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Wrath of a Wonderfully Wicked Witch (Return to Oz With a Vengeance Book 2)

Page 10

by Warren Thomas

  “I've always wanted to visit the Blue Ridge Mountains,” Dorothy said.

  “I wasn't aware anyone referred to the Misty Mountains as the Blue Ridge Mountains.”

  “They don't, but that's one of the names we call them back in my world.”

  Dorothy headed for the secret passage entry, still open after Glinda's and Scarecrow's attack earlier. A lot of tunnels connected to it, including one that went to the very private courtyard where Nick and Lion had assembled their small troop of soldiers and beastmen. The two women found them milling around impatiently.

  Pausing, Dorothy looked around the secret courtyard. No windows pierced the walls above, and the floor was rough cobblestone. Horses had urinated and defecated profusely, giving it a pungent stench. The two platoons of cavalry sat upon their restless mounts, while the beastmen had gathered in one corner. Nick and Lion stood at opposite sides and glowered at each other.

  Lion's beastmen all looked completely human at the moment. Most were young men, but a dozen were young women. One and all, men and women, only wore a brief loincloth. Many of the mounted soldiers were openly gawking at the topless shifter girls, who seemed to enjoy taunting them.

  Dorothy glanced at Locasta, who just shrugged.

  “They can't wear clothes?”

  “You're lucky they are wearing loincloths,” the witch said. “They rarely wear anything just among themselves.” She pointed to a spot next to the gate. “Each of them has a pack full of clothes that straps comfortably to their animal manifestation.”

  “Good, otherwise it might get uncomfortable every night at camp.”

  Again, Locasta shrugged. “Not for the beastmen. Your soldiers all might have blue balls after a couple days.”

  It was a smaller force than Dorothy had originally ordered. Nick and Lion agreed smaller was better. Too large of an armed force might trigger Jezebelle's security wards. They assured her the company sized host would be sufficient. Dorothy wasn't so sure.

  There was one major difference in the cavalrymen. Instead of wearing green surcoats, one and all wore brown. No bright colors. Nothing was permitted in green, red, blue, yellow, or purple. Just brown and black. No one could discern their political alignment just by looking at them.

  “Line up,” Dorothy commanded. “We're leaving now.”

  Nick signaled the gate guards. She watched the portcullis rise before the yawning black portal. It was a long, dark tunnel to a nearby village. Everyone agreed it was best to leave secretly, leaving the palace staff, bureaucrats, and city population believing their Empress sat securely on the Emerald Throne.

  “Excuse me, Your Highness,” Locasta said, looking confused. “Do you intend to ride all the way to the Misty Mountains?”

  “Yes. How else do we get there? Everyone swore Glinda and the Wickeds could feel it in the Ley Lines if we went by flying carpet.”

  Locasta said a few flying carpets wouldn't trigger any wards, but enough to carry an entire company certainly would be detected by every Cardinal Witch. That was the reason armies marched into battle, instead of flying.

  “Use your Silver Shoes. It is the most powerful transport talisman in all of the Lands.”

  Dorothy stared at her. “You know I don't have control of the shoes' magic.”

  “But you can click your heels and be anywhere you want in a flash.”

  Dorothy started to object. She could only transport herself like that, but then Locasta placed her hand on the Empress's shoulder. And she remembered.

  “Oh. You mean…?” She looked around. “All of them?”

  “Yes,” Locasta said. Then she shouted. “Everyone, line up, hand-in-hand!”

  The witch arranged everyone. She placed Nick and Lion facing each other in the center, each with a hand on Dorothy's shoulder. Nick's free hand held the bridle of his horse, while his next in command held onto the mount's reins. The mounted solders were arranged sidled up close to each other, making a chain of humanity and horses. Lion and his beastmen had it easier, with no mounts. They all just held hands.

  “I have an incredible urge to sing Kumbaya,” Dorothy whispered. Instead, she said, “There's no place like the Misty Mountains.” Click. “There's no place like the Misty Mountains.” Click. “There's no place like the Misty Mountains.” Click.

  Her shoes became very hot, and everything blurred. She felt a brief disorientation, blinked, and looked around.

  “Toto, we're not in Emerald City anymore.”

  Dorothy and company looked around in wonder. They stood together atop a hilltop, with bluish mist-shrouded mountains before them. A thrill raced up Dorothy's spine.

  “Okay, boys, let's find this talisman before the Wickeds destroy our world!”

  Chapter 15

  The sun rose over Emerald City on the horizon. Glinda scowled at the city. They were surely rejoicing in their victory, while she still felt the sting of defeat. She rubbed the spot below her knee where Dorothy's sharp heel struck her. Though she'd healed the bruise, her bone still remembered.

  “I wonder if the late, unlamented Elba felt this frustrated while she was trying to capture Dorothy?” Glinda rarely thought of the former Wicked Witch of the West, which she still thought of as the “Green Bitch of the West.” But now she found herself in the exact same predicament as Elba: trying to capture Dorothy to steal away the Silver Shoes. “I must learn from your mistakes, sister.”

  What did Elba do wrong? Her demise was an accident. Dorothy didn't know the curse that turned her green also made water her greatest threat. But like Elba, Glinda hadn't found a way to remove the Silver Shoes from Dorothy's feet, and the woman from Kansas couldn't be truly defeated until that deed was done.

  Cursing from the burnt out manor house caught her attention. She shook her head woefully and looked around the manor. The village lay in ruin, as well. Wanda had destroyed it with fireballs the day before. None of the villagers had returned, but Glinda expected them soon. And then Scarecrow came stomping out, trailed by a dozen Sa'Kor.

  “They collapsed this tunnel, too,” Scarecrow said, eyes blazed red fire. “That's all of my tunnels on this side of Emerald City. I think our best chance is the tunnel ending in the village of…”

  “No more,” Glinda said, cutting him off with a fierce gaze. She indicated a blonde Sa'Kor agent. “Give Layla detailed directions to all remaining tunnel exits, and how to access each. She'll lead a team to find out if any are still open. You and I have better things to do.”

  Scarecrow grumbled and snarled, but reluctantly agreed and followed Layla back into the manor house. Layla would find any open tunnels. Whether Glinda used them to attack Dorothy again, or gave them to the Sa'Kor depended on where the tunnel terminated within the palace. She was certain Dorothy would be much better defended from now on.

  A nearby Ley Line pulsed. She lifted her wand, drawing elaborate runes in the air as she chanted. Glinda quickly located the cause of the disturbance and smiled tightly.

  “They're coming.”

  “Who?” Uma asked, looking around warily? “Dorothy? Nick? Lion?”

  “No. Wanda and Jezebelle,” Glinda said. She glanced at Uma. “We'll need wine.”

  Her chief-of-staff bowed and hurried away. Besides Uma, Glinda was attended by twenty-four other Ladies-in-Waiting. All were dressed for battle in dark red cuirasses and leather. Their primary weapons were wands and bows, though all wore a sword on their hips. And she also had fifty Sa'Kor agents scattered through the manor house and village.

  “Prepare to receive the Wickeds,” Glinda called. “They are my honored guests, until they prove otherwise.”

  In truth, Wanda and Jezebelle could overpower Glinda and her Ladies. It wouldn't be easy, but possible. And Glinda had endured life as the Wicked Witch of the West's prisoner, and didn't want a repeat. Indeed, she'd really like to return the favor. Someday.

  The thought of Wanda, helpless, naked, kissing her feet, brought a smile to the powerful Witch's face. Oh, how she'd force Wanda to cra
wl and grovel, begging for mercy. Begging for her touch.

  Glinda tapped the top of her head with her wand. A bright halo of arcane light dropped down around her, transforming her leather “battle” outfit into something more appropriate to meet with the two Witches. She chose a pink corset with white side-panels, with a long white skirt and pink thigh boots.

  “Hello, sister,” Jezebelle called as she flew up.

  Glinda raised an eyebrow. Jezebelle still had the huge white wings? Did she find a way to make them permanent? Or a spell that allowed her to keep them longer? Otherwise, that girl was eating a lot of enchanted pears.

  “Be welcome, sister,” Glinda replied, inviting her to land with a gesture.

  The Wicked Witch of the East never appeared all that wicked. Glinda decided it had to be the hair. Purest white, down past her knees, Jezebelle's glorious mane whipped in the air behind her like a cloak. Like Wanda, Jezebelle was using magic to slowly transform her body into feminine perfection. She was just as curvy, and maybe a little more busty, than the Wicked Witch of the West.

  “You're looking good, Jezebelle,” Glinda said. “But you'd look so much sexier in red.”

  Jezebelle snorted. She was decked out in Munchkin Country blue. Her silken wisp of a halter was a shimmering sky blue, as was the double-slit skirt barely clinging to her well-rounded hips. Cobalt over-the-elbow gloves and thigh boots finished out her outfit. The Wicked Witch of the East struck a sassy pose and grinned at Glinda.

  “And, as always, you're looking pretty in pink,” Jezebelle purred. “Last time we met face-to-face, you were on your knees licking Wanda's boots, and doing a lot of wanton moaning and groaning.” She winked. “I was so jealous.”

  The taste and smell of Wanda's boot leather filled Glinda's senses for a second. She'd forgotten that Jezebelle was visiting the Amber Palace when Wanda captured her. The two of them did very wicked things to her, but Jezebelle didn't show the same enthusiasm as Wanda.

  “Speaking of,” Glinda said, looking up and to the right. “Welcome, sister Wanda.”

  Wanda descended upon a yellow flying carpet, with black and purple designs. The raven-maned beauty fixed glowing emerald eyes on Glinda, a look of pure evil glee on her face. The Wicked Witch of the West was resplendent in all black leather: Strapless corset, over-the-elbow gloves, pants, and thigh boots. No purple. No yellow. Well, there were lots of straps and gold buckles on her corset and boots.

  Glinda's eyes locked on the holstered pistol on Wanda's right hip. The sight of it sent chills through her body. Twice, she'd been gunned down. Once by Dorothy, and then by Wanda. She'd barely managed to heal herself in time after Dorothy shot her multiple times, but Wanda had to save her after the bitch Witch shot her in Winkie Country. And then the Wicked Witch took full advantage of her ensuing weakness. Oh, how she took advantage.

  Wanda's flying carpet came to a rest a few inches off the ground. The Witch stood atop it arrogantly, looking Glinda over with relish. She bit her lip and wagged her brows.

  “Hello, my pet. Still dreaming about me? Longing for my – “

  Glinda's wand moved lightning fast, a little twirl, and Wanda's flying carpet whipped away so fast the Witch was flipped into the air and came crashing down on the ground face-first. Wanda quickly rolled up to one knee, her wand pointing at Glinda.

  They glared at each other a long moment. Magic energy began swirling furiously around them as Glinda's Ladies called up their power. After a moment, Wanda relaxed and lowered her wand. Jezebelle fidgeted next to her, watching the Lesser Witches and Sa'Kor warily.

  “I am not your pet, sister,” Glinda said, eyes fierce. “The only reason you are still alive is the fact we need each other. Dorothy's alliances with Olivia, Diana, and Lion put us at a disadvantage. If the three of us do not stand together, then Dorothy will take us down one-by-one.”

  Wanda just scowled at her.

  Glinda held out her left hand. “Uma.”

  The dark beauty rushed forward with a bottle of wine and three glasses. Uma gave glasses to Glinda, Wanda, and Jezebelle, before filling them starting with East and ending with Glinda.

  “Shall we see if we can come to an agreement?” Glinda ask, taking a sip. Only then did the other two Witches drink. She gave Wanda, and then Jezebelle, a wicked sexy look. “I think we could be quite a team, and not only on the battlefield.”

  Jezebelle's face lit up. Glinda knew how to spark her interest. Of all the Cardinal Witches, Jezebelle was the most wanton. She lived for sex, whether with men or women. Wanda played more power games with sex, but was almost as promiscuous. Sex was their greatest weakness, and Glinda knew both hungered for her body. Well, Wanda wanted to own her, body and soul.

  Not going to happen, Glinda thought, looking the sexy Wicked Witch over. But I might subjugate you in the end, my pretty would-be mistress.

  “Why should we trust you?” Wanda asked. “You asked us to join you in an attack on Emerald City, and Dorothy. Jez and I came and fought them. You were a no show, yet now you ask us to join with you.”

  “I was there, and did far more damage to them than both of you together,” Glinda said. “Scarecrow! Attend me.”

  Scarecrow came striding out to join them. Wanda cried out, while Jezebelle's jaw dropped. Both Cardinal Witches threw fireballs at the former, depowered Wicked Wizard of Oz. Glinda threw up an arcane shield around her newly acquired minion.

  “Sorry, sisters, but if he's to be torched, I'll be the one setting him aflame,” Glinda said with a smirk aimed at Scarecrow. He glowered at her. “While you were battling above Emerald City, I was working my magic deep inside the palace.”

  “You broke Scarecrow out?” Wanda asked. “How does that help us?”

  “Scarecrow knows Dorothy, and how she thinks, better than anyone,” she replied. “He is now one of my generals, and I propose making him the marshal of our combined armies.”

  “Why should I surrender control of my host to him?” Jezebelle asked.

  “Because, whether you or I like it or not, Scarecrow defeated each of us, put us under his thumb, with just the Royal Grand Army under his control. Scarecrow might be crazy, but he's the greatest general in the Empire.”

  “Maybe,” Wanda said, taking another sip. “But I doubt he can deliver Dorothy.”

  “I disagree,” Glinda said. “He led me and some of my Sa'Kor back into the city, past all of the palace security, and straight to Dorothy last night, into her very bedchamber.”

  Wanda looked stunned. “You captured Dorothy?”

  “Of course not. If I had, Dorothy would be kneeling before you right now,” Glinda said. “Her Silver Shoes saved her sweet little butt again. I swear, those shoes are more powerful than any of us really understand. As Empress of Oz, the Silver Shoes have made Dorothy the most powerful witch in the world. I have word that Olivia and Diana plan to give her training, so soon she'll have control over her power. We have to conquer them before that happens.”

  “Dorothy will make Scarecrow at the height of his power look like a Lesser Witch,” Wanda said. For the first time, the Wicked Witch of the West looked worried. “And Dorothy has no love of me.”

  “Or me,” Glinda said. “So, shall we join forces?”

  “I'll not bend knee to you, Glinda,” Wanda said, eyes narrowing. “We lead as equals, or not at all.”

  Glinda carefully kept her face calm. No emotion. But deep inside she rejoiced, despite wanting the other two Witches to agree to follow her. Still, any kind of alliance was imperative. And she was sure that she could convince the other two to do her bidding.

  “Agreed,” Glinda said. Lifting her glass, “To our new Triumvirate! Together, we will conquer and rule the Ozian Empire!”

  Chapter 16

  The narrow, muddy road hugged the mountainside. Tall trees flanked them, giving Dorothy only a narrow view forward. Nick led the cavalry troops behind her, everyone searching the surrounding forest for threats. Lion and his beastmen were all in their animal forms, wi
th some scouting ahead and others protecting the flanks.

  Dorothy clutched a bearskin cloak around herself as she rode. A cold front passed through overnight, bringing near freezing temperatures and rain. The rain was the worst. Dorothy didn't bring a hat, and her cloak didn't have a hood.

  “To think I used to do this for fun,” she muttered. After four days, her butt hurt and she just wanted her knees to meet. “I swear, I've spent ninety percent of my time in the saddle since returning to Oz.”

  That morning Dorothy realized she'd been back in Oz for over a year, fifteen months all told. She was sure her family had already sold the family farm. Did they put a tombstone up for her in the cemetery? Or did her disappearance allow them to avoid that expense?

  “Talk about jumping out of the skillet and into the fire,” she said, looking up and around when a series of wolf howls echoed through the mountain pass. Nick could usually tell if it was real wolves, or Lion's beastmen talking to each other. They sounded the same to her. “Only this is one cold fire.”

  The temperature had risen considerably since sunrise, but remained cold. Being wet just made it worse. Dorothy worried about catching a cold and not having access to 21st Century over-the-counter medications.

  Though, I guess I could click my heels and pop over to a pharmacy, she thought with a grin. How she would pay for her purchases was uncertain. I don't think they'd take Ozian green pennies.

  Movement above drew her eyes upward. A flock of birds flew above her in a V-formation. Only they weren't headed north, but westward. They were too high to see what kind of birds, but there was something about them that didn't seem right.

  Then Nick started cursing. “Sheath your blades and take up bows!”

  Dorothy reined in before slanting a curious look back at them. The soldiers quickly obeyed, all moving with a sense of urgency. Then more howls and growls rose up all around them.


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