Beast of Xeriel

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Beast of Xeriel Page 6

by Elijah Isaiah

“The mixture creates a power that will be unmatched by any on Pratham. Lale thought it would be too volatile for any person to take.” Dara explained what she remembered. Fei approached Dara. He stood staring down at her.

  “Did she give you the mixture? Your transformation has been extremely unique. Even mine was not as eventful.” Fei asked, or more threatened for an answer. Dara shook her head in denial.

  “No, I only received the green Iku. I promise.” She said as tears streamed down her face. Fei retreated to his chair. With one powerful stroke, he slashed his chair in half.

  “Me? You would betray me? I would do anything for you. Yet, you hid the one thing that would make our dreams a reality?” Fei spat into a blank space, wishing his love were there to hear his disdain for her betrayal. He turned to Dara.

  “Bring me the Iku!” He roared. Dara nodded and exited the hut. She ran through the crowd. Making her way to the Rose. The citizens kneeled as she passed through. But she didn’t care. Fear quickened her pace. Dara entered the ship.

  She waved her hand in the designated location. Dara noticed the slash marks on the ship floor. She thought for a moment. In her fear, she never questioned how Fei knew about the Iku? Her mind flashed to Lale.

  “Dara I am giving this to you. No one can know. Should something happen to me. It is your duty to prevent this from ever getting into the wrong hands. Only you will be able to open this compartment. Authorization code: Our Secret. Do you understand?” Dara remembered the instructions Lale gave her.

  “Rose, authorization code: Our secret.” She requested. The metal crate revealing itself. She paused to think for a minute. She placed her palm on the crate. Dara retrieved the altered formula vials. Holding it tight she made her way to the front of the ship.

  Looking out the visor, she could see Fei making his way toward her. His presences parting the sea of people. Dara launched herself into the pilot seat and fired up the ship. The citizens stood clear for its departure, confused on what was transpiring. The ship began to take flight.

  Dara struggled to maneuver the vessel out of the city. She had never seen a ship prior to Lale and Fei’s arrival, let alone fly one. Dara instincts tried to take over and aid her escape, but her bones rattled as Fei’s roar was almost deafening to the ear. “Rose, help me fly this thing!” Dara begged. The navigation panels lit up, as Rose took over controls and transition into autopilot. “Get me outta here!” Dara commanded.

  Suddenly, there was a thud more aggressive than simple turbulence. Fei dropped into the exposed area of the ship’s interior in his feral form. Dara prepared to protect herself from his attack, raising her hands in fearful defense.

  Fei lunged to seize her by the throat. Dara’s body instinctively activating her armor and engulfed itself in her red flame energy. In a blinding flash of light and fire reminiscent of the mountain blast, she released her energy and the ship exploded. Fei’s body was blasted away. Only Dara’s enflamed body remained in the sky.

  The citizen’s saw the explosion from behind the wall. Dara’s power on full display. The Sentry funneled out of the city to rescue their Sovereign. Dara looked at her hands, realizing her power. She took a moment, feeling the energy. Her power feeding off the Sun’s rays.

  She felt limitless and weightless. Dara noticed the rushing citizens and knew they would not understand what happened. She quickly chose to flee. Dara soared through the air, away from the city not sure where she would go.

  The Sentry found Fei in a small crater unconscious. They scrambled to wake him and helped him to his feet and out of the crater. “Go after her.” Fei demanded. “We can’t my lord.” 15 suggested. Fei breaking free of their aid. “Why?!” Fei asked, still reeling from the powerful attack he survived.

  The Sentry all kneeled. “The Eira, it will be upon us and with the protector destroyed, we need all energy and resources at our disposal to survive the vicious elements.” 1 responded. Fei aggressively waved his hand in rejection.

  “I can survive the Eira!” He growled, trying to pursue Dara on foot unsuccessfully, wobbling with every step. 6, 5, and 10 stepping in front of him to halt his advance. “My lord, the Eira is not a simple storm. It will undoubtedly kill you before you’re able to reach her. It would be wise to wait it out before pursuing her. That’s if she survives it herself.” 19 suggested.

  Fei pushed a couple of the Sentry aside, but they would not desist. 2, 3 and 4 preventing him from persisting. “My lord, you will die. You cannot endure such a calamity. Especially at this strength, you’re injured.” 19 reassured him. Fei stood breathing heavily. The blast had hurt more than he realized. He had reverted back his normal form against his will. With his body exhausted, he decided to heed their warning.

  “So be it. I will return to prepare the city for the Eira and inform the citizens of her betrayal.” Fei let out begrudgingly. The Sentry escorted him closely back to the city. The citizens awaited confused and afraid, while Sentry lined up before the crowd, kneeling before their Sovereign. Everyone began to follow suit. Murmuring heavy on the air. Fei acknowledged their reverence.

  “Rise great people.” The citizens obeyed. “Our Empress is dead.” He informed them. “She was slain by our very own Dara the Merciless. True to her name, there is not even a body left to celebrate and bury. I have no doubt, it to be a revenge murder.” He said. The citizens murmuring louder even muttering questions.

  “Silence as your Sovereign speaks!” 7 commanded to the capacity crowd. Fei would not continue until the hush fell over them. “Being the compassionate Sovereign, I took pity on her. We were all deceived. As you have just witnessed, she attempted to flee in our Empress’s ship when I confronted her.” He continued.

  “Aboard that ship was our future. The destiny to provide true stability, peace and honor to our sanctuary. I assure you I will find her and bring her to your justice. She will answer to the people of Tetcht. She will answer for her crime. And she will answer to me.” He continued. Fei’s body was throbbing in pain, but he refused to confirm how wounded he truly was to the crowd.

  “Right now, our priority is to survive the Eira. Your safety and security are most imperative.” The citizens cheered following his words. “Once the storm has been lasted, the Vanakan Sentry and I will find Dara the Merciless and put an end to the evil that threatens our city.

  I will fight for you great people. Your Sovereign will not hide. I will not fear death. I will lead the charge for us.” The citizens celebrated the message of security from their leader. The Sentry escorted him through the crowd back to his hut. Fei touched many as he went by, encouraging the people to trust him and not fear.

  Finally, reaching his hut he tapped 19 on the shoulder, motioning for 19 to accompany him into the hut. Fei sealed the door behind them. Fei removed the bracelets from 19’s wrist. Holding the shards in his hand before doing the same to his own.

  In many of their training regiments the Sentry had seen Fei without his armor, but 19 was the first and only to witness their Sovereign in such dire straits. More often than not, when Fei would train them without armor, he still looked in control and rarely needed to catch his wind. “This is for your ears only.” Fei said breathing heavily.

  Blood dripping down his body, small searing wounds to accompany his countless battle scars. “I want you to pursue Dara.” Fei said. “My lord, I thought.” Fei interrupted 19’s rebuttal. “Take my ship, it will survive the Eira. Lale and I have been on Tetcht over a year. The Pride will keep you safe. I created your armor; it possesses a quasi-binary connection to mine. This will allow you to fly it. Pilot with your mind, and the Pride will do the rest.” 19 reluctantly nodded.

  “Have you been able to listen in on all our communication links between the entire time?” 19 asked thinking he already knew the answer. Fei ignored his question, remaining focused, as not to waste energy.

  “If I leave the city again, the citizens will become worried and dysfunctional. That would be a difficult task to ask of you and the others to keep
order in my absence.” Fei suggested. 19 was substantially taller than Fei in his normal form. 19 possessed short brown hair and very little facial hair.

  He was not quite as broad as Fei, but just as muscular with pale skin. “She has consumed the raw green Iku, and I suspect somehow survived the blending. That is all the information you need to know. Dara is dangerous, but she doesn’t know how to control her power and still is very young. She will be easy to incapacitate. Bring her to me.” Fei ordered. 19 nodded.

  “Be quick about this. Should you fail, I will consider it a complete betrayal. Is that understood?” Fei returned the shards and 19 activated his armor, resuming the comradery chatter of his other Sentry members. Not wasting anytime, 19 exited the hut and headed outside the city walls.

  The other members asked questions via their link. “Our Sovereign will explain everything upon my return.” 19 spoke brusquely. The others laughed but respected the fact that he would not speak on the matter. 19 tossed the shard in the air and watched as the Pride reconstructed itself. 19 entered the ship and sat in the pilot seat.

  19 thought about how he should go about finding Dara. He understood his orders, but now having a moment free from the others and the scary influence of Fei, 19 felt a bit conflicted. “She’s just a kid. She’s Dara’s kid. I can’t hurt her.” He thought to himself. His mind then reflected on the countless beatings he and his Sentry members took at the hands of Fei.

  No one on this planet could stop him once he’s healed. Perhaps no one could stop him, even in his injured state, the fury would fuel Fei back to health as he killed everyone who betrayed him. “I don’t have to hurt her. I just have to bring her in.” 19 reasoned with himself.

  He began to look through files and flight information via the 3D holographic available to him. 19 swiped through various screens before an idea crossed his mind. “Pride begin scan for most recent heat signature.” 19 ordered.

  After a brief moment, a line appeared on screen as Dara’s energy had left a trace for him to follow. “Register that energy and follow its marker.” 19 ordered, very pleased with himself. The Pride boosted into the air and took flight.

  Chapter Six

  D ara raced as fast as she could. She had no direction in mind. Red energy flaming, her body covered in her unique armor. Vision blurred as if peering through a screen. Flying faster and faster, terrified Fei would undoubtably give chase.

  She fought hard to gain control of her speed, still very new to her powers. Before long, her fire hushed, and she plummeted from the sky fatigued. The momentum of flight carrying her a few yards after contact with the ground. The accumulated wounds would have been countless had it not been for her armor.

  She breathed momentarily, sitting up slowly. Dara examined her surroundings. There was no immediate danger visible. She rolled onto her back and relaxed her mind and body. She felt depleted. Like a battery finally out of power.

  For the first time in her life she had a moment to herself. No mother, or members of the city to baby sit. Her eyes flooded with tears. The horror of being alone consuming her. She dwelled on her mother. Remembering the last time, she saw her.

  Seeing her put on her armor to finally address the looming threat that had landed on Tetcht over a year prior. The gravel chilled her body. The Eira was near. In her panic, she unknowingly flew in the direction of the storm. The unrelenting cold was rapidly approaching.

  She considered allowing the storm to overtake her. She laid motionless on the ground preparing to accept her fate. “If we leave the universe to the malicious, the brave and moral may never return.” She thought. Those were the last words her mother ever spoke to her.

  Dara opened her eyes. The snow beginning to lightly fall all around her. She cautiously stood to her feet. Examining her surroundings once again. “Ok. You win. I won’t give up.” She mumbled to herself. Dara took her first steps into the storm.

  She could feel the temperature dropping, as the shroud her breath created warned her to seek shelter. Snow sticking perfectly to the pattern on her armor, before she either shook or brushed it off. The sky started to darken. It would be the last spotting of the sun until the long Eira storm passed.

  Dara trudged through the snow for hours, desperately fighting against the blizzard conditions impeding her travel. Only the steps she made in front of her were visible. The wind sailed passed her ears so loud at times the sound of her voice were as thoughts in her head.

  It became nearly impossible to steer her eyes forward, her exposed face stung as time stood still. Her armor no longer resisting the bite of the cold. Fatigued, Dara fell to her knees. “I can’t do this.” She thought, or maybe she said, she couldn’t tell.

  She couldn’t focus. Each second among the elements became more intense. She was not the first person on Tetcht to witness the Eira outside of the Protector, but none of those who did, lived. Dara tried but couldn’t regain possession of her thoughts.

  The wind nearly blowing her over. Gusts lifted her off her feet several times before she plowed back into the compact snow. She removed her armor; the unpleasant sensation of needles pierced every inch of her body.

  Wounds and sores beginning to form with each tumble into the now solid snow. At this rate she knew she would be dead in minutes. She closed her eyes trying to produce her flame. Three times the flame blew out. Time dwindling, failed attempt after failed attempt. The cold was so brutal, her tears froze halfway down her cheek.

  A glimpse of Fei lunging at her crossed her mind. Instinctively she propped her hands up for protection. Suddenly, the red flame flickered on her hands. The warmth was pleasurable beyond measure. Dara allowed the frightening scene to replay in her mind’s eye once more. The flames returned.

  She latched onto the feeling. The control. The fear she felt, and the power it provided. Concentrating, she distributed the flame around her body, allowing it to protect her. The snow melted beneath her feet, flakes unable to reach her bare skin, the unforgiving crunch of the cold, being held at bay. It was manageable, and before long, she was warm.

  Dara’s red flames was the sole light in the indefinite distance. She had no idea where she was or which direction to travel, still she could survive. Testing her limits, she levitated off the ground. Harnessing her untamed power to fuel her fire.

  As the blaze exposed the darkness, and fought off the Eira, her body began to revitalize. A sped-up process of healing, the wounds disappearing slowly, sores gone, as if they were never there. All injuries were restored.

  The pain lingered as she was rejuvenated, but she didn’t mind by comparison. Twirling in the air, she marveled at the power within herself. The red fire danced around her blond hair, flickering but not a singe or even a follicle of hair burned.


  Dara survived days in the Eira. She remained in her red flame form for the duration. It dawned on her finally, she had not eaten. Yet she never hungered. The Iku sustained her, its properties of increasing life, completely rendering her stomach obsolete.

  Dara pondered her next move. The snow beneath would be eye level provided she stood on solid ground. The red form prevented the elements from harming her. For hours she would fly, getting used to the feeling, while taking brief rests.

  Dara would walk through the deep snow, enjoying the sight of it melting around her as she strolled. The trickling sounds replacing the usual crunch of footsteps. Dara returned to the air.

  Looking for a place to hide while she plotted her destination. This day, the wind was absent. But the heavy flakes continued to pile on top of each other. However, she found the quiet soothing. Allowing for her to easily focus. Occasionally, the crackle from her flame would break the silence but she almost stopped hearing it.

  The swoosh from a large object shattered her focus. It was familiar. The sound of a Pratham ship. Her stomach turned into a knot. “No.” She thought. Dara extinguished her flames and dropped into the snow.

  The bitter chill momentarily pierced her skin. The pain retu
rned like before. Her body still hot, snow melted around her sizzling on her skin. It wasn’t until now that it occurred to her. The protection the flame brought, is the very trail she provided. All the melted and uneven snow left in her wake.

  The burning aroma amongst an otherwise odorless freezing air. She activated her armor, refraining from making sudden moves, as not to alert the ships occupant. “How could I be so stupid?” She thought. Frustrated that she wasn’t more careful. But there was nothing she could have done differently and survive, as she pondered.

  She ultimately led her would be captors right to her. The sound remained in the distance, subtle, but there. Had there been wind this night, the ship may have gone undetected. Dara hid, more cautious not to repeat mistakes.

  Moving through the snow that was cradling her would produce noise, giving away her position. So, she remained still. Thankfully, she was airborne for the past couple miles, not to leave a direct trail. Or so she thought.

  The snow prevented her from seeing how far off the ship was. Only a small peak upward was available, through her dropping point as she sunk into the slush. The noise of the ship increased. It was heading her way. She could feel her flame starting to restore itself, reacting upon her anxiety. Dara concentrated. Trying to prevent the flame from betraying her location.


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