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Her Hero: Next Door

Page 5

by George H. McVey

  He shook his head. “No sweetheart, they are worse.”

  “Then why do you feel like you are full of darkness? It seems to me you are the one bringing light into dark places, Kris. My very own white knight willing to slay the monsters for the good of those who can’t.”

  She watched as Kris struggled to make her see he wasn’t a good man but she knew just by what he said that he might be a violent man when it was necessary, but he was a good man despite what he thought of himself. She allowed herself to capture his lips with her own and spent time showing him her heart the only way she knew how. When she started pulling him to the bed he pulled away from her and shook his head. “Sweetheart, as much as I want to take you to my bed it’s too soon for that. You said it yourself we haven’t even had a real date yet. I’d take you on one tonight, but I have to meet with Gregori at his place at nine.”

  She stepped away from him, the fear shining in her eyes again. “What? Why are you going to his place?”

  Kris smiled. “I had your brother set up the meeting. I’m going to convince him why leaving us alone is his best move tonight.”

  Raisa shook her head. “He won’t see it that way. He’ll try to snatch me while you’re gone, or kill you there or both.”

  Kris nodded. “I figured he might that’s why I want you to come with me.”

  “What? Are you out of your mind?”

  He shook his head. “No, Gregori thinks I’m just a florist. I suggested he find out who I am but he is so proud he won’t do it. That’s his mistake. He’ll expect me to leave you here or next door unprotected. So I’m taking you with me. It will throw him off. Don’t worry, I’ll be able to protect you and maybe if he has any sense at all he’ll listen to an old acquaintance of his and mine and this will all be over. Otherwise I’ll wipe the money from the diner’s accounts that belongs to him, or Friday will, and then he’ll know I’m not just a florist. But you will be safe tonight with me. I can’t guarantee you will be if you stay behind. Have faith in me, Raisa. I will never let him touch you. If he or any of his men try, I will destroy them completely.”

  Raisa could see the truth in his statement. He would keep her safe and if they even tried to touch her he’d make them pay. She wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest next to his heart. “I trust you and I believe you. I will go with you tonight.”

  “Then let’s fix some dinner and get you and me properly dressed for tonight. What size do you wear?”

  She blushed at giving him her measurements. “Why do you need to know?”

  “I need to get your outfit sent from Blackguard stock, that’s why.”

  She told him and he placed a call. Minutes later as they were fixing dinner a knock sounded at the door and Kris put a hand on the pistol in his waistband. “Identify yourself.”

  “Special delivery for Kris Lawson.”

  He opened the door and took the box handed to him.

  After they ate Kris helped Raisa put on a tactical suit that fit like it was made for her. Then he went into the safe room and dressed in a similar suit, but where hers was white, his was grey and black. He opened the weapons locker in the room and added several weapons from it to various hidden compartments in his suit. Then they headed down to his Dodge Viper and left the garage driving to a meeting with Gregori Volkov and hopefully, Raisa prayed, an end to this.

  Kris smiled at her. “Tomorrow night I’m taking you to dinner and then dancing.”

  She smiled and nodded. “It’s a date.”

  He lifted her hand to his lips and kiss her hand. “Yes, it is.”

  Chapter Six

  K ris parked just up the street from Gregori’s building and pulled a jacket over his outfit and then came around and helped Raisa out of the car. He could feel her trembling in her hand. “Nothing to be afraid of, sweetheart. I won’t let anything happen to you. Just stay with me and you’re as safe as can be.”

  Then he kissed her until her pulse pounded for another reason and fear took a back seat. Kris took her hand in his and together they walked up to the front of Gregori’s building and into the lobby where a large man in a security guard outfit stepped in front of them. “Can I help you folks?”

  Kris smiled. “Let your boss know the florist is here.”

  “Yes sir, I was told to expect you but not a second guest. The woman cannot go up.”

  Kris shook his head. “I believe you will want to allow her up. She is what I’m here to discuss with your boss. So step aside and inform the man I’m heading up.”

  “Not until I check you both for weapons and get permission to let the woman up.”

  Kris stepped in between the guard and Raisa. “You can pat me down but you will not lay a finger on the lady.”

  “If I don’t pat her down, she don’t go anywhere.”

  “If you try and touch her I will break your hand and tie you to your chair.”

  “You’ll try, you mean.”

  The man reached like he was going to grab Raisa and Kris grabbed his hand and twisted it until there was a loud snap and the man started screaming as his fingers lay on the top of his wrist, his hand having been bent completely backward. Then Kris put two fingers on either side of the man’s neck until his face turned red and then blue before the man dropped to the ground unconscious.

  Kris dragged him over to the chair behind the security desk and pulled four zip ties out of a pocket on his suit’s pants and tied the man’s arms to the arms of the chair. Next he secured the man’s feet to the chair legs. After the man was secure he took a set of keys off the man and taking Raisa’s hand went over to the elevator, inserted the key and turned it to the right. The closest elevator doors opened and they entered. Kris put the keys in the lock inside the elevator and turned it, causing a button labeled PH to light up. He pushed the button and the doors closed and the elevator raced upwards. It came to a stop at the penthouse and as the doors opened Kris turned the key to the left, locking the elevator in emergency stop mode.

  He and Raisa left the elevator and walked to where he could see Gregori behind a massive desk with Nestor standing to the side. “What the hell? You’re full of surprises, florist. I see you decided to bring me my prize.”

  Kris felt her grip on his hand tighten and he gave her a reassuring squeeze. “You still haven’t learned have you, Gregori? You didn’t call Igor to find out who I am, did you? Raisa is mine, you will not ever touch her.”

  Kris calmly walked over to the two chairs in front of the desk and held one for Raisa to sit in and then sat in the other himself. “Not only will you not touch her but if one of your men touches her it will be the last thing they touch. I only disabled the fool downstairs for not listening but my patience is gone; anyone who touches her now will just disappear forever.”

  Gregori’s face turned red and he shook his head. “Such big words from a flower boy. Let me make it clear, Raisa has been given to me by her brother. She is mine. If you insist on keeping me from what belongs to me then I’ll just have Nestor here snap your neck like a twig.”

  He nodded to the man standing to the side who moved to grab Kris and do just as his boss had said. But he stopped as Kris reached up and twisted his own wrist, causing a knife to appear in his hand touching Nestor right in the center of his throat. At the same time his left hand pointed at Gregori, holding a gun aimed right between the gangster’s eyes. “You should have talked to Igor, Volkov, then all this unpleasantness could have been avoided.”

  Kris looked over at Raisa. “Sweetheart, will you get my phone out of my jacket pocket please.”

  Raisa reached into the pocket and pulled out the phone. Kris smiled but kept his eyes on the two men he was holding with weapons. “There’s a button on the left side; can you press it please, my dear.”

  She pressed the button and the voice of Friday said, “How may I be of assistance?”

  Kris cleared his throat. “Call Vasiliev on speaker phone.”

  “Calling Vasiliev on speakerpho

  The phone rang twice and a deep gravely voice came from the speaker. “Kris, my brother, why are you calling me this early?”

  “I apologize Igor, but I need you to speak to an old acquaintance of yours who is trying to take the woman who holds my heart from me.”

  There was a grunt from the speaker. “Who do I know who would do something so dangerously foolish, brother?”

  “Gregori Volkov.”

  “I can call him but he will not listen, Kris. He is...”

  “Listening to this call, Igor. Just try. I could end this quickly but for the sake of my heart I need to try to do it peacefully.”

  There was a sigh. “As you wish. Gregori, are you there?

  “I am; who is this? There is no way this boy has Vasiliev’s number.”

  “Just as stubborn as when you broke into my house as a child. You learned nothing I tried to teach you.”

  “Igor? How is it that this one has your number?”

  “You didn’t try to find out who you were going up against, Gregori? What was the first thing I taught you?”

  “Know your enemy, but he is just a florist. A nobody.”

  “Listen to me now Gregori, and listen well. That man is not just a florist. Do you remember when my Vannya was taken from me?”

  “Yes of course. The General had her taken to make you do a job for him.”

  “Do you remember how she was returned to me?”

  “You said you hired a team of mercenaries to rescue her and deal with her captors.”

  “There was no team. Just the man you call just a florist. He alone with two guns and a knife dealt with sixteen spetzna soldiers and brought my daughter home to me. He is the deadliest man I’ve ever met, Gregori, and you would be wise to let this woman go and leave him and his alone before we plant you beside your father.”

  “He took what I want and then insulted me. Now he sits in my home pointing a weapon at me and you say I should let that go? Have you gotten soft in your old age, Igor?”

  “I told you Kris, he will not listen. Would you like to call in the debt I owe you?”

  “I had to try, Igor. For my love’s sake. No, I will handle what comes next. Will this cause a rift in our family, brother?”

  “No, I owe you more than he is worth. Do what you must and know our family will not take offense.”

  “Do svidaniya, brother.”

  “Do svidaniya, Kris.”

  There was a click as the man on the other end hung up his phone. Kris looked at Gregori. “Drop this now and I won’t destroy your empire. Leave Raisa and I alone and this ends here. But know this: if you even set foot near her I will destroy you and your whole organization.”

  “I’m not some old man, florist. You can’t win. I have more men than you can withstand.”

  Kris laughed. “That’s funny, that’s what your partner Carlos Madeneze said right before I destroyed his cartel.”

  Kris stood and keeping his eyes on the two men he put the knife in a pocket on his tactical suit and then indicated for Raisa to stand as well. He switched hands that held the pistol and pointed it between the two men and took Raisa’s hand in his. “We’ll leave you now to make your choice but if you want a war I will give you one, and I don’t lose at war.”

  He and Raisa backed to the elevator and he pushed the button and the door opened. He let go of Raisa and turned the key and stabbed the number one button. As the elevator doors started to close he saw Gregori and Nestor racing to the doors. He tossed a small black canister through the closing doors and they started the descent to the first floor.

  When they reached it, he took the key and turned it to the off position and then snapped it off in the keyhole. He and Raisa walked out the door and down the street. “They’re going to come, aren’t they?”

  He pulled her into his arms before opening the door for her to get in his car. “Not tonight, they aren’t. That canister was sleeping gas. Nestor and Gregori will be out for eight hours and then they’ll have to get someone to fix the elevator unless they plan to use the stairs. Don’t worry Raisa, I’ll keep you safe.”

  She climbed in the car and he shut the door after she was in. He didn’t hear her as he walked around the car as she asked, “But who will keep you safe?”

  The night passed with Raisa staying the night with Kris in his apartment. Even though he offered her a separate bedroom she begged him to let her stay with him. After the events of that evening Kris wasn’t going to tell her no, so once again he found himself in bed with her. Once again they kissed and touched each other, finding where the other liked to be kissed, nibbled or licked. But no clothing was removed and Kris refused to give in to the temptation to take things further. “Please Kris, I want you.”

  He shook his head. “No Raisa, I told you I want to do this right. I’m not going to strip you naked and have my way with you. We are going to get to know each other, date each other, and then when the time is right, and only when the time is right, we’ll seal the deal so to speak.”

  Raisa pouted, but then he put his arms around her and pulled her close and she snuggled in closer, feeling cherished and safe. Kris was such a surprise to her. She knew they had chemistry; it had crackled and almost drowned her for over two years but they’d never acted on it.

  Now instead of acting like the men she knew in the neighborhood who would have, as the saying goes, ‘hit it and quit it,’ Kris was acting like he needed to woo her. No, Kris was acting like he wanted to woo her and that was wonderful but also rare. She was willing if inexperienced and most of the men she had to fight off would have taken what she offered. Not Kris, he turned her down. If she hadn’t been falling in love with him before, that alone was enough to make her tumble. Add that to the fact that he had gone all ninja assassin on both Nestor and Gregori over her and she was positive that she was starting to love Kris Lawson. It was with those thoughts that sleep claimed Raisa and she drifted off into dreams of the man who held her in his arms and a future she hoped would come true.

  Raisa opened her eyes to daylight breaking through the window in the bedroom. She was still wrapped in Kris’s strong arms, still protected, still cherished even while he slept. Who was this man and why did he care so much for her? He was drop dead gorgeous, what her friends called a hottie and that was before he’d taken off his shirt to go to sleep. He was ripped and cut like one of those marble statues at the museum. Honestly, he had more muscle definition than Superman and Batman combined. She knew his name and she knew that they were attracted to each other but he could have had any woman he wanted, so why had he chosen her?

  Kris’s arm tightened around her and she looked up to see him staring down at her. “Good morning, my love. Did you sleep well?”

  She blushed at being caught looking at him while he slept. “Yes, thanks to you.”

  “Good, what is your plan for today?”

  She thought for a minute. “Do you think Gregori will leave me alone?”

  “I think today he will be too busy to try anything. We left his building with an elevator problem and the drug in the knock out grenade will leave both him and Nestor with a massive headache and light sensitivity for most of the day. It’s unlikely they will leave the penthouse for at least today, maybe a couple of days. Hopefully he will think about what Igor told him, then choose to be smart, and walk away from this fight.”

  “Then I am going to get dressed and go to work. I need to let Stephan know what the front of the house needs for the supply order.”

  She watched as Kris looked deep in her eyes. She knew he was thinking of telling her no but she was going to go no matter what he said. Raisa saw him realize that too. He nodded and kissed her, then untangled his arms from around her. “Then I’ll get dressed and drive you. I need to check with Carol and probably make sure an order gets placed as well. I’m also going to call the tech guy from Blackguard and have him install a couple of cameras outside the flower shop that will show me the alley and both entrances to your di
ner. I’ll see if I can’t find a way for him to tap into the one in your dining room, too.”


  Kris looked over his shoulder at her. “Just a precaution. Remember what I said: be prepared. I want to know instantly if Gregori or any of his goons didn’t listen last night.”

  Her heart started to race at the thought that Gregori might be even madder, then she remembered the things she’d heard about Kris last night. He had single handedly rescued a girl from 16 spetzna soldiers and apparently destroyed a drug cartel by himself or with his team from Blackguard. He should be able to handle anything that Gregori sends his way. Especially if he is prepared for it in advance.

  Raisa went to her bag and got a change of clothes as Kris told her to use the shower in his bath and he’d use the one in the guest room. “Do you have clothes for our date tonight or should I drop you off at your apartment when we come home?”

  She shivered as she thought about going on a proper date with him. “I will need to go home and get a dress if we are going someplace nice.”

  Kris nodded. “Do that and pack about a week’s worth of clothes too. I want you to be prepared to stay here until we’re sure that Gregori has moved on.”

  Raisa felt her pulse trip over his words. Even though just a few minutes ago he was saying she’d be safe for at least a few days, he wanted her to continue to stay with him and hopefully sleep with him. He made her feel safer than she had since her papa died.

  She wrapped her arms around him and Kris held her tight. “What’s all this then? Not that I’m complaining.”

  She gazed up at him, “You make me feel safe. When you hold me I feel like nothing or no one can hurt me.”

  “They can’t. I won’t allow them to. Know this, Raisa, if anyone ever takes you from me against your wishes, I will come for you. I. will. Rescue. You. And. I. Will. End. Them.” He had given her a light kiss after each word and then claimed her lips at the end of the statement, taking her to heights of passion that left her aching and hungry for more. Then he swatted her on the backside. “Shower or we’ll never get to work.”


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