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Page 12

by Colleen Cross

  “It feels better already. A good night’s sleep and I’ll be just like new.” In truth it felt horrible, but she wasn’t admitting that in front of Raphael.

  “I’d like to see for myself, too. And talk to Pete,” Jace turned to Raphael. “Can he join us? He seems to know a lot about the island.”

  Raphael shrugged. “Probably. But let’s decide tomorrow.”

  Jace nodded. “It would make a great addition to my story. This is turning into a fantastic trip.”

  Raphael nodded and raised his wine glass. “I’d like to propose a toast. To Gia, the love of my life.”

  Gia blushed. “Should we tell them the news, Raphael?”

  Kat turned to Gia. “What news?”

  “If you’re ready, bellissima,” Raphael placed his hand on top of Gia’s.

  Kat braced herself. Things could get much worse if Gia had invested even more.

  “We’re getting married.” Gia giggled. “Isn’t that wonderful?”

  “You’re what?” Kat gasped. Even if her instincts were wrong about Raphael—which they weren’t—Gia hardly knew him and was so blinded by love that she couldn’t see through his lies.

  “You heard right. We’re tying the knot.” Gia lifted her left hand, which was adorned with a mega-carat diamond solitaire. It looked gigantic on her chubby little hand.

  “That’s fantastic,” Jace exclaimed. “We’re so happy for you.” He nudged Kat. “Aren’t we, Kat?”

  Bile rose in Kat’s throat. “That’s exciting news. Have you set a date?”

  “No, but the sooner the better.” Raphael squeezed Gia’s hand. “I can’t let her get away.”

  Kat’s pulse quickened. The only thing Raphael didn’t want to lose was Gia’s money.

  “Oh Raphael, don’t be silly. I’m not going anywhere.” Gia caressed his arm. “You’re all invited to the wedding, of course. I’d marry him tomorrow if I could.”

  “Why not?” Harry said. “I can marry you. I’m a qualified marriage commissioner, and Jace and Kat can be your two witnesses. Whaddya say?”

  Kat kicked Harry under the table. Marrying people was one part-time job that she wished her uncle hadn’t signed up for.

  “What the hell—?” Harry frowned as he rubbed his knee. “That hurt.”

  Gia squealed. “Really? I had no idea you married people. That would be fabulous!”

  Kat glanced at Raphael. For the first time she saw a hint of fear on his face. Would a real wedding make him run? He couldn’t go far while aboard the ship. But that wouldn’t last.

  Kat frowned. “We’re going to the cave tomorrow, remember?”

  “We can cave in the morning and have the wedding in the afternoon.” Harry turned to Gia. “As long as that works for you.”

  “Of course it does!” Gia clapped her hands together.

  “But you don’t have a dress or anything.” Everyone ignored Kat as they focused on Uncle Harry who described the steps involved in a shipboard wedding.

  They spent the next hour discussing wedding plans as they dined on a sumptuous feast of freshly caught salmon and salads and finished with dessert trays laden with tarts and cookies. The yacht was surprisingly well stocked for their impromptu trip.

  Kat stood. “I really am tired. I’m sorry, but I’m headed downstairs to sleep.”

  Gia pouted. “Can’t you stay for a little while?”

  She smiled at Gia. “Not if I want to be rested for your wedding.”

  “I’ll be down soon,” Jace said.

  “Take your time,” Kat needed time alone to inspect the wallet’s contents and learn more about the mysterious Anne Bukowski. She headed out on deck. It was dark now, the summer heat dissipated. A soft breeze fluttered her hair and reminded her how grateful she was to be freed from the cave.

  If only she could free Gia from the clutches of Raphael.


  Kat had just powered up her laptop when the stateroom door handle jiggled. She had locked the door as a safeguard, not wanting any interruptions while she examined the wallet. She hadn’t expected Jace back so soon. She gathered up the wallet contents and shoved them under her pillow and walked to the door.

  She opened the door to find not Jace, but Gia.

  Kat froze. While the wallet identification was hidden, the weathered wallet still lay in plain view on the bed. She hobbled to the bed and grabbed it.

  “Sorry to make you get up. I just came to see how you’re doing.” Gia’s gaze dropped to the wallet in Kat’s hand. “Where’d you get that ratty old thing? Isn’t your wallet red?”

  She nodded. “This one isn’t mine. I found it.” Kat turned the wallet over in her hand.

  “On De Courcy Island?” Gia plopped down on the bed beside Kat. “You’re so lucky, Kat. You must have an eagle eye. I never find so much as a nickel.”

  Kat didn’t bother to correct her. She couldn’t exactly explain that she found the wallet in Gia’s stateroom. At least not until she had more information. “I’ve got to locate the wallet’s owner.” She typed Anne Bukowski into the search box and pressed enter.

  ”I’m feeling a lot better now,” she lied. She glanced at her laptop screen. She needed time alone to narrow down the dozens of pages of search results. “You really should go back upstairs with the others. I don’t want to spoil your fun.”

  “You’re not,” Gia said. “I feel bad at how we left things. I know you don’t think Raphael’s right for me, and you’re just being a good friend. But he’s the real thing, and I’ve never felt this way about anyone. I love him and I’m marrying him no matter what you think. Can’t you just let it go?”

  “I’ll try.” Kat didn’t even sound convincing to herself, but what else could she say? She glanced at the search results. She scanned the first page and saw nothing local, so she clicked through to the second page.

  “I’m sure you’re exhausted after what happened,” Gia peered at Kat’s laptop screen. “Maybe whoever lost it is still on the island. Raphael and I could locate the person tomorrow and return the wallet.”

  “Maybe. Let me see what I find first.” No way in hell was Raphael getting his hands on the wallet. That only alerted her to another problem. “Do me a favor. Don’t tell anyone I found the wallet, okay? Not until I find the wallet’s owner.”

  “But why? What’s the big deal?”

  “I left out a part of my story,” she lied. “The cave isn’t the only place I got lost. I took another trail detour. Jace will kill me if he finds out. Promise you won’t tell anyone, not even Raphael?”

  “Sure, Kat. What else can I do?” Gia sat on the bed and sighed as she leaned against the headboard. She held up her hand and admired her ring once more.

  Just dump your imposter boyfriend. “Nothing, I’m fine. I’ll just rest a bit so I’m ready for your wedding tomorrow.”

  “I can’t wait! It all feels like a dream to me. I have to keep pinching myself.”

  The only way to stop the wedding without hurting Gia was to convince Uncle Harry to delay it somehow. “Maybe I’ll even be able to go to the island tomorrow. I’ll show you the cave.”

  “Sounds like a plan!” Gia hugged her. “Just don’t get us trapped, okay?”

  Kat laughed. “Don’t worry, I won’t. I’m just relieved to be back.”

  Gia rose. “I’m glad you’re feeling better. And thanks for trying to make things work with Raphael. I know you two haven’t exactly hit it off. But you will. You two are so much alike.”

  “We’re nothing alike.”

  “Yes, you are. You just don’t see it yet. You’re both in finance. You’re an accountant and Raphael’s a business expert. He’s made so much money he has a hard time keeping track of it all.”

  Kat doubted Raphael did anything but track money, and his expertise lay more in exploiting people rather than business opportunities. “I just think you’re moving too fast, Gia. You just met him. It’s too soon to get married.”

  “I am getting married, Kat. Just because
you’re marriage-phobic is no reason for me not to follow my heart.”

  “I am not marriage-phobic. We’re just not in any hurry.”

  “You and Jace have been together a long time. Make it official already.” Gia clasped her hands together. “Why not tomorrow? We’ll have a double wedding!”

  “No, Gia.” She and Jace would get married, but on their own time. She certainly didn’t want her own wedding memories to be tinged with regret for Gia. “Following your heart doesn’t mean ignoring everything else.”

  Gia frowned as she stood. “Are you saying that Raphael can’t be trusted? Just because you don’t like him doesn’t mean that I can’t.”

  “Whether I like him or not is not the point.” Kat winced in pain as she followed Gia to the door. Her knee wasn’t getting much better. “If he loves you, he’ll still be here next week, next month, or next year. All I’m saying is that you should slow down and think this through.”

  Gia’s spontaneity was one of her most endearing traits but also one of the most dangerous ones.

  “He’s the one for me. I’ve never been surer of anything in my entire life.”

  “That’s good. Did he make you sign a pre-nup?” Gia hadn’t mentioned one, but any billionaire’s lawyer would insist upon it. The flip side was that Gia wasn’t exactly penniless herself. With her salon and savings, she was doing well. Raphael could lay claim to half of Gia’s assets. Gia probably hadn’t thought of that.

  Gia burst out laughing. “Of course not! Raphael would never ask me to do that. He knows I’m not after his money. What’s mine is his and vice-versa.”

  “If that’s the case, why does he even need your investment in the first place? I mean, being a billionaire and all.”

  Gia rolled her eyes. “He doesn’t need it at all. He’s doing me a favor by letting me in on it. Just like he is Jace and Harry.”

  Kat froze in her tracks. “Jace and Harry haven’t invested anything.”

  “They have now,” Gia said. “They just signed the papers.”

  “Jace wouldn’t invest without discussing with me first.” Gia was mistaken. She and Jace discussed everything as a couple.

  “Well, he did, and so did Harry. Why is that such a big deal? They can think for themselves.”

  Kat bit her lip. She regretted leaving the dinner table. While the money was a big deal, the bigger deal was that Jace knew how she felt about Raphael, yet he invested anyway without telling her. “How much did they give him?”

  Gia waved her hand. “Just the minimum, a hundred grand.”

  A small fortune, an amount that neither of them could afford to lose. Not that anyone could. Kat’s heart pounded. Had Jace and Harry each invested a hundred thousand? Or maybe they had gone in together with fifty thousand each. Either way made her sick to her stomach.

  “I told them to invest more, but they didn’t. Jace probably didn’t tell you because he knew how you’d react.”

  Kat’s face flushed. She didn’t want to have this discussion with Gia. “He might have mentioned something.” Jace hid it from her because he knew she disapproved.

  The only saving grace was that there were no banks nearby. Uncle Harry was old school and did his banking in person, not online. Jace was more tech savvy. Had he managed to get an Internet connection long enough to transfer his money?

  “You’ll see, Kat,” Gia said. “Bellissima is going to pay off big time. But in the meantime, I need your help. Will you help me get ready tomorrow?”


  “You can help me with my hair and makeup. I don’t even know what I’ll wear yet. Will you help me?”

  “Of course I’ll help.” It was the last thing she wanted to do. She had to delay the wedding somehow. “But why not wait and have the wedding when we’re back in Vancouver?”

  “What’s to wait for? We just want a small wedding, no fuss. Onboard is absolutely perfect.”

  It wasn’t what she expected from Gia, who loved splashy celebrations. “If you’re sure that’s what you want.” Gia hadn’t recognized the wallet, but somehow the mysterious Anne Bukowski figured in Raphael’s plans. If she discovered how, it might be enough to stop Gia from a terrible mistake.

  “What time is the ceremony tomorrow?” Could she expose Raphael in time?

  “Four o’clock. We’ll explore the cave in the morning, return to the ship for lunch, and have the afternoon to get ready. I can’t wait!” Gia stood. “I’d better get back upstairs before Raphael comes looking for me.”

  Kat waited until Gia left. As soon as the door closed she clicked on the first entry and couldn’t believe what she saw.

  The local news headline read Bukowksi Family Vanishes into Thin Air. She clicked on the entry only to find that she had lost her Internet connection. She refreshed her computer connection to no avail.

  Without the full article it was impossible to glean further details on the location, date, or even how or where the family disappeared. Bukowski was a fairly common surname, but without the story details she couldn’t verify the family’s first names. Was Anne Bukowski and her wallet somehow part of the story?

  She retrieved her phone but the screen was dark. The battery was still dead from the cave and she had forgotten to plug in her charger. She sighed and plugged it in. Whatever secrets the story held would have to wait.


  Kat stood on the aft deck and shone her flashlight off The Financier’s stern. It was highly unlikely that The Financier and Catalyst were identical twins. More likely than not, Raphael’s yacht was stolen, and she intended to prove it.

  The flashlight cast an uneven light in the dark. She craned her neck to get a closer look at the yacht’s lettering under the dim flashlight beam. The Catalyst images on the Majestic Yachts website haunted her. The ship appeared identical to Raphael’s, yet the shipbuilder’s website described it as “one of a kind”. Either there were two identical yachts, or The Financier had been renamed. Her hunch was that Majestic Yachts had built only one yacht, Catalyst, and that she was onboard it this very moment.

  She refocused on The Financier’s lettering. It appeared fine from a distance. But close up, even in the dim evening light, the white paint that surrounded the letters was a slightly lighter shade than the rest of the ship’s stern. Had it been recently repainted? She leaned over the railing to get a closer look.

  There was no trace of ghost lettering underneath, but one thing gave her pause. She hadn’t noticed it until now, but the second to last letter, the e, was slightly crooked. She seriously doubted that a custom-built, multi-million-dollar yacht would have crooked lettering.

  She bent over the railing and reached down towards the letters. She could barely reach the F. She scratched the lettering with her fingernail to see if there was anything underneath. But the enamel was thick and rubbery, not brittle enough to scratch under her nail. The paint’s freshness was suspicious, and it was far too fresh for a six-year-old ship. Of course it could have been repainted recently, so the paint’s condition didn’t necessarily mean anything in itself.

  But the uneven shading of the white paint and the crooked letter e almost certainly meant something.

  Next, she studied The Financier’s registration numbers and scribbled them on a pad of paper. She shoved the notepad in her pocket just as a deep voice boomed behind her.

  “What are you doing?” Raphael stood just a few feet away. His arms were crossed and he looked angry.

  Kat was so startled that she almost fell overboard. She managed to grab the railing and right herself. As she turned to face him, she noticed he was alone. “Nothing. Just checking out the aft deck.” The notebook was now safely tucked away but she couldn’t hide the flashlight.

  “With a flashlight? Your curiosity knows no bounds, does it?” All pretense of politeness was gone.

  She was at a loss for words. “I guess not.” Raphael was so close she smelled the alcohol on his breath.

  “Gia and I don’t appreciate your negativity. If
you know what’s good for you, you’ll stop poking around in our business.”

  “Gia’s her own person. She’s also my friend, and that makes her my business too. I look out for my friends.” Since when did Gia need someone else to speak for her? Raphael was tightening his control by the hour, and Kat didn’t like it one bit.

  “You’d better watch yourself, if you know what I mean.”

  Kat ignored the threat. ”I protect my friends, no matter what. If you know what I mean.”

  Raphael snorted. “The only person she needs protection from is you. Do I have to spell it out for you? Gia’s mine, not yours. I can turn her against you with a couple of words.”

  “Don’t threaten me.” Kat straightened her posture. She was actually several inches taller than Raphael, the only advantage she had right now. “Gia can think for herself.”

  He chuckled. “Not anymore. She’s happy with me making all the decisions now.”

  “That’ll wear off soon enough, once she sees the real you. You don’t fool me one bit, and Gia will see through you soon, too.” He had trapped her in the cave intentionally. She wouldn’t reveal what she knew, but she didn’t have to be polite, either.

  “Consider yourself warned. Back off.” Raphael glared at her and blocked her exit, arms crossed. “Just watch yourself.”

  Kat brushed his shoulder and pushed past him. Raphael couldn’t intimidate her, even if he had turned everyone on board against her. There wasn’t anything she could do until they saw the truth themselves. She just hoped it wasn’t too late.

  Back in her stateroom ten minutes later, Kat’s suspicions were confirmed. She typed in The Financier’s call sign, or registration numbers, into the Canadian government’s transport registration database. The database kept a legal record on all registered watercraft, including port of registry and legal owner.

  Invalid result

  That didn’t prove or disprove Raphael’s claim, since he would claim the yacht was Italian. But given what she saw on the Majestic Yachts website, the ship seemed to be North American.


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