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The Undisputed Series

Page 15

by Teague, A. S.

  She doesn’t pull away, so I continue speaking.

  “I can tell you that no one else makes me laugh the way you do. No one else makes me feel stronger than you do. I miss you all the fucking time, Sid. Every minute of the day that I’m not with you, I’m dying to see you. My phone dings and I hope it’s you. When it’s not, I’m always so fucking bummed.” Lifting my shoulders in a shrug, I admit, “I’ve never felt this way about another person before, and I’m fumbling around like a kid trying to cop his first feel in the dark. I didn’t realize until tonight that I want you to be my girlfriend. I want to do all the cheesy couple things that people do—with you. And, Sidney, I’m really sorry I didn’t remember you from the club. I don’t know how I could have possibly forgotten you. But it’s not because you are forgettable. Because, ever since you fell down your fucking stairs, I haven’t been able to get you out of my head. And I don’t want to.” I blow out a breath when I finish and glance away from her penetrating gaze.

  “Breccan,” she says quietly, and I turn my face back to hers.

  I’m struck again by how incredibly beautiful she is. I stare at her, waiting for her to speak, but she doesn’t say anything. Instead, she touches her lips to mine. The kiss is gentle at first, but the moment my tongue darts out and touches hers, feral need takes over.

  Pressing on her shoulders, I try to guide her on to her back, but she climbs into my lap instead. Her need to be in control is sexy, but I’m not ready to hand the reins over quite yet.

  Breaking the kiss, I pant, “Where’s your room?” If I had it my way, I would take her right here on the couch, but we aren’t the only ones in the house, and I don’t want to risk getting caught by Abby or, even worse, Connor.

  Her eyes widen, and she whispers, “Top of the stairs, first door on the right.”

  I rise to my feet, taking her with me. She folds her legs around my waist as I continue kissing her neck while making my way to the stairs. I send up a silent prayer that Connor and Abby are heavy sleepers before heading up.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Breccan’s mouth works my neck as he carries me up the stairs to my bedroom, and my stomach does somersaults.

  When he arrived, I was surprised, but it was his speech that shocked me. After I’d left his apartment, I hadn’t thought I’d hear from him again. He’d made it clear that he wasn’t interested in anything serious with me, even though his words hadn’t matched his actions. When he didn’t come after me, I tried to convince myself that it was for the best. We really didn’t have anything in common anyway, aside from Connor. He was all bright lights and flashy cars, while I was more hospital florescence and economy sedan.

  That didn’t make the ache of leaving him go away though.

  I came home and relieved the babysitter Connor had insisted he was too old for before getting in the shower and crying for half an hour. I didn’t want Connor to hear me and ask questions I didn’t have the answers to. While I used up all of our hot water, I worried about what would happen to his relationship with Breccan now that we weren’t seeing each other anymore. A new wave of tears took over at the thought of the disappointment Connor would feel once Breccan stopped having anything to do with him.

  When my teeth started chattering from the freezing spray, I got out of the shower and dried my tears. Then I climbed into bed with a book. Of course, as luck would have it, I was at the crucial part where the hero confesses his love for the heroine, which started a new round of tears. I was trying to figure out how I had gotten myself into this situation when the doorbell sounded. Peeking out of my bedroom window, I was shocked to see Velma parked in front of our house. Not even bothering to worry about what I looked like, I rushed down the stairs.

  I didn’t expect Breccan to say any of the things he said. Though I have come to know him in a way few others probably do, he still isn’t the romantic type. So, when he finished expressing his feelings, I did the only thing that felt right. I kissed him. I didn’t need words to express my feelings.

  When we get to my bedroom, he closes the door quietly behind him with one hand while the other holds me tight to his body. I let my feet slip to the floor but tighten my arms around him. Walking backward toward my bed, I pull him along with me, never once breaking our kiss. When the backs of my knees hit the bed, I fall onto it and he follows me down. Our bodies crush together when we land.

  Using the hem of his shirt, I work it up over his torso and reluctantly pull my lips from his long enough to get it over his head. He suddenly sits up and slides down my body until his knees are on the ground, his torso between my legs.

  “Fuck, Sid,” he growls, pulling my shirt off with one swift motion.

  Even though I’ve seen him without a shirt on during his fights, his body is even better in person. His broad chest is sprinkled with blond hair, and the muscles of his abs ripple under my fingertips. Sitting in front of him, naked from the waist up, I should be uncomfortable. Instead, I feel sexy and powerful, knowing that my body is causing the lusty gaze in his eyes.

  My head drops back and a low moan escapes my lips when he ducks his head and takes my nipple between his lips. His tongue circles and his teeth nip. A fire in the pit of my stomach begins to heat, and I am desperate for more of him. So I run my hands through his hair before reaching down to unbutton his jeans.

  He catches my hands and chuckles against my breast. “Patience, baby. Ladies first.” Then he kneads my breasts and urges me to lie back on the bed.

  I follow his lead as delicious anticipation courses through me.

  Once I’m flat, his kisses shift directions—down my stomach. I squirm beneath his touch as his hands make their way to my pajama bottoms. Embarrassment over the Christmas pants threatens, but that’s forgotten the moment he slips a finger along the waistband. Chills break out over my body.

  “Breccan, touch me,” I whisper.

  I’m instantly rewarded with a low rumble before he drags my pants completely off. He begins to rub me through the thin cotton my panties, applying just the right amount of pressure to set me ablaze.

  “Yes,” I hiss, arching my back off the bed.

  He kisses continue down my stomach until he finally nuzzles the insides of my thighs. His rough stubble causes me to shiver. Suddenly, I’m brazen and desperate for more,

  “Take them off,” I instruct while hooking my thumbs at the top of my panties. “I need to feel your mouth on me.”

  Breccan doesn’t comply and continues to run his nose along my core. When my lids flutter open, he’s smirking up at me.

  Widening my eyes, I plead with him to quit torturing me.

  “Oh, don’t get quiet on me now, Sid. Tell me what you want,” he commands, punctuating it by grazing his teeth against my thigh.

  “Oh, God!” I cried out.

  “Tell me what you want,” he repeats.

  Unable to do anything but comply, I breathe, “You. I want you to fuck me. But first with your mouth.”

  Another low groan comes from between my legs, and then my panties are gone and his mouth is on me.

  I moan loudly before remembering we aren’t alone in the house.

  Breccan works me with his tongue, and it’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. He licks me slowly while sliding a finger in and out of my slick heat.

  My hips begin moving in rhythm to his strokes, and my orgasm builds at record speed. Not wanting to come already, I try to push him away from me, but Breccan grabs my wrist and shakes his head slightly. I give up on the struggle when a second finger enters me.

  Panting, I’m powerless to stop the orgasm that barrels through me, and I cry out as Breccan continues to coax the most incredible release out of me. When I finally still, he continues to lick my sensitive clit, and the pressure becomes too much.

  Feeling the loss when he slides his fingers out of me, I force my body up and grab the button of his jeans. I’m ready to feel him inside me, and I refuse to take no for an answer.
  He doesn’t try to stop me though, and I waste no time in getting his pants off. He’s not wearing any boxers, and I say a silent thanks when his cock springs free, fully erect.

  He’s long and thick, and my mouth waters at the sight. Gripping him in my hand, I relish in the fact that he’s both hard and smooth.

  “God, baby,” he groans, watching my hand as I stroke his shaft.

  After wiggling between the edge of my bed and Breccan’s hard body, I drop to my knees so that we are chest to chest, my nipples pressing against his hard muscles.

  Using my free hand, I nudge him slightly, encouraging him to lie back on the floor. When I envisioned the first time with Breccan, it wasn’t been on the floor of my bedroom, but I am too far gone to care..

  He quickly obliges, and I lean forward and glide the tip of my tongue along the underside of his dick.

  Throwing his head back against the floor, he chants, “Oh, fuck. Yes, fuck.”

  His words spur me on, and I quit teasing him, taking his entire length to the back of my throat. Pushing up on an elbow, he reaches out and grabs my breast, pinching my nipple as my pace quickens.

  It’s my turn to moan, and I do with a mouthful of Breccan’s hard cock.

  Groaning, he presses on my shoulder. “Sid, wait.”

  Shaking my head, I continue sucking and licking him, all the while enjoying the taste of him.

  He pushes my shoulder again. “Really, baby, stop. I need to be inside you.”

  After one last stroke of my tongue, I let his cock spring free from my mouth.

  He sits up quickly and grabs his discarded jeans, pulling a condom from his wallet. Then he rolls it over his length. Feeling bold, I crawl up his body, kissing as I go before positioning myself over him. His tip nudges my entrance, and with one thrust, I sink down on top of him. I don’t move, adjusting to the delicious way he fills me. With every muscle on his chest rippling and tense, he appears to be adjusting as well.

  “Kiss me,” I breathe.

  He catches the back of my neck with his hand and hauls me down until our lips crash together. His tongue glides into my mouth as I begin to move.

  He swallows my cries when he thrusts a hand between us and uses his thumb rub circles on my sensitive nub. It’s not long before I’m riding him at a fevered pace, my second orgasm of the night threatening. The first wave of my release crashes over me as Breccan lets out a strangled growl while emptying himself inside me.

  Gasping for breath, I collapse on his chest. His strong arms wrap around me, and he kisses my temple.

  After we’ve caught our breath, I get up and move to the bed. He climbs to his feet and sneaks from the room, I assume to clean up and get rid of the condom.

  When he returns and joins me under the covers, I don’t bother asking if he’s planning to spend the night. I snuggle in close and he wraps his arms around me. Only minutes later, I fall into the soundest sleep I’ve had in months.

  * * *

  Pounding on my bedroom door causes me to bolt upright. Disoriented, I glance over at my clock and see that it’s three in the morning. It could only be Connor, so I jump out of bed, forgetting that I’m naked and rush for the door.

  Behind me, Breccan calls my name. “Sid! You’re not dressed,” he hisses at me.

  I change direction and grab the robe hanging in my closet. I barely get it on before I jerk the bedroom door open. Standing in front of me, Connor is ghostly white and sweating profusely.

  His voice is hoarse when he says, “I don’t feel good.” He takes a step toward me before his eye lids flutter shut and he collapses.

  Lunging for him, I get my arms around him just before we both hit the floor.

  Breccan’s panicked voice fills the room. “What the fuck? Is he okay?”

  He scrambles to pull his pants up and make his way over to us at the same time. His wide eyes dart back and forth.

  “Breccan, honey,” I say, “calm down. He’s going to be okay. I need you to call nine-one-one though.”

  He nods, but his face has gone almost as pale as Connor’s. After he’s yanked his phone out of his pocket, his hands tremble as he dials the numbers. “What do I say?” he asks before the operator picks up.

  I look back down at Connor and see his chest rising and falling rapidly. He’s burning up, and his lips are purple. I mentally chastise myself for not having gone in to check on him when I got home. I should have known he wasn’t feeling well when the sitter said that he was in bed by eight. Telling myself that the “should haves” don’t matter at this point, I focus on what can be done.

  After instructing Breccan on what to tell them, I continue to hold Connor. Breccan paces around the room, barking orders at the dispatcher until the paramedics arrive.

  As they load him onto the stretcher, I hastily throw some clothes on and grab my phone off the nightstand. Then I follow them out to the ambulance.

  Climbing in behind them, I shout at Breccan over my shoulder. “We’re going to St. Mary’s. I’ll call you and keep you updated.”

  The doors close, and I focus my attention back to Connor.

  After what feels like an eternity, we pull into the bays of the emergency room. They unload Connor before rushing him to a triage room. A nurse ushers me into a waiting room, and I stop short when I see Breccan pacing back and forth.

  He turns when he hears the door shut and rushes to me. “Is he okay? What’s going on? These fucking nurses won’t tell me anything.” He grabs my hand in his, and his palms are sweaty.

  I’m shocked that he’s here. “I thought you were going home?”

  Confusion replaces the worry on his face. “Why the hell would I go home? Connor collapsed! I’m not leaving you. Where the fuck is Abby?”

  The mention of Abby’s name reminds me that I haven’t even called her. “Fuck. Abby. I’ve gotta call her.” Pulling my phone out, I try to remember where she said she was going, but my mind draws a blank.

  The phone rings and rings before I get her voicemail. After clearing my throat, I try to steady my voice and tell her to call back as soon as possible.

  When I’m done, Breccan is still waiting for an answer.

  “She’s on assignment. I can’t remember where though.” I pull the calendar up on my phone and see that she’s in California. Doing the math in my head, I realize that it’s probably only a little after midnight there, so I try calling her again. When the voicemail comes on, I hang up without leaving a message.

  Breccan’s resumes his pacing, which is making me more nervous than I already am. I grab his arm and drag him over to a chair.

  “Breccan, sit,” I command before settling into one of the hard, plastic chairs.

  He hesitates for a second and then drops in the seat beside me. Turning his head in my direction, he asks, “How are you so fucking calm right now?”

  I’m wondering the same thing, but I give him the only answer I can come up with. “You’re freaking out. Someone has to stay calm.”

  The nurse calls out for family members, and I jump to my feet. She waves me over, and I take two steps before I realize Breccan hasn’t moved.

  Looking back, I ask, “Are you coming?”

  His head snaps back, but he scrambles to his feet to follow me, and when he catches up, he places a comforting arm around my shoulders. I take a deep breath in before walking into the room, where they have Connor hooked up to machines monitoring his vital signs.

  He looks so small in the bed, and he’s almost the same shade of white as the sheets. Panic squeezes my heart, and for the first time since he pounded on my door, I let the tears fall.

  Chapter Nineteen


  There is nothing in this world that I’m afraid of. I’ve faced some of the toughest men on the planet in the cage without so much as blinking an eye. After a car accident that should have claimed my life, I walked out of the hospital completely unfazed.

  But when Connor collapsed into Sidney’s arms? My heart stopped. Watch
ing them both hit the floor evoked a terror I don’t ever want to experience again.

  I’m still in awe over how calm Sidney was throughout the entire event. Despite the fact that her nephew was unconscious in her arms, she was able to talk me through the 911 call.

  Even seeing Connor hooked up to wires and monitors, she still only shed a few tears before pulling herself together again. When the doctor came into the room to update us on his condition, she had the forethought to go over Connor’s list of medications.

  We don’t know much other than that Connor is running a fever of one hundred four degrees and seems to be fighting some sort of infection. He still hasn’t regained consciousness, but the doctors assured us that it’s normal and probably his body’s way of conserving much-needed energy.

  After we’ve sat by his bedside for a while, the nurses inform us that it is time for shift change and we would need to wait in the lobby while the nurses complete their rounds. I refuse at first, but Sidney convinces me to leave so the staff can do their jobs.

  Sidney attempts to call Abby several more times without luck. Three hours later, Abby finally answers her phone. She’s managed to pull a few strings and book a direct flight.

  Other than chewing on her fingernails while she told Abby what was going on, Sid hadn’t seemed to be too upset that it took multiple phone calls to both Abby and her cameraman before she was able to get in touch.

  I, on the other hand, am fucking livid. Sidney is more than capable of caring for Connor, but Abby is still his mother. She should have been here in the first place.

  My fists clenched, I continue to wear a path in the carpet of the waiting room. I check the clock and see that Abby should be here any moment. Getting angry all over again, I growl. “She shouldn’t be this hard to get in touch with!”


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