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Cruel Billionaire

Page 15

by Luma Rose

  I swing open the door to the bedroom and wince, grabbing my forehead when the bright sunlight from the wall-to-wall windows in the living area down the hall greets me. It takes me a minute to be able to keep my eyes open without feeling like an ice pick is chipping away at my brain, but eventually I continue down the hall.

  I stand at the end of the hallway, looking out into the main living area and a dining area, but it’s vacant.

  “Garrin?” I call out, my voice catching from not being used.

  I don’t hear anything, so I step further into the living area and spot my shoes where I left them last night and my phone on the table. I’m pretty sure the kitchen was off to the left, so I head that way, but he’s not there either.

  “Garrin?” I call out again.

  Again, there’s no response. I head out of the high-end kitchen back to the main living quarters and go in the direction I haven’t been yet. He probably has a study in this place. Maybe he’s working. He seems like the type who’d work on a Sunday.

  I glance into the study when I find it, along with a wine cellar, a movie room, and two more bedrooms and bathrooms, but still no sign of Garrin.

  “Garrin!” I call out, louder this time.

  While I stand there, crestfallen, I realize what I wanted from him this morning. I wanted him to be here. Smiling. Opening up to me like he did last night.

  Instead he’s left me to do the walk of shame on my own. The bastard didn’t even have the decency to leave a note.

  “I’m such an idiot.”

  I stomp over to my shoes, doing my best to ignore how my brain jostles like a Jell-O mold with every step. Then I slide them on, wincing as the expensive material wraps around my feet. Grabbing my purse off the table, I take my coat in my hand and walk out to the foyer and stab the down button.

  Regrets? That’s what he was so worried about last night. Well, all he had to do was be here this morning for him not to be a regret. I should have known he couldn’t do that. Suddenly, that same feeling after the sex tape went live hits me—how stupid I was to trust someone.

  Disappointment weighs heavy in my chest as I open my phone to call an Uber. Unfortunately, the screen is black and it won’t turn on. It’s dead. The bastard couldn’t even charge my phone.

  I’m not sure what to do, but I’m sure the Classholes have someone to do all their dirty work, which hopefully includes calling a cab for the women they think of as disposable.

  I get in the elevator and ride it to the bottom floor. The doors open to an expansive foyer with floor-to-ceiling white marble with gold veins. It is opulence personified. I don’t know why I’m surprised given who lives here.

  Thankfully there’s a woman in what I’d guess is her midfifties standing behind a marble desk. She looks up at me when she hears my heels meet the marble, and her eyes widen. Surely I’m not the first woman any of the guys have brought home.

  As my gown swooshes around my ankles and my stilettos click on the marble floor, it dawns on me that I’m still in my ballgown.

  How mortifying. I’m doing the walk of shame and I didn’t even get to experience the sex part. Hardly a fair trade-off.

  “Hi, I was wondering if you might call me a taxi,” I ask her.

  She smiles at me, all traces of her surprise now gone. “Nonsense, dear, I’ll have one of the drivers take you. Now who were you visiting last night?” she asks.

  My cheeks heat and I swallow. “Garrin was my date to the museum gala last night,” I say, hoping to save some face.

  She double blinks and the surprise is back on her face. “Oh. Well, um… give me a moment to ring Langley and he’ll take you home.”

  “Thank you.”

  She picks up the phone and presumably rings Langley to tell him there’s someone in the foyer of Titans’ Tower who needs his services. The woman eyeballs me the entire time until I shift uncomfortably and look away.

  She hangs up the phone and walks around the desk to come closer to me. “I’m Margaret, by the way. And you are…” She puts her hand out in front of her.

  “Hi, Isla Flores.” I shake her hand, smiling awkwardly when she continues to look at me without saying anything.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to stare. It’s just… you’re not like Garrin’s usual dates.”

  Realization dawns on me. “Oh, you mean the ones he pays for?”

  Her hand flies to her sternum. “He told you about that?”

  “He did, yes. But I will say I appreciate the fact that you didn’t think I was a call girl, what with me walking out here on a Sunday morning dressed like this.”

  She waves me off. “Don’t be silly. No one could ever mistake you for a paid escort. You have too much presence, too much class.”

  “I don’t know about that, but I’ll take the compliment. Thank you.”

  She leans in with a conspiratorial grin. “He must really like you.”

  I chuckle. “Why do you think that? I’m here looking for a ride.”

  “What floor did you go to when you returned last night?” she asks.

  I wrinkle my forehead. “To his apartment, why?”

  She nods. “Yep, he likes you. I was just on the sixtieth and it was empty.”

  “I wouldn’t be too sure about that,” I say, switching my purse to my other hand.

  “Oh, I am.”

  The phone rings on her desk, so she walks around to answer it. When she hangs up, she looks up at me. “That was Langley. He’s waiting for you in the parking garage so you don’t have to go out into the cold. Just take the elevator one floor down.”

  “Thank you so much for your help, Margaret.” I smile.

  “Anytime. It was good to meet you. I have a feeling we’ll see each other again soon.”

  I chuckle and shake my head.

  I have a feeling Margaret is the kind of person who always hopes for the best.

  After the elevator ride down, I meet Langley and get into the back of the same Rolls-Royce as last night. Langley is polite but doesn’t speak as he drives me to my parents’ house. I thank him when he drops me off and go inside.

  Since I don’t have to work on the campaign today, I want to spend time with my dad, but first I need a shower. No dad wants to see his daughter smelling of booze and man the morning after.

  I plug my phone into my charger when I reach my room and have the longest, hottest shower of my life to get rid of the sludge in my veins. I’m determined not to let this thing with Garrin ruin my day with my dad, so I force myself to push away all thoughts of last night.

  It’s not until I’m going to bed that night after a pretty good day with my dad that I check my phone when I’m setting my alarm for the next day.

  There are a couple messages from various people working on the campaign and one from Everly, but the one that stands out in neon letters is the one from Garrin.

  I press on his name to pull up his message.

  The time stamp says it was sent at 8:31 that morning—so before I woke up.

  Garrin: I’m sorry I have to disappear before you wake up, but there’s an emergency at the office I have to deal with. I wanted to say bye and thank you for a memorable evening, but you looked too peaceful to bother in your sleep. Next time I promise I’ll wake you for a goodbye kiss.

  I press my phone to my chest and smile.

  So, he was thinking of me.

  That feeling of dread that’s weighed me down most of the day lifts, and a hope I haven’t felt in months spurs to life.


  Chapter Twenty-four


  It’s been two days since Isla woke up at my place, and I swear I still smell her perfume. I straighten my Wall Street Journal again, ignoring the lingering scent.

  “Damn it.” I toss the paper to the other side of my large kitchen island and it slides along the marble, falling off the edge.

  I resisted the urge to reach out to her later on Sunday when I got no response to my text. Maybe she was pissed that I left
without waking her, but if I did message her again, I’d just look like a pussy and she’d think she had me by the balls. But now it’s Tuesday morning and the need to see her feels like a burning sensation in my chest that’s only getting worse as the days pass.

  The worst part is that I’m pretty sure my need to see her has nothing to do with what my father wants from her and one hundred percent to do with what I want.

  “Fuck it.” I’ve never shied away from shit that scares me and I’m not gonna start now. I type out a text inviting her to meet me for lunch and pocket my phone.

  Standing from the chair, I straighten out my tie.

  Normally I’d be reading the paper and having my coffee down in the Titans’ Den, but I’ve been avoiding it since the weekend. I’m sure all those jackasses have heard about how Isla spent the night here on Saturday, and I don’t feel like hearing their bullshit.

  Langley pulls away from Titans’ Tower when my phone vibrates in my pocket. I slide it out to find a response from Isla, but it’s not the one I want.

  Isla: Sorry, we’re working straight through. Ford has a bunch of meetings and functions to attend today. Maybe later in the week if our schedule doesn’t fill in?

  Fucking Ford. He gets to spend all day with her.

  Me: Would dinner work better?

  Isla: It’s going to sound like I’m avoiding you, but I swear I’m not. It’s just that I already have plans for a late dinner with Everly.

  Any other time, I’d tell her to enjoy and move on, but I know it’s not that easy with Everly.

  Me: If you didn’t enjoy your orgasm on Saturday night, you can just say so.

  Isla: OMG! I can’t believe you went there.

  Me: It’s all I’ve thought of for the past two days.

  Isla: Same.

  Me: Why don’t you tell me when you are free and I’ll see what I can do to clear my own schedule?

  Isla: I have Friday night free. Ford cleared his calendar for it. Apparently, he takes his mom out to dinner once a month.

  Me: Yeah, I know all about the mama’s boy’s monthly dinners.

  Isla: It’s sweet.

  Of course she thinks so. She wouldn’t if she knew the real reason Ford makes sure to check in with her every month.

  Me: Yeah, he’s a real sweetheart. *eyeroll* I’m claiming your Friday night, then. Do not make other plans.

  Isla: Someone’s bossy.

  She has no idea. Not yet.

  Me: Enjoy your day.

  Isla: You too.

  Langley pulls up in front of the Stone Energy building and I make my way inside and up to my office.

  “Morning, Roslin,” I say as I pass my assistant’s desk.

  “Morning, sir.”

  “Anything I need to know?” I ask, bypassing her desk and going straight into my office so I can hang my jacket up.

  She follows me in. “I placed a few contracts on your desk, and Public Relations emailed you over a preliminary statement to look over in response to the bad press the energy sector has been receiving.”

  “I’ll look at that first. I’m sure I’ll have to rewrite the thing myself.” I slip behind my desk and turn my computer on. “Anything else?”

  She doesn’t answer immediately, so I turn my attention from my screen to her. She’s wringing her hands in front of her like she doesn’t want to say what it is she’s about to tell me.

  “Your father called as soon as I got to my desk this morning. He said he’s coming down to speak with you at eleven a.m. and not to”—she puts the next part in air quotes—“pretend like you have better things to do.”

  My hands clench into fists on the desk. “That’s fine. Thanks, Roslin.”

  She nods and walks back to her desk, closing my door behind her.

  Apparently, my reprieve from Richard Stone has come to an end. It’s unfortunate—I was starting to forget the real reason I began spending time with Isla again.

  It’s not quite eleven when my father barges in through my closed door without letting Roslin buzz through. No surprise. Nothing is more important than Richard Stone, at least to himself.

  I look up from the contract I’m reviewing and set the papers on my desk.

  “To what do I owe the pleasure?” I ask.

  “Cut the shit, Garrin.” He sits down on the couch in my office, spreading his open suit jacket out to the side and resting his ankle on his opposite knee. “What progress have you made with Isla?”

  The mention of her name out of his mouth makes me want to punch something.

  “It would be easier to answer that question if I knew what you wanted from her.” I lean back in my own seat, mimicking his body language.

  “You two were chummy Saturday night. Have you slept with her?” he asks.

  My eyes narrow. “Why do you care?”

  He shrugs. “Everyone knows a woman is easier to control when she’s led around by a man’s dick.”

  My nostrils flare with the rush of air that leaves my lungs. Is that what he thought of my mother before she died?

  “What do you want with her?” I ask, unwilling to play this game any longer. If he wants to use me as his pawn, he can damn well tell me why.

  He must see something in my expression that says I’m not going to relent until he tells me, because a sick smug smile forms on his face.

  “Her father owns a large swath of land down in Texas. I’ve tried to purchase it from him on more than one occasion, to no avail.”

  “So what? You think if I get in Isla’s pants, she’s going to somehow convince her dad to sell to you? Jeez, Dad, I had no idea you thought so highly of me.”

  He lets his leg drop and leans forward, his elbows on his thighs now. “I think that when her father dies, she and her mother are going to be vulnerable, and you’re going to convince her that the best thing to do is to sell the land to me.”

  I try to mask the fact I know her father is sick, but I don’t know if I’m successful. How does my father know that Hector Flores is sick? I don’t even have to ask. Almost anyone’s loyalty can be bought.

  “I can see it’s not news to you that her father is dying. You’re closer than I thought if she’s told you. It doesn’t seem to be common knowledge. They’re keeping it close to their chests because with sickness eventually comes an inability to organize affairs. Powers of attorney will go into effect at some point.”

  I pick up a pen off my desk and flick the cap on and off. “I didn’t hear it from her.”

  He lets an amused chuckle loose. “Maybe we have the same informant.”


  We sit and stare at each other for moment.

  “Why do you want this land so badly?” I ask.

  There are only two things my father collects—money and power. I’m just curious which category the land falls into.

  “Testing has shown large oil deposits. I also have it on good authority that the federal government is going to build a pipeline through that land to reach the Gulf within the next decade. They’ll pay nicely for the rights to do so.”

  I don’t need to ask who that tidbit came from. Senator Masterson is in as deep with my father as the rest of the Classholes’ dads.

  “To be clear, you want me to take advantage of my relationship with a grieving daughter so that her father’s estate will sell you the land?”

  “No, I’m asking you to take advantage of your relationship with your wife.”

  I stiffen and a chill runs through my veins. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  He stands, chin held high as he looks down his nose at me. “Now that you’ve grown close to her, it’s stage two. You’re going to marry Isla Flores. Before her father kicks the bucket. And then she’s going to listen to the sound advice of her husband when he tells her to sell the land.”

  I stand from my chair and place my hands on the desk in front of me. “You’re delusional. Off your fucking rocker.”

  He smiles at me with malice and slowly makes his
way over, standing on the opposite side of my desk. “You will because if you don’t, you and your friends will go down for the murder of Nova Brookes. And I know that if you won’t do it for yourself, you’ll do it for them.”

  My lungs burn as my chest constricts, making it difficult to get any air.

  The bastard is right. I’d tell him to go to hell. He doesn’t have what he thinks he does over me, but the same can’t be said for my friends. The leather bracelet on my arm feels like a branding as I accept my fate. There’s only one problem.

  “Isla won’t marry me that quickly. We’re not even an official couple yet.”

  He copies my posture and places his hands on my desk and leans in. “I don’t care if you have to spread her legs and give her five orgasms a day, buy her the most obnoxious diamond in the world, or promise to knock her up right away so she can start popping out mini-me’s… marry the girl. Because you won’t like the consequences if you don’t.”

  He turns and casually strolls out of my office as if he didn’t just ask me to betray the first woman I’ve ever really had true feelings for.

  I finish my third drink of the evening while the rest of us wait for Asher to make an appearance in the Titans’ Den. I sent the rest of the Classholes a message in our group text telling them to meet me here. They need to know what’s going on. My dad might be the first to claim his favor and no doubt their dad’s demands will come next.

  The elevator dings and the doors open. Asher’s dressed from work with his tie loose around his neck and the top three buttons of his dress shirt undone. His ice-blue eyes are glazed over and his dark hair with natural light streaks at the ends looks like he’s run his hand through it all day. No doubt he’s on something, but he’s not my concern right now.


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