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A Life Changing Encounter

Page 5

by Alexa Kane

  “Fine,” walking straight past the elevator, I make my way into the stairwell and take the steps two at a time.

  I’ve never been to a family dinner with a girl before but Jessica is cool and so is Alice, it only makes sense that the rest of their family is cool too.

  Looking at my phone I can see multiple missed calls from my own family, but unlike Pretty Girl, I wasn’t going to ditch my fuck buddy for a home cooked meal.

  Well, she’s going to luck out when she gets back home tonight because I’m not going to be there.

  I’m going to be in my own stupid apartment, on my hard couch, looking at my sterile walls. I’ll show her.

  Yeah, I’ll show her what she’s missing.

  I’ll send her a dick pic while she’s at her stupid dinner.

  Tell her that she can say goodbye to it for good. No, not for good because that would be a punishment for me too and I didn’t do anything wrong.

  Maybe just tonight, or two nights, however long I can hold out.

  Unlocking the door to my apartment, I walk in feeling depressed already.

  Stupid apartment.

  Walking over to the window, I realize that I might be able to see Jessica’s apartment from here. I spend some time counting the floors and windows and finally figure out which one is hers.

  I drop my pants and hold my phone out so I can get my dick in the picture as well as her apartment.

  Now I have to think of something ruthless to say.

  Chapter 8


  Seeing as I walked into dinner half an hour late, it goes by fairly quickly but I can tell that Alice is dying to get me alone.

  Straight after desert, she grabs my hand and drags me upstairs to her old bedroom.

  “Tell me everything,” she says as soon as we are alone.

  We jump up on her bed and I actually feel pretty excited to share my week with her. “Okay, so Kyle has been staying with me every night in my apartment since your engagement party but we only started having sex on Friday night. Since then it’s been a crazy fuck fest and holy shit Alice, I have never orgasmed so many times in my life.”

  “Wait, Friday as in two days ago?” she asks with a puzzled look on her face.

  “Yeah, why?” was that too soon to sleep with him or something?

  “So, he slept in your bed for,” she begins counting on her fingers, “Six fucking nights and you guys didn’t do anything but sleep.”

  “Yeah, is that weird?” it seems like this is a really big deal for her.

  “Fuck yes that is weird Jess, every single night I spent with Kyle, we fucked, he wouldn’t have stayed otherwise.” I must be wearing my feelings on my sleeve as Alice cringes then starts to apologize, “Sorry Jess, I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just surprised, Kyle must really like you.”

  “You think?” I really like him too but he’s a huge player, there’s no way he would ever want to be my boyfriend or anything.

  “Yeah, I do think.” I’m trying to not read too much into what Alice is saying when my phone dings with an incoming text.

  Reaching into my pocket, I grab my phone to see it’s a text from Kyle, “Speak of the devil.”

  Opening the text message, I am gob smacked when I see he has sent a picture of his erect penis. Wait, is that my apartment in the background? Reading the caption, it becomes clear that he can see straight into my apartment from his.

  The next time you want to see my dick, you will have to look out your window, you won’t be seeing it again in person anytime soon.

  I can’t help the laugh that escapes me, I’m laughing so hard that Alice rips the phone out of my hands and soon we are both rolling around on her bed, laughing our asses off.

  “Omigod, why did he send you that?” Alice is wiping tears away from her eyes while I’m busy staring at Kyle’s dick on my phone.

  “He was mad that I didn’t let him come to dinner tonight,” but if he came to dinner then I would have had to answer all of my family’s questions and what am I supposed to say, ‘hey guys, this is a dude I’m fucking, he was hungry, hope you don’t mind’.

  “That’s pretty awesome, I do miss his sense of humor, he was always good for a laugh.” Alice is right that he does have a good sense of humor but I can’t help feeling like I really did hurt his feelings tonight.

  I end up leaving not long after my talk with Alice, I want to make it up to Kyle for leaving him so rudely. I probably could have been nicer about it.

  When I walk back into my apartment, I get an idea but I’m pretty nervous about it. Turning all the lights on, I strip out of my clothes then stand behind one of my curtains.

  I type out a quick text to Kyle then drop my phone and stand in front of my window in the direction I think Kyle’s window will be.

  It takes a few seconds and I’m close to hiding again in case someone else sees me when Kyle appears in a huge window, a few floors above me.

  His mouth drops open as soon as he sees me and he clutches his dick with both hands. He seems to disappear quite quickly after that and I step back from the window and close all of my curtains.

  Just as I am closing the last curtain, I hear a key in the lock.

  He seems flustered and keeps trying to push the door open before it’s even unlocked.

  When he steps into my apartment, he slams and locks the door but he doesn’t turn around to face me. “I’m mad at you.”

  “I know and I’m sorry Kyle, but I only take men home to my family if they are my boyfriend and we aren’t even dating.” If he says that he wants to start dating, I will gladly take him home to meet everyone next Sunday.

  “Okay,” he taps his head against the door softly then turns around.

  His eyes roam over my naked body and he steps towards me slowly while undressing at the same time.

  It’s fucking sexy and I feel like I am getting my own personal strip tease.

  “I get it, no family dinners but next time don’t ever say that you don’t want me.” He’s standing in front of me completely naked now and his erection is lightly brushing against my stomach.

  “No family dinners,” I say slightly disappointed, “But I think it’s pretty obvious that I want you Kyle.”

  He grins then walks straight past me into the living room, he sits down on my couch and gestures to his cock, “Show me how much you want me then.”

  Grinning, I walk over to him and settle on the ground between his legs. “You better not make me late for work in the morning Kyle.”

  He winks at me, “No promises.”

  Chapter 9


  I’ve just finished work for the day and I’m meeting Jessica across the road for coffee, I’m running late because my last client likes to talk.

  Normally I’m all for a bit of small talk but not when I’m about to meet my Pretty Girl.

  Yesterday sucked while she was at work and I ended up hanging around her apartment for most of the day and went through her things.

  She has some stupid shoebox with little bits and pieces from her ex, it was hiding at the back of her closet under some shoes so I imagine she has forgotten it’s there.

  I’ll have to remind her to throw that shit out.

  When she arrived home from work last night, I was going through her medicine cabinet, she only laughed and asked me if I had found anything interesting.

  She’s so amazing, I’ve never hung out with a girl who is so chilled before.

  But the shoebox bothers me a little bit.

  She seemed really happy in the photos I found and I even rang Alice to see what the deal was between the two of them. Alice assured me that he is the king of all assholes and that Jessica doesn’t have feelings for him anymore.

  But if that’s true, then why the shoebox?

  I run across the road, dodging traffic and I see my Pretty Girl through the window at the café ordering us coffee.

  When she turns around, she bumps into this dude and then turns pale.


  The guy gives her a hug and then he steps out of line to talk to her, when he turns side on, I recognize him.


  The fucking shoe box guy.

  Walking into the café, I make my way straight to Jessica, “Sorry I’m late Pretty Girl.” I step around shoe box guy and give her a hug and a big kiss on the lips, I add a little bit of tongue for this dude’s benefit.

  Pulling back, Jessica looks a bit shaken and then looks back at shoe box guy but she looks nervous.

  I turn to face him and pretend like I hadn’t seen him, “Oh, hey dude, what’s up? I’m Kyle.” Yeah, so it turns out that I’m showing my age as I decide to go with pretending that I don’t remember that I have already met him. I hold out my hand to shake his and he reluctantly takes it.

  He keeps looking between Jessica and I and I can tell he doesn’t like the fact that she has moved on.

  “It’s nice to meet you Kyle, I’m Charles Thompson.” As I’m shaking his hand, I run his name over in my head, I’ve seen that name somewhere before. “Jessie darling, you didn’t tell me you were seeing anyone.”

  “Jessie?” I ask darkly, not liking that name one bit and what the fuck is with this darling shit?

  “Yes, Jessie, it’s my nickname for her. We used to date, for three years actually,” he says smugly.


  Wow, three years though.

  That’s a long ass time.

  His shoe box is pretty small for three years though, I bet I could get a bigger shoe box.

  I’m about to say something smart back about how we need to leave so we can fuck the night away when Jessica’s name is called. She excuses herself to go and grab our coffees, Charles and I stand awkwardly and wait for her but this mother fuckers’ eyes don’t stray far from her.

  “It’s nice to see that Jessie has found a rebound,” he tears his eyes off my Pretty Girls’ ass to look me up and down, “Don’t get comfortable my friend, I could take her back from you if I wanted to.”

  Mother. Fucker.

  I hate this guy.

  His shoebox is getting burned tonight.

  Jessica returns with our coffees and we leave, with me being in a very fucking bad mood. We jump in a cab and during the short car ride back to her apartment, I mull over the dude’s name.

  Where have I seen that name before?

  Pulling out my phone I text Jennifer, she’s my assistant when I come into the office and she has a superb memory. She’ll know this dude.

  It only takes her a few seconds to respond and she lets me know that this Charles guy has requested a meeting with me twice.

  I’m well sort after in my profession and a lot of people with newly found wealth often want my advice. I always say no as I’m not interested in expanding my client base but for this dude, I’ll make a fucking exception.

  My mood dramatically improves when Jennifer tells me I have a meeting with him at 10am tomorrow morning.

  This should be fucking classic.

  I almost want to live stream it to Jessica at work.

  For the rest of the night, we cuddle up together and watch a movie on her couch. I’ve gone to ask her about Charles a few times but I don’t know how to bring it up.

  Besides, with Alice we never talked about the other people we fucked.

  Jessica isn’t fucking him now so why should it bother me?

  When we go to bed that night and my Pretty Girl is riding my cock like a cowgirl, I take great satisfaction in knowing that she’s mine.


  “Charles Thompson is here to see you.”

  “Thanks Jennifer, send him in,” I need to wipe the bloody smile off my face otherwise it will be obvious that this meeting was a set up.

  I take a few deep breaths and try to look busy at my desk.

  When the door opens, I stand and then act surprised, “Wait a second, didn’t I meet you last night?”

  Shoe box guy seems completely dumb founded, I walk around my desk to shake his hand and he pauses, taking a moment to look me up and down again.

  I’m pretty much wearing the same thing I was last night, jeans and a t-shirt. I never wear anything else into the office and my boss is okay with it, so are my clients.

  He takes my hand in his but still looks confused, “I’m sorry, I thought I was meeting with Kyle Astley.”

  I gesture to myself proudly, “The one and only, take a seat.” Walking back around my desk, I find it hard to keep myself composed, this is going better than I thought it would.

  “I’m sorry, but you work here?” he takes a seat but looks like someone is playing a joke on him.

  In truth I don’t need to work, I had a lot of luck during college with the stock market and then I invested in a few start-ups that went global. I like keeping in touch with things and I enjoy helping nice people make money, but this man is not a nice guy and I don’t want to see him make any money.

  “Yes, I do, is there a problem?” this is perfect, he judged me yesterday without even knowing me. I looked into him and it turns out that I know his boss pretty well, I should turn up with Jessica to one of those snobby parties.

  Now that would be fun.

  He shifts uncomfortably in his seat, “Sorry, no, no problem at all. Should we get started?”

  “Sure,” I sit back only partially listening to his stupid voice.

  I wonder how I can bring Jessica up in conversation.

  After about twenty minutes he is done talking and I tell him that I will take his idea into consideration and get back to him.

  Just as he is about to leave, he brings up the one topic I wasn’t sure how to broach, “So, you’re dating my Jessie?”

  No, he fucking didn’t.

  “You mean my Jessica and yes, I am.” Keep it together Kyle, don’t ruin your advantage, “Would you like to know how many times I fucked her after we saw you last night?”

  That wasn’t exactly the best move I have ever made but it felt fucking good.

  Too bad that feeling doesn’t last.

  “Kyle, that name sounds familiar, I remember Jessie talking about a guy named Kyle that her cousin Alice fucked on the side.” He pauses to take in his victory of words over me, “That wouldn’t happen to be you, would it Kyle?”

  “Actually, it is me,” I step in nice and close to him and make sure I enunciate my next words clearly. “I fuck a lot of people, including that architect girlfriend of yours,” his jaw clenches tight and his hands turn into fists. “That’s right, I googled you and imagine my surprise when your girlfriends face popped up. Why don’t you ask her about a magical night at our last Christmas party, when I fucked her over this very desk.”

  His face pales and he looks over at my desk, no doubt picturing me fucking his girlfriend from behind.

  I didn’t actually fuck his girlfriend in here but I did fuck her at our Christmas party, I think it was in the conference room or somewhere.

  Shoe box guy takes a moment before he walks out of my office, he doesn’t look back and I take that as a victory.

  Walking over to my desk, I take great satisfaction in ringing Alice and giving her a play by play of the events that just went down in my office.

  She is squealing with joy and giving me phone high fives, it feels pretty fucking great.

  I can’t wait to tell my Pretty Girl all about it tonight.

  Chapter 10


  When I get home from work, I’m not even remotely surprised to see Kyle inside my apartment but I am surprised to see a certain shoebox on the coffee table.

  “Hey baby,” he says casually like he doesn’t have a shoebox sitting in front of him with stuff my ex gave me.

  “Don’t hey baby me when you have that shoebox sitting in front of you. What are you even doing with it?” I’ve let Kyle get away with a lot of shit since I’ve met him and I have no idea why.

  It’s like he’s impossible to stay mad at.

  “Oh yeah, I had the best day,
sit down and I’ll tell you about it.” When I don’t immediately move to sit next to him, he pouts and then pulls me down onto his lap.

  When I try to wiggle out of his hold, he just tightens his grip on me and kisses me on the forehead.

  This is just getting weird, “Fine, how was your day?”

  “So good. I recognized the name of your ex as he has been trying to get a meeting with me so I got my assistant to set it up.” He is grinning like a fool but I’m slowly dying inside.

  “Kyle,” I say carefully, “Please tell me that you aren’t going to see Charlie.”

  “Charlie?” he says darkly, “Don’t give that asshole a nickname. You guys are over so that means no more Charlie and certainly no more Jessie.”

  I can’t help the smile that covers my face, “Wait a second. Are you jealous?”

  He seems stunned that I would ask that. “What? Why would I be jealous?”

  He is so jealous and it’s actually pretty awesome, “You sound pretty jealous that he calls me Jessie.”

  “I’m not jealous but it’s a stupid name and it doesn’t suit you. Pretty Girl is the only nickname you should have. My Pretty Girl,” he leans in to kiss me and just like that, everything else slips away.

  With great effort and concentration, I manage to pull away, “Okay, so back to Charles, please don’t meet up with him, that’s just weird.”

  His eyes widen slightly, “Too late.”

  Oh no, what has he done? “What do you mean, too late?”

  “I met with him today and it was fucking awesome! First, he was all like, I’m supposed to be meeting with Kyle Astley and I’m like, yeah, that’s me and he was all like,” he makes a face like he is shocked, “And I was like BOOM! He waffled on for a while and then I was like, oh by the way, I fucked your girlfriend.”

  His words cause me to freeze.

  He what now?

  Climbing out of his hold, I begin to pace, “You fucked his girlfriend?”

  “Yeah, he was pissed about it too,” he seems awfully pleased with this fact.


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