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Page 5

by Riley Edwards

  “Brother, you calling that shack you have in the Tennessee Valley a cabin is almost as laughable as you thinking that Ava and JJ are going anywhere with you.”

  “Yeah? And why is that, brother?” I knew he didn’t miss the sarcasm in my voice.

  “This might not be the time or the place to have this conversation, but it is long overdue.” Mac had easily slid into his Detective Mackenzie persona, talking to me like I was some perp he was getting ready to interview.

  The Fuck!

  “Remember who you’re talking to, Mac. I am not a suspect. I don’t appreciate the tone,” I warned.

  “You wanna do this in front of your crew?” He dipped his head in Austin’s direction. When I nodded in the affirmative he continued, “It’s not lost on me that you’ve been biding your time waiting to claim Ava.” As I started to interrupt, Mac spoke over my objections. “Don’t try and play me for a fool. I have watched you, watching her, keeping your finger on her pulse, waiting for her to be whole again. You’re one of my closest friends and I would give my life for that woman, but she’ll hurt you. I don’t think that the hole Jacob left can ever be fixed, because she won’t allow it. You have practically been a monk these last few years. Just leave it and move on.”

  Well, what could I say to that? If I told him how wrong he was, how I had watched the shine come back into her eyes, it would confirm that I had been doing exactly what he was accusing me of. Watching and waiting. Living like a monk, getting reacquainted with nightly self-love. Fantasizing about the day I could finally touch and taste and worship Ava. I had turned into a pansy-assed fool. I wanted to kick my own ass for being such a pussy!

  “I’ll take my chances,” I replied.

  “The unit’s here. Mac, are we taking Jimmy’s bag with us back to the office to analyze or are you going to have it tied up in the evidence locker at the station?” Austin asked, his tone was dripping with contempt.

  Austin knew better than anyone how jacked the system was. He had been LAPD for fifteen years before he quit and came to work for me. He’d left the force after his sister’s rapist walked on a technicality, resulting in her suicide. Now he skirted the letter of the law, making sure that the scumbags of earth paid for their crimes. No legal system needed.

  “Fuck! Yeah, you take it. I’ll handle my guys. I’ll be at your office in two hours for a brief.” Mac turned to me. “I know you don’t need this, but you have my support. I love Ava like a sister. If you think you’re up for the fight, go after her. Jacob…” Mac let out a breath and took a second to regain his composure. “Jacob would want her and JJ happy and protected. He’d be happy it’s you. He respected the hell out of you, Reid.”

  “’Preciate that, Mac. Means the world coming from you.” I reached my hand out. When Mac took it, he squeezed it a little tighter than necessary. “No need, Mac. Message received. Loud and clear.”

  “Good, glad we have an understanding. Now, how long ago did you receive the last intel on Kelley? Is he still running with Fuentes? Carjacking and running eight liners?” Mac asked.

  “Six months, give or take. The last report said Kelley fucked up a car delivery. A new Benz was supposed to be taken from El Paso down to Juarez. The dumb fuck left the real registration in the car and was stopped at the border. He was out of custody within the hour. We all know those border quacks can be bought off faster and cheaper than a bunny ranch whore.”

  “Shit, that’s the truth,” Austin agreed.

  “This is on me. I should’ve been keeping a better watch on Kelley, and had intel reports every three months instead of six. He never should’ve been able to get past me and to her door.”

  “You’ve been watching Jimmy?” Ava interjected from the top of the stairs.

  That woman was like a super-stealth spy in her movements. She could’ve taught the guys in my Army unit a thing or two about light feet.

  “Where’s JJ?” I ignored her question.

  “Why have you been watching him?” she tried again.

  Damn, I wished she hadn’t heard that. I looked around for help. Austin, the asshole that he was, had hightailed it to the dining room and Mac was already out the front door.



  Vodka and Diet Coke


  This was too much! It was barely six AM and everyone had gone mad. I was officially living in crazy town.

  Mac had talked to Jimmy behind my back. Reid was watching Jimmy or keeping tabs on him, whatever that meant. Apparently, my house was vandalized. I hadn’t even checked on that yet. And the cherry on top of this shit show – Jimmy pointing a gun at my son.

  I didn’t have time to deal with any of these people. I needed to get to Del Mar’s and open.

  “Never mind. I changed my mind. I don’t want to know. JJ and I are leaving. I’m gonna go open the café. We’ll be back after lunch.”

  “You can’t leave yet,” Reid objected. “Call Suzie in to open today.”

  Was his eye twitching? Why was he annoyed? I wasn’t the one barking orders at him. I wasn’t the one who’d been keeping secrets.

  “Why can’t I leave? Mac can handle the police. You both have a key. Can’t one of you lock up on the way out? I’ll handle the insurance company when I get back this afternoon.”

  There it was again, the eye twitch.

  “Ava. Let’s start with we don’t know where Jimmy is or why he is in town. It’s not safe for you and JJ. Next issue, the cops are gonna want to talk to you about Jimmy having an illegal firearm in your house, not to mention he had it pointed at JJ. Your final issue is that at least two of your tires have been slashed.”

  Great, just great.

  “Why is Jimmy here?” I asked.

  “How should I know? I was hoping he may have told you something last night.”

  “You and Mac seem to have all the secrets,” I quipped.

  That reminded me, I still had a bone to pick with Mac. I was not happy he intruded on my life and spoke to Jimmy behind my back.

  “What did he say to you last night?” Reid asked.

  “I’ll tell you that after you tell me why you’ve been watching Jimmy. Oh, and for how long.”

  I watched and waited for Reid to answer. The eye twitch thing was in full force. He was obviously annoyed. Well, guess what, buddy, I was too. Mac and Reid had thought it was ok to take over my life. Okay, that might have been a minor exaggeration, but I was pissed. I was allowed to exaggerate.

  “Go call Suzie and get the café taken care of. Grab a bag for you and JJ, we’re leaving as soon as the detective speaks to you.”

  It was my turn to get annoyed.

  “Who the hell do you think you are? Why are you barking orders at me like I am some child you get to command? I will decide who I call and when I leave. What is wrong with the two of you? Mac thinks it’s okay to go behind my back in family matters and you think you can barge in and take over. Back off, buddy.”

  I started to make my grand exit by stomping out of the room when Reid caught my arm.

  “You’ll forgive me if I am a little on edge, sweetheart. I was woken up in the wee hours of the morning by someone trashing your house. Then I find you and JJ held at gunpoint by a douchebag that has been running with the worst kind of criminals in El Paso for the last five or six years. I don’t think you are grasping what kind of danger you and JJ are in.”

  “You don’t think I understand? My son had a gun pointed at him, my son is a wreck. I just want to leave this house and take my son somewhere he feels safe. I choose the café. He is going with me. You’re acting like I am sending him to school today unprotected and pretending I don’t have a major issue on my hands. I know I do. And I’ll handle it.”

  “You’ll handle it? How, Ava? How will you handle the criminal douche from El Paso?” Reid bellowed.

  I had officially slipped past pissed to angry. The nerve!

  “That is none of your concern. It is my problem. I will handle it. Since you don’
t want to give me any answers about Jimmy, I’ll ask Damion. He seems like he’s a man that can find answers,” I taunted him.

  I had no real intention of talking to Damion, our not so friendly local motorcycle club member. Truth be told, he kinda scared me.

  “Damion? President of the Iron Claw motorcycle club? That Damion? The Damion that did a stint in San Quinton? Jesus Christ, woman, are you crazy?”

  “I don’t know Damion’s prior living arrangements, but yes, he is the president of the Iron Claw MC. He told me if I ever needed anything I could ask him,” I goaded Reid further.

  “Fucking hell. Clue in sweetheart, Damion doesn’t do anything for free. If he offered his services he expects payment. Either in ass or a favor. And since you have nothing he can use by way of favor, he’ll expect payment in ass. Steer clear of him, Ava. Swear to Christ I will blister your sweet little ass if you go anywhere near him.”

  “Do you have to be so crass? Jeez! Damion has never been anything but respectful to me.”

  “And why do you think that is? Don’t bother trying to think of why, I’ll explain it to you. The president of the Iron Claw MC knows that Ava Kelley is off limits. You’re untouchable. I have made it so. You and JJ are to be protected, always.”

  I didn’t know what to say. I was untouchable because he made it so? I didn’t even know what that meant. I didn’t want to know what that meant. I was afraid of what the implications were of investigator and general badass, Logan Reid, telling the president of a motorcycle club I was off limits.

  “Whatever. I’m going to call Suzie and tell her I won’t be in…until later.”

  “Jesus H, she’s gonna call Suzie…stubborn…pain in the ass,” Reid mumbled under his breath. “You do that. I have some calls to make.”

  HA! I was a pain in the ass. I stomped all the way up the stairs.

  “Bossy asshole.” I made sure I said it loud enough for him to hear.

  “Mama, who’s the A word?” JJ asked.

  “Sorry, no one is. There’s been a change of plans. When you’re done getting dressed, come down to the kitchen and I’ll make you some breakfast. Looks like we’re not going straight to the café after-all.”

  “Okay. Is Reid still here?”

  I stopped scrolling through my contacts and looked at my son. “Yeah, baby, he is. Everything ok? Uncle Mac is down there too.”

  “Yeah, I just wanted to… I mean I was just wondering. No big deal, I’m fine.”

  There was something in JJ’s voice I didn’t like. He was hiding something. He was using his fake happy voice. Did he not want Reid in the house?

  “You sure you’re ok with Reid being here?” I asked.

  “Yeah. I’m done getting ready. I’m gonna go find Reid.” JJ was out of the room before I could even collect my thoughts.

  He was going to find Reid? Not his Uncle Mac. That was strange, JJ adored Mac.

  I went back to my phone and found Suzie’s number. Her husband was gonna kill me calling this early.

  “Hello,” Suzie answered in her normal chipper tone.

  “Hey, Suz babe, I am so sorry to call this early, but I have a huge favor. There’s been a bit of an emergency here, is there any way you can open the café this morning?”

  “Doll, I’m already at the café. Mac texted me thirty minutes ago and told me there was an issue with your car and asked if I could open,” Suzie informed me.

  Son-of-a-bitch. That was it.

  “Did he now? How…nice of him. Thanks for covering for me. You’re the best.”

  “No problem. I hope you get your car situated. Listen I need to get these tables set up, but we are having a girl’s night this week. I would say I’ll bring a bottle of wine, but I know that tone. I’ll bring the vodka. You supply the diet coke,” Suzie laughed.

  “Woman, you know me so well. It’s a date. I’ll call you as soon as I get rid of Mr. Pain In My Ass and Mr. Bossy Asshole.”

  “Oh boy, this sounds like it is gonna be a good story. Go handle your business. I got the café. Call me tonight. MUAH!” Suzie made several kissy sounds before hanging up.

  I was so lucky to have her and her husband Michael. Outside of Mac and Reid, they were my closest friends.

  Come to think of it, after today they were my only friends. Both Mac and Reid were now bumped off my friend's list. The overbearing baboons had slid firmly onto my shit list.

  They both thought they could run my life. Wrong.

  I was stomping down the stairs, ready to throw a hissy fit of epic proportions, when I stopped short midway down the stairs.

  Reid was kneeling in front of JJ. They were forehead to forehead, one of Reid’s large hands on the back of JJ’s head, holding him tight.

  I could see the tears on my boy’s face. JJ nodded the best he could at whatever Reid was telling him. I wished I was closer so I could hear what they were saying. Reid pulled away and patted JJ on the shoulder.

  “…you and your mama are safe, JJ, I promise,” Reid assured him.

  JJ didn’t answer. I watched him walk into the kitchen, shoulders hunched forward. He was scared and he didn’t believe we were safe.

  I was going to kill Jimmy Kelley.

  I glanced back at Reid and my breath caught in my chest. He was watching me watch my boy. The look on his face was one of pure torture. He was feeling this; my boy being scared. That quickly took the wind out of my sails. I couldn’t begin to summon up the anger and annoyance I had felt only moments before. Reid was trying to keep JJ safe.

  “Thank you, Reid.”

  “For?” he questioned.

  “For that.” I motioned towards JJ. “For talking to him and wanting to keep him safe. I’m sorry if I was a little bitchy earlier. I am overwhelmed.” And scared, but I wasn’t ready to say that out loud yet.

  I still needed to know what Jimmy was up to and why he was in San Francisco.

  “It’s not just for JJ,” Reid said.

  “Oh, yeah right. I’m sure Mac asked you to help too.”

  I misread the situation. Of course, Mac would ask Reid to help watch over us. He was an overprotective, nosy baboon.

  “It’s for you, Ava.” Reid met me at the bottom of the stairs. He leaned in and pulled my forehead to his, the same way he had done with JJ. “You and JJ. I want you and your boy safe.”

  I felt his breath fan across my lips, so close, his lips were so close to mine.

  He wanted us safe.


  Friend’s List


  With her forehead against mine, I could feel her every exhale. I was literally breathing her in. The fresh scent of lavender filled my senses and my body hardened. The visceral reaction was unstoppable. This was not the time or place, but in all the years I had known Ava I had never touched her, not like this. Not in any intimate way.

  My hand on the back of her head fisted her beautiful blonde strands. It took all of my self-control not to tilt her head back and take her mouth. I was desperate for her. The reality of this moment was so much better than my nightly fantasies.

  She was trembling, and I could feel the war that raged inside of her. She wanted to melt into me, but she would resist. The cinderblock walls she lived behind would need to be carefully chipped away. Not so fast that she would lock up and run, but fast enough she wouldn’t be able to patch the cracks I made.

  “Reid,” she started.

  “I am going to ask you to trust me. I know this is hard for you. You are the most independent, self-sufficient woman I know, but you need help. Let me keep you safe.”

  “I don’t understand what is even happening. Do you think Jimmy will hurt us? Maybe we should just go to Texas for a while.” Her voice was low and soft, but she didn’t try to pull away.

  “That is the worst thing you could do. I need to find out what went down in Texas that made Jimmy run to California. I don’t know why he is here yet. Do I think he’ll hurt you? Not on purpose, and not him directly. But whoever followed him to San Fran
wouldn’t bat an eye at hurting you to get to Jimmy. We have a few options. I have a safe house in Ventura or a cabin up north…”

  “No,” she interrupted. “You have cases. I can’t pull you away from your work. You need to be close to your office.”

  “My cases are not important. Besides, you do realize I have employees that can handle my business in my absence, don’t you? You and JJ are more important.”

  “I can’t ask you…”

  “You’re not asking. I’m offering. More than that, I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  Was she nuts? Did she really think that my caseload was more important than her safety? Than JJ’s?

  “Thank you,” Ava whispered.

  “You keep saying that. Sweetheart, there is no need to thank me. I would do anything for you and JJ.”

  Her tears were my downfall. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her to me. She burrowed in, tucking her head under my chin. She was a perfect fit. I held her tight and let her cry into my chest. No words were needed.

  The front door opened and Mac walked in, followed by some uniformed cops. Great, the whole fucking nosy block would be talking about this before lunch. The neighbor to Ava’s right was a busybody. I’d be surprised if she wasn’t out there already in the skimpiest nightie she owned, trying to get information from the cops. So much for keeping this low key. Ava was not going to be happy about being the gossip of the day. If I was smart, I could use it to my advantage to get her off the block and somewhere safe for a few days.

  Ava lifted her head and stiffened in my arms. Our moment was ruined and reality rushed back. Before I could stop her, she was out of my arms and marching across the room towards Mac.

  Oh, shit! She looked like one pissed off woman.

  “Mac, I am going to try and say this the nicest way I can. Back the hell off! I know you’re trying to help, but you way overstepped this morning calling Suzie. Del Mar’s is my business. Mine, not yours. You had no right making arrangements for my café,” Ava shouted, her hands flying out to her sides.


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