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Kept for Their Use

Page 24

by Ivy Barrett

  Ram’s lips pressed into a thin line as he stared at the chancellor. After a long, tense silence, he said, “That’s the Ventori position. All the females are human. Who speaks for them?”

  “I speak for the humans also,” Bron insisted.

  “Unacceptable,” Ram snapped. “I want a human official to assure me of equal consideration. Without this assurance, we are finished here.”

  “Tell Savator I’m on my way,” Celeste said as she struggled to unlatch her safety straps.

  “Celeste, no,” Jasmine cried, laying her hand on the other woman’s arm. “It’s much too dangerous.”

  “I’ll be fine.” Then to Kellan she insisted, “Tell him now.”

  Kellan conveyed the message, but Bron was none too pleased. Kellan pivoted in his seat, facing the females. “Ram wants you down there for a specific reason. It’s foolish to give him what he wants.”

  “It wasn’t foolish for the chancellor,” Celeste pointed out. “If it’s safe for him, it’s safe for me. I am going.”

  “Only if I mol-port you,” Kellan argued.

  Finally free of her restraints, Celeste pushed to her feet. “This isn’t your decision to make, and it’s not Bron’s either. Ram wants to hear it from a human, and I intend to speak with him.”

  “Stubborn fool.” With a frustrated hiss, Kellan activated the mol-port engine.

  Jasmine watched the display, waiting for Celeste to appear. She rematerialized in about the same spot Bron had and bravely approached the males. Ram watched her closely, gaze slightly narrowed. He looked like a predator ready to pounce. Celeste reached the chancellor’s side and opened her mouth, but she never got the chance to speak. Ram charged, slamming his shoulder into her belly as he lifted her off her feet.

  Celeste screamed, legs kicking wildly as Ram put some distance between him and the other males.

  Like a domino chain in reverse, armored rebels appeared one after another, forming a ring around Bron, Zilrath, and Vikrin. Bron and Zilrath had drawn weapons, for all the good it did them. Neither could fire with Celeste’s body covering most of Ram’s. Ram stood on the other side of his soldiers, grinning like the Cheshire cat. Celeste fought like a wild thing, but the Yashonty barely seemed to notice.

  Bron shouted an order and six armored Ventori materialized, forming a concentric ring around the rebels. Now their weapons targeted the rebels and the rebels targeted the three in the middle. What a cluster fuck!

  Jasmine held her breath, knowing one twitchy finger could result in a ruthless slaughter.

  “Ram,” Vikrin said, suddenly sounding calm and authoritative. “You have what you came for. There is no need for bloodshed.”

  Ram tensed, then nodded once and beckoned the gatekeeper. “Come.”

  “Gods damn it,” Kellan snarled. “I knew the worthless bastard was a spy.”

  The rebels parted, allowing the gatekeeper through. The Ventori glared at him as he passed, no one attempted to stop him.

  “Your assistance will not be forgotten, my friend,” Ram said loud enough for everyone to hear.

  Vikrin cringed at the announcement, but never looked back. He opened a portal and avoided eye contact with everyone as Ram and the other rebels rushed through. Finally, he glanced at Zilrath and said, “Sorry,” just before he stepped through the portal and closed it behind him.

  “Find them!” Bron shouted, then, “Kellan, get us back onboard my shuttle.”

  Bron was still fuming when he and Zilrath appeared on the shuttle moments later. “You never should have let her off this ship!”

  “Yes, sir,” Kellan replied without shifting his focus from the control matrix. He was frantically scanning for any blip, any hint of distortion that would reveal a Yashonty ship.

  Bron returned to his seat in the front row. Zilrath sat down beside Jasmine, looking stunned and frustrated.

  “I think I have them,” Urrya announced. Then he started to rattle off orders, but must have switched to a different link because neither Kellan nor Bron reacted when his transmission ended abruptly.

  “Why the fuck would Ram want Celeste?” Bron shook his head. “This makes no sense.”

  “He has her two sisters,” Jasmine reminded. “Maybe he...”

  “He couldn’t have known who the human representative was,” Kellan pointed out.

  “Unless Vikrin told him,” Zilrath said.

  “But how did Vikrin know?” Kellan countered. “I sure as hells didn’t tell him. Did you?”

  “Of course not. But this felt like a setup from the start. I just thought he was after Bron.”

  “Fuck,” Bron muttered. “Just fuck!” He scrubbed his bristly hair with both hands, then asked, “Where shall I drop you? I need to get back to headquarters.”

  “Home is fine,” Kellan said, “But what can we do to help you? That bastard now has three human females.”

  “That we know of,” Zilrath amended. “We all know he has taken more. Likely a lot more.”

  Bron sighed and looked Kellan in the eyes. “This isn’t your fight. I need you doing the job to which I assigned you. Camp Confluence.”

  “I understand that, sir, but I—”

  “No buts. No arguments. Fix the problems at Camp Confluence. Trust me. That will keep all three of you busy for months to come. Besides, you’re in the grip of mating fever, which means none of you will be able to keep your minds on business for too much longer.”

  “My role has changed,” Kellan said as much to himself as the others. “I’ll refocus, but what are you going to do about Ram? The rebels are clearly out of control.”

  Bron set the shuttle in motion before he answered. “I’ve been treating him like a disobedient child, hoping he’ll change his behavior. Obviously, that’s not going to happen. It’s time to loose the dogs of war.”

  Jasmine barely kept herself from gasping. She’d heard the phrase before, but even the guards spoke of the ‘dogs of war’ as if they were part deity, part devil. The six most ruthless, most deadly Ventori commanders had earned the nickname, and wore it like a badge of honor.

  “Was this already in the works?” Kellan asked, looking almost angry. “It explains Galzar’s sudden reassignment.”

  Was Galzar Ako one of the dogs? Kellan’s question implied that he was.

  “It’s the right move,” Bron said firmly. “You are both more suited to your current positions. That’s what I get for trying to be creative instead of relying on what I know works.”

  “Just answer the question.” Kellan’s voice growled with impatience.

  “Yes. I planned to send the dogs after Ram, and that motley pack needs their alpha. Ram’s actions today just made that order much easier to give.”

  Kellan smiled. “Was that so hard?”

  “I know how hard it is to give up the Elizian. Didn’t want to listen to you rail.”

  Kellan shook his head. “I’ve never been one to rail, and I certainly don’t regret the outcome.” He looked back at Jasmine, love shining in his eyes. “I’d much rather have a mate than command a ship, even the Elizian.”

  “High praise indeed,” Bron said with a smile.

  The chancellor briefly set down in front of their house and few minutes later and let the others out.

  “Update me when you know more,” Kellan called as the stairs retracted.

  “Will do,” Bron assured, then turned back to the control panel.

  They crossed the front yard in stunned silence. “I feel like we should be doing something,” Jasmine said as Zilrath opened the door. “We promised to help Celeste and she ended up at Ram’s mercy instead.”

  “We both tried to stop her,” Kellan reminded, but she saw regret in his eyes. “That female wouldn’t listen to anyone.”

  “I know.” But it didn’t make her feel any better.

  “Everything that can be done to recover her is being done.” Zilrath pulled her into his arms as Kellan closed the door. “Brokvata ships are fast and agile. If anyone has a hope of pu
rsuing them, it’s Urrya and his Brokvata. Now stop worrying about her. That’s an order.” He reached down and pinched her behind. “Or does Kellan need to spank you to help refocus your mind?”

  Desire unfurled inside her and Jasmine smiled. Strenuous sex was a wonderful way to work off frustration and anxiety. And a little pain would just speed the catharsis and heighten the pleasure for all of them. She looked up into Zilrath’s blue-gray eyes and smiled. “I think that would be best.”

  Kellan took her by the hand and led her toward the stairs. But he stopped at the bottom and faced her, his expression stern, eyes fierce. “I decide what’s best in this relationship. Now get out of those clothes and crawl in front of us, so we can decide what we want to do with you.”

  She wasn’t sure about the crawling. That was new. But her heart was fluttering madly and her core already ached. All it took was the consuming need in his eyes to get her motor running. “Yes, Sir.” Enjoying the heat of their eyes on her, she quickly stripped off her clothing and turned toward the stairs. Crawling was a bit awkward at first, but it made her feel wild, almost feral. She arched her back as she shifted her legs, knowing they watched every move she made.

  “Faster,” Zilrath ordered, his voice raw with need.

  She was happy to obey.

  The End

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  Additional Books in the Ventori Masters Series

  Trained for Their Use

  On Earth, Amanda Powell is as good as dead. With her father in way too deep with a ruthless cartel, it is only a matter of time until his enemies come after her. If she wants to stay alive, she has only one choice. She must get off the planet by any means necessary, no matter the price.

  In desperation, she offers herself to a pair of Ventori mercenaries in return for safe passage on their ship. For two years, she will be the property of these stern, handsome aliens, and during that time they will have the right to do with her as they please. They will take her hard and often, in the most shameful of ways, and any protest will earn her a painful, humiliating spanking.

  But as they set about training Amanda for their use, the two battle-hardened warriors find that their beautiful human slave appeals to them in a way they did not expect, and some deep, primal part of them demands that they claim her as their mate. When the intensity of their need for her grows beyond their control, will Amanda’s presence prove catastrophic for everyone involved?

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  Claimed for Their Use

  Held captive by a brutal drug cartel and facing an uncertain fate, the last thing Jessica Saint Claud expects is to be rescued by two huge, fiercely handsome alien warriors, but the real shock comes when the two Ventori commanders make it clear that she now belongs to them. They will use their beautiful little human as thoroughly as they please, and she will submit or be punished.

  To Jessica’s surprise, her body responds powerfully to their bold dominance, and it quickly becomes clear that she is an ideal match for them both. As their primal need for her grows stronger, her new owners cannot resist taking her over and over in the most shameful of ways, wringing more pleasure from her naked, quivering body than she would have thought possible.

  But when Jessica’s impetuous behavior leads the Ventori High Council to demand a demonstration of her suitability as a mate, she soon finds herself blushing crimson as she is stripped bare, soundly spanked, and then claimed publicly by both of her masters at once.

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  Tamed for Their Use

  Though she is grateful to the Ventori who rescued her from a notorious drug cartel, Nichole Romano is none too pleased at being held in their custody and tested for her compatibility as a mate. Her patience runs out when two huge, handsome warriors carry her off against her will, but despite her fury she is quickly stripped bare and her defiance merely earns her a sound spanking.

  Sintar and his brother Tarlon promptly set about training their new mate, but to properly tame the headstrong little human they will need to both punish her sternly and thoroughly for any disobedience and claim her beautiful body hard and often in the most shameful of ways.

  Nichole’s shock at being treated in such a manner is accompanied by intense, helpless arousal which leaves her confused and humiliated yet begging desperately for her mates to take her even harder. But can their mastery of her body break down the walls she has built around her heart?

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  Chosen for Their Use

  When Kyla Harms’ plan to help her friend escape from the protective custody of the Ventori goes badly awry, she is saved by the intervention of LeAuntiez, the companion, advisor, and bodyguard of Chancellor Bronsen. Upon arriving at the home of the two powerful, stunningly handsome aliens, Kyla quickly discovers that their dwelling is not the only thing they share.

  Bron and LeAuntiez have chosen Kyla as their mate, and she soon learns that when she behaves badly they will not hesitate to strip her bare and punish her quivering bottom both inside and out. She is overwhelmed by shameful, desperate need long before the first stroke of the belt lands, and by the time her correction is complete she is begging to be claimed hard and thoroughly.

  As her beautiful body is used and enjoyed in every way possible, sometimes by one of her mates and sometimes by both of them at the same time, Kyla cannot deny her intense arousal at being so completely and utterly mastered. But when the scheming of a determined band of enemies puts all of their lives at grave risk, will Bron and LeAuntiez be able to protect their little human?

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  Mastered for Their Use

  Erin Dorati didn’t ask for help from the Ventori, and just because they freed her from the human thugs who were holding her captive doesn’t mean she’s going to put up with being kept in custody by her supposed rescuers. She’s certainly not going to just lie there and take it while three of them evaluate her suitability as a mate, but when she nearly perishes in the wastelands during a failed attempt at escape, it is one of the infuriatingly sexy aliens who saves her life.

  Urrya, Oseth, and Azra intend to share a female, but when the battle-hardened warriors inform Erin that they have chosen her, she does her best to pretend to hate the idea. Their visits to her dreams tell another story, however, and they quickly set about mastering both her body and her mind, teaching her how pleasurable it can be to surrender herself completely to her mates.

  Their bold dominance arouses Erin deeply, and despite her efforts to deny it, her need for them merely increases each time she is stripped bare for a painful, embarrassing correction of her behavior. Her bond with her mates grows stronger as she is claimed ever more thoroughly, sometimes by all three of them at once. But when the alien scourge who nearly wiped out the human race attacks Erin’s new home, will she lose everyone she cares about a second time?

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  More Stormy Night Books by Ivy Barrett

  Their Defiant Human

  After she defies the leaders of a warlike alien species, beautiful human scientist Andrea Raynier is taken captive by a bold, handsome Stilox warrior named Mal Ton. Fearing that her knowledge could be used to design weapons, Andrea vows never to cooperate, but she quickly discovers that Mal Ton is more than ready to do whatever is needed to compel her obedience.

  Andrea soon finds herself naked, bound, and quivering with need as she is ster
nly punished and thoroughly claimed by Mal Ton and his colleague, Doctor Roark Talbot. But will mastering her body be enough, or will Andrea’s captors seek to conquer their defiant human’s heart as well?

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  His Feisty Human

  Mal Ton has spent his life fighting for the survival of his people, often deep behind enemy lines, and he has never been hesitant to properly master a woman if her breathless, quivering surrender to his stern discipline and skillful lovemaking would aid his cause. From the moment he first sets eyes on Lorelle, however, it is obvious that the beautiful, spirited human will be different.

  Despite the intense lust brought on by a cleverly-designed alien virus, Lorelle has kept herself under control over the long weeks since she was abducted from Earth. But with each passing hour, her helpless arousal drives her closer to madness, and she has grown desperate by the time rescue arrives at last in the form of a huge, handsome Stilox warrior.

  Lorelle’s situation is dire, and Mal Ton is left with no choice but to take matters into his own hands. After spanking her bare bottom soundly to overcome her foolish reluctance to submit to the treatment she requires, he claims her hard and thoroughly, bringing her to one shattering climax after another until the need which threatened to consume her is finally satisfied.

  The passionate coupling serves its purpose, but Lorelle’s desire for her rescuer does not abate. When it becomes clear that an irreversible bond has been formed between them and they are now mated for life, will Mal Ton be prepared to do whatever is necessary to tame his feisty human?


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