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Mail Order Vows (Sweet Mail Order Bride Historical Romance Novel)

Page 6

by Maya Stirling

  "I will reserve judgement on that Julia. If you please," Cassie declared.

  They drank down their coffee.

  "So we shall return to the hotel and give the good news to Mr. Ethan Macleod? Julia asked.

  Cassie nodded. "We shall."

  She had made her choice. Now it was for her to ensure that she made the most of it. Not only for herself but also for her sisters. She would write to Martha, and tell her that there was hope; that Cassie would be arranging for a way out for them as soon as she was married and settled with her new husband.

  Julia and Cassie were about to leave the eating place when they met Hettie. Cassie had the sneaking suspicion they had been followed, but she would never accuse Hettie of that.

  "Cassie. How nice to see you," said Hettie, not entirely convincing in her display of feigned surprise.

  "Hettie. What a lovely coincidence," Cassie answered. "I was just thinking about you."

  Hettie looked intrigued. "Only good things I hope."

  "Well, I do have a favour to ask of you," Cassie said.

  Hettie's eyes widened. "And what would that be?"

  "I have two sisters who I am most concerned about. They are still back East, but they would dearly love to come out here and settle. The truth is they cannot wait to come West and be with me. We are very close. I don't want to go into too much detail but, having seen the benefits of your new little society, I think you could help them by finding husbands for them."

  Hettie appeared surprised and then, almost as quickly, taken with the idea. "Really? Now isn't that interesting."

  "Indeed it is. I can't go into too much detail right now but I am sure Julia can fill you in later."

  Cassie looked at Julia whose eyes had widened.

  "Oh. And I have decided to marry Mr. Macleod," Cassie told Hettie, almost casually.

  Hettie grinned widely. "Wonderful. I am so pleased. I just knew the two of you would be perfect together. What made your mind up, if I may ask?"

  "I thought deeply about it, and Ethan seems like a fine upstanding man. I do believe we rather like each other," Cassie answered, trying to maintain a casual indifference. She didn't want Hettie thinking there was any other reason for her decision. "I agree with you that it is important that a woman in my position have a husband. So that is what I have opted to become. Ethan and will be married tomorrow."

  Hettie's eyes narrowed. "So soon? Why, that is sudden."

  "It doesn't give us very much time Hettie," Julia said teasingly.

  Cassie could see Hettie's mind working rapidly, considering all the necessary work that had to be done.

  "There are people to invite, things to prepare," Hettie murmured.

  "People to invite?" Cassie exclaimed.

  "Lots of townsfolk are very excited at the prospect of a wedding. They've all been asking me. Oh my! I must get on. Lovely to meet you both. Oh, and congratulations Cassie. I am so very happy for you both. Needless to say, I shall speak to you later Julia."

  Hettie made her way out, her features lined with thought.

  Outside on the boardwalk, Julia shook her head slowly. "Hettie is going to keep me so busy."

  "I have a telegram I would like to send to my sister," Cassie said to Julia. "I want to give her the good news. I need to give her at least some hope that she has not been abandoned in this world."

  "I'm sure that the news of your marriage will indeed give her some hope Cassie."

  They went to the telegraph office and Cassie wrote out a short message she hoped would gladden her sisters' hearts, and give them both hope. Before she handed the message over she looked at the plain, bold words.

  Marrying tomorrow. Fine gentleman. Keep hope alive. Shall come for you.

  Your loving sister Cassie

  After the telegram was sent Cassie took a deep breath and she and Julia headed for the hotel.

  At the entrance to the hotel Cassie took Julia by the arm and stopped her before she entered the dining room.

  Cassie touched Julia gently on the arm. "I would like a few moments alone with Mr. Macleod,"

  "Of course, dearest. I am so pleased that you have decided in favour of him. He is such a fascinating and ...dare I say...handsome man," Julia agreed.

  "I have noticed Julia. It would be hard to miss."

  Julia's face was filled with sincerity. "Of course you have. I am just so pleased for you."

  "I shall be in the dining room. If you could have Ethan called, I would be most grateful."

  "Of course. I'll do that and go for a little stroll while you break the good news," Julia said.

  Cassie made her way to the table they had sat at earlier. The dining room was completely empty. Cassie felt slightly awkward as she took her seat.

  It seemed like an age before she heard heavy footsteps that at first sounded hurried. Just before entering the restaurant, the footsteps slowed down. Ethan was obviously trying to compose himself.

  Cassie swallowed nervously and placed her hands demurely upon the cloth covered table. It was amazing how difficult it could be to pretend to be calm.

  Ethan entered the room and paused at the door. His body seemed to fill the width of the doorway. He was slightly out of breath and drew a hand back across his thick dark hair, making as neat as he could.

  Ethan smiled at Cassie as he strode to the table.

  Cassie sat upright determined to maintain an appearance of businesslike calm. But the truth was her heart was pounding; this was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. She was about to tell an almost complete stranger with whom she had not even corresponded at any length, that she would willingly become his wife.

  Ethan's eyes were wide and Cassie could have sworn he looked almost fearful. All the apparent composure which he had displayed at their initial meeting seemed to have gone, to be replaced with a visible trepidation. Did he really doubt that she would accept him as a husband? He had made such a convincing case for himself. Cassie asked herself how he could doubt that she would find him both attractive and desirable as a potential husband.

  Cassie decided she would not tell him of her concerns for her sisters. Or that their predicament had played a part in her decision. That would not be fair on him. For the moment it was all about them and their future as a couple.

  Cassie gestured to the seat opposite her.

  "Please. Ethan have a seat."

  Ethan squeezed his body into the small chair. He cleared his throat.

  "Cassie. I have to say I did not expect you to return quite so soon," he said.

  "Julia and I spent some time together. We had some errands to run. I had a chance to carefully consider your kind and generous offer."

  Ethan peered at her. "And what, may I ask, is your decision?"

  Cassie lowered her head and briefly closed her eyes. She took in a soft, quiet breath. A curious calm had settled upon her.

  Cassie spoke quietly. "I have decided to agree to your proposal," Ethan reacted as if he had been struck by a bolt of lightning,. He sat straight upright and threw his head back. He let out a huge gasp, and the word "yes" slid out of his mouth. It was loud enough to fill the room.

  A huge grin spread out across his face showing his even, white teeth. Then he gathered himself, and tried to look composed.

  Ethan looked pensive for a moment. "I hardly know what to say. I am so honoured and pleased that you have decided in my favour Miss Cassie."

  Cassie smiled at the reaction. It was such a genuine expression of relief and pleasure. All the composure he had worked so hard to maintain earlier had now simply vanished.

  Ethan leaned towards her.

  "I will say this too you Cassie, now that you have chosen me to be your husband. I will not cease to do everything in my power to make you happy. I will provide for you and protect you, no matter what happens. You can rest assured that I will move heaven and earth for you in my efforts to be the best possible husband I can be."

  Cassie felt herself pale at the sincerity of his de
claration. She had never heard anyone say such things. The truth was, she didn't know how to react. After a pause she spoke.

  "Why... thank you Ethan. Those are genuine and heartfelt words. I truly appreciate those sentiments," she said, her voice cracking.

  "They are more than mere sentiments Cassie. They are a statement of my intention. Once I decide for something, nothing will stop me from keeping my word. I am a man of my word if nothing else."

  As he said that, a firm and determined look spread across his features. Cassie thought the look was most becoming. He had suddenly acquired an almost fierce and animal quality as he leaned across towards her. But it was an expression that was softened by the smile which creased his face. For a moment he seemed to be deep in thought.

  Cassie felt something shift deep inside her. Again she found the need to maintain an iron grip on her outward appearance of formality.

  Ethan ran a hand across the tablecloth. "With regards to the wedding then. Would tomorrow suit you? It sounds almost silly to say it like that. But you know what I mean. Do you think you could be ready by that time? I believe that some plans were put in place just to accommodate your decision. If you agreed to my proposal."

  Cassie wasn't surprised that Hettie had been so thorough on their behalf. Hettie had obviously been hiding the fact that she was already prepared for a wedding. Cassie smiled. "Nothing surprises me anymore about Hettie. She could organize an army at short notice".

  Ethan laughed. "You're right. She really is a special kind of lady. But I have her to thank for finding you," Cassie felt the moment was right to make her exit. She looked over Ethan's shoulder and saw Julia standing at the hotel reception desk, trying to look as if she were otherwise occupied.

  "There's Julia," Cassie said.

  Ethan turned and looked. Cassie stood and moved around the table. Ethan stood up .

  He made to move towards her as if he wanted to embrace her. But Cassie found herself standing still in front of him. Ethan seemed to understand and merely bowed his head.

  "I am a very happy man, Cassie. I cannot wait until tomorrow."

  Cassie lowered her head and smiled.

  "Until tomorrow, Ethan."

  Then she made her way past him, aware suddenly aware of his scent, and barely able to contain an urge to submit to even the briefest kiss on the cheek.

  But then the moment was gone and she was by Julia's side.

  She turned and saw that Ethan was watching her intently. He looked so isolated standing there with such an expression of pure happiness on his face. He looked like he wouldn't take his eyes off her until she left the building.

  "I do believe you have made someone very happy," Julia said looking over at Ethan.

  Cassie nodded. She was already beginning to wonder if she had made the correct choice.

  "I think you may be right," she said.


  The next morning Cassie rose early, and started to prepare for her wedding.

  Her wedding!

  She could hardly believe it. She was about to become Mrs Cassie Macleod. It had a ring to it, she had to admit. Macleod was a Scottish name. She knew one thing about most of the Scottish folk she had met in her life. They were a hard working people with real integrity. Even if at times they could be a bit dour and serious. But that didn't seem to apply to Ethan.

  Cassie had already seen evidence of a keen sense of humor hidden behind his smouldering gaze. She had to admit that, in the short time she had spoken to him, he did seem to be a bit serious at times. But not overly so. Still, she had a lot to learn about her future husband. And he had a lot to learn about her too.

  Cassie went to her small wooden chest and took out the rectangular, fabric covered case which contained some of the treasured items that Joshua had given her. She needed to do something, to satisfy a curiosity which had been nigling away at her overnight.

  She opened a small, square box, and removed the tiny pendant attached to a thin silver chain.

  The entwined flowers.

  This had been given to her by Joshua almost immediately after their wedding. He had said it had belonged to his mother. Although it was small, the piece of jewellery was obviously crafted by an expert. It was made of moulded silver, showing two roses curving into one another. Cassie recalled all the times she had held the roses between her fingers; all the times Joshua had been with her as she had done so; looking at him while playing with the piece as it hung around her neck; watching him work while she idly rolled the treasured gift between her fingers; enjoying his strength, his purpose. She realized it had become deeply associated with every memory of him.

  She touched the pendant around her neck. Would these silver doves acquire the same depth of memory with Ethan? She wasn't sure.

  There was something very intimate about the doves. Cassie looked closely at them. They wound their bodies around each other, the wings becoming one flowing mass. It was almost unseemly, and very forward as a gift, now that she came to think about it. She wondered what had compelled Ethan to buy such a thing for her. He could not possibly have known that Joshua had bought her such a similar gift. Perhaps it was what came to the minds of men when they thought about what to buy for a woman.

  Cassie had to admit that the doves were beautiful. She liked them very much.

  Cassie's private moment examining the gifts was interrupted by the sound of a buckboard arriving. Cassie stepped out onto the porch. It was Julia with her husband and children. They were all dressed in their finest. The buckboard rolled up and the two children sprung off the seat.

  "Cassie!" both children screamed at the same time. They ran to her. Cassie bent down and the young boy and girl crowded into her embrace.

  Nathan was dark haired and five years old. He was a well behaved but rowdy bundle of energy. Cassie rubbed his already tousled hair.

  "What have you been up to Nathan? I hope you have been good."

  "You getting married today aunt Cassie?" He called her aunt because to him he was as good as one.

  "Sure am," she said smiling. She loved that Nathan called her aunt, even if she wasn't strictly his aunt.

  "Momma says your new beau is real handsome," said Louise, the blonde haired four year old.

  "Well your momma might just be right there," said Cassie, stroking the delicate blonde curls of the smiling, pretty little girl. "You two. What are you like?"

  Julia stepped onto the porch. "They are just so pleased to see you. They are so excited about the wedding,"

  Julia's husband strode up and nodded politely to Cassie. Daniel was a tall, fine featured, quiet man with piercing blue eyes and dark hair. Although he was of thin build, Cassie knew he was a strong man who worked hard for his family.

  "How are you today Daniel?"

  "I am fine Cassie. It's quite a day. I am pleased the weather has turned out fine. Sunny day for a wedding."

  He was always a master of understatement.

  "Daniel! Show a little excitement," Julia said, digging her elbow into his ribs. "This is a big day for Cassie and you know it."

  Daniel looked apologetic for a moment. "I am sure Cassie has enough to think about today without me making things worse."

  They all laughed, and made their way into the living room.

  Cassie thought about the prospect of getting ready for her wedding with Julia's children running around the house, and felt a knot of trepidation. She didn't think she could be a gracious host at the same time as preparing for her wedding. Luckily though Julia sent her husband off with the children to ensure that the two women would be left undisturbed.

  Julia took care of Cassie's hair. Julia had very specific ideas about Cassie's hair and spent a long time braiding it and creating a look that was both practical and elegant. As she finished putting the last lock of hair in place, Julia stood back and admired her handiwork.

  "You know, I never realized until now just what a beautiful face you have Cassie."

  "Don't embarrass me Julia, espec
ially today."

  "No. I mean it. You have very strong cheekbones and clear skin. Your eyes are very striking. It's no wonder Ethan has fallen so hard for you."

  "What do you mean, fallen so hard?"

  "My dear. You only have to take one look at him to see that he is completely smitten with you."

  "How can you say that? We've only met once."

  "A woman knows my dear. Although you will be the last person to know. Anyone looking from the outside can see it plainly. When I was watching you both in the restaurant he could hardly keep his eyes off you."

  Cassie cocked her head. "I thought he was rather shy and reserved."

  "Reserved? I would say he was trying his best to contain himself. I believe that man cannot believe his good fortune in finding someone as beautiful as you."

  "Julia. Please. You are making me feel flustered. I won't be able to look at him in church if you continue like this."

  "I am just stating the facts Cassie. It is as well that you know just how you affect that young man. If I don't tell you I don't know who will."

  Cassie frowned. "I can always rely on you to tell me how things really are, Julia."

  "That's what friends are for my dear."

  They went to Cassie's bedroom and opened the wardrobe. Inside was hanging Cassie's wedding dress. It was the dress she had worn when she married Joshua.

  As Cassie looked at it she was hit by a wave of emotion. She couldn't wear that today. Could she? She pushed back the memories that came flooding in.

  As she took it out of the wardrobe she felt the smooth texture of the fine fabric. The dress felt heavy. It had been her mother's wedding dress, handed down to her. She had brought it out with her when she had come to marry Joshua. She recalled how she had looked on her wedding day. How proud she had felt. Also the tinge of regret that her mother could not have been there to see her, nor her father to give her away as a bride.

  She held the dress up against her body. Cassie had lost weight recently so there would be no problem about fitting.

  Julia nodded approvingly. "It looks beautiful on you."


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