Beast of Xeriel

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Beast of Xeriel Page 5

by Elijah Isaiah

  Almost shaking the old stone around him. Dampness in the air, water seeping from the dagger shaped cones above. Silence again. Just his heavy breathing and the small inhales and exhales of Dara.

  Fei rested his head against the uncomfortable wall. He knew he needed to rest before attempting a journey back to the city. The storm would make it difficult to travel while he was beat. A couple tears slid down his cheeks as he finally drifted off to sleep.


  Fei’s dreams were rarely coherent. Usually, violent, turbulent and hard to focus. His dreams settled on the battlefield during one of the battles on Pratham. Chaos surrounding him. Ships flying overhead, blaster fire striking true, ending the lives of many soldiers on both sides.

  Fei soars through the field slaying many of his foes. His feral form more than capable to disarm and destroy the army of men before him. Brandishing his mighty black pole halberd with ease, he eliminated countless enemies under the A-Kialle clan banner.

  His swings were strong and precise. Twirling his weapon to block incoming attacks that would have otherwise struck him easy to hit frame. His prowess in battle was liken to legendary tales.

  Fei was the perfect warrior. He loved the feeling of destroying his enemies. Roaring in delight as he traversed the mass scale battle, wiping out the frontline troops. He let out a roar causing some soldiers to abandon hope and flee.

  The Xeriel army behind him, willing him on through their supportive cheers and war cries. Fei stood amidst the chaos, idol, roaring, and undefeated in combat. The A-Kialle tribe slowly back pedaling in retreat momentarily, none willing to answer the challenge.

  Until she arrived. Under the bright sun he saw her. Peeling through the crowd of A-Kialle troops, making way for her to engage the enemy. Their courage was renewed as she prepared to confront the Beast of Xeriel.

  Their roots and chants pushing her forward toward his position. Fei was used to warriors finding the courage to engage in a duel with him. However, they usually didn’t last very long. He was confident that this encounter would be the same as all the others.

  The warrior possessed no armor as she trotted through the sea of soldiers. Yet her skin remained unscathed. Not an imperfection in sight. She stood solely before the Xeriel army and its greatest champion.

  Fei motioned his hand onward. Tens of soldiers charged toward the lone challenger. With only her crescent sword at her side, she engaged the Xeriel troops. In mere seconds she dismantled her foes to the delight of her A-Kialle brigade and the intrigue of Fei.

  She crossed the battlefield and incapacitated a few more soldiers to reach him. Before he could speak, she attacked him. Fei defended himself unsuccessfully, as she easily broke through his guard and leveled him with the bunt of her sword.

  Lale finally activated her armor and prepared for their proper duel. Behind her a Xeriel soldier attempted to attack. Fei recovered and leaped forward plowing his claws through his own soldiers’ chest. Fei valued his precious duels more than anything. He was interested in testing this warriors’ limits, even at the cost of his own troops.

  Lale was confused at his actions. She readied her blade and proceeded to commence their second bout. Fei held off her barrage of attacks, struggling to find an opening to restrain her.

  He wanted to prove he was the better warrior, but for the first time he was unsure who the better warrior was. Fei had been hailed the perfect warrior, yet she seemed more perfect in every way. More refined and elegant as her actions mimic a sort of dance.

  He couldn’t deny her beauty. Her grace in battle as magnificent as her appearance. Her movements were fluid and flowed as if she knew every counter he could think of. Troops on both sides refused to join the fray, everyone in awe of such a contest of might.

  Nor were they willing to risk their life, no matter if it means winning the battle. As their fight continued, Lale gained ground on Fei. Managing to land clean punches to his face, enraging him. Fei realized in his normal form he would have been no match for her. Yet, even in his feral form she did not falter. The two warriors battled across the field.

  Before long Fei made one mistimed counter strike and he was officially subdued. Her blade stopped just at his neck, deliberately she pressed the blade against his throat. Applying enough pressure to draw blood. He gazed into her eyes.

  Daring her to complete her duty. The battlefield in great uproar, but between the two of them, they could only hear and see one another. Only they existed in the universe. He could feel her hesitation. For every step he took toward her, she would retreat, maintaining the blade against his throat.

  She forcefully pushed her palm against his chest. His armor responded. Pulsating to her touch. He never wanted to look away. Every second lost away from her eyes would feel like a lifetime of distress.

  Lale refused to retreat any further, but he would not halt. Fei reached behind her, seized the small of her back. Fei pulled her close to his body. Her scent driving him crazy. He cared not about anything else.

  He only wanted to bask in her presence forever. The war no longer mattered, the passion of fighting no longer mattered. Just her. She stared up into his eyes. The chaos surrounding them all but disappeared. “Retreat!” She ordered to her army.


  “I know you were almost left on Earth”. A small voice disrupted his dream. Fei awoke to the total darkness. His body naturally responded to reliving part of the war, transforming into his feral form as he slept.

  A part of him wishes he could return to that day, if only just to hold her again. Dara sat crossed legged a few feet in front of him. Fei’s senses did not detect an agitation in her heartbeat. She appeared in control. Too in control. “How long have you been awake?” He asked.

  “A while.” She answered nonchalantly. Fei gathered himself and started to explore. “I can create fire.” Dara offered. She closed her eyes and held her hand up. A flicker of light materialized on her palm before blowing out. Fei saw her powers manifesting.

  He watched closely, noticing her focus. Dara’s eyebrows sunk in deeper, her jaw tight. A second spark transpired and next a small fire in her palm. Dara’s smile was perfectly lit by the flame.

  Fei returned to his previous spot and settled down. “I got it covered.” She said smiling, eager to show her power. Fei nodded in approval. “Do you know where Lale is?” He asked, reminding himself of the dream. Dara shook her head in denial.

  “After I drank the Iku, I couldn’t move. I couldn’t open my eyes. But I could hear her voice.” Dara answered. The curling of Fei’s mouth revealed his thoughts. “Is that not normal?” She asked innocently. Fei slightly squinted at her ignorance. “No. I’ve never heard of that happening before. Ever.” Fei responded quietly.

  Dara shrugged her shoulders. “Lale told you about Earth?” He asked. Dara nodded, holding the fire in her palm and while playing with it with her free hand. “A little. About Earth and Pratham. But mostly she would sing.” Fei smiled at the thought of Lale’s voice.

  “She had the most beautiful voice.” He said after an elongated exhale. Fei spotted the two bracelets on Dara’s wrist. “So, you don’t remember what happened at the top of the mountain?” Fei inquired. Dara nodded as she began to manipulate the fire to interweave through her fingertips.

  “No, I do. I could see everything but, I don’t really know how to control my abilities. Before I knew it. I could feel the fire spreading.” Dara’s eyes filled with water. “Don’t cry. Fear is not in your blood. Get rid of it.” Said Fei.

  Dara wiped her eyes, clearing the streaks down her cheeks. “She said that to me too.” Dara said, above the noise of her sniffle. “I’m sure, I’m the one to whom she first said it.” Fei looked off into the darkness. “Her armor melted before the blinding light. Then I woke up to you.” Dara continued.

  Fei tried to detect a deviation in her heartbeat. Still nothing. She was telling the truth. “I can’t feel her connection anymore. She can’t be gone.” Fei contemplated. Dara approached h
im. “Maybe she is sleeping or knocked out.” Dara surmised. Fei fiercely shook his head. “That wouldn’t matter. Our link is deeper than that. It is an absolute connection. Only broken if.”

  He stopped mid-sentence. “Maybe things are different on this planet. Or maybe, she found a way to turn it off.” Dara suggested. Tears formed in Fei’s eyes. Dara wiped his eyes with her free hand.

  “What would Lale say about sadness?” Dara asked. Dara’s eyes beginning to mimic his own. Fei raised his arm to allow her to sit next to him. Dara tucked herself close to Fei. She could feel Fei’s chest tighten as he tried to hold back his emotions. The two sat quietly.

  “I’m sorry.” Dara whispered. Fei gently held her little face to his direct line of sight. “This is not your fault. Don’t ever think otherwise.” She accepted his words, resting her head on his chest. Dara quickly drifted off to sleep.

  Fei carried Dara down the mountain the next morning. At the foot of the mountain he noticed the melted hole in Rose. To his surprise upon entering the ship, it was still operational. Most of it was melted, the ceiling and part of the flooring was damaged, but would still be able to make the journey back to the city.

  Waving his hand, he prepared a place to lay Dara down. Fei sat in the pilot chair. He observed Dara as she slept. His thoughts weighed heavy on his love. Feeling the pain return, he tried his best to keep his composure.

  Suddenly, he caught the scent of Iku. But it smelled slightly dissimilar. Fei heightened his sense of smell, allowing it to guide him to the source. In the back of the ship, he stood at the origin of the aroma. But nothing was there.

  The damage reveling the lower cargo space, but nothing out of the ordinary besides the abnormal scent. He tried waving his hand to reveal the source, to no avail. He activated his armor and attempted the gesture a second time. Still nothing.

  He thought for a moment. “Rose reveal precious cargo. Authorization code: Cung Legoneirt!” Fei ordered, but Rose did not respond. He leaned against the ship wall, staring at Dara. His head tilted slightly. Fei returned to the pilot seat.

  “Show me recording of Lale and Dara.” Fei requested. Still nothing. “Show me the last recording you have.” He requested again. Finally, Rose responded, pulling up a holovid. A weary and groggy Dara levitating just above where Lale laid her.

  Her body jolting upward. Fiery red energy covering her body, the flames burning bright, melting away the ship’s interior. Dara flew out of the exposed ship before the video feed cut.

  Fei returned to the rear of the ship. Waving his hand toward himself. The platform holding Dara transported her directly to him. Fei took her hand and repeated the gesture he had just made. Nothing revealed itself.

  Tapping her wrists together, her new sky-blue armor and helmet cover her body. Purple fire crackled, spouting from her forehead. Repeating the gesture, her armor responded, a feint pulse to the touch. Fei waved away Dara and the ship obliged.

  Fei used his nails to cut through the ships already damaged haul. Slowly as not to wake up Dara, he scaled deeper and deeper until he felt it. A tough resistance. “Rose, activate chamber protocol around Dara.” Fei ordered. A thin soundproof layer of material covered Dara while she slept.

  Fei angrily plunged his hand through the deep incision and yanked the flooring up. The crate sat in one of Lale’s secret compartments. He opened the crate, unsure what he had uncovered. Its content sectioned into two sides.

  Writings on an 8 inch by 8-inch crystal material from Pratham. Fei could deduct the information to be formulas, instructions and progress notes. On the other side, he saw the Iku. But it wasn’t in its natural red color. Three green liquid filled vials sat holstered in the right side of the metal crate.

  Fei retrieved one vial and took a small whiff. He confirmed the base scent to be Iku, yet it had been altered. It smelled rawer than the red version, a much more pungent odor. He returned the vial to its holster.

  Fei rummaged through the Pratham progress notes, coming across a header. “The Next Step.” Fei returned the crate to its formerly hidden location and took to the pilot’s chair for the voyage home. “Rose, return to the city, and begin death procedures. Begin transfer of charge to me.” Fei ordered plotting the course for their return to the city.

  The ship instantly denying his request via the navigation screens. “Who is the current charge post death procedure?” He asked puzzled by Rose’s refusal. To his dismay the small image of Dara appeared. Fei’s lip, curled, his palm clinched on the shifter. His heart feeling like it had fallen out of his chest. “Cancel my request. Return us to the city.” He growled.

  The Sentry stood guard at the city entrance. All 19 members were alive and present as ordered. Fully armored and waiting patiently for their Sovereign’s return. Their armor appearing as if they had experienced a small battle, but they remained poised and showed no signs of lethargy.

  The damaged ship approached the city. The opaque cube disappeared around the only two occupants. Upon their visibility, the Sentry kneeled. Dara retrieved the shard and placed it on her wrist. Fei noticed, fueling his annoyance even further.

  “Where is the Empress?” Sentry 19 questioned. The distress poured out of Fei’s posture. Dara reacted quickly. “She is on an observe and report mission for our Sovereign leader, the Empress may be gone for a while.” Dara answered, thinking she had done a good deed.

  The Sentry made way for the royal pair to enter the city. Dara walked closely behind Fei. She began to realize the sound his feet were making as he strode forward. She wasn’t sure, but she was beginning to feel something was wrong.

  Chapter Five

  T he Sentry escorted Fei and Dara into the city. Dara’s head down as she followed behind Fei, she resisted the temptations to look at the damage she had inadvertently caused. The Protector virtually destroyed by the blasts. Many of the expressions resonating the sentiment of disappointment as their hard work was nearly torn down so quickly.

  Fei did not respond to any requests of his subjects as they were led through the crowd of pleading people. He stopped just before his hut, allowing 17 of the Sentry to disperse. Two stood guard outside the entrance.

  Fei motioned for Dara to follow inside. She obliged. “19, 3. Remain close. I will provide further instructions soon.” Fei commanded. Sentry members 19 and 3 acknowledged their orders remaining at the entrance to the hut.

  Fei entered his hut sealing the door behind him. He raised his hand to create a seat for himself and Dara. “Tell me everything you know about the green Iku.” He demanded. His voice, although calm, there was a nihilistic tone about it.

  Dara cautiously approached her seat. “Iku isn’t green my Sovereign, its red.” She responded. Fei fiercely slammed his fist on the arm of his chair creating a shattered sequence in its cloudy crystal design.

  Dara tried to prevent her body from shivering. Staring into the feline slits of yellow in his orange eyes. “Do not lie child. It is not an attribute you possess.” Fei warned, a feint growl in his voice.

  Keeping her distance, Dara tried to assess the situation. She drew on her memory of the conversation Lale and herself had. Dara tried to formulate the information that would be the truth without angering Fei.

  “There were experiments on Pratham to create a new Iku, only this formula would grant abilities 100%.” Dara began, seeing no benefit in trying to lie again. Fei sensed her increased heart rate. He could smell her sweat. He bared his lengthened teeth. “I will not ask you again.” He growled.

  Dara activated her armor. Sparking a small flame that covered her hands. Her red flame burning bright against her sky-blue armor. Fei remained still. “No amount of power you have can protect you. It would be in your best interest to do as you’re told.” He warned.

  Dara couldn’t focus. She had told the truth, but he could sense her fear, leading him to believe her to be dishonest. He would easily destroy her without mercy. “Lale found the person on Pratham that altered the Iku.” She began. “She killed them and
took the research to prevent it from getting into the wrong hands.” Dara continued.

  Fei’s intense stare was causing her to shiver even more. He appeared different than the broken man in the cave. As if he left a piece of himself there, the empathic piece, the very piece she desperately needed now. Her voice shaking as she spoke.

  “She knew you secretly take more Iku, trying to increase your strength. She knew it would lead to you taking the altered formula. She was trying to protect you from yourself.” Dara shared, hoping the sentiment would soften his heart. Fei looked away. He gripped his chair, slowly splintering the crystal-like substance further.

  “According to the notes, the blending as it is called. No one can survive it. Scientist believe it will create a being of immense power. No test subjects survived?” Fei asked. Dara’s mind was racing. Plotting her escape. She wouldn’t last a second against his strength.


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