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A Life Changing Encounter

Page 15

by Alexa Kane

  This is turning into a nightmare.

  Just as I put my feet into the small pool and groan at how good the water feels against my skin, Kyle comes bounding up the stairs from the beach, shirtless and fucking breathtaking.

  Why couldn’t I have started sleeping with someone ugly?

  Damn Alice and her good taste.

  He pauses when he sees me and his eyes roam my body, he swallows deeply when his eyes linger on my breasts and then he quickly gets in the pool and sits on one of the shallow edges.

  He clears his throat a few times, “Your belly has gotten bigger.”

  Walking further into the water, I decide to state the obvious, “Yeah, but that’s not the only thing that has gotten bigger.”

  Kyle laughs softly and starts looking out towards the ocean, “Yeah, I may have noticed those too.” He is silent for a while and I get comfortable in the water, “Pregnancy suits you.”

  “What?” is he talking about my breasts or something else.

  “You look good Pretty Girl,” he sighs and sinks further into the water but turns and faces the ocean with his arms resting on the edge of the pool. “You look real good.”

  “Thanks Kyle.” Not knowing how to act around him now, I start to swim lengths of the pool. Except the pool is so small that really I’m just kicking myself off one end and then grabbing the other end.

  We spend a while in the pool until Kyle gets out and wraps a dressing gown around himself.

  Why didn’t I think of that?

  Fancy places like this always have those dressing gowns and slippers.

  Practically reading my mind, Kyle gets the second gown and holds it up for me to walk into. Getting out of the pool, I avoid eye contact with him, or more accurately avoid watching his eyes as they devour me again.

  We eat dinner out by the pool a short while later and the whole evening is actually really enjoyable.

  Who knew that Kyle could be such a romantic?

  After desert, Kyle asks me if I would like to go for a walk along the beach but the sun is just starting to set so I decline.

  It’s all a bit much for me to handle, Kyle acting like this makes me think crazy thoughts. It makes hope of a future bloom in my chest and if he asked me to stay in Seattle and raise these babies with him then I think I might just say yes.

  Chapter 28


  This trip wasn’t supposed to be super romantic but that’s exactly how it’s turning out.

  I promised myself that I wouldn’t beg Jessica to be with me again, but when I threatened to kiss her if she didn’t leave the apartment her reaction was the last thing I expected.

  Her eyes got that heated look in them and her lips parted, like she was granting me entrance into that sweet mouth of hers.

  Like I rookie, I got so excited that I dropped our suitcases and startled her so much that she literally ran away from me.

  I was going to let it go until I saw her squirming in her seat on the plane and I damn near came in my pants when I watched her shiver after asking her if she wanted me to suck her pussy.

  She looked like she was seconds away from saying yes and since then it’s all I can think about.

  Her body is changing but it’s only making her more beautiful, watching her stomach round out and knowing that I’m the cause of that did something to me and it’s making me want things with her that I’ve never wanted with anyone before.

  I took a walk twice yesterday to clear my head but neither time did me any good, it only made me want to race back to her to see if she was alright.

  Which is weird right? I mean, why wouldn’t she be okay?

  I even checked that she was breathing last night before I went to bed as she was so quiet, I felt like a creep standing over her and watching her sleep.

  There is something seriously wrong with me.

  The couch here isn’t as comfortable as Pretty Girl’s and I wake up with a stiff back so I decide to take a hot shower. I don’t think much about stripping off and getting under the water until I notice Pretty Girl peering at me from the bed.

  It’s clear she would freak if she knew that I knew that she was watching me so I act casual, or at least I try to.

  Grabbing the soap, I lather it up in my hands and begin to wash my body, making sure I turn this way and that so she gets a good show.

  When I get to my dick, I lather up more soap and give it a thorough cleaning but it takes all my effort not to look at Pretty Girl so I lean back and put my face under the water.

  Fuck, I’m going to give myself away if I’m not careful.

  I quickly rinse off and exit the shower, taking note of the fact that she’s still watching me.

  I turn my back on her to dry off as I know she loves my ass just as much as I love hers. When I exit the bathroom, I can’t help it and take a peek over at the bed.

  Jessica is wound up tight but has her eyes closed, pretending to be asleep.

  I’ll let her have this one but if she looks at me like that again then it’s game on.

  Breakfast arrives when she is having her shower so I set everything up by the pool again.

  When she walks out in her dressing gown and sits down opposite me, I almost choke on my coffee.

  I’m pretty sure that she’s not wearing anything underneath.

  Which means she’s naked.

  She’s sitting opposite me in nothing but a dressing gown and when she reaches for the orange juice, the front gapes and all I can see is her glorious cleavage.

  Yep, she’s naked.

  That must mean she wants me.

  She saw my dick in the shower and now she wants me.

  Holy shit, I can’t believe this is happening to me.

  I’m about to jump her when she puts her first forkful of pancakes into her mouth and groans, “Mmmmm, this is so good, I’m starving.”

  That’s right, the babies. She isn’t just eating for one anymore, she has to sustain three people with what she eats now so that means I have to control myself.

  Which is easier said than done.

  She practically devours the pancakes, then the fruit and when I see her eyeing my half-finished pancakes, I give her those too.

  Normally I would be finished eating well before her, but this morning my appetite has left me.

  Well, my appetite for food anyway.

  My appetite for Jessica is increasing by the second.

  Once she has finished my pancakes, she leans back in her seat with a satisfied smirk on her face, “I could get used to this.”

  “Used to what?” used to the food? Hell, I’ll hire her a damn chef if it will make her this happy.

  “Everything, the food, this villa, the view…you.” I clear my throat a few times but nothing comes out. “Are you alright Kyle?”

  “Um, not really,” how to approach this? With subtly is probably best, I don’t want to scare her off. “Are you naked?”

  So much for subtly.

  With a completely straight face, she says, “Is that a problem?”

  “No,” oh it very much is a problem. A big fucking problem. Swallowing deeply, I can’t think of any words to say so I excuse myself from the table and drop my towel just before I hop in the pool.

  All too late, I remember I never put shorts on after my shower.

  I’m naked in the pool and Jessica is naked under her robe.


  My dick is fully hard now and there is no way I will be able to hide this from her.

  Taking the same position in the pool I was in yesterday, I lean on the edge, looking out at the view while hiding my erection under the water.

  I have no idea why I get so nervous around her.

  A few minutes later, I hear the water shift behind me and place my head on my arms. There is no way I will be able to resist fucking her if I turn around and I don’t want to ruin this between us or she will go back to ignoring me.

  When I feel her hand graze my shoulder, I automatically whip my head up but
get the fright of my life when I see her standing naked in the pool next to me.

  That’s right, Pretty Girl is standing in front of me naked for the first time in months.

  Her beautiful tits are bobbing in and out of the water and I want nothing more than to take those perky nipples into my mouth. “What are you doing Pretty Girl?”

  She shrugs her shoulders, “I’m not sure but I do know that I can’t leave here without giving this another shot.”

  As soon as those words leave her lips, my mouth comes crashing down on hers.

  I devour her mouth with mine before putting her on the shallow seat at the side, kissing my way down her jaw and neck, I take great pleasure in watching her shiver with anticipation.

  Holding her breasts in my hands, I take a moment to absorb all of the changes that have occurred since the last time I saw them.

  They are fucking stunning, bringing my thumbs up I start to rub her nipples while watching her reaction.

  She wants this as much as I do.

  Not wasting anymore time, I take one whole breast into my mouth while still playing with the other one. I alternate between sucking and kissing each nipple until she cries out in ecstasy.

  Grabbing her hips, I place her butt on the edge of the pool and bury my face in her pussy.

  She leans back on her hands and spreads her legs wide giving me full access.

  My tongue and fingers are going crazy, trying to devour and touch every part of her at once.

  She starts writhing underneath me but I don’t let up until I feel those familiar juices slide into my mouth and down my face. But even then I don’t stop, I can’t stop.

  I’ve missed this feeling, I’ve missed being with her and if this is the only chance I get to be with her then I’m not going to waste a second.

  Her second orgasm hits her not long after the first and even then she seems to have aftershocks wash over her and I relish the look of pure pleasure written all over her features.

  Picking up her limp body, I walk her over to the bed and lie down next to her. I take my time looking her over and rubbing my hand around her swollen belly.

  When she starts to come around, I slip my hand between her legs and groan at the wetness I find there. “Kyle, I need you to fuck me.”

  Kissing her belly softly, I rise up on my knees and position myself at her entrance, “Anything for you Pretty Girl but I need you to look at me.”

  Her eyes slowly open and when she looks at me how she used to, I slam inside of her.

  The sensation is almost too much for me and I collapse on top of her, being careful at the last second not to crush the babies.

  I hold still for a few seconds, allowing us both to adjust while not tearing my gaze away from hers.

  I hold eye contact with her when I start to move, trying to convey how much she means to me. How much it would hurt me if she ever ran off to Florida and left me behind.

  I’m aware that I’m making love to her but for the first time in my life, I don’t care about the consequences. I’m not worried that she’ll get too attached because that’s exactly what I want.

  I want her to be so attached to me, so used to having me like this that she can’t bear to leave me.

  When I feel her shatter around me, I find my release while her name falls softly from my lips.

  This is it.

  I have my Pretty Girl back.

  Chapter 29


  The last two days and two nights have been absolute perfection.

  We made love all over the villa, ate delicious food out by the pool and walked down the beach hand in hand but the best part has been waking up to find Kyle’s arms around me.

  He barely lets me leave his side and has been so affection that I almost told him I loved him at least twice.

  This time I can see a future between us vividly.

  We can be a family, a real one.

  It will almost be a shame to leave today but in a way I can’t wait to get back to the real world, I can’t wait to see what will happen between us.

  I’m sure my mom will be disappointed when I tell her that I won’t be moving to Florida anymore but surely she will be happy that my kids get to grow up knowing their father.

  He won’t have to visit in the holidays and there won’t be an awkward pick up and drop off scenario between us because we will be together.

  “Why are you so happy this morning Pretty Girl?” Kyle’s kissing my shoulder from behind and snuggles down deeper into the bed.

  “I’m always happy when I wake up with you,” which is the truth, I feel like Kyle is the other half of me.

  “Well that’s true,” he shoves his erection into my backside and I playfully shove him back, “The mornings where I get to slip inside you are always the best but this is different, I can almost feel you smiling.”

  “That’s because I’m happy Kyle,” happier than I have been in a long time.

  “Good, because a happy Pretty Girl makes for a very happy Kyle.” He takes my shoulder and pushes me down so I’m on my back, he then places his chin between my breasts and smiles at me.

  I lift my hands up and begin running them through his hair, “What do you think will happen when we get back?”

  “Back to Seattle?” he asks while dipping his head and kissing my skin.

  “Yeah, how do you picture our lives in Seattle.” I wonder if he sees our lives like I do, I see a nice house with our two kids and maybe a dog.

  Who knows, someday we might even have more kids.

  “Same as this, lots of sex which brings me to my next point, you should quit work, it will only get in the way of our love making.” He brings his hands up to play with my nipples but I push his hands away.

  “I mean aside from the sex.” I know Kyle is sex crazy but that can’t be all he thinks about.

  “Oh, I haven’t really thought past the sex,” he grins and then takes my nipple into his mouth but I push him away.

  Getting out of bed, I pull my dressing gown on then sit on the edge of the bed.

  Here I am, getting caught up imagining our future together when Kyle can’t even think past his dick.

  He pouts at me and tries to open my gown but I slap his hands away, “What’s wrong Pretty Girl?”

  “When we get back to Seattle, what do you see happening between us? Apart from the sex,” if he brings up sex one more time, I’m going to scream.

  He shrugs then scratches his head, “Um, I guess apart from the sex, it will be like before but with kids this time.”

  “Like before?” I’m an idiot, a big fucking idiot who never should have come on this trip, “So I’m going to go back to being your fuck buddy?”

  “What? No Pretty Girl-”

  “Then what will I be?” I can’t believe I let myself get into this situation, I should have known better than to think I could ever be anything more to Kyle.

  “Um, I don’t know Pretty Girl, you’ll be the mother of my children…you look mad, what did I do wrong?” Kyle is staring at me with wide eyes but I can’t believe he can be this clueless.

  “I mean we are having children together Kyle, I would like to think I would be more than your fuck buddy, girlfriend maybe? At least partner, maybe someday wife.” How would our children describe us when they started school, oh these are my parents they like sex but don’t do labels.

  Understanding dawns on his face and he gets out of bed, putting his dressing gown on before coming around to my side of the bed and kneeling in front of me, “Will you marry me Pretty Girl?”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?!” I didn’t mean to scream so loud but I can’t fucking believe that he would propose to me without giving it any thought.

  “Oh, um…” he looks lost for a second then mutters, “Will you be my girlfriend then?”

  Laughing darkly, I push him away and stand up to find the clothes I arrived here in seeing as I have nothing else to wear for the trip home. “Which is it Kyle? Fuck buddy, girlfriend
or wife?”

  “I don’t understand what’s going on?”

  I can’t even look at Kyle, I’m so mad at him, this is no different to when he proposed to Alice. He did it on a whim, without any thought to her and he’s doing the thing same to me, it makes me feel cheap.

  “I’m getting dressed and then I’m waiting out front until our car comes to take us to the airport.” If I don’t get out of here soon then I’m going to say something that I will regret.

  “Why are you so mad Pretty Girl?” Kyles arms wrap around me but I once again push him away.

  “I’m mad because you put no thought into our future apart from the next time you can stick your dick inside me.” Once I’m dressed, I begin throwing my bikinis and toiletries in my suitcase.

  “That’s not true and you know-”

  “Really? Really Kyle? Give me one reason to prove that it’s not true,” swinging around to face him I almost let go of my anger completely when I see how dejected he looks.

  “Pretty Girl,” he swallows deeply and looks at the ground, “I’m not good with words Pretty Girl but I need you, I can’t lose you again, it hurts too much.”

  “It’s not just us anymore Kyle, we are bringing two little lives into this world and I can’t stay with you if I can’t be sure that there’s some kind of future for us.” When he hesitates, I continue even though I know I shouldn’t, “If you can’t love me then you need to let me go so I can find someone who does.”

  His face instantly darkens at the mention of me finding someone else, “So what, that’s it then, I can’t produce the magic words you want to hear so you’re going to go out and find some other guy that my kids will grow up calling Daddy.”

  This argument is becoming irrational and I know I should stop, blame it on the pregnancy hormones or just the fact that I desperately want him to fight for me but I can’t stop the words from pouring out of me. “If that’s what it takes to have the future I envision then yeah, that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

  “No, you said that while we were fucking it was just us, no one else, you promised!” He grabs my arms and pulls my body flush against his, he is breathing quickly and his nostrils are flaring violently.


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