from her body, forcing her to submit to the pleasure that only I can give her. Her channel quivers as though it thanks me. I don’t stop when her muscles go slack from exertion. No, I lower her to the plush grass and drive my hips with so much force, that her teeth click with each thrust. Nails scrape down my back, causing heat to flare in the most exquisite way. I lick my hand and slide it along her folds, pressing against her clit as I push deeper and deeper into her body. Tears bead at the corners of her eyes, but still I don’t stop.



  I stare through the cracks in the floorboards, wondering if it’s simply dirt that exists beneath them? My mind returns to thoughts of the Midnight Queen and I can’t help the excitement that travels through me. I have a feeling that once we emancipate Morrigan, she’ll be able to give me all the answers I’ve been searching for. Answers to topics like my missing memories—where I came from, what my purpose is, how I still have my wings even though I also bear the marks of their removal?

  Dragan walks over to me and leans against the wall, watching me. “I want to know what happened with Variant when we were prisoners in his castle.”

  I immediately feel my stomach drop. “What happened isn’t your concern,” I say much harsher than I intend, but this isn’t a subject I want to revisit. I have a feeling if Dragan knew the specifics regarding exactly what I’d been doing (forced or not) while Variant fucked and then killed Anona, he’d be less understanding than Cambion was.

  “But it’s Cambion’s concern?”

  Damn Cambion! He must have told Dragan! Even though he swore up and down that it wasn’t his secret to tell!

  “Cambion told you what I told him…”

  “Cambion didn’t tell me anything,” he nearly interrupts.

  “Then why did you mention his name?”

  He shrugs. “Because it was clear you both were talking about something on our trek through the forest and the snippets I did pick up included Variant’s name.” He clears his throat. “That, and you told him Anona was dead. I suppose you told Revenant too?”

  “No,” I say, shaking my head.

  “What happened, Eilish?”

  “Nothing that I want to discuss with you.”

  “Yet, you chose to discuss it with Cambion—someone who, of the three of us, is the least friendly to you?”

  “He forced the issue.”

  “Then should I force the issue?” he asks and glares at me as he takes a step forward but I stay him with my outstretched hand.


  Dragan doesn’t say anything right away but just stands there, his breathing heavy and his glare even heavier. “Eilish, did Variant hurt you? Did he… force himself inside you?”

  His soft tone surprises me and when I answer, there’s no anger in mine. “No.”

  “Are you lying to me?”


  “But there is something,” he says as he studies me.

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  He takes another step closer to me and reaches out, taking my hand and then pushes my arm down. He doesn’t drop my hand. “You and Cambion were involved in a long conversation. In it, you admitted something to him.”

  “Whatever it was, it was between Cambion and me and you need to respect that.”

  He nods but then takes a deep breath and holds it inside for a few seconds before releasing it again. He looks down at my hand which he still holds in his own. His skin is warm and I love the feel of him. “Look, I know I haven’t been fair to you. I know I’ve been hot and cold and I know I haven’t explained myself. I’m… I don’t… I know…”

  “You don’t owe me an explanation,” I start.

  “Just listen, will you?” he barks and then shakes his head as he glances down at the ground. “I don’t know what’s about to happen. When we get into that castle, who knows if we’ll be successful in finding Morrigan and freeing her. Who knows if we’ll get killed…”

  “Weren’t you trying to make me focus on the positive a few days ago?” I ask with a small smile that’s meant to be encouraging.

  “The point is,” he starts as he lifts his gaze and spears me with it. “Eilish, I’m sorry.”

  I can’t help my surprise. “You’re sorry for what?”

  “I’m sorry for everything,” he answers quickly and then grows quiet as he apparently searches for something more to say. He drops his eyes to the ground before facing me again. “I’m sorry for the way I’ve treated you, I’m sorry for pushing you to Revenant, I’m sorry for failing to protect you and I’m sorry for whatever the fuck happened when you were with Variant.”

  I breathe in deeply as I listen to him and then I nod. “I accept your apology.” Then I clear my throat. “But, I’m not sure where it leaves us.”

  “Where it leaves us?”

  I shrug as I look at our entwined hands. “It’s not like you magically trust me now, is it? And it’s not like you can ignore the Succubus side of me and it’s not like you believe I’m not going to drain you of your life force every time you get near me, right?”

  “I… I don’t know,” he answers.

  I exhale very slowly to ease the tension building in my body. “Variant used a compulsion spell on me when I went to his chamber. He forced me to touch myself while he… while he… fucked Anona,” I admit and watch as Dragan’s eyes go wide. “It was disgusting and repulsive,” I continue.

  “I’m sorry,” he begins but I shake my head to silence him.

  “There’s more.”

  “Go on.”

  “While Variant was fucking Anona, he reached underneath a pillow and pulled out a knife which he used to slit her throat.”

  Dragan’s eyes go wide and he reaches out with his other hand, wrapping it around my upper arm. “And you watched the whole thing?”

  “Yes,” I answer with a brief nod. “I was forced to watch the whole thing.” I take a deep breath and look at him again. “There’s more.”

  “Okay,” he starts and begins rubbing my arm up and down. “Tell me when you’re ready.”

  “I was forced to watch him kill her and I was helpless to do anything about it,” I start as my courage falters and I wonder if I can tell him the rest of what happened. “And, all the while, I was forced to… pleasure myself.”

  “Pleasure yourself?” he repeats, shaking his head to show me he isn’t following.

  “I had to sit there and watch him fuck her and kill her and he forced me to finger… myself.”

  He nods as understanding dawns on him and I can see the anger in his eyes. He drops his hands and as I glance down at them, they turn into fists. “I’m sorry, Eilish. I’m sorry Variant subjected you to… that.”

  “I am too,” I answer and then breathe out my discomfort. “Anyway, that’s what I told Cambion during the conversation we both shared.” I clear my throat. “It’s how he knew Anona was dead.”

  “I’m surprised you told him,” he responds and appears confused by the fac

  “It wasn’t as though I just volunteered it,” I explain. “Cambion witnessed a vision of what happened and he demanded to know the truth, and you know how insistent Cambion can be.”


  I nod. “Evenutally, I told him.”

  “Does Revenant know?”

  “No,” I say and shake my head.

  “Are you going to tell him?”

  “Maybe eventually,” I answer as I take another deep breath because there’s something more on my chest. “And there’s something else.”


  “When I was with Variant,” I start as I breathe in deeply. “It was that same evening,” I continue and find my attention shifting to the floor. I can’t look Dragan in the eyes as I remember the specifics. “After he killed Anona, he walked over to me and I thought… I thought he was going to rape me.”

  “Did he?”

  “No,” I say and shake my head as I look up and into Dragan’s concerned gray eyes. “But, I thought he was going to and something happened when he touched me. It was like this huge blast of light and energy exploded out of me and it burst into him, sending him across the room.”

  “Jesus,” Dragan says.

  I nod. “And maybe it was due to that light burst or maybe he already knew,” I start as I exhale and then look up into his eyes. “But Variant knows I’m an intact angel. He knows I have my wings.”

  “He told you he knew?” Dragan asks.

  I nod. “He told me he knew.”

  “Fuck,” Dragan says as he runs his hands through his hair and appears distressed. “Does Cambion know?”





  “Doesn’t Pyre naturally know everything?” I ask with feigned humor.

  “I don’t know.”

  “I didn’t tell Pyre if that’s what you’re asking me.”

  “Then I’m the only one you’ve told?”


  He faces me and his eyebrows crease in frustration. “Why did you wait so long to tell me?”

  “I didn’t feel the time was right.”

  “And why am I the only one you’ve told?”


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