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A Legacy of Blood

Page 7

by Megg Jensen

  Ademar bowed his head slightly. "I've been here before, Frensia. I should have prepared Brax and Tace better."

  Tace held up her hands. "Hey, I'm fine with Frensia."

  "You came here seeking knowledge." Frensia’s slender hand rested on the table. "It is only right I explain about myself. I am umgar. I am from a place far from here. You would have to travel across the water for many weeks to reach my homeland. Umgar are neither male nor female. We are all genders and none."

  "Do you procreate?" Brax knew he was probably prying, but he couldn't help himself.

  "We have spawn, yes," Frensia said. "When there is a need for children, some of us become pregnant. When there is no need, we remain barren."

  "Do you have a choice?" Tace asked, her eyes wide.

  "We do what is required. Choice matters little. Choice is impractical. We do not have wants the same way the other races do. We have needs, and umgar attend to those needs." Frensia gave them a thin-lipped smile. "We don't pay heed to emotions. In fact, many of us no longer have them."

  "But you're smiling. That indicates happiness," Brax said, sure he'd caught the umgar in a contradiction.

  "I smiled for your benefit, Brax. Did it illicit calmer feelings? Did it help to make you more comfortable?"

  Brax opened his mouth, then closed it. The smile had disarmed him.

  "You may refer to me as they, rather than he or she. Now, shall we get back to searching for the answers you seek?"

  Without waiting for a response, Frensia set their book aside. They reached into a nearby basket, pulled out a pair of white gloves, and pulled them onto their hands gracefully, giving a final tug at their wrists. Frensia then picked up another large, dusty tome. The keeper brushed a layer of dust from the top of it with a soft cloth, set the book down, and carefully lifted the leather cover.

  "That's it!" Tace sprang from her chair before Ademar grabbed her arm and pulled her back to her seat. Raseri slipped off her perch on Tace's shoulders and flew around the room, agitated.

  "Don't make a scene," Ademar said. "We don't want anyone else knowing why we're here."

  Tace shot him an angry glance. "Don't you think I know that?"

  "The xarlug," Brax whispered, pointing at the book with a shaky finger. The book showed an illustration of the beast, and even that was enough to turn his bowels to water.

  "Yes, this is not the only book with mention of it," Frensia said. "We are looking for information beyond the xarlug. You want to know what else it is connected with. It seems a simple task, but as you have seen over the previous days, it is not so easy to find answers."

  Tace tapped the table impatiently. "How much longer could this take?"

  "We have millions of volumes—"

  "I know that," Tace said. "But don't you have a cataloguing system? Some method of organization? This is taking too long. We need to get back to Agitar before something else happens."

  Frensia closed the book, to Brax's relief. He didn't have to look at the xarlug anymore.

  "What will happen?" Frensia asked.

  Tace bit her lip, averting her eyes from both Brax and Ademar. "I don't know."

  Brax felt irritation rising in his chest. He'd given up going home, even though there wasn't much to go home to anymore. He'd felt a strange loyalty to these orcs after his people had marched on them. More than that, he had felt he owed the orcs something, and this was the only way he could think to repay it. "I came here to help the two of you learn more about the history of the orc religion, so we might have some idea what other beasts might be lurking underground," he said. "So we could learn the difference between myth and truth. Is there something else you want to tell us?"

  "You can tell us if there's more, Tace," Ademar said. It wasn't the strong reproach Brax would have preferred. Ademar's feelings for Tace often kept him from speaking his mind.

  Tace gritted her teeth so hard, Brax thought they might crack. Her tusks cut into her upper lip, drawing blood. Apparently seeing her distress, Raseri flew back to them, landing on the table. The little dragon stood before Tace and bared her teeth at the others.

  Tace patted the dragon on the head. "It's okay, girl." She touched her shoulder, and Raseri curled herself around Tace's neck. "I may have also been interested in information that was irrelevant to our purpose, but it doesn't matter—because this is taking far too long."

  "They'd send a raven if there was anything for us to know," Ademar said. "Alyna and Vron wouldn't keep us in the dark."

  Brax wondered if that was true. He'd learned quickly that Alyna would do what she thought was best, not necessarily what was right. If she didn't want them to hurry back due to another attack, Brax knew she'd keep it to herself. Still, if anything major had happened, word would have likely reached the tower. Someone would know. Word would spread. In the meantime, he had come to the library to do a job, and he was set on making sure it got done.

  “It’s not like you’re actually going to tell us anything,” he said to Tace. “All you do is keep your little secrets and never share with anyone else. If I didn’t know better, I would think you know more about the xarlug and the mysteries surrounding it than you’re willing to admit.”

  Tace leapt over the table and grabbed Brax by the collar. "You don't know what you're talking about, human."

  "Please refrain from violence, or we will eject you from the library," Frensia said. "You were barely allowed entry, Tace. Don't make us change our minds."

  Brax stared into Tace's eyes, which were filled with bloodlust. He'd faced orcs before. He wasn't afraid.

  Tace's shoulders heaved. She let go of his collar and returned to her seat. "I don't like being questioned," she snarled at Frensia. "I didn't like what your inquisitor put me through."

  "Our inquisitor did not like your secrets, either," Frensia said, their eyes narrowing.

  "Maybe we should break for the day," Brax said.

  "No!" Tace said at the same time Ademar said, "Yes."

  "Tace." Ademar rested a hand on her shoulder. "Let's talk somewhere private."

  "I think that's a good idea." Frensia stacked the book they had opened back onto the pile of unread books. "We can pick up again here in the morning. Come with me, Brax."

  Brax glanced at Tace and Ademar once more over his shoulder as he followed Frensia out of the main library.

  They stopped outside his chambers. "Wait here a bit," Frensia said. "I will send Melethiel to dine with you. Would you like that?"

  Brax nodded. He would indeed like to see the elf inquisitor again. Very much.

  Frensia turned to leave.

  "Wait!" Brax said. "Am I in trouble like Tace? Am I to be questioned again?"

  Frensia smiled, a gesture Brax now knew was done solely to soothe him. "No, Melethiel only asked to see you again. We granted her request. Is this acceptable to you?"

  Brax swallowed the lump in his throat. "Yes, thank you."

  "Then I will send her to escort you to the dining hall for dinner." Frensia bowed their head, then left Brax alone in his chambers to await the stunning elf he'd met upon arrival.

  Chapter 15

  Ademar guided Tace into a private alcove, shooing Raseri away for the time being, and pulled the curtain shut behind them. It wasn't as secure as a door, but it would have to do. They weren't allowed in each other's chambers, and he wasn't willing to risk expulsion.

  "What's this unrelated thing you’re looking for information on?" he asked Tace point-blank. He was growing weary of always tiptoeing around her explosive emotions.

  Tace thrust her fist toward him, and Ademar ducked. But her fist didn't make contact. Instead, she held her arm out in the air, shaking. Biting her lower lip, she motioned toward the bandage on her wrist.

  Ademar took her fist in his hand, and Tace unwound the strip of linen.

  Ademar squinted, making out the faint lines. "Is that a tattoo?" he asked, surprised he hadn't noticed it before.

  "Some days it's darker than others," Tace whispe

  "Tattoos usually fade over time. They shouldn't get darker." Ademar traced the lines with a fingertip. "It's the rune symbolizing Jokan."

  He had first seen the rune on the strange stone they'd found in the forest. It was one of five. Each represented a piece of orc lore. It wasn't long after seeing that rune that they'd found one such relic, a relic only Tace could wield. A relic that had defeated the xarlug threatening to kill them all.

  "How long have you had this?" he asked.

  "It appeared on my wrist after I killed the xarlug." Tace lifted her arm. The tattoo darkened, as if it knew they were talking about it. "See?"

  "That's bizarre."

  "To say the least." Tace let her arm drop to her side. “I had hoped to find out more about it while we were here. We know the Staff of Jokan was able to magically trap the xarlug in the gem on the end of the staff, where it died. Well, maybe there’s more to the other runes, too. It was my hope that information would be tied in with Wru lore.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us, or even just me?” Ademar said. “You can trust me.”

  “I don’t feel like I can trust anyone, particularly after what I went through with the inquisitor.”

  Ademar was hurt. After everything they’d been through, she still insisted on withholding information.

  Tace didn’t even seem to notice his chagrin. "The inquisitor got very in depth with his questioning,” she continued. “He wanted to know about my past. About where I stood on the orc religion. Whether I had been indoctrinated into the Defiants or the Consecrated. If he'd seen this stupid tattoo, I might not be standing here right now. It was clear he wasn't comfortable with his decision to let me in. They don't want me here."

  “The library isn’t open to just anyone,” Ademar said. “Some hallways are blocked by armed guards, and other are under magical wards. I don’t know what secrets they’re protecting, but it’s clear they’re concerned.”

  "What are they protecting from me?" Tace sighed. "Yes, I'm a trained assassin. Do they think I'm going to kill a book? I'm here on a mission to help protect the orcs from further destruction, not to steal precious secrets I probably wouldn't understand anyway."

  Ademar swallowed hard. He, too, had recently withheld something from Tace, but it was only because he was waiting until they were alone to tell her. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could say anything, Tace grabbed his hand.

  “Let’s go to Brax’s room. We can tag along with him to dinner.” She yanked him out of the alcove and whistled for Raseri.

  The little dragon appeared from around a corner and came to rest on Tace's shoulders. Ademar marveled at the close bond they'd formed. Tace kept everyone at a distance—everyone except for that damned dragon.

  They walked in silence to Brax's chamber. Tace knocked hard once, then flung the door open.

  A willowy elf gasped, her hand resting on her chest. Her silver hair cascaded over her shoulders in big ringlets.

  "Sorry," Tace muttered. She turned to Ademar. "I could have sworn this was Brax's room."

  A cough came from behind the elf. Brax stepped forward with his arms crossed over his chest. "Yes, this is my room," he said. "Are the two of on your way to dinner? Melethiel and I were about to head to the dining hall."

  "Nice to meet you, Melethiel,” Ademar said, holding out a hand.

  She slipped her graceful hand into his, barely returning his handshake and refusing to meet his eyes. “I’ve actually just remembered another engagement. I’ll see you soon, Brax.” She swept out of the door and down the hall.

  Ademar and Tace entered Brax's room and closed the door behind them.

  "What was that about?" Tace asked.

  "That was Melethiel. My inquisitor. She was telling me a bit about the history of the library," Brax said.

  Ademar tried not to focus on the strands of silver hair strewn on Brax's rumpled bed. So much for rules in the Library of Filamir. It appeared even their permanent residents were willing to break them. Ademar also noticed the collar of Brax's shirt was a little too high—then laughed to himself when he realized the shirt was on backward. Rules and regulations, indeed.

  Tace slumped into a chair and pounded the plush arm with a fist. "How hard can it be to look up information on Wru lore? I feel like we're being intentionally delayed."

  "There’s a lot to go through,” Ademar said, “and it’s possible Frensia doesn’t really understand what we’re looking for. In fact, I—"

  Tace cut him off. "I came here to get information, and damn it, I'm going to get it. I’m getting tired of waiting!”

  “Can you be quiet and let me speak for a moment?” Ademar put a hand inside his vest. He'd done something earlier he wasn't proud of, but now he knew he'd made the right decision. "Maybe this could help."

  He pulled out a small leather-bound book with a gem on the cover.

  Tace jumped from her chair and snatched it out of his hand. "You stole this?"

  "Borrowed," Ademar corrected her with a wink. "It's a library. Books are meant to be borrowed."

  "The gem is exactly like the one on the Staff of Jokan!" Tace squealed. "I could kiss you!"

  "What are you waiting for?" Ademar said, grinning.

  Tace glanced at Brax.

  He rolled his eyes. "As if I didn't already know. Kiss away."

  Tace jumped into Ademar's arms and planted her lips on his. He hungrily kissed her back, loving the feeling of her body pressed against his. Raseri snarled at him, never content to share Tace.

  Finally, reluctantly, he broke away. If it continued any longer, he'd have to carry her to his chamber and break a few more rules—without the dragon present.

  "Do you think this is what we've been looking for?" Tace asked, her eyes sparkling.

  "There's only one way to know. Open it," Ademar said. He was happy he had finally done something to bring a smile to her face.

  Tace sat back in the chair, carefully lifted the cover, and flipped through the first few pages. "What possessed you to take this?"

  "I don't know," Ademar admitted. As soon as he'd seen the book in the pile of books Frensia had brought them, he'd known it required more than just a cursory glance. And as he still wasn’t sure how much he could trust the umgar, he'd planned to study it alone in his room later that night. But now that he'd seen Tace's tattoo, he realized this book was rightly hers to read.

  He looked over Tace’s shoulder as she turned the pages of the old book carefully. The parchment, browned and brittle, smelled even worse than it looked. Still, the illustrations inside told him they'd found something worth investigating.

  "I think this is what we've been looking for," she said.

  Ademar gave a slight smile. "I got lucky.”

  He was too proud to take full credit. If she had found it in the pile of books, she wouldn't have stopped boasting.

  True, he had risked getting in trouble with the powers that be in the library, but Brax had flouted the rules with Melethiel, hadn’t he? Perhaps their rules were only scare tactics. Maybe they could do as they pleased, with no one the wiser.

  A harsh rapping sounded at the door.

  Or maybe not, he thought.

  Chapter 16

  Tace held a finger to her lips and motioned to Ademar. They both stood behind the door. She nodded once to Brax.

  He opened the door slowly, resting his foot on it.

  "Frensia," Brax said.

  Tace was glad he was smart enough to tell them who was there.

  "Melethiel told me Tace and Ademar were visiting you. I was hoping to speak with the three of you," Frensia said.

  "Well, I—" Brax started.

  Tace stepped out from behind the door, grabbed Frensia's thin, gray arm, and pulled them into the room. "Brax, shut the door," she said.

  "What is this?" Frensia asked.

  "I'm going to tell you something, Frensia," Tace said. "And if you ever tell anyone, I'll slit your throat."

  "Slitting my throat won't do much
good. I'm not a human or orc or elf. There are no vital organs in my throat." Frensia sat calmly on a chair. "It would be an inconvenience, certainly, but it wouldn't do any permanent damage."

  "For someone who works in a library, you talk an awful lot." Tace glared at Frensia. She'd liked the umgar at first. Now, she was just annoyed with them.

  "Not only do I excel at finding information, but I also excel at imparting it." Frensia flashed that awkward, fake smile at them.

  "Stop!" Tace stomped a boot on the floor. "Don't do what you think we want you to. You're never going to make us comfortable like that. Be yourself."

  Frensia shrugged. "As you wish. Then please tell me why you are violating rules of the library. Not only are you congregating secretly in a room, but Ademar stole a book from my pile."

  "You knew?" Ademar's jaw dropped.

  "Of course I knew. Do you think I'm an idiot?" Frensia tapped the table with a long, slim finger. "I remember every book I've ever retrieved."

  "Is that why you came here? To take back the book?" Tace gripped it tighter in her hand. She wouldn't let Frensia have it. And if Frensia didn't have any vital organs in their neck, Tace wouldn't stop until she found one that stopped the umgar from breathing. Or whatever umgars did to stay alive.

  "No. If I wanted the book, I would have gone to Ademar's room first. I came here to speak to Brax on a more sensitive matter." Frensia turned to the human warrior. "You must leave."

  Instead of looking stunned, Brax took the pronouncement in stride. Almost as if he knew it was coming.

  "Melethiel—" Frensia started.

  "What did you do?" Tace stuck her face right in front of Brax's. Ademar grabbed her elbow, tugging her back, but she wriggled out of his grip.

  "Brax and Melethiel had sexual relations," Frensia said in the most deadpan tone Tace had ever heard.

  “H-how did you know?” Brax said.

  “Melethiel confessed as much to me. As soon as you are gone, she will tell the powers that be,” Frensia said. “And your infraction will be handled with haste.”

  "How dare you jeopardize our time here at the library?" Tace yelled at Brax. Raseri flew off her shoulders and circled Brax's head as if preparing to attack.


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