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Deadly Rescue, SCVC Taskforce Series Novella, Book 10

Page 6

by Misty Evans

  Damn, that might just work. Cooper was liking this doctor better and better.

  “You climbed Denali? As in the mountain in Alaska?” Eyebrow raised, Polly eyed the man doubtfully.

  Leo grinned. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Polly Ana. Stick with me and I might just surprise you.”

  Cooper stifled a laugh at Polly’s astonished glare. The good doc was in for an ass chewing later, of that he was certain. If they lived through this. The sobering thought brought him back to reality, and he braced his feet on the doorjamb, peering down at Leo. “You ready, doc?”

  Leo gave a thumbs up. “Let’s do this.”

  With an expertise that came from years of experience, Leo skillfully weaved his way up and over the debris, carefully scaling the fallen staircase until Cooper was finally able to firmly clamp the man’s hand in his and hoist him into the hallway beside him.

  “That was impressive,” Cooper admitted, still somewhat amazed by the large man’s agility. Cooper was in pretty good shape, but even he had to admit that scaling that staircase with the ease Leo had just pulled off was impressive.

  “It’s all about where you step.” Leo shrugged. An easy grin curved his mouth for a brief second. “The women won’t be able to follow the same route, but we should be able to pull them up without problem.”

  Anxious to have Celina safe and back at his side, Cooper was more than ready to make that happen. “Then let’s get to it.”

  At Celina’s insistence, Polly came up next, and Cooper didn’t breathe again until Celina’s feet finally touched the floor next to him. With everyone on stable ground, he wrapped her in his arms and simply held her close.

  “I’m fine.”

  The smile in her voice warmed his heart, and he swiftly captured her mouth firmly with his, the need to devour her outweighing the need for anything else. He needed to hold her, to taste her, and reassure himself that she was really all right. If anything had happened to her, he would have lost his mind.

  She tasted of fire and spice with a hint of sweet Celina. Perfectly his. God, how he loved her.

  “When you guys get done making out, maybe we can go check on Sophie?” Polly’s amused voice broke the fog in his stress-riddled brain. Reluctantly, he withdrew to stare down into his wife’s amused face.

  “Come on, big boy,” she teased with a wink, “we can play later.”

  In this horrible situation, she still knew how to make him smile. That was the best idea he’d heard all damn day.


  Still reeling from Cooper’s kiss, Celina rapped her knuckles on the door to Sophie and Nelson’s room. “Sophie? It’s Celina. Are you in there?”

  “Coming.” A minute later, a weary-faced Sophie answered. The only light in the room came through the balcony window. “About time you guys got here.”

  “Sorry to keep you waiting,” Cooper drawled as Celina gave her friend a careful hug. “The elevators are out of commission and we had a few problems with the stairs.”

  “Problems?” Sophie arched an eyebrow.

  Polly shut the door behind them. “As in the staircase is pretty much gone.” She gestured to Leo. “Thanks to the doctor, we made it in one piece.”

  “Hey, I helped,” Cooper interjected.

  “Dr. Garand, I presume?” Sophie held a hand out. “Thank you for getting my friends here.” To the rest, she said, “You guys look like hell. Will someone tell me what the effing hell is going on? I was in the bathroom, when boom! The whole damn building shook, the lights went out, people started panicking. I tried calling the front desk, but the landlines are down. Nelson said something about a bomb and to stay put until help came.”

  “He got through?” Celina asked.

  “I didn’t have cell service at first, but eventually it came back.”

  Cooper blew out a relieved sigh. “Nothing’s confirmed, but every indication suggests someone detonated a car bomb in the alley between the arena and the hotel.”

  Leo’s eyebrows slanted downwards as he shook Sophie’s hand, still extended. “I’m sorry, have we met?” The look on his face said he was sure he would have remembered, given Sophie’s very pregnant state.

  “Officially, no.” Sophie smiled patiently, throwing a wink at Polly. “But I’ve heard a lot about you.” To Cooper, she said, “A terrorist act at the training session? Ballsy, aren’t they? Any idea who’s behind it?”

  “Too early.” Cooper stated, and Sophie nodded. “It’s chaos down there right now.”

  “That’s what Nelson said, and he’s out of his mind with worry about me, of all things. I told him the babies and I were fine, but you know how he gets.” Sophie began to laugh, then grabbed her stomach, pain etched in her features. “Phew, these kiddos sure are giving me fits today.”

  “Kiddos?” Leo’s eyes grew round as he gave her a closer look. “You’re having multiples?”

  Sophie arched a dark eyebrow. “I’m not this fat because there’s only one baby in there, Dr. Garand. Don’t worry, the twins aren’t due for a few more weeks and my doctor said we should be fine as long as I rest a lot.” Her hand moved over her stomach, then drifted to her lower back. “A good theory, but when your back is killing you, even bed rest gets uncomfortable.”

  Leo carefully took Sophie’s arm, steering her toward the bed. “I think it would be wise to listen to your doctor. All of the excitement today could raise your blood pressure and send you into labor.”

  Celina, Polly, and Cooper exchanged glances, unquestionably thinking the same thing. Oh shit.

  The thought had crossed Celina’s mind earlier, but hearing Leo say it out loud made it seem all the more real.

  Another laugh from Sophie, but devoid of humor. “That’s ridiculous. I’m not going into labor. We still have plenty of time before—Owww!” Her face scrunched in pain as she bent forward, arms wrapping around her mid-section.

  Celina dove to support her on the opposite side of Leo. “Sophie?”

  “Breathe,” Leo said. “I know it’s painful, but try to breathe.”

  A moment later, the pain passed and she straightened, looking a bit pale. She waved them off, but the motion was weak. “I’m fine. False contractions is all.”

  “Can I get you some water?” Polly asked, unstrapping the first aid kit. She set it and her tablet on the nearby table. “Herbal tea, maybe?”

  Sophie rubbed her extended belly and let Leo and Celina guide her to the bed. She was slightly out of breath and Cooper helped lift her feet up on the mattress. “No thanks. I’ve had such bad indigestion today, I better not. Just the thought of food or drink makes me nauseous.”

  Leo gently took her wrist and began checking her pulse. Celina went in the bathroom to get a wet washcloth.

  “Are there lots of casualties?” Sophie asked.

  Cooper shrugged. “No idea yet.”

  Celina returned with the cool, wet washcloth and laid it on Sophie’s forehead. “Don’t worry about that right now. Nelson is alive and well, and will be with you as soon as he can get away. Meanwhile, we’re here to take care of you.”

  Without warning, Sophie let out a soft cry and nearly rose off the bed. Leo and Celina caught her arms and once again supported her through what was obviously a contraction.

  “Oh shit,” she huffed softly when she could speak again. “This can’t be happening. Not now. Not in the middle of this…it has to be false labor. Braxton Hicks. Not the real thing.”

  Celina tried not to chuckle at her friend’s pep talk.

  Over Sophie’s back, she exchanged a look with Cooper. He looked a little pale too, realizing what was about to happen. Yep, this was going to be a day for the books.

  “How long has your back been hurting?” Leo asked, once Sophie was breathing somewhat normally again. Celina saw him eyeing the first aid kit as if mentally tallying the supplies.

  “A few days or so.” Sophie slumped back against the mountain of pillows Celina had stuffed behind her. “It’s been really bad to

  “Back pain can be a sign of labor,” Leo’s face was serious, and Sophie sucked in a sharp breath, reaching for Celina’s hand.

  “But I’m not ready. We’re not ready.” Sophie’s voice quivered, and a tear slid down her cheek.

  “Ready or not, I think the babies might be coming,” the doctor said gently.

  Celina smoothed a hand over Sophie’s forehead, and gave her hand a comforting squeeze.

  Sophie shook her head adamantly. “Oh God, not yet. No, no, no. Not here! I want to be home, and go to the hospital like a normal woman, and…and…” She gripped Celina’s hand so tight, Celina nearly yelped. “Nelson has to be with me.”

  Celina understood and dropped down to sit on the bed next to her. She didn’t want Sophie to panic and needed to reassure her as best as she could. “You know, maybe you’re right. Maybe it is false labor. Even if it isn’t, this is your first delivery, and those usually take a while, right, doctor?”

  “Right,” Leo agreed heartily. “You’ll be out of here shortly and off to the hospital, just like you want.”

  Good man.

  “The elevators are out and we can’t get down the staircase to an ambulance,” Cooper said.

  Celina sent him a damning glare.

  He shrugged, frowning. What?

  She was going to kill him.

  “And there’s no way anyone can get up here until the elevators are operational again,” Polly added, looking like she were figuring out a puzzle.

  At Celina’s glower and Sophie’s horrified look, she cleared her throat, backtracked, and added cheerfully, “But that should be soon. Very soon. I’m sure there’s a backup generator to restore power to the hotel’s grid.”

  “Absolutely.” Cooper snapped his fingers. “The power will be back on before you know it. Don’t worry, Sophia.”

  Sophie groaned, not from a contraction, but from Cooper and Polly’s helpful advice. “Nelson is going to be so pissed if he isn’t with me when the twins come. I’m going to be pissed. I can’t do this without him.”

  “Nelson can get over it,” Celina assured her friend. “These babies may not wait for their daddy, and you’re stronger than you think. You can and will do just fine.”

  “Have you ever delivered a baby?” Polly asked Leo, fingers typing away at her tablet. “I can pull up a few videos if you need a crash course. Don’t we need hot towels? I think in every movie they always ask for hot towels, but damned if I know what they use them for.”

  “Relax, Polly. I know how to deliver a baby.” Leo laughed, plucking the tablet from her shaking hands. “I’ve got this.”

  Even though Celina knew it was more for Sophie’s benefit, his air of confidence was comforting. Besides, what choice did they have?

  As Sophie gasped through the next contraction, Celina realized Leo was right. The babies were coming whether they were ready or not, and right now, Leo Garand was the only qualified person in the room to handle the job.

  “But there are two babies in there,” Polly whispered to Leo as he moved around the room gathering the first aid kit and some towels. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  He drew her to the corner of the room and while they bickered, Celina focused on Sophie, helping her breathe through the contraction. The washcloth had slid off and landed on the floor, but Celina didn’t dare let go of Sophie’s hand as it squeezed hers.

  Beads of sweat dotted Sophie’s forehead, and Celina gave Cooper a grateful smile when he appeared at her side with a damp hand towel in his grasp. “Thank you.”

  “I don’t know….how….you did this,” Sophie gasped out, sighing in relief when the contraction finally subsided and she could breathe normally again.

  Celina winked, dabbing the sweat from her forehead. “Piece of cake, Soph. Remember that mission where you were undercover with that cartel leader who loved snakes? Honey, you came out looking like a beauty queen. If you could handle that, you can sure as hell do this.”

  “Your confidence is touching.” She looked doubtful, though the ghost of a smile curved her mouth.

  Leo and Polly returned, Leo drawing the room’s small table next to the bedside as Polly fiddled with her tablet.

  “What do you need me to do?” Cooper asked the doctor.

  “I need to check and see if she’s dilated.” Leo’s eyes trailed over the bedding, a frown on his face. “And she’s going to need something sturdier to lean against. Those pillows aren’t going to give her enough support when we get down to business.”

  Of course, Celina thought, having not even considered that. A hospital bed would have a firmer mattress and be able to support a laboring mother without compressing so much. These bed pillows wouldn’t have the same support. As soon as Sophie started pushing, they would cushion her body with each push rather than giving firm leverage.

  “The couch,” Polly snapped her fingers, hustling to the couch and returning with two large couch cushions. “Will these work?”

  “Yeah.” Leo smiled. “Those should do the trick.”

  Celina tossed the regular pillows aside as Cooper supported Sophie, and Leo and Polly stuffed the couch cushions behind her. With the cushions in place, Cooper slowly lowered Sophie back against them, eyeing her warily for any signs of distress. “Okay?”

  She nodded, eyes closed. “It’ll work.”

  “I’m going to have you guys step into the hall while I check her.” Leo headed into the bathroom to scrub his hands. Cooper and Polly went for the door to give Sophie some privacy, but when Celina made a move to follow, Sophie caught her arm.

  “Can you stay?” she asked, fearful eyes wide in her pale face. Up until this point, Sophie’s pregnancy had been fairly routine without complications. Now she was gearing up to give birth to twins in a hotel room. Not the worst place in the world, but it was far from ideal. There were risk factors involved in birthing multiple babies and these were not the best odds if something significant should arise.

  “Of course,” Celina promised. She grabbed a chair and pushed it next to the bed. “I’m not going anywhere unless you tell me to.”

  Sophie breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Celina. Without Nelson here, I just don’t know how I’m going to get through this.”

  “That’s easy,” Celina smiled, using the damp towel to smooth Sophie’s hair from her face. “You’ll give birth to these beautiful babies and become the kickass mom I know you’re going to be. Piece of cake.”

  Sophie laughed. “Kickass might be pushing it, but we can hope.”

  Leo returned and paused in the doorway, a question on his face at seeing Celina still there.

  “Do whatever you need to do, doc, but Celina stays,” Sophie informed him, tugging up the hem of her long maternity dress. “I got over the whole shyness factor a long time ago.”

  Celina loosened the sheet from the end of the bed and used it to drape the lower portion of Sophie’s body while Leo jury-rigged his phone to give him some light. He must have found a pair of rubber gloves in the first aid kit because he snapped them on and knelt in front of the bed.

  “Here we go.”

  Sophie bit her lower lip and turned her face toward Celina. She stiffened, the telltale movement a sign that Leo had begun to check her cervix. “God, I hate this part.”

  Celina chuckled, remembering all too clearly how uncomfortable it was.

  Finally finished, Leo stood and pulled the sheet down. The seriousness of his face didn’t bode well, and Celina swallowed. “Sophie, you’re dilated to seven centimeters. I was hoping we’d have more time, but at the rate you’re going, these babies are coming fast. You mentioned you’ve had back pain for days—how long has the worst of that been going on?”

  “Since yesterday afternoon.” Sophie frowned, thinking back. “Or maybe it was yesterday morning? I’m not sure. It’s been there for a while, just kind of comes and goes. I’ve also had a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions since about the seventh month, but our doctor said that was no
rmal since the babies are both good sized.”

  “Normal sure, but given the back pain with the contractions, it’s quite possible you’ve been in labor since yesterday and didn’t realize it.”

  Anxiety twisted her stomach. Celina had experienced terrible back pain in the days that led up to Via’s birth. “But what about her water?” She glanced at Sophie. “It hasn’t broke, has it?”

  Suddenly, the lights came on. Cooper popped his head in. “We’ve got juice! I’ll check the elevators, you guys get Sophie ready to move.”

  Sophie made a small noise in the back of her throat, her face surprised, and Leo held up a hand. “Not a good idea.”

  He was looking down at the sheet.

  “Why?” Cooper asked.

  Sophie swore again. “Because my water just broke and…damn it!”

  “What do you need?” Celina asked Leo, as Polly and Cooper came back in the room.

  “More towels, for starters.” Removing his gloves and setting them carefully aside, Leo opened the first aid kit and began pulling out items, creating a small pile.

  “See, I knew you’d need towels,” Polly exclaimed. She disappeared into the bathroom.

  “What else?” Cooper asked.

  “Lamps,” Leo answered quickly. “We need as many lamps that you can find.”

  “Floor or desk?”

  “Both. We’re going to use the heat from the lamps as an incubator to keep the babies warm until we can get them to the hospital.”

  A brilliant idea, and not something Celina would have thought of. She was suddenly insanely thankful for Polly’s crush on the doctor. If not for Leo, they would be in serious trouble right now.

  As another contraction hit, Celina stayed by Sophie’s side and helped her breathe through the pain while Polly and Cooper made quick work of gathering as many lamps as they could find, including a decorative one from the hallway table near the elevators. When they were done, they had two table lamps, another floor lamp, and a small desk lamp.


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