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Love Letters from a Teen Heartthrob

Page 5

by Q. T. Valentine

  “I believe we will all one day be held accountable before God for every one of our choices. Don't you think for one minute He's not going to punish those that freely choose to cause others to suffer. There must be consequences for our choices. Good consequences or rewards for good choices and negative consequences for our bad choices.

  "What will you do if you get a girl pregnant and then abandon her and she wants to keep her kids rather than putting them up for adoption to a family where they earn enough for the mother to give them the best care? How will you answer the question your kids are bound to ask you after this life, questions like: 'Why did you make me stay with those strange men at that daycare or in foster care? Don't you know what they did to me? I couldn't defend myself because they were so much stronger and bigger than me. I could get in trouble for disobeying an adult. Why did you leave me to go through such suffering? Why would you leave Mom possibly no other choice but to leave me with strangers to be abused by the same guy(s) for over four years? No one should ever get gonorrhea of the throat - especially not a six- year- old or even a teen.'

  “Do any of you ever think about the consequences of your actions upon others before you act? I can tell that the answer to that is ‘no’ and that it’s about time that you started!”

  I threw down my towel and walked out. I was so disgusted and ticked. I’ve got a pitcher of ice water that cares more about my happiness and health and the welfare of others more than they do.

  Some guys are so stupid to think that they supposedly have to have sex just to prove something to other guys – like “You must be gay if you’re a still a virgin” or “You’re not a real man if you haven’t had sex yet.”

  They don’t even realize that what they’re really saying is that only guys with S.T.I.s and abandoned ex-girlfriends who have given birth to their equally abandoned children are “real men.” What a screwed up definition of what it means to be a man. That’s not what a “real” man is.

  Don’t any of these guys have decent God-loving fathers to show them that being a man means taking responsibility and being caring enough not to put others into difficult positions to begin with? And I’d say that teen pregnancy and S.T.I.s are difficult positions to be in in life when you’ve made wrong choices.

  One guy said a girl he was pushing for sex finally told him she was not on birth control. He dumped her after that.

  I say good for her. She didn't want to have sex with him. The fact that she didn't have the physical problems that come from taking birth control nor the financial hassle of it all says to me that she made a good choice.

  It doesn't make sense for a girl to take birth control when you're committed to not having sex before marriage. She gets to avoid so many problems with her wisdom. That was cool for me to hear.

  Well, I suppose that’s enough lecturing about what you already know regarding the clear deficit in the intelligence points of average male teens – hopefully with the exception of yours truly here.

  So anyhoo . . . I guess you’ve never seen that side of me. I’m fairly protective of women and I believe they deserve more respect than they get from guys (and even sometimes from one another). But since that tendency to stand for what’s right regarding peer pressure and sex is a trait that I feel is good to have, don’t expect me to change or leave it anytime soon because that’s just who I am.

  Take me or leave me but on that subject I won’t be changing hopefully ever (unless it’s somehow for the better).

  It’s a good thing you don’t spend much time in male locker rooms. You’d probably throw up to know just how perverted some guys can be about the subject of sex.

  You half-joked about wanting to visit an empty male restroom to get dirt samples, but if you ever want to enter a male locker room – even an empty one – I highly recommend that you wear a bio-hazard suit to protect you from . . . a lot of scary stuff. (I’m only half-joking about that.)

  Well, I’m glad you seemed to have enjoyed your Christmas holiday. And overall, even though I really missed you, my Christmas break was great!

  Have a great day!



  P.S. I guess there’s no avoiding the inevitable question: What kind of homemade cookies do you want?

  [6th anonymous note put in your locker.]

  January 14

  You looked at me in the hall recently and it’s almost as if you knew who I really am. You looked, it seemed, for a long time. Or maybe you were actually looking at someone else. Whatever was happening at that moment you had me absolutely paralyzed in a delirious high for a few moments that seemed to last an eternity.

  You could have walked right up to me and asked me flat out, “Is it you?” and I wouldn’t have been able to stop myself from confessing everything.

  I would have said, “Yes. I’m the one that’s leaving you love letters in your locker. Yes. I am your Secret Admirer.” But that’s not what happened. And thank goodness too because shortly after I would have confessed would have been about the time I would have subsequently passed out from a sudden heart attack of utter happiness to be so close to you and have you know the truth with the hope – even if it’s a slim hope – that you would want me as much as I want you.

  Maybe it would be a good idea for you to bring EMT paddles for CPR with you everywhere you go in case you ever do approach me and ask me the question I’m too afraid to answer today and nearly every day.

  But until then, I remain in the hidden prison of my heart often dreaming of you.


  Your Secret Admirer

  …Roaring out power greater than a stormy ocean out of control…

  [7th anonymous note put in your locker.]

  January 21

  Title: “No Place Better”

  There is no place better to be than here with you

  It brings a feeling better than Christmas

  I’ve seen some of the most extravagant places around the world

  I’ve seen some of the most spectacular views

  But there’s no better view than seeing you

  It’s better than the finest art any great artist could make

  There is no place better to be than here with you

  It brings a feeling better than the best birthday

  I’ve heard some of the finest music the world has ever known

  I’ve tasted some of the finest drinks from the purest vines

  But there’s no better sound than your voice in my ears

  And I bet that the taste of your kiss is better than anything else on earth

  There is no place better to be than here with you

  It brings a feeling better than the greatest roller coaster high

  I’ve read some of the most renowned books by the best scholars

  I’ve learned some of the most advanced lessons from the finest minds

  But second only to God Himself there’s no better source of inspiration than you

  You inspire me to be better than I’ve ever been

  And better than I am now

  There is no place better to be than here with you

  You send me to the highest heights

  You place me on top of the world

  You’re better than any drug the doctor could order

  You bring a feeling that lights up the room

  You bring a feeling that makes the night come alive

  You bring a feeling that it’s just me and you in this heavenly place here on earth

  You bring it

  You bring it

  There is no place better to be than here with you

  Here in heaven

  Right here on earth

  Bring it.


  Your Secret Admirer

  January 28


  Looks like it’s been awhile since I’ve gotten you another amazingly boring note. Classes and homework have taken over much of my life
lately. But never fear! Another note is here!

  So how are you? Are you happy? Are you sad? Are you glad when I’m not making you mad? (Yeah, that last one was a trick question. Kind of like the trick question in the pop quiz of my last class. Aaargh!)

  Well, you certainly seem to be in especially good spirits these days. I think your out-of-the-blue hug for me kind of gave it away that you’re happy over something. Perhaps you could clue me in on the good news of your life.

  Did you win the lottery and so now you’re going to buy me a car – one that just happens to bear a strong resemblance to the one in my Christmas contest picture? Or are you going to buy me a bunch of mango delight fruit cake? Or are you thinking of pranking me by buying that picture that I still think isn’t a gift but is really an investment? (Well, okay. . . If you insist!)

  Or is it something else? I wouldn’t think straight A's would get you too excited since I think you get those already in your sleep so it must be something else. Let’s see... is it... a new pair of wrestling shoes? No. That couldn’t be it because you don’t wrestle. Silly me.

  Maybe it’s professional tennis lessons! You love to watch pro tennis. Maybe that’s it? No. That’s probably not it.

  Oh, wait... I love pro tennis. Not you. (Note to self: she’s not the pro tennis lover. You are.) Oh! I’ve got it! You’re buying me pro tennis lessons! Yes! Yes! No.

  Okay. I’ll try again.

  Oooooh... yeah... maybe it’s something like... you’re in love?

  If that’s it then you must tell me!

  Wait... what if it’s a guy that’s no good for you? What if he’s some jerk that I know from gym class? What if he’s a total stranger that you met online that’s a total liar that’s one of those psycho killers that stalks and targets girls over the internet and he just hasn’t been caught yet? Stay away from guys online that approach you claiming they’re in love with you! Warning! Stranger danger! (I’m completely serious about that. Don’t even think about it.)

  Or what if it’s a guy that I know? One of my good friends? Someone good enough to deserve you?

  Maybe I don’t want to know after all.

  But don’t let that stop you from hugging me. I still want the hugs! (I think.)



  Chapter 6: The February Chapter

  February 5


  I have to say that it's so cool that you love to read. That must be why you're so smart. And when you told me recently that you believe in hearing the truth, even when the truth may be unpleasant, I was so impressed.

  You made a good point that all truths are not of the same worth and they aren't always pleasant. But when something sounds negative yet can be still be vital to learn, such as a warning for overall happiness, that got me thinking.

  It's so cool that you make me think more deeply than I sometimes do.

  Okay. You still haven’t answered my question about why you’ve been in an especially good mood lately. This keeps my curiosity intact.

  It doesn’t seem to be over any lottery winnings since you’re not a gambler. (And, of course, the fact that you’re not driving a new car and you haven’t given me – your bestest, bestest most favorite and coolest guyfriend ever – a new car or tennis lessons or a painting that’s actually an investment – these are all clues that you haven’t recently come into a large windfall of money.)

  It doesn’t seem to be over any straight A's since I learned you got a “B+” in Science. (Don’t worry. I still love you just as you are.)

  You haven’t bought me a year’s supply of mango delight fruit cake so that must not be why you’re so glad these days.

  So I must deduce that it’s about... it’s about... (I can hardly write the words)... it must be about a guy. (Oh! Daggers! Daggers to my heart! Daggers!)

  So if it is and if you insist on not telling me about him then I must share with you my all-knowing, all-wise expertness on the subject of men so as to do my friendly duty to protect you from possible jerks disguised as great guys that smile a lot.

  Ladies need to know some rules guys use to trick girls into getting into a lot of trouble with them. Learn these largely unrevealed “guys only” rules and ladies such as yourself may prevent some serious heartache and pain.

  Let me tell you now, I am so sorry if any of this is hard to hear but you said you know not all truths are pleasant and knowing some tough facts in advance are what's often needed to know how to recognize danger and trouble specifically to prevent or avoid it.

  Jerk Rule #1: Jerks encourage guys to bring alcohol to get her drunk or get a girl to drink a drink that the jerk guy makes for her or that he can tamper with when she’s not looking.

  Jerk's Goal: Jerks want to get her drunk enough so that she’s not strong enough or clear thinking enough or physically able to fight him off when the jerk starts to date rape her (meaning the guy forces her to have sex with him because she’s too drunk to say no or to resist).

  If he can tamper with her drink by slipping in a date rape drug when she’s not looking (it’s an odorless and tasteless drug) then she’ll pass out and he and as many of his friends as they want can use her for sex for at least an hour or more and she’ll be passed out the whole time so she can’t say no. The drug can even mess with her memory so she doesn’t remember enough details to accurately identify the guy(s) that raped her.

  He could also use your drunken state to take pornographic pictures of you to sext to others or to post up on the internet.

  He could even make a video of it and blackmail you saying that if you don’t agree to keep having sex with him for the next several weeks or months or if you don’t let his friends have sex with you also (even if he threatens gang rape) then he’ll post the video or pictures of you nude or having sex with him online and he’ll claim you’re a slut.

  Legal Guesses: This is non-consensual sex which is basically rape and I'm guessing it’s most likely illegal. I heard somewhere it is finally possible to prosecute a guy for sex with a girl that was intoxicated precisely because she couldn't consent (agree or think clearly enough to agree to sex with the guy) while she was under the influence. Finally attorneys and judges are using more common sense to get better justice for victims of rape.

  Dirty criminal defense lawyers (attorneys that defend guys that are accused of or are guilty of rape) will still try to point out that she (the victim) drinks alcohol so she must have been too drunk to recall what really happened or too drunk to be able to accurately identify the guy that actually did it.

  Or they’ll say because she drinks alcohol she probably has sex with lots of guys and in this case she simply changed her mind afterwards and claimed it was rape when initially it was consensual.

  Or she’s an angry female that just wants revenge because he is dating some other girl so it must not have been rape because she drinks alcohol or does drugs so no one should believe her when she’s really just jealous that he is dating someone else.

  Too often cases where the female was intoxicated are cases that are difficult to prosecute (meaning that too often guys don't get in trouble for it.)

  Health issues: in addition to this guy giving you one or more S.T.I.s he can get you pregnant and abandon you afterwards. If he’s too “big” (especially if he... for lack of a less graphic choice of words... “abuses” your rectum) or if he agrees to let his friends rape you also then you can suffer a lot of physical damage where you would need special medical care to help you heal and you’ll likely be in a lot of pain for possibly days at a time after. Overall, rape is a terrible, terrible, selfish crime.

  With just a few of the risks mentioned above that are possible to suffer, any female that is thinking clearly will never think it's worth it to try sex before marriage – especially drunken or intoxicated sex – not even once.

  If she's smart, rational, or thinking reasonably she'll say no and be so much happier for it as she wisely a
voids so many different risks of dangers, sorrows and suffering like the ones written above.

  Lessons to be learned: you’ll lose in more ways than one if you agree to spend time alone with a guy that you choose to drink beer with or some other alcoholic beverage with. You’ll also lose in many ways if you do drugs with a guy.

  Overall, if you are intoxicated in any way at anytime because you choose to try alcohol or drugs then at anytime in the future any lawyer can ask you if you’ve ever drank alcohol or done drugs and if they can prove that you have then they can destroy your credibility which means they can give the judge and jury enough justification to make people believe your word is not reliable because when you can’t think clearly then you can’t identify a person accurately or the truth about a situation or event accurately because you chose of your own free will to have your mental capacities impaired so therefore you are not a trustworthy person for any testimony or as a witness in court.


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