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A Life Changing Encounter

Page 19

by Alexa Kane

I would make up the best Dad jokes ever.

  Pretty Girl comes downstairs when I am almost finished cleaning up and she looks much better than earlier, “I’m nearly done here Pretty Girl, why don’t you park yourself in front of the TV and I will bring out leftovers and we can watch a movie. I’ll even let you pick some stupid chick flick.”

  I’m in such a good mood that I would let her pick anything she wanted.

  “So, everyone’s gone then?” Her voice sounds a little strange so I turn around and take note of the fact that she is in her robe.

  “Yeah they are, are you going to take a shower or something? Do you want me to bring you up some water?” She never comes downstairs in her robe, she must have been too tired to get changed or something.

  She starts playing with the top of her robe but all that does is loosen it a little bit. “So we are all alone then?”

  “Yeah,” what’s with her? “Are you feeling alright Pretty Girl?”

  Her eyes keep darting around like she’s checking we are really alone, maybe she has some weird pregnancy thing she needs to tell me but doesn’t want anyone else to know about it.

  I’ve learnt that having a baby is not as straight forward as it seems. A lot of freaky stuff happens.

  “I feel great actually,” she starts playing with the strands on her robe but then one side of it slips open and I have a perfect view of the fact that she isn’t wearing anything underneath.

  “Woah Pretty Girl,” I turn around as fast as I can because I’m pretty sure she didn’t mean to do that. “Um, I’m not sure if you are aware but I can see everything so you better fix your robe unless you want me to become a pervert.”

  I would love nothing more than to stare at her naked body but she made it perfectly clear when I kissed her that she wasn’t ready for more.

  I’ve screwed up enough and I’m not about to make another mistake.

  “I don’t mind,” she whispers softly.

  “You don’t mind what?” I ask confused.

  “I don’t mind if you look at me.”

  “But you’re naked, if I turn around I will see your tits and stuff,” she mustn’t be very well if she doesn’t realize that her robe slipped open.

  It must be that baby brain of hers again.

  A few days ago, I found a dirty plate in the fridge instead of the dishwasher.

  “I know that I’m naked Kyle.”

  I squint my eyes together, trying to work out the meaning behind her words, “So, you know you are naked and you don’t mind if I look?”

  “That’s right,” I hear something rustle behind me but I’m still not game enough to turn around.

  “Um, just so we are clear, you want me to look at your naked body?” I am so fucking confused right now.

  Talk about mixed messages.

  “It looks like impending fatherhood has made you lose your game Kyle.”

  Is she flirting with me?

  Fuck, she’s right, I have lost my game. The old Kyle would have pulled her robe all the way off at the first sign of skin and I would have had her screaming my name within seconds.

  Fear is the only thing holding me back right now, fear that I’m going to do the wrong thing and fear that she’s going to change her mind.

  Slowly, I turn around. At first, I keep my eyes on the ground and I have to bite back a groan when I see her robe pooled at her feet.

  My eyes slowly travel up her naked body, taking in all of the changes and I have to say that I’m impressed. “Fuck you’re beautiful Pretty Girl.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” she smiles shyly at me and I can clearly see the heat in her eyes.

  Something has changed today and right now I don’t care what that change is, I’m just going to roll with it.

  Moving closer, I put my hands onto her full stomach and she shivers as I reach upwards.

  But then something wet hits my feet, “What the fuck was that?”

  Looking down, I see all this wetness and gunk around both of our feet and running down Pretty Girls legs.

  She seems just as shocked as I am and then buckles over in pain, clutching her stomach, “Owwww, fuck Kyle!”

  “What is it? What’s happening?”

  “My water just broke, fuck, I need you to go upstairs and get me some clothes, my hospital bag is sitting just outside the garage door.” She leans over against the table and clutches her stomach, breathing heavily.

  “But your water can’t be broken yet, you are only thirty-five weeks.” We were supposed to have more time, I know that twins usually come early but surely not five weeks early.

  The doctor said maybe four weeks early but I definitely heard him say the word maybe.

  “Just get me some fucking clothes Kyle!” The lust and cute smile is now gone from her face and it has been replaced by the face of a mad woman.

  “Okay, um, wait here.” Running up the stairs, I accidently run into my room but then I figure she can wear one of my t-shirts and sweat pants. I remember someone saying she needed comfy clothes for the hospital.

  When I run back downstairs, she gets mad again, “Are you fucking kidding Kyle?” She rips the clothes out of my hands and waves them around wildly in front of her. “You expect me to give birth in a Florida can eat shit t-shirt?”

  Fuck, I didn’t even realize that’s what I grabbed, “I’m sorry, I’ll go find another one.”

  “Fuuuuuuccckkkk!” she bends over again then gives me a scary, evil glare. “We don’t have time, just help me get dressed.

  After I help her put the clothes on, I guide her towards the garage and stop to pick up her hospital bag.

  When I start leading her around to my truck she starts yelling at me again so I change course and help her into the passenger side of her SUV.

  After we are both buckled in and are waiting for the garage door to open, I turn to look at Pretty Girl. “I don’t want you to take this the wrong way but you are really fucking scary right now.” Something out of the exorcist stares back at me and I manager to mutter, “Right, sorry,” before putting the car in reserve and backing down the drive.

  The entire drive to the hospital is like walking on egg shells, she keeps yelling at me for doing even the slightest thing wrong. I changed the radio station and then it was too loud but then it was also too quiet and I don’t know what to fucking do.

  It’s almost a relief when we get to the hospital and I can let the nurse and doctors take charge.

  When they get her settled on a bed and we are left alone for a few minutes, Pretty Girls angry face turns abruptly into wailing hysterically, “I can’t do this Kyle. How am I supposed to do this? It already hurts too fucking much!”

  Putting my arms around her, I try to comfort her as best I can, “You can do this Pretty Girl, I know you can. You’re going to do great.”

  She pushes my arms off her and keeps crying, “You don’t know that, I already want it to be over and it hasn’t even started yet. Why did you do this to me Kyle? Why did you have to put two babies inside me?”

  “I’m sorry Pretty Girl, if I could do this for you then I would but you know what?”

  “What?” she mumbles and she has almost stopped crying now.

  I take her face in the palm of my hands and look deep into her eyes, “I love you Pretty Girl and if I, Kyle Astley can tell a girl that I love them then you can deliver these babies.”

  She seems to take a moment and then nods her head slightly, “Okay.”

  Chapter 37


  It’s been eight weeks since the birth of our twin girls, Ella and Mia and to say that our lives have been chaotic is an understatement.

  We have been inundated with visitors, laundry and the constant need to either feed, sleep or clean something up.

  I’ve loved every minute of it but I’m looking forward to things going back to normal now that my parents have gone back to Florida. Dylan went back to LA after a few weeks but my parents decided to stay a lot longer.

>   They were a great help but between my mom and Kyle’s we never got a moment alone.

  They were around bright and early before we were even properly up and sometimes we would even fall asleep before they left for the night.

  Kyle has been incredible and I feel ashamed that I ever doubted him but there’s still one thing that we haven’t had the time or the privacy to address.

  The fact that he told me he loved me.

  He hasn’t said it again since but he tells our baby girls that he loves them at least once a day.

  I know it’s not fair to be jealous over his love for our children but I really wish that he would say it again.

  The first time was such a shock that I didn’t know how to react or even contemplate that it was real.

  By the time it sunk in, another contraction hit and both of us became preoccupied.

  So now it’s been eight weeks since Kyle told me he loved me and I said nothing in return. I never intended to leave it this long without saying anyway but life kind of got in the way these past eight weeks.

  We put the kids down for a nap a few minutes ago and Kyle went to have a nap in his own room.

  This is this first time we have been truly alone since I gave birth and I feel like I should take this opportunity to talk to Kyle but the urge to jump in my own bed and sleep is fighting with my desire to talk things out.

  Nope, what’s one more day of being sleep deprived? Besides, I want to sleep with the feel of Kyle’s arms around me. After all, there’s no better feeling in the world.

  Walking into his room, I almost laugh at the fact that Kyle is fully dressed and seems to be asleep while being half on the bed and half on the floor.

  In the last eight weeks I have caught him asleep in various positions around the house and he always look incredibly uncomfortable. I almost envy his ability to be able to sleep anywhere.

  After admiring him for a few minutes, I crawl onto his bed to go to sleep but the movement must jolt him awake, “What is it? What’s happening?” He rubs the sleep out of his eyes then looks confused when he sees me, “Pretty Girl?”

  “Hey Kyle,” I lie down on top of the covers and put my head on his pillow, he joins me a few seconds later.

  He doesn’t say anything but simply takes my hand in his and places it between us.

  When I see his eyes start to close again, I know that I don’t have long, “So, I’ve been meaning to reply to what you said to me in the hospital and I may, well, I kind of have a confession too.”

  Kyle asks sleepily, “What is it Pretty Girl?”

  I become pretty uncomfortable over what I’m about to confess, I’ve never been the type of girl to snoop around in people’s things and I’ve felt really bad keeping it a secret from him. At least when Kyle went through my things, he was honest about it. “Well, Symon may have told me about what’s in your bedside drawer and it kind of freaked me out but then I decided to seduce you and well, you know how that turned out.”

  Talk about worst timing ever, if my water hadn’t broken when it did, we might have been sleeping in the same bed for the last eight weeks.

  He smiles softly at me, “She told me the other day, she asked why we weren’t getting married yet when she made it so easy for me.”

  Chuckling softly along with him, I feel stupid for keeping it from him, “Sorry I didn’t tell you earlier.”

  “Don’t worry, if I knew a ring would make you get naked so fast, I would have given it to you a long time ago.” There is a teasing glint in his eye but for some reason I feel like there is some truth to that statement. “So, you were going to say something else too.”

  “Oh yeah,” now for the hard part. Except it’s not that hard this time, I know that Kyle loves me back and isn’t going anywhere. I’m almost positive he won’t freak out this time, “I love you too Kyle.”

  He smiles brightly at me and leans over to kiss me softly on the lips, “And I love you too Pretty Girl.”

  Warmth spreads through me and I suddenly feel content with my life, there’s nothing else in life that I want other than spending an eternity loving Kyle and raising our children under one roof as a family.

  We lie there for a few minutes just staring into each other’s eyes and I almost can’t believe that we made it to this moment.

  Kyle has come a long way from a man that couldn’t even ask me to be his girlfriend and I can’t believe that I get to spend my life loving Kyle Astley. The greatest part of all is that he loves me back.

  It almost feels like a fairy tale.

  Who would have thought that one drunken kiss to play a prank on a friend could have turned into this?

  If Kyle hadn’t thought he was in love with Alice then he never would have been at her engagement party and I never would have laid eyes on him. He would have forever been the guy that slept with my cousin on and off for years.

  It’s hard to believe that one small chance encounter can have such a big impact on your life.

  Meeting Kyle that night changed my life for the better and I don’t regret a moment of our time spent together, because it all led us to this moment.

  Kyle yawns deeply, “I feel like we should have sex to celebrate but I’m really tired.” I burst out laughing at Kyle’s confession because I feel the exact same way. “Also, I know that the ring is behind me but it’s too far away. Can I propose one day when we aren’t so sleepy and can have lots of sex afterwards?”

  Smiling at how honest the man in front of me is, I can’t help but agree, “I think that’s a good idea Kyle. What do you want to do now?”

  The first few months that Kyle and I were together, all I wanted was to have him commit to me so that I wouldn’t have to lose him and now when he’s ready to make the biggest commitment of his life, I’m happy to wait.

  The truth is, is that I would wait the rest of my life to marry Kyle. Nothing is more important to me than the fact that he is here and that he isn’t going anywhere.

  He’s all mine, forever.

  “Sleep Pretty Girl,” he wraps his arms around me, bringing my body closer to his and placing his chin on the top of my head. “I want to sleep like this for the rest of our lives.”


  A Life Changing Encounter

  I hope you enjoyed reading the For Keeps series

  Please keep an eye out for other titles by Alexa Kane




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