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Taken by the Nomadic Warrior

Page 2

by Izzy Slam

  “Thank you. Your words are a form of strength, in and of themselves.” Warmth floods my heart and soul, as though I am being understood for the first time ever. Calum is the first man I’ve had the pleasure of being this close to since becoming a woman. And he is the first human being ever to make me feel so alive.

  “No need to thank me, dear Seraphim. Please tell me that you are still untouched by a man, or I will be forced to consider another. And I do not want to take on that task.” He cups my face and stands so close to me I can feel his body heat, smell his masculine scent.

  Andgelina must have told him my name. And the way he says it makes me want to dance. “I am untouched, Calum. I have waited for a man. A strong man who wants to take care of a strong woman.”

  “Mmm, that is what I wanted to hear.”

  Heat erupts between my legs as he presses his lips to mine, parting them with his tongue. My entire body begins to shake as he moans softly, like a sleeping beast about to awaken. I slide my hands up his chest, noticing his pecs are strong as steel. My hips naturally fall in his direction, and the moment I feel his erection twitching against my soft belly, he breaks the kiss.

  “Tomorrow morning, at first light, you will be waiting for me.”

  He steps away and I nearly stumble to hold onto him.

  “You’re not staying here with me?” I can’t believe he is leaving me. “You don’t want me now? With this perfectly nice bed for us to share together? You could have me, have all of me. Tonight.”

  His erection twists underneath the fabric of his pants, and a low growl climbs up his chest, rumbling from his throat. “Nothing would give me more pleasure than to take you here, tonight. But in my tribe, unless you are a common prostitute to be used only for the pleasures of men, I will not make you a woman without performing a few easy rituals beforehand. We will travel together back to my homeland where those rituals will take place. Then and only then will I take you the way you want to be taken. And you will be my wife.”

  I nod, even though I have no idea what these rituals are. They could be anything from sticking spears in my nipples to cutting off my hair. “All right. I will be ready and waiting for you in the morning.”

  With a fist in my hair, he pulls my body to his. “And make no mistake, my lady. When I do make you my wife, I will make sure every inch of your body receives pleasure. You will be screaming for mercy before I am finished.”

  I am breathless by the time he walks out of my room. I turn my attention back to the tents, watching him walk along the field and part the curtains before looking in my direction. I don’t know if he can see me, but my breath fogs up the glass, and I find myself saying a delicious prayer of thank you.


  I leave my window cracked open all night, and the birds awaken me swiftly. I had lit all of my candles last night and used the soft light to pack a few of my belongings.

  Before Calum arrives, I rush to the kitchen and pack a variety of cheese and meat for us, as well as the last loaf of bread. I then let Helena know that I am leaving, and she kisses me on the cheek before wishing me well. I will miss my friends here. But it’s time for me to start my new life with my warrior.

  Calum is quiet when he comes for me, and he looks tired. After eating a breakfast of porridge and berries, he takes my bag and fastens it to the side of the horse before mounting the huge beast and helping me up behind him. Feeling the strength of the massive horse beneath me, I wrap my arms around Calum’s waist, and we take off with only a few of his men in our company. I’ve no idea where my sister is, but I can hear the moans of a female as we depart, so I assume she is in her element, being of service to the men.

  I only hope that I will not run into her, wherever Calum and I are going, but I also know that it is probably inevitable that I will.

  “Are your other men not joining us?” I ask.

  “They will in several days. I want to get you back to my home before we are off to fight the Chuathas.”

  I lean against his back and let my eyes close, drawing strength from his presence.

  It is nearly sunset before we arrive at Calum’s hometown of Braedon. It seems to be as sparse as Garelet Highlands, but the homes are bigger and sturdier, made of brick and mortar. In the middle of the town is a tall wooden plank, above which a noose hangs suspended in the air. The thought of that noose being put to use makes me shiver with fear.

  Calum helps me down and instructs one of his men to start a fire inside his home. He leads me inside, his quietness leaving me a bit unsettled. I don’t know if he’s having regrets about bringing me here, or if he is overwhelmed with his upcoming battle with the Chuathas. They are small, but they are fast on their feet and good with arrows, making them a fierce group of natives to contend with.

  The ginger-haired nomad returns to the home with a lantern and uses the flame to start a fire inside Calum’s woodstove. On top rests a large iron pot. Calum pours some rice inside and rummages through my bag, pulling out the wrapped meats and cheeses and setting them on the table.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Yes, starved.”

  “Let’s feed our bellies before satisfying our urges.”

  I don’t know what urges he’s referring to. I can take a guess, but it was my understanding that nothing would happen between us until going through whatever rituals are customary for his people.

  “Whatever you want, sir.”

  He slides the long sword from his side and removes the leather vest on his chest, leaving him in the simple cloth pants that hide the part of him I wish to see the most. He sets them on a table and turns to face me.

  “Make yourself familiar with the kitchen, my lady. I want you to be comfortable here. There will be many nights you spend alone here, without me.”

  I don’t like the sound of that, but I decide I shouldn’t argue. Otherwise I might find myself being spanked like my sister. I look through the few cabinets and remove a metallic plate, setting an assortment of food on it for the two of us. When the rice is ready, Calum scoops some into a bowl and we take turns eating with the same spoon. He ends up eating almost all the meat, leaving the cheese and bread for me.

  When he’s finished, he pushes his chair out from the table and runs a hand over his abs. “A man needs to eat a lot of meat. But I have saved something for you, my little lady.”

  “You saved me plenty of cheese. It’s my favorite.” I flash him a smile, and he simply stares at me with those hungry eyes of his.

  “That’s not what I am referring to.” He curls a finger at me, so I stand up and walk over to him as he turns the chair away from the table.

  There, between his legs and before my virgin eyes, is a large tent of fabric, his manhood standing tall and hard for me underneath his pants.

  He hooks one arm over the back of his chair and spreads his legs, gliding his gaze over my aching body.

  “If I am to keep you, then you must demonstrate that you can handle taking my meat inside your mouth.” I swallow hard as his free hand pulls apart a narrow tear in the fabric, forcing his cock to spring forth and greet me. It bounces in the air, a small drop of fluid seeping from the top. A flared helmet sits on top, swollen and red.

  “Calum,” I whisper, feeling my own urgency between my legs.

  “Remove your clothing,” he says. “I want to see those lovely breasts of yours.”

  Biting my lip, I pull the dress over my head. I then slip out of my underpants, feeling the heat from the fire lick my backside.

  Calum’s cock twitches again in mid-air, and a noise comes up his throat as his breathing increases. Wetness seeps from my cunt, my nipples pricking hard under his stare.

  “Great god, woman. You make me want to cum just from watching you.”

  I look down at my body, at my pink-tinted nipples jutting from my breasts the size of a small cantaloupe, and the blond tuft of hair hiding my pretty lower lips.

  Calum stands up, holding onto the table with one hand as he studies m
e. His cock slopes down and up, bobbing several times as he releases a growl.

  “Come here,” he says, patting the table.

  So I go to him and slide my bottom along the rough, unfinished surface.

  “Spread your legs,” Calum says, sitting back down in the chair.

  I do as he says, watching his steely manhood bob and spit clear fluid as his hands lazily drag up my thigh.

  He leans in and plants several kisses along my flesh, making me moan and toss my head back. His hands navigate upward, cupping my breasts and rolling my nipples between his thick fingers.

  When I glance down, I can see him dragging his tongue over my right thigh as he stares up at my breasts and watches my nipples harden.

  “Oh!” I cry out, not in pain but rather pleasure. “I … I didn’t think you were going to do this, sir.”

  “I will do many things, save from fucking your virgin pussy with my cock. Make no mistake, Seraphim,” he continues, rolling his thumb over my other nipple. “Your body already belongs to me and I will take pleasure in torturing you until you reach a state of near delirium. That is when I will allow you to cum, when my cock is buried inside of you and you are screaming for an orgasm.”

  “Oh my,” I whisper.

  He returns to lapping at my inner thighs, each one receiving just as much attention as the other. He nibbles, bites, and sends intoxicating shivers all up and down my body with each passing second.

  He then moves a single digit to my lower lips, teasing them with a soft touch. He barely inserts a finger inside my opening, forcing me to gasp and thrust my hips.

  “Great god, you are wet.”

  I nod, panting from being so aroused. And when he presses his lips to that very special pearl of mine and gives it a quick kiss, I almost cum right there, my legs and toes a trembling mess.

  When he stands, his cock is twice the size it was before, and this time it is dripping with spit in a long line that makes me lick my lips. “I believe that is enough torture for now. You shall get on your knees and offer up those pouty lips.”

  I lower myself to the floor and angle my eyes up at his face. The way he looks at me makes me feel so beautiful. He had his pick of any woman in my village. But he chose me.

  I’ve no clue what I’m doing, so I lick my lips and start kissing the bulbous head of his meaty shaft. He releases a few noises, running his hands through my hair and thrusting his hips softly, forcing his cock to slide around my face.

  I stick out my tongue, wanting to taste him, licking away the spit that drools from the hole. His noises intensify, so I assume I must be doing a good job. He tastes salty, and I find myself wanting more of this forbidden pleasure. So I wrap my fingers around the base of his shaft, feeling the hot pulse of blood through his spongy veins, and I swirl my tongue all around the slit, finally wrapping my lips over the head and sucking softly.

  “Oh, good god,” he groans, tightening a fist in my hair.

  He thrusts deeper, and suddenly his engorged shaft is shoved further into my mouth. Instinctively, I begin to bob my head back and forth, noticing that every few seconds, more salty fluid pulses out. I find this enjoyable, so much that I put in extra effort at moving further down his cock, until his hair tickles my nose and he is growling.

  His cock throbs and it suddenly feels harder to me, if that’s possible, and when I slide my tongue along the underside of his thick meat, he tightens his grip in my hair and makes a strange sound.

  “Oh fuck, your mouth is so much better than I imagined,” he grunts. “Get ready for my cum.”

  My heartrate quickens, and my clit begins to throb almost painfully. I love pleasing him like this. It makes me burn all over from lust.

  All of a sudden, a river of hot fluid pulses out on the back of my tongue and I struggle to choke it down. I try to slide up his shaft a little, but he holds my head steady as several more drops spurt from his slit.

  I moan as my cunt quivers with need, wanting to experience the same ecstasy he is enjoying right now. But I know I must wait, allowing him all the pleasure for now.

  He finally moves his hand away from my head as his cock starts to go soft. But my body is still on fire. It’s okay, though. I’ll be able to touch myself tonight while he is asleep and relieve this pressure in my belly.

  “Good girl,” he says, pulling me to my feet.

  “Thank you, sir.” I smile shyly, and Calum leans down and offers me a kiss, his tongue sliding softly into my mouth and making me shiver.

  “This is all a part of the ritual to prepare you for our ceremony where you will become my wife.”

  My body responds. Even with no clue what he plans to do, I’m anxious and excited to get it done.

  “What else will you have me do, sir?”

  “More of the same. You will sleep in my bed, and I will lie next to you. Your body will be mine to do as I wish.”

  “That sounds … wonderful.”

  He smiles at me and cups my cheek, his handsome face and hard chest making me weak. The thought of curling up next to him, of running my hands up and down his chest and possibly stroking his cock, makes me happy. Very happy.

  “Good. Then tonight shall be pleasurable for the both of us.”


  Calum brings the lamp into the bedroom where I lie waiting for him. The candle emits a warm glow of light all around us, and as he sets it on the small table next to the bed, I turn on my side and watch him get undressed.

  “What made you choose me, sir, if I may inquire?”

  Calum drops his linen pants to the floor, allowing his manhood to be on full display. It hangs between his legs, long and soft, the tip resting just below the lower swell of his ballsack.

  “A man cannot explain the way his body responds to the sight of his chosen one.” He lets his eyes drag over the curve of my hips and to my breasts that rest against the soft covers.

  “And how does your body respond to me?” I ask, running a hand down the length of my leg.

  “Watch and see for yourself.”

  With that, his cock begins to swell and grow, extending down and then up, elongating to a hard rod of steel. I lick my lips, wanting to taste him again.

  “As you said, my body is yours to do as you wish.”

  “True. But I also must consider the way you will respond to me. And with that in mind, I will take the liberty to ensure you do not fight me.”

  “Fight you,” I laugh. “What reason would I have to fight you?”

  He lifts a brow, then opens a drawer in the table, removing some thick rope and a set of wrist cuffs, explaining that this will be blissful torture that will bring him more joy than he could every convey.

  I gladly let him bind me to the bed, arms above my head. Calum proceeds to get on top of me, his huge frame dwarfing mine as he straddles my waist. After lowering himself to me, his warm lips press against mine. Hunger fills me as we kiss, my body a writhing mess as he begins to thrust his erection between my legs. Without entering me, his steel rod rubs the outer part of my cunt, getting coated in my slick juices and driving me to the point of begging him for more.

  “Oh please, sir. Please force yourself inside of me.”

  With a heavy grunt, his mouth moves to my neck where he draws circles with his tongue, then sinks his teeth into my flesh, causing me to tingle all over. He then moves over my collarbone, doing the same thing with his magical lips.

  I shudder as he leaves a trail of heat from my chest all the way to each breast, swirling that tongue of his over both of my nipples, flicking and sucking, kissing and biting.

  I thrust my hips upward as he moves down my belly, desperate for him to place the same type of kisses between my legs. And he does, but not the way I had hoped.

  He kisses my hips and across my mound, then works his way over my swollen outer lips, pushing my legs up and spreading apart my thighs. He flicks my clit with his tongue, and I can’t help but let out a yelp of pleasure.

  “Yes, right there,” I

  With a hearty chuckle, he moves his mouth to my thighs where he softly bites my flesh.

  And he proceeds to tease me like this for the longest while. I fight against the restraints, bucking my hips, begging and crying for him to please take me. My pussy is throbbing as it drips to the bed below, leaving a wet spot that is nearly embarrassing.

  When I think I can’t take anymore, he straddles my chest and forces his cock inside my mouth, fisting my hair tightly as he growls and erupts to the back of my throat. I moan, feeling so aroused by giving him the release he needs. But he wasn’t kidding. I am in a blissful state of torture. I love it yet I don’t know if I can last all night without losing my sanity.

  Calum removes himself from my mouth and places soft kisses all over my face, telling me what a good girl I’ve been.

  “And tomorrow, when you become my wife, I shall reward you in unimaginable ways.”

  “I can’t wait, sir.”

  After releasing my arms, Calum places a chastity belt on me, saying that it’s better than keeping me restrained all night.

  “I can’t have you succumbing to the urge to touch yourself, now can I?”

  I grumble but he’s right. I would likely touch myself during the night. And in a way, I’m glad he’s restricting me. It will make my release that much more pleasurable.

  The next morning, he awakens before me. I can hear the voices of other women coming from the kitchen, and a bit of jealousy stirs within me. And when I sit up in bed, two of them enter my room. With bright blond hair and petite features, they look remarkably similar, though one is slightly taller than the other. Calum is right behind them, my curiosity piqued.

  “Daphne and Ramona will prepare you now for our ceremony. I will meet you in the town square.” He leans down and kisses the top of my head, lightly cupping my chin. In suede pants and leather boots that cling to his muscular legs, he looks so handsome I can hardly contain my excitement. His chest is still bare, and I hope he keeps it that way for the ceremony.


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