Book Read Free

A Life Changing Encounter

Page 1

by Alexa Kane




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  Published by Alexa Kane

  Copyright 2020 by Alexa Kane

  All Rights Reserved. ©

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  The author acknowledges all song titles, song lyrics, film titles, film characters, trademarked statuses, brands, mentioned in this book are the property of, and belong to, their respective owners. The publication / use of these trademarks is not authorized / associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


  Because of its explicit sexual content, mature themes and bad language, it is suitable for readers over 18 years of age.

  I hope you enjoy reading Kyle’s story, the final installment of the For Keeps series.


  Title Page


  Author’s Note

  Chapter 1 - Jessica

  Chapter 2 - Kyle

  Chapter 3 - Jessica

  Chapter 4 - Jessica

  Chapter 5 - Kyle

  Chapter 6 - Jessica

  Chapter 7 - Kyle

  Chapter 8 - Jessica

  Chapter 9 - Kyle

  Chapter 10 - Jessica

  Chapter 11 - Kyle

  Chapter 12 - Jessica

  Chapter 13 - Kyle

  Chapter 14 - Jessica

  Chapter 15 - Kyle

  Chapter 16 - Jessica

  Chapter 17 - Kyle

  Chapter 18 - Jessica

  Chapter 19 - Kyle

  Chapter 20 - Jessica

  Chapter 21 - Kyle

  Chapter 22 - Kyle

  Chapter 23 - Kyle

  Chapter 24 - Jessica

  Chapter 25 - Kyle

  Chapter 26 - Jessica

  Chapter 27 - Jessica

  Chapter 28 - Kyle

  Chapter 29 - Jessica

  Chapter 30 - Kyle

  Chapter 31 - Jessica

  Chapter 32 - Kyle

  Chapter 33 - Jessica

  Chapter 34 - Kyle

  Chapter 35 - Jessica

  Chapter 36 - Kyle

  Chapter 37 - Jessica

  Thank you very much for reading

  Chapter 1


  “I lover her.”

  I look over at the only other person sitting at the bar who appears to be extremely drunk, is this dude talking to himself or to me?

  “You lover her?” I ask.

  Damn, why did I open my mouth, now I have his attention and he has moved closer to me. Jesus he stinks of whiskey, how much has he had to drink?

  “Yes, she’s my loverrr.” Wow, this dude can barely stand up right.

  Too bad he’s not sober, he’s one of the hotter guys in here tonight and most of the other attractive guys are spoken for.

  You would think with living in such a big city that the dating pool would be a lot bigger. I mean, the dating pool is big but it’s the quality that concerns me, I haven’t met a decent guy since Charlie and I broke up.

  “And who might your loverrr be?” I have no idea why I am even entertaining this guy but the night is winding down and I figure he will be good for a laugh before I head home for the night. Alone.

  Normally that wouldn’t bother me but I thought being an engagement party that I might meet some new people and I stupidly got my hopes up.

  “Alice, pretty Alice,” he says while holding his hands over his heart.

  Alice, huh?

  So this must be the famous Kyle Astley that I have heard so much about. Now that I see him in person, I understand why she held out so long in the hopes that he would make a commitment to her.

  If he fucks as well as she says he does then I don’t blame her for trying to tame the player.

  He is one fine player.

  “Oh, so that must make you Kyle then,” at the mention of his name, he perks up then narrows his eyes at me and leans in closer.

  “Yeah, hey, howdoyouknowthat?” Great, now he can’t even separate his words.

  My best guess is that Alice rejected him, again.

  It’s not surprising that once she finally met someone that would put a ring on her finger, Kyle all of a sudden decided that he wanted too as well. I have to admit though, it either takes some serious balls or complete stupidity to show up at someone’s engagement party and try to win them back.

  My best guess is that with Kyle, it’s a severe case of stupidity.

  “Because I’m Alice’s cousin,” and she has told me every single detail about you. Almost too many details at times.

  “Cousin?” he thinks about it really hard, then all of a sudden his eyes light up. “Yeah, I see it, you’re pretty too, pretty cousin, hey you know who else you look like?”

  So I’m pretty am I?

  So much for being in love with Alice.

  “Who’s that?” I ask. Why am I even still talking to him? I should have walked away as soon as I figured out who he was.

  “Evaaaaa,” he slurs.

  “And who’s Eva? Is she another girl that you have fucked on and off for years?” I still can’t believe Alice wasted just over three years of her youth sleeping with this dude thinking that he would change his ways.

  He starts shaking his head dramatically, “Nope, she’s my wife, no, friend’s wife…she’s Mason’s wife, and my friend. You are pretty like her, long dark hair, nice ass,” he hiccups which only makes the whiskey stench worse, “Your tits are nicer than hers though.”

  I can’t help but roll my eyes, yesterday this asshole was begging Alice to call off her engagement and tonight he’s checking me out, at her engagement party of all places.

  His eyes continue to roam all over my body. Does this guy have no shame?

  “Gee thanks,” I mutter sarcastically.

  He hiccups again before saying, “You’re welcome.” His eyes continue to wander over my body until something catches his eye over my shoulder. “Hey, there’s Mason now, wanna play a trick on him?”

  “Not particularly,” I deadpan.

  He leans in close and wraps one arm around me, “Itwillbefun.”

  Before I know what’s happening, his lips are on mine.

  Even though he stinks of whiskey, his kiss isn’t bad.

  For reasons that are unknown to me, I grant him entrance into my mouth and his tongue collides with mine.

  Fuck, Alice was right, he does know what he’s doing.

  I’m totally screwed.

  Before things can get out of hand, Kyle is ripped away from me and punched in the face by a man who strongly resembles him.

  Kyle drops to the ground and doesn’t get back up,
“Omigod! Is he okay?”

  The man who punched Kyle turns around at my voice and looks confused, “You aren’t Eva.”

  “No fucking shit!” I yell.

  “Oh, well…sorry,” he says with a shrug.

  “Let me guess, you’re Mason?” some fucking trick that turned out to be.

  The guy who I presume is Mason looks confused at first, “Yeah, how did you…oh, fuck. Kyle worked out that you looked like Eva and did this on purpose didn’t he?”

  “And you’re the fucking idiot that fell for it!” Looking over I see a small brunette who is around my height and also has long dark hair.

  Okay, I kind of get it now.

  But there’s one very obvious difference which this lady who I presume is Eva points out to her husband. “I am wearing a BLACK dress Mason! She is wearing RED! What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  Mason looks down at our two dresses and when he looks up again, he’s wearing a sheepish expression on his face. He shrugs before saying, “I’m sorry?”

  “You will be sorry, now pick him up, we have to get him home.” She points dramatically at an unconscious Kyle that is still lying on the ground.

  “Fine,” Mason then looks at me and says, “Mind helping?”

  “Um, sure?” I guess I am involved in this now, might as well see it through.

  We take the elevator downstairs to the carpark and Mason is dragging Kyle along underneath his arm, his shoes are dragging along the ground but Mason doesn’t seem to care.

  We come across my car first and I figure I might as well go home, I have all of my stuff and the night was pretty much over anyway. “This is me,” I unlock the car and walk around to the driver’s side to get in. Except Mason starts opening the passenger door and puts Kyle in my car. “What the fuck do you think you are doing?”

  “You were going to fuck him tonight weren’t you? He will be good in a few hours.” He finishes buckling Kyle in and then slams the car door with a satisfied smirk on his face.

  “Mason!” his small wife hits him in his stomach but he barely flinches. “Don’t be rude and take Kyle out of her car! We can take him home.”

  Mason groans in frustration, “Baby, when we get home it will be to an empty house, no kids, and that fucker,” he points madly at the car for emphasis, “Is not ruining that.”

  “But Mason…HEY!” he picks her up and puts her over his shoulder, she is madly hitting his backside, trying in vain to get down.

  “Look, I’m sorry to do this to you but I’m going home to fuck my wife, just drive home and leave him in the car overnight. He’s not a thief I promise, get Alice to tell me where you live and I will come get him in the morning.”

  Then that handsome fucker just walks away, leaving another handsome but unconscious fucker in my car.

  What the actual fuck?

  What the hell am I supposed to do with him?

  Opening the door, I try to pull him back out of the car but he’s too heavy.

  He’s starting to stir though, “Pretty Girl?”

  “Look, you need to get out of my car,” I snap, I’m not in the mood for this shit.

  “Did it work Pretty Cousin?”

  “Yes it worked and you managed to get yourself knocked out in the process.” How the hell did I get tangled up in this mess?

  “Okay, I’m sleepy, can you take me home.” His eyes flutter closed again and it becomes clear that I won’t be able to get him out of my car without help.

  “Sure, where do you live?” the sooner this night is over with the better. I’ve had to endure countless questions about what happened with Charlie from nosy family members tonight and I’ve had enough.

  “I’ll give Pretty Girl directions.” Directions? He can barely speak as it is.

  “I have a name you know,” even though I’m sure he’s not used to learning women’s names.

  “I know, it’s Pretty Girl.”

  Fuck. My. Life.

  Alice will owe me for this and so will that prick Mason.

  Hoping in my car, I start driving towards Kyle’s house with his awful directions but he passes out again.

  For fuck sakes, I can’t catch a break tonight.

  We are outside my apartment building though so he’s just going to have to sleep in my car, I’m not even going to put the seat down for him.

  After I park and hop out, I am just about to lock the car for the night when his door opens, “We home?”

  “I’m home, not too sure about you,” of course he wakes up when I’m nearly rid of him of for the night.

  “That’s okay, I stay with Pretty Girl.” Like fuck that’s happening.

  I try to keep the venom out of my voice as I say, “Pretty Girl doesn’t want a strange man in her house.”

  He points to himself as he says, “I’m not strange, I’m Kyle.”

  “Fuck!” Groaning loudly, I walk around the car and shut his door, locking it and then walking away.

  “Hey wait Pretty Girl!” he stumbles his way over to me and puts his arm around me for balance. “Pretty Girl help?”

  “Yes, Pretty Girl help but you better not make me fall over.” This dude is a lot bigger than me, if he passes out again, he will take me with him.

  “Nope,” he says with confidence that I don’t feel. We walk over to the elevator and manage to get inside without too much effort. “I can see down your top, you have nice boobs.”

  Rolling my eyes, I try to be nice when I mutter, “Please don’t look at my boobs.”

  “Why not?” he asks with an, I hate to admit it, cute but confused expression on his face.

  “Because I don’t want you to,” I don’t even want you in my apartment but for some reason, it’s happening.

  “Okay,” he flips his head over mine so he’s now looking at my back. What the hell is he doing?

  When the elevator opens, we stumble out but with him standing so awkwardly it’s slowing us down.

  “Why the hell are you walking like that?” and could he be any more annoying? I know Alice said he was good in bed but how could she put up with his crap for so long?

  “You didn’t want me to look at your boobs so I’m looking at your ass, it’s real nice by the way.”

  “Great,” after stumbling a few more steps, I give up, “Fine, look at my boobs if it’s going to make you walk straight.”

  He follows my request and it makes walking a lot easier but now his eyes are glued to my chest. “I think I’m in love with your boobs.”

  “No you’re not. This is me,” I shrug him off so I can get my keys out of my handbag. Once I have the door unlocked he walks inside first, gazing around in wonder.

  “Pretty Girl has a pretty apartment. I bet she has a pretty bed too,” he spins around and raises his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

  He also seems to be walking a lot easier.


  “Where is Pretty Girl’s bed?” he asks with a panty dropping smile on his face.

  His tricks may work on other girls but my panties are staying firmly in place tonight.

  “You don’t get to see Pretty Girl’s bed, you get the couch or the floor.” There is no way in hell he is stepping foot inside my bedroom.

  He pouts but mumbles, “Fine.”

  Kyle stumbles over to the couch, practically falling on top of it, as soon as he gets comfortable he closes his eyes, muttering, “Kyle likes Pretty Girl.” Seconds later he starts snoring.

  Let’s hope he stays like that until the morning.

  If I wake up to this guy jumping in my bed in the middle of the night, then I won’t be held responsible for his injuries.

  Chapter 2


  Holy shit. My head feels like it’s being crushed by a vice.

  How much did I have to drink last night?

  Opening my eyes that feel like they are rubbing against sandpaper, I take a look at my surroundings.

  Not my apartment…interesting.

  I’m sleeping on a couch
fully dressed…very interesting.

  Fuck, I need a drink, working out where I am and how I got here will have to wait.

  Standing up, I have to take a minute to get my balance.

  Shit, I think I’m going to be sick…nope, I think I’m good.

  Making my way towards the kitchen, I get a glass of water, then a second glass just in case and make my way over to the table.

  It feels so good to sit down, my head is pounding.

  Closing my eyes against the daylight, I start sipping small amounts of water.

  The sound of a key in a lock draws my attention and I open my eyes to see a petite brunette walking through the door fitted out in running gear.

  Please tell me I tapped that last night.

  She is fucking smoking hot.

  Like, bang my head against this table fucking hot.

  “Who are you?” and would you like to marry me? Our children would be beautiful.

  “Pretty Girl,” she says with a smirk.

  “Huh?” did she just call herself a pretty girl? That’s kind of strange, incredibly true but still strange.

  “My name, it’s Pretty Girl,” she saunters over to sink and fills a glass with water.

  My eyes are roaming her body but I can’t help it, she’s stunning.

  “Okay?” I don’t understand the joke but one thing is for sure, she is a very pretty girl.

  “Are you going to leave now?” With the look she is giving me, I either passed out before we had sex and she is mad at me or I walked into the wrong apartment and fell asleep again.

  “Um, in a minute,” but not likely, not until I know who this goddess is and how I ended up on her couch, “My head hurts.”

  She laughs under her breath, “No shit, I bet you have the hangover from hell and you probably have a concussion too.”

  “From what?” what the hell did I do last night? I can’t remember a thing.

  “Seriously? You don’t remember anything?” I shake my head no. “I found you outside last night, you were giving some guy a blow job and when I walked past, I startled you and you hit your head.”


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