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Kept for Their Use

Page 3

by Ivy Barrett

  “You’re refusing us already?” Kellan sounded shocked. “You haven’t given us a chance.”

  “I was my parents’ volleyball for years. They continually tried to hurt each other by manipulating me. I will not do that again.”

  “So stay one place or the other, and one of us will commute,” Zilrath suggested, his gaze bright and penetrating. “This is all new. Help us devise a viable system. At the risk of sounding melodramatic, a lasting peace could begin with this joining.”

  She sighed. They were right. At the very least she needed to give them a chance to address her concerns. “Before we figure out logistics, we need to determine if we like each other. Tell me a little about you.” She looked at Kellan and added, “Tell me what’s not in your bio.”

  “There is not much to tell,” Zilrath began, any hint of playfulness long gone. “My life began six months ago. Anything that came before is irrelevant.”

  “I understand why you feel that way, but your old life shaped your personality and determined how you respond to new challenges. I won’t pry into the details, but I need a general understanding of who you were before and how that affects who you are now.”

  He didn’t look pleased, but he nodded. “That’s fair.”

  “Have you always had power?”

  His silky black brows arched dramatically. “You are direct, aren’t you?”

  “Would you prefer I not be?”

  “No. It’s a trait I share.” He paused, and she thought he might not answer, then he said, “My family is—or was—old and powerful. I understood from a young age that I was quite fortunate. I protect those I love, and I’m more than willing to fight for what’s mine.” The last phrase sounded like a vow, and his strange smoky gaze gleamed with blue intensity. There was a story there, something powerful and painful. Erin had bonded with Zilrath’s half-brother. Maybe she could shed some light on his true meaning.

  Rather than confront him directly, she asked, “Were you surprised when your people selected you as their leader?”

  Again he hesitated, but he looked at Kellan, seemed concerned with the Ventori’s reaction. “I was the obvious choice, so no, I was not surprised.”

  She smiled, pleased by his honesty. Most would have hidden behind false modesty. “I don’t want details, just a simple yes or no. Did you have someone special, a wife or steady girlfriend on Tavor?”

  “I did not.”

  His answer came without pause this time, and her smile brightened. “Good. It’s hard to compete with a ghost.”

  “Are you going to be as forthcoming when we start questioning you?” Kellan drew her attention.

  “I’ll answer anything Zilrath asks me. You’ll have to earn the same privilege.” Not wanting to incite his dominant nature, she kept her tone light and playful.

  He shrugged, arms loosely folded across his chest. “Ask away.”

  “Do you like the chancellor, or are you friends with him because of his position?”

  He tensed, arms unfolding as he took a step toward her. “That question is insolent. It infers I manipulate my friends to my advantage.”

  “I meant no disrespect.” She took a quick step back, reestablishing the space buffer between them. “I’m just curious about you and the chancellor. I’m friends with his mate, and she told me he keeps himself pretty isolated.”

  Her explanation seemed to pacify him. His stance relaxed and the blue streaks in his eyes gradually faded. “Positions of power require a certain level of separation. As Bron’s mate told you, he does not have many friends, but the few he has he trusts implicitly. Bron and I grew up together. We were friends long before he became chancellor.”

  More than ready to move on, she asked, “Have you ever had a long-term romantic relationship?”

  “I have not. Have you?”

  She shrugged. “I dated a guy for over a year once. Some consider that long-term, but we were never serious.”

  “Good,” he countered. “I will not need to purge him from your memory.”

  If the sudden intensity in his expression was any indication, she wasn’t sure she would have minded. “Do you have family among the Protectorate?” It was the most delicate way she could think of to ask who survived the destruction of Ventor.

  “I have a younger brother and two cousins. Why? Were you hoping for a larger pod?”

  Her jaw dropped before she realized he was teasing her. “I didn’t even consider any pod with more than two members. Having two mates is stretching my comfort zone farther than I ever dreamed I’d go. Believe it or not, I’m quite... old-fashioned.”

  “Well, thanks to the Skarilians, fashions have changed for all of us.” Kellan looked at Zilrath, and a subtle undercurrent rippled between them. They weren’t openly hostile toward each other, but there was something there.

  They walked for a while in silence. Jasmine had many more questions, but Kellan would doubtlessly find them rude. And she didn’t want to experience Ventori discipline before their courtship was even official. Unless they were pretending to be someone they weren’t, she already liked their basic personalities. They were honest and accomplished, intelligent and personable. They had risen to the top of their respective societies, and they each had a good sense of humor. She enjoyed talking with them, and she’d have thirty days to make her final decision. One question remained that needed an immediate answer. Were they passionate?

  She trusted her instincts, had always listened when her inner voice urged her toward or away from people or situations. Couples either had sexual chemistry or they didn’t. Affection could develop over time, but that spark, the animal attraction that made passion combustible was either there, or it was not. If either of these males didn’t curl her toes, she’d walk away.

  With that in mind, she stopped walking the track and crept closer to Zilrath. He watched her silently, clearly not sure what she was doing. She ran her hands up his chest and pushed her fingers into the back of his hair. Then she rolled to the balls of her feet and pressed her mouth against his.

  It took a moment, but Zilrath wrapped his arms around her and took control of the kiss. His lips brushed over hers, caressing and teasing before settling into place. His tongue swept over her bottom lip, then eased deeper, sliding against hers.

  She groaned as she welcomed him with the sensual movements of her tongue. He tasted slightly spicy, yet somehow smoky too. The combination made her want more.

  Soon his hands moved up and down her back, pressing her against his body and revealing the distinct ridge in the front of his pants. Oh, yeah, they had chemistry. Reluctantly, she pulled away from Zilrath and turned toward Kellan.

  He hooked his hands under her arms and lifted her off her feet before she could close the distance between them. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. Their faces were level, and she stared deep into his eyes.

  “Did he pass your test?” He punctuated the question with a cocky smirk.

  “He gets an A-plus. That means he set the bar pretty damn high, Commander.”

  The smirk turned into a grin. “Sir will suffice, sweet little mate. As I said before, you’re not on my crew.”

  “I will not call you—”

  He silenced her with his mouth, and her surprised gasp only worked to his advantage. His long fingers tangled in her hair and his tongue was in her mouth before she could even think of resisting. His rich, tangy taste spread across her tongue, ratcheting up her pulse. Zilrath smelled good and tasted nice, but Kellan was intoxicating.

  She returned the kiss with helpless enthusiasm, unable to resist the silent call of his pheromones. He shifted his hands to her ass and rubbed her against his hardened cock. She rocked her hips, accenting the subtle slide created by his hands.

  Kellan broke the kiss with a moan. “Which house is yours? I need you, mate.”

  She shook her head, panting like a long-distance runner. “Not so fast.”

  “I can make it nice and slow.” He pressed
his face against her neck and inhaled deeply.

  “Put me down. I can’t think with you this close.”

  “Don’t think.” He nipped her, then sucked on her skin. “Just let me fuck you.”

  Tingles raced down her spine, and she shivered. “I mean it, Kellan.” She tried to push him away, but he ignored her efforts and squeezed her butt. “Put me down.”

  “Kellan,” Zilrath snapped. “Let her go.”

  With a snarl, Kellan set her on her feet and took a step back. His gaze still burned into hers and his hands clenched and unclenched as if he was struggling not to grab her.

  Passion? Check. They had that in spades, but the subtle tension she sensed between them still concerned her. “You’ve both given me a lot to think about.” She barely got the words out past the tightness in her throat. “I’ll give you my answer in the morning.” Then like a freaking coward, she ran back toward the school.

  Chapter Two

  “Did that just happen?” Kellan watched Jasmine’s wonderfully round ass as she jogged back toward the brick building in which they had found her. His heart thudded wildly in his chest, and his balls ached needing to pump his seed deep inside her. “She intentionally aroused us, then ran away.”

  Zilrath’s only response was a soft chuckle, but his smoldering gaze also followed their female.

  “This is unacceptable. We should go after her.” Kellan took a step in that direction, but Zilrath stopped him.

  “She’s frightened. Give her this night to sort through her thoughts and feelings. Tomorrow she will learn what happens to females who toy with the affections of her males.”

  Kellan arched his brows, surprised by the implication in his podmate’s words. “I thought Tavorians were above corporal punishment.” Podmate. The word still brought him up short. He had a Tavorian podmate. It didn’t seem possible. And without Bron’s interference, this never would have happened. Zilrath was surprisingly reasonable for a Tavorian, but the superior attitude so common among his people shone through his practiced manners from time to time.

  “I will never find the same enjoyment in causing pain that you do, but certain behaviors require a physical response.”

  Fueled by sexual frustration, Kellan’s fertile imagination began assembling detailed images of what their ‘physical response’ might entail. He started simple. He’d sit down on the tiered benches lining the tack and secure her over his lap. Zilrath would peel her snug pants down to her knees, and Kellan would spank her nicely rounded ass. She’d wiggle and cry out as his hand slapped her soft cheeks over and over.

  His aching cock took him deeper into the fantasy. Zilrath pulled her pants all the way off and spread her legs, displaying her moist pussy lips and the folds guarding her entrance. The scent of her arousal incited them, and Zilrath pushed two fingers deep into her slick cunt. She gasped, then stilled, remaining tense and unresponsive as Zilrath ruthlessly finger-fucked her.

  “This pussy belongs to us now,” Zilrath told her.

  Thrilled by his assertion, Kellan joined in. “We will touch you, taste you, and fuck you anytime we wish. Your body is ours to use in any way we want.”

  She looked up at him and glared, kicking uselessly at Zilrath.

  Kellan swatted her already pink ass, and she returned to her sullen silence, obviously attempting to ignore what Zilrath was doing. In return, Zilrath rotated his hand and stroked her clit with his thumb, his fingers still deep inside her. She shivered, then moaned, her hips subtly lifting.

  “That’s right,” Zilrath taunted. “You’re angry, but your body knows what to do. Obey me, even though you don’t want to.”

  An exasperated cry tore from her throat, and her hips bucked, driving Zilrath’s fingers deeper. He laughed and resumed the steady shuttle in and out. She abandoned her silent rebellion and met him stroke for stroke, her demand equaling his. She moaned, her orgasm starting to crest.

  Zilrath pulled his hand away and whispered in a cold, cruel voice, “How does it feel to be left wanting?”

  Kellan shook away the tantalizing images. They were only compounding the pressure in his groin. Instead, he asked, “What do you think of her?”

  “She’s the one,” Zilrath said firmly. “My interaction with human females is limited, but Jasmine intrigues me. I am physically attracted to her, which was not true of the other two. She’s special.”

  “I feel the same. Even before Bron’s ultimatum, I was leaning toward Jasmine. I like everything about her, though some of her spirit will need to be channeled into more respectful attitudes.”

  Zilrath shook his head. “Good luck with that. Defiance lit her expression when you mentioned taming her. I’m not sure she will fall easily into the submissive role.”

  Kellan shrugged, unfazed by Zilrath’s prediction. “Our compatibility score is nearly perfect. That wouldn’t be true if she were not naturally submissive. She will require training, but she can be controlled.”

  “Controlled?” He made the word sound sordid. “Do all Ventori control their mates? That makes them sound like mindless puppets. I would rather support my mate, protect and cherish her.”

  “Even when she leaves your cock aching and your balls a dark shade of blue?” Kellan challenged, finding the contradiction amusing. “A moment ago you agreed that her behavior required a ‘physical response.’”

  The past few days had been an exercise in restraint for Kellan. Bron had only given them fourteen days to agree on the female they would court, so they had wasted no time beginning their search. The first female had been meek and introverted. Zilrath lost interest four questions into the interview. The second was unusually beautiful but sarcastic and abrasive. Kellan took an immediate dislike to her, so they headed to Camp Accord, frustrated and discouraged.

  Jasmine was a breath of fresh air compared to her predecessors. Her physical appeal was undeniable. Sleek black hair framed her oval face then cascaded to the small of her back. Thick-lashed and slightly tilted, her eyes were nearly as dark as a Ventori’s, giving her an exotic air. The unattractive uniform so many of the females wore hinted at feminine curves rather than showcasing them, but it was still obvious that she was well-made and sturdy enough to withstand rough handling.

  And it wasn’t just her physical assets that drew Kellan. He’d been captivated by her obvious intelligence and calm demeanor. He enjoyed her spirit but suspected her boldness would put them at odds from time to time. He wasn’t discouraged by the fact. Training his mate was every Ventori’s honor and responsibility.

  “We must unite if we hope to win her,” Zilrath stressed after a long, tense pause. “It’s likely we will disagree on many things, but we must agree on our expectations of our mate and the consequences for disobedience.”

  “I will not stand in your way, but you must not stand in mine.” Kellan didn’t see why it needed to be any more complicated than that. He knew Tavorian society had different norms than Ventori. Jasmine was smart enough to adjust her thinking from one situation to the next.

  Zilrath sighed and gazed out across the field for a moment. “What sort of punishments do you employ?”

  “It depends on the infraction. A nice firm spanking is often enough to correct misbehavior.”

  His head dipped in agreement. “I will allow bare-handed spankings, but—”

  “If she willfully disobeys a direct order or puts herself in danger, I will do more than spank her with my bare hand. There are consequences for misbehavior. She must learn that simple fact.”

  Zilrath’s shoulders squared, and his chin lifted as he stared into Kellan’s eyes. “I won’t let you harm her.”

  “I would never harm a female, any female.” His voice was rising right along with his temper, so he took a deep breath to calm himself down. “We are talking about correction, discipline. The Ventori do not abuse their females.”

  “Have you ever used a paddle on a female?”

  “I have.” He tried not to sound as defensive as he felt, but disapprov
al pulsed off the other male.

  “A flogger?” Now he sounded shocked.

  “Of course. Used correctly, a flogger can be very stimulating.”

  “It can also tear the skin and leave lasting marks.” Zilrath crossed his arms, his features screwed up into a fierce scowl.

  “I have never drawn blood on any female, and I would make damn sure anyone who did was held accountable for their abuse. I will say it again. The Ventori do not abuse females.”

  For a long, silent moment, Zilrath just stared at him. Then he uncrossed his arms and asked, “Why would any female find being flogged arousing?”

  Kellan chuckled this time. “I suspect Jasmine will give you an opportunity to watch the phenomenon firsthand before too long. Her spirit is in desperate need of—”

  “Control?” He spit out the word as if it tasted foul in his mouth.

  “I was going to say refinement. I will not try to break her spirit, but neither will I tolerate disrespect.”

  “And I have nothing to say about any of this?” Zilrath took a step toward him, but this made the Tavorian have to tilt his head too far back. With a frustrated hiss, he reversed course, looking flustered by the miscalculation. “You are unwilling to compromise on any point?”

  “I’m not willing to compromise on the central point. I will discipline our mate if and when she needs to be corrected. The specifics of that discipline, however, can be negotiated. If you’re not comfortable with our mate being paddled then offer an alternative that will have equal impact on her behavior.”

  He didn’t look pleased, but he grumbled, “I can work with that.”

  “I have one other stipulation.” Zilrath didn’t reply, so Kellan explained, “Any negotiating between us two must take place away from Jasmine. As you said, we must be united in all things when it comes to our mate.”

  “You are expecting me to make all the concessions. My opinions and preferences must carry equal weight, or this will never work.” He tossed back his hair and spun on the ball of his foot, obviously intending to make a dramatic exit.


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