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Jaikus and Reneeke Join the Guild

Page 35

by Brian S. Pratt

  Keeler snatched the coin out of the air and slipped it into his pocket. “As you wish.”

  Satisfied with his sword, Jaikus turned to go when Keeler stopped him by saying, “Just one more thing.”


  Striking out with the sword Jaikus had called a “pig-sticker”, the smith struck his newly purchased blade, and the metal shattered.

  Reneeke stood amazed. The blade didn’t just break in two, it shattered into over a dozen, separate pieces. “Wow.”

  “Don’t you ever ignore wisdom from one who knows better, son,” the smith said sternly. “It may just cost you your life.”

  With but three inches of blade still attached to the hilt, Jaikus stared at what was left of his new sword in disbelief. “You broke my sword.”

  “Yep. It sure looks that way.”

  “I want my silver back.” Tossing down the stub of a blade, Jaikus stood with hand outstretched to receive his coin.


  “No?” Growing irate, Jaikus was about to shout a few choice words at the smith when the smith laughed.

  “I just saved your life, boy. Days from now, or maybe a week or two if you were lucky, you'd have been in dire straits when that sword shattered during your very first fight leaving you defenseless. Let this be a lesson. When advice is given on something as important as a sword, especially when it comes from a smith such as myself, listen. Or die. In the line of work you are seeking to embark upon, life is tenuous at best.”

  “Good idea,” agreed Reneeke.

  Jaikus seethed, but could understand the wisdom of what Keeler was saying.

  Holding out the “pig-sticker” to Jaikus, the smith asked, “Do you want this?”

  He glanced at Reneeke, who nodded for him to take it. Turning his gaze back upon the “pig-sticker,” Jaikus shuddered and said, “Yes.” Taking out his last silver, he handed it to the smith and took the sword.

  At no extra charge, Keeler supplied each with a scabbard as worn as the blades, then gave Reneeke the whetstone and the oil, which Reneeke promised Jaikus he would share. “Now all we need to do is find a way to join the Guild,” Reneeke told his friend.


  “You’re not even part of the Guild yet?” Keeler shook his head. “How do you plan to join? You two know someone?”

  Jaikus shook his head. “I wish we did, but no.”

  Reneeke asked, “You wouldn’t know where we could get an exotic animal for the Guild?”

  “Who told you that you needed one?”

  “The man out front of the Guild we met yesterday.”

  The smith eyed the two before him. Raising his hand to just above his head, he said, “About this height with only one arm?”

  Reneeke nodded. “That’s him.”

  “And I suppose he failed to mention the Scrolls?” Two blank looks were all the answer he needed. “Damn, Jeral. Ever since he lost his arm two years ago due to a Springer’s carelessness, he’s had it in for anyone looking to join the Guild. Though that’s probably why they stationed him outside, sort of like a first line of defense to keep away those who truly don’t have the grit to be part of the Guild.”

  “What are the Scrolls?” asked Jaikus.

  “Well, in case you didn’t notice, not more than ten feet to the right of where you met Jeral, are the Scrolls listing Adventures that have gone unresolved.”

  “Unresolved? Why would they not be completed?” wondered Reneeke.

  “Several reasons. First and foremost is the reward not being worth the risk or time invested. Most Adventurers are mercenaries at heart, and unless there is some serious gain to be had, they will pass it over. Another reason would be it is too dangerous. Once an Adventure has claimed a party or two, few are willing to sign on.”

  “So, if we take on one of these Adventures and resolve it, we’re in?” asked Jaikus.

  “Not being part of the Guild, I wouldn’t know for sure. But it’s your best bet. I’ve heard of some current Guild members having gone that route.”

  Eyes agleam with possibilities, Jaikus said, “Thank you, master smith.” Then to Reneeke, he said, “Let’s return to the Guild and take a look at those Scrolls.” Assuredly, there must be some task considered beneath the average Guild member that they could accomplish without too much threat to life and limb. Then, they would be in!


  Remove a Specter…

  Ice Giant stealing cattle…

  Recover family heirloom from cursed crypt…

  Reneeke turned to Jaikus. “I’m not sure about these.”

  Seven scrolls, each detailing over a score of tasks needing completion were nailed to the side of the Guild. They had gone through six thus far and hadn’t found anything their meager talents could handle.

  “Here’s one that doesn’t look overly dangerous. A Mr. Phats requests leaves of the Atalas plant.” Glancing from the scroll to his friend, Jaikus asked, “Maybe we could find some in an apothecary?”

  Reneeke shook his head. “If they could be had so readily, I doubt if Mr. Phats would have sought the services of the Guild.”

  “You have a point, Rene.” Further reading revealed that the nearest location of the leaves was some leagues within the Keota Swamp. “Maybe not.” To travel such a distance into the Swamp would almost ensure encountering trolls. A prospect neither relished.

  Flipping to the last scroll, Jaikus’ eyes were drawn to a scrawl written across the bottom.

  Lost ring. See Matron Grantha—Reakla. 5 GP

  “A lost ring. What do you think?”

  Reneeke nodded. “Sure. She’s in Reakla too.” Most of the tasks listed on the Scrolls ranged all over the realm, and even to places neither of them were in the least bit familiar. It was fortuitous that this one was near.

  “Five gold pieces would come in handy,” added Jaikus. “We spent all but our last few coppers at Keeler’s.”

  “Then let’s find this Matron Grantha and see what we can do.”

  Setting out from the Guild with but a name to go on, they asked passersby as to this lady’s whereabouts. It wasn’t until the sky was growing dark and they had wandered up near Adventurer’s Way that someone knew who they were asking about.

  “Matron Grantha?” questioned a lad of about seven. “Sure I know her. She lives by herself in the house next to Chondy’s Outfitters. You can’t miss it.”

  “Thanks.” After finding out the general direction in which her home lay, they quickly came across Chondy’s Outfitters and the two-storied home that shared its south wall. To the right of the outfitters was a small open plaza, so the house on the left had to belong to Matron Grantha.

  The door of the home bore ornate scrolling with faded varnish. Jaikus rapped on the door with the round brass knocker, paused, then rapped again. There was no response. He was about to rap a third time when they heard a bolt being thrown and the door swung inward a few inches before halting.

  An elderly woman squinted through the crack at the two on her doorstep. “Yes?”

  “Good afternoon,” began Jaikus. “Are you Matron Grantha?”

  Squinting harder, the woman asked, “Is that you, Booba?”

  Jaikus glanced to Reneeke who only shrugged. Turning back to the lady, he replied, “Uh, no ma’am. My name is Jaikus and this is my friend Reneeke. We saw that you were in need of someone to locate a…ring?”

  “Oh my, yes,” she replied. “My husband gave me that ring during our seventeenth year together.” Face pursing, she cursed, “He was a drunken lout, but I did dearly love that ring.” Opening the door wider, she gestured for them to enter. “Won’t you come in?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Passing through the door, they entered a nice, if not lavish, outer room one would expect to find in the home of an elderly lady. Frilly lace abounded. The door closed behind them and Matron Grantha indicated for them to have a seat upon the divan. She sat in a plush chair directly across from them.

  “Could you tell us about the rin
g, ma’am? When did you last see it and most importantly, what does it look like?”

  “Well, I do seem to recall wearing it last month when I went to Clara’s for dinner. Clara of course is the wife of my first son. He’s been gone these many years and we find comfort in each other’s company. She runs the bakery now with the help of my two granddaughters, Mara and Chari. Lovely girls both. Soon it will be time to pick out a husband for Mara, she’s the oldest.”

  She eyed the two seated before her. “I don’t think either of you are right for her. Perhaps you should go and I’ll try to find someone who is better well-off.” She squinted at them for a moment. “From the looks of you two, coins don’t find their way into your pockets very often.”

  “Ma’am, we’re not here about your granddaughters,” Reneeke explained. “We’re here to help you find your ring.”

  “My ring? Oh, yes, that’s right. It went missing. Did you find it? You know you don’t get the reward until you do.”

  “Yes, ma’am, we understand that. But we have only just arrived and you haven’t told us what it looked like or where you may have lost it.”

  “Didn’t I? I was pretty sure I had. Well, it is a gold ring with a large diamond set in the middle with two red sapphires, one to either side. Those are supposed to represent my granddaughters Mara and Chari. Mara is set to be betrothed to a miller’s son, but he seems a bit shiftless to me. I cautioned her mother as to his ways but she doesn’t seem to care.”

  “I thought you said a husband had yet to be picked out for Mara?” asked Reneeke.

  She then launched into an exhaustive explanation of why-tos and wherefores, and Jaikus turned an annoyed glance to Reneeke. “Let’s try to keep her on the ring, shall we?” he whispered.


  When a break finally came in her convoluted rendition of Mara’s betrothal prospects, final disposition, and so forth, Jaikus interrupted her with, “Now, about your ring. Could you…” A nudge from Reneeke caused him to leave the sentence unfinished. His friend was pointing across the room toward where a vase decorated with pictures of violets sat on a small table against the wall.

  “On the table behind it,” whispered his friend.

  It was the ring. From where they sat, they could readily make out the diamond and two sapphires placed to either side of the ring just as she had described.

  Reneeke turned his attention back to Matron Grantha. “Ma’am, your ring…oof!”

  A quick jab in the ribs silenced his friend. “…will be in your hands by morning,” finished Jaikus.

  “Thank you, young man,” she said with a smile. “It means so much to me. Not because of my late, layabout husband you understand, but because it represents my darling granddaughters.”

  Jaikus came to his feet. “Have nothing to fear. Jaikus and Reneeke are on the job.”


  As she turned to see them to the door, Jaikus moved toward the vase and the ring partially hidden behind it. Then when her back was turned while opening the door, he snagged the ring and slipped it into his pocket.

  Reneeke frowned and shook his head. That’s stealing, he mouthed to his friend.

  Heading to the door, Jaikus ignored Reneeke and slipped through to the street beyond.

  “You boys have a good time finding my ring,” she said.

  “We will, ma’am.”

  Once Reneeke had joined him out on the street and Matron Grantha closed the door, Jaikus turned to his friend. “Tomorrow, bright and early, we’ll return with the ring and collect our reward.”

  “But this is not right,” argued Reneeke.

  “What do you mean? She didn’t know where it was, we found it and are going to return it to her.”

  “Jaik, she didn’t lose it, merely misplaced it.”

  “Look, we need to complete an Adventure before we get into the Guild, right?”

  Reneeke nodded.

  “We do this, and we get in.”

  “I still don’t think this is the right way to go about it,” asserted Reneeke. “We are taking advantage of an old lady whose mind and eyesight are going.” A pause, then, “What if it was your grandmother in there?”

  “Which one?” Waving off the answer, Jaikus continued, “Besides, we need the coins. We are not stealing, merely satisfying a need that she has requested we fill. Namely, returning her precious ring to her. We’re down to coppers, Rene!”

  Reneeke did not look convinced.

  “Trust me. This will all work out.”

  Bright and early the next morning, Jaikus and Reneeke were once again knocking upon Matron Grantha’s door. When the elderly woman answered, she squinted at the two of them. “Booba?”

  “No, ma’am,” replied Jaikus. “We are not Booba. My friend and I were here yesterday and said that we would help you find your ring.”

  “My ring? Did I lose that ring again?”

  “Apparently. You posted a notice at the Guild and we came in answer.”

  “Oh, yes. That’s right, my ring is missing again. When you find it, let me know.”

  She started to close the door and Jaikus quickly stepped forward. He laid a strong hand upon it to prevent the door from closing, then said, “We have already found your ring.”

  “You did? You boys are quick.”

  Jaikus pulled the ring from his pocket and held it out to her. “Here you go, ma’am.”

  Taking it, she said, “Thank you, young gentlemen.”

  When she again began to close the door, Jaikus said, “I believe there was a reward?”

  “Oh that’s right. I almost forgot. Wait here a moment.” She closed the door until there was only a crack left through which Jaikus and Reneeke could peer.

  “You shouldn’t take any reward,” stated Reneeke. “We didn’t do anything.”

  “Look Rene, we need the gold. Without it, we’ll be without resources all too soon. Besides, did you see the look on her face? We brought her happiness.”

  “By taking a ring from her home and returning it the next day. It isn’t right.”

  Jaikus rolled his eyes and sighed. Reneeke would never understand.

  Seconds ticked by and the woman failed to return. Peering through the crack, Jaikus tried to discover where she had gone, but couldn’t see her. He nudged the door open a little bit so he could get a better view of the interior. From the back of the house came soft, melodic singing.

  Frowning, he hollered, “Hello?” When nothing happened, he hollered once more, this time louder. “Matron Grantha?”

  The old woman appeared from the back. “Is that you Booba?”

  “No, ma’am. We are the ones who returned your ring.” Slightly exasperated, there was an edge to Jaikus’ voice.

  “My ring?” she asked. Holding her hand up, she showed them where the ring rode on her finger. “But my ring is here. I’m afraid you must have me confused with someone else.”

  “Look, we are from the Guild. You posted a request for someone to recover your ring. We came here yesterday and took on the task. Not more than ten minutes ago we returned the ring to you.”

  “Did you?” she asked. “Why, that was awfully nice of you young man.”

  “Yes. And now we would like the reward of five gold pieces you offered.”

  “I don’t know anything about that. You’ll have to take it up with Booba.”

  “Who is this Booba, and where can we find him?”

  Growing thoughtful, Matron Grantha acquired a faraway look. Then she said, “Now I remember. He’s usually in front of the Guild. Lost his arm awhile back, poor boy. He comes around here every now and then to check on me. Seems he feels I should move in with him and my youngest daughter Belle, but I simply can’t bring myself to leave my home.”

  Reneeke gave her a warm grin. “We understand. We shall take this up with Booba.”

  “If you do speak with him, tell him I am well.”

  “It would be our pleasure.” Then to Jaikus, Reneeke said, “Let’s go.” />
  As Matron Grantha closed the door, Jaikus turned to Reneeke. “We’ll never get our money out of Booba! You heard what Keeler said, that man has it in for those of us who want to join the Guild.”

  “Relax, Jaik. You get too anxious about things.”

  “Rene, we have little in the way of coins remaining. What are we to do?”

  Reneeke shrugged. “Something will come up.”

  Jaikus didn’t share his friend’s optimism.

  Two locals shared their table that night. One was a rather stocky man, a candle maker by the name of Jenki. The other was Jenki’s oldest son, Jenkimar. The common room being rather packed as it was that evening, a rare occurrence if what Jenki alleged was any indication. He and his son had asked the two would-be adventurers if they could share their table. Of course, Reneeke acquiesced before Jaikus could formulate a reasonable excuse why they couldn’t. But, the father and son turned out to be a jovial pair and Jaikus was quickly put at ease.

  “We saw the trolls being marched to the Guild yesterday,” Reneeke told the pair. “I had never seen such beasts in all my life.”

  Jenkimar nodded with a grin. “Then you must not be from around here?”

  “No. We hail from Running Brook, a small farming community many days to the east.”

  “Such sights are quite common,” the son explained. “Why, just last week, Treglae’s Fearsome Four actually brought in a Fire Drake. Seeing that beast paraded through the streets was something let me tell you.”

  “Isn’t bringing such dangerous animals into the city, well, dangerous?” asked Reneeke.

  “For the most part, no,” Jenki replied. “Of course, there are those instances when less skilled adventurers try to bag a beast that’s more than they can handle.” Turning to his son, he asked, “Remember when Teeth of Hell brought in those devil bears?” When his son nodded, he turned his attention back to the two friends. “They hadn’t made it halfway to the Guild before the bears broke the holding spells and started running amok. Ten died that day and another score will never walk again.”


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