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Falling for the Bully

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  One of his hands left her hips, and he stroked her asshole again. At first, she tensed up, still not accustomed to the feel of him touching her there. With his other hand, he moved between her thighs, teasing her clit.

  “You make me want to do a lot of dirty things to you. Come on my cock, Aria. Let me know just how dirty you can be with me.”

  She screamed his name as her orgasm took her completely off guard. It was intense, and with his cock inside her, she always felt fuller. Max didn’t give her the chance to finish coming. He began to fuck her harder, both of his hands returning to her hips, slamming to the hilt. She gripped the sofa tightly to stop herself from being thrown over it. There was no chance of that with how Max held her. He kept her in place as he took the pleasure he wanted, and when he came, she felt every single pulse and jerk of his cock as he filled the condom.

  Afterward, he kept the blindfold on her, but he didn’t pull out of her immediately. His lips grazed her neck. “You’re going to be the death of me, woman.”

  “I hope not. I was looking forward to round two.”

  Chapter Eight

  Two weeks later

  Sitting in the booth with June, Trey, Dale, and Molly, Max glanced around the bar, seeing plenty of available women, but none of them appealed. Not even a little bit. Dale and Trey kept on pointing them out, but there was only one woman he was waiting for.

  He’d gotten his results from the clinic and he was all clean, just as he knew he would be. Aria had also been taking the pill for two weeks. What Aria didn’t know was their first night together back from their weekend, the condom she’d rolled onto his dick, had split. She didn’t know because he hadn’t told her.

  After they had sex on her sofa, he’d carried her through to her bedroom before going to the bathroom. He’d see the evidence as his cum had leaked right out of the slit. Her nail must have caught on it or something, but he hadn’t told her.

  He’d not told anyone as their relationship was super-secret.

  “What about that guy at the bar? You think she’d go with him?” June asked.

  “I don’t think Aria even knows what she will go for,” Molly said.

  At Aria’s name, he looked at the table. Both of the women were looking at the bar. He saw who they were looking at and snorted. “She wouldn’t go for that kind of guy.”

  “You’re an expert on who Aria would and wouldn’t date?” June asked.

  He held his hands up. “I’m not an expert on anything.”

  “You still trying to get her to forgive you?” Dale asked.

  “I’m not trying anything.”

  “There’s a chick right there, Max, for you,” Trey said. “She has been giving you the eye since you came in.”

  “Your wife like that fact you can point that out?” Max asked, looking at June.

  June laughed. “I know for a fact he loves me and only me. I’m secure in my relationship.”

  “You’ve not told me about any of the women you’ve been with lately. Are you ill?” Dale asked, pressing the back of his hand against his forehead.

  Max swatted his hand away. “I’m tired and busy.”

  “That’s never stopped you before. You’re the kind of guy who is always ready to party.”

  “I’m getting older. I’m having to be responsible. I’ve got to make sure I can still do my job properly.” He was screwing Aria every single chance he got. No other woman mattered to him. All he wanted was her. “This is the first night you’ve finally gotten to get out. Let’s just enjoy the time we’re sharing and not think about the chicks I’m banging.”

  As if right on cue, Aria stepped up to the table.

  “Sorry I’m late.” She was wearing the same black dress she’d worn to their first date. The one she’d vomited all over. His car, after cleaning it three times, and airing it for a further two, no longer stank. She must have gotten her dress dry cleaned. There was no way the stink would come out of it otherwise. “What did I miss?”

  “June and Molly think you’d like to shack up with the guy at the bar.”

  Aria’s eyes widened as she looked at him and he pointed toward the guy.

  She looked toward it, and he wondered what was going on inside that head of hers. She never gave anything away.

  She wrinkled her nose. “No thanks.”

  “Why not?” June asked.

  “He’s not my type?”

  “What is your type?” Molly asked.

  Max stared at his woman and wondered what she’d say.

  “I’ve never really thought about what my type could be. Does it matter?”

  “June’s my type,” Trey said.

  “And he’s mine.” June snuggled up against her husband.

  Dale and Molly did the same, and Aria shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  “Well let’s go around the room. Tell us what you think one to ten?” Molly asked.

  “No,” Aria said. “I don’t look at guys and rate them on appearance.” She looked around the bar. “I’m going to grab myself a drink. Want anything?”

  Max finished off his soda and got to his feet. “I’ll join you.”

  No one else wanted a drink. Max stood as close to Aria he could without raising suspicion.

  “Do they know?”

  “Not a clue. They wanted to set you up with that loser over there.”

  “What makes him a loser?”

  “You can’t tell me you’re considering it?”

  “I’m not considering it, you know that.” She stared down at her hands, which were flat against the bar. “This is going to be hard. I hate lying to them.”

  “It’ll be fine. They’re your friends, and they’re going to want to set you up. You’ve just got to make sure they know you’re not going to fall for it.”

  The barman served them, and they walked back to the booth.

  “Don’t drink too much. I’ve got something to tell you later.”

  She nodded, sipping at her beer.

  Dale and Trey were talking about the kids when they returned to the table. Max discreetly moved his chair closer to Aria. Putting his hand on her knee, he leaned in close, listening to Trey talking about his kid’s development. He wasn’t paying attention at all. What he wanted was for every other guy in the room to know she was taken.

  “Aria, you’re getting checked out,” Molly said.

  “I am?”

  Max tensed up, looking over his shoulder, and sure enough, a guy with way too much chest showing was staring at her.

  No. Not happening.

  “Let’s dance, Aria.”

  He didn’t give her any chance to object. Taking hold of her hand, he lifted her to her feet, and walked her to the small dance floor where other couples were dancing.

  Putting a hand on her hip, he drew her close, and he heard her sigh.

  “I think you’re overreacting right now. They were just pointing someone out. It doesn’t mean I’m going to run off with the guy.”

  “I don’t like anyone else looking at you.”

  “Why? It’s not a bad thing, you know.” She smiled up at him.

  The rest of the bar faded away for him as he stared down at her. “I don’t like it.”

  “Women look at you all the time, and I’m not overreacting. I think you need to trust me a little. I’m not going to cheat on you. Is it cheating?”

  “It would be cheating.”

  “But we’re not in a relationship.”

  “We have an agreement. You’d be breaking it. Like cheating.”

  “For a guy who has never been in a relationship before, you seem to have a high expectation for it.”

  “Do you want to make this a relationship?” he asked.

  “No. I’m not ready for something like that.”

  “My tests came back clean. I’ve got them in the car.”

  “You have?”

  “Yes. Not that I doubted it. Your man here is one hundred percent clean. Have you been taking your pill?”


bsp; “Yes, I have.”

  “What are your plans tomorrow?” he asked.

  “You know I’ve got to work at the bakery.”

  “I’ll walk you there, but tonight, you’re coming to my place. I’ve got a change of clothes for you.”

  “How do you have a change of clothes for me?” she asked.

  “Easy, I stole them out of your apartment.”

  “Max, this isn’t fair. I don’t own all that much in the first place.”

  “I know, which is why it was easy to pick the clothes.” Max tugged her close so they were body to body. “Don’t dance with anyone else tonight.”

  “Why not?”

  “I can only handle so much, and our friends trying to get you to go out on a date with a stranger is testing my control.”

  The song came to an end.

  Max wanted to dance with her all night but knew there was no chance of that. As he kissed the top of her head, Aria chuckled, and together, hand in hand, they walked back to the table. Max pretended to be the perfect gentleman by escorting her to her seat for all to see.

  After making sure she was seated, he went to the bathroom. There wasn’t a queue like there was for the women. Entering the room, he went straight to the sink, gripping the edge and staring at his reflection. He had to get a fucking grip.

  Of course Aria wasn’t ready for a relationship.

  Who the fuck really was?

  He’d never been ready, and he was older than she was. Just by a couple of years, but still. Relationships were permanent. They set roots, and were scary, and he wasn’t ready for that.

  Then why wasn’t he shitting himself at the prospect of only ever having Aria to himself? Any chick that he even thought could get attached, he ran in the opposite direction.

  With Aria, he wasn’t doing that. He’d slept with her, all night in the same bed. They shared food, and a whole lot of other personal things as well. He’d watched her fucking sleep.

  Man, he was really starting to fucking lose it.

  The door to the bathroom opened, and he saw the guy who’d been checking her out enter.

  Ignoring him, Max switched on the tap, allowing the water to run cold before splashing some on his face.

  His friends were perceptive, and he had to get his shit together before he headed on out there.

  For himself and for Aria.


  Later that night, June watched as Max and Aria left together. She saw how close they’d gotten all night. Max wasn’t so clever at trying to wriggle closer to Aria, and the way he’d been glaring at every single guy who even looked in Aria’s direction.

  Max turned back one last time to give them a wave before closing the door behind him.

  “Max and Aria are sleeping together,” June said.

  “You don’t know that,” Dale said.

  “Actually, did you see the way he was all night?” This was from Molly.

  Trey laughed. “Are you trying to be a matchmaker, babe?”

  “Didn’t you notice the way he was with her? How close he got? The way he’d glare at other men? I’m telling you guys, Max and Aria are a thing.”

  She looked at each of her friends in turn. All of them seemed to come up with an argument, before remaining silent. It was because they knew she was telling the truth.

  “We don’t know for sure.”

  “Okay, how much more evidence do we need? Don’t you think it’s a little suspicious how they both went away on a mini-vacation at the same time, and neither of them are comfortable talking about it?” She let that sink in before moving on. “I’ve seen the way Max has been watching her. Didn’t you guys notice him touching her thigh beneath the table?”

  “It sounds to me like you’ve been stalking them more than watching,” Trey said.

  “Something was off with them. I knew it the other week when I walked in on them in the kitchen. Aria looked all flushed, but I didn’t have a single clue what it was.”

  Everyone was silent, and she waited, looking at Molly.

  “What do you think?” she asked the other woman.

  “There’s a chance it could be true, but why would they keep it a secret?”

  “Aria hates Max. I think you guys are seeing things,” Dale said.

  “But, honey, you said so yourself. He’d been acting strangely for the past couple of weeks,” Molly said, putting her hand on Dale’s. “He doesn’t date anymore or hang out with any of the single guys. You said he does his job and goes and picks up Aria from work.”

  “We also know he walks her to and from work. They are pretty much together whenever they’re not at work.”

  “It doesn’t mean anything though,” Trey said. “We all know Max has guilt about the way he treated her in high school.”

  “They’re keeping it a secret,” Molly said.

  “Why?” Dale asked.

  “Because, it’s just sex for now,” June said, speaking up. “Think about it. Aria is supposed to be a virgin. She went on that one date and the guy never showed, but Max did.”

  “You don’t think Max was the date?” Molly asked.

  “No, it’s too obvious.” June sipped at her drink, trying to figure out a way to bring Max and Aria out in the open for all of them. “Aria doesn’t want us to know.”

  “Look, you two can play matchmaker and assume all you want. We know our friend, and if Max wanted us to know, we’d know.”

  “Not if Aria’s asked him to keep it a secret,” June said. “Think about it, Aria’s not been easily charmed by him, has she? It all makes sense.”

  “Nah, I still think this is a little far-fetched,” Dale said.

  “Actually, I don’t think it is.” Trey spoke up.

  June looked toward her husband.

  “It does make sense. Aria not wanting anyone to know. Max being more willing than either of us has ever seen him to keep it a secret. I don’t like it, but it works. It explains why he’s not been talking about his partners. Even at the parlor, he doesn’t talk about the kind of women he’s been with.”

  “He used to?” June asked.

  “All the time,” Dale said in agreement. “Honestly, getting him to shut up about it is the problem.”

  Molly let out a gasp. “What if he has feelings for Aria? He won’t talk about the girl he’s with. He’s always around Aria as much as possible. He’s jealous, as we saw with how pissed-off he looked at the bar. It all makes a lot of sense.”

  June smiled. “Max and Aria. Our two friends, and it’ll complete our group.”

  “The only question remains, how are we going to bring them together?” Dale asked. “I kind of like this. It’s conspiring behind Max’s back. It kind of makes up for all those times in high school he’d play pranks on us.”

  “We can’t just throw it out there and hope they’ll tell us the truth. We’ve got to bring them together, and one day, they’ll screw up, and we’ll get to see what they’re like as a couple.”

  “I hope you’re right about this,” Trey said. “And we’re not going to, you know, hurt them by exposing them.”

  “How could we hurt them?” June asked.

  “They’re keeping their relationship secret for a reason. We need to respect that even if we want to find out the truth.” Trey shrugged. “None of us would appreciate anyone meddling in our life. We can’t just start paying more attention to the two of them.”

  “For all we know, Max is getting sex out of the deal, and all he’s got to do is keep his mouth shut. Max always knows what he wants, and right now it’s Aria. If in a couple of weeks or months, he wants someone new, we’d have taken it from them to do something like that.” Dale finished off his beer. “You want another round? I don’t mind you keep talking about this without me. I don’t need to see all the seedy details.” Dale got up from the booth and walked to the bar.

  “Shoot, this sucks,” she said. “Aria should be able to tell us about this, don’t you think?”

  “I think Aria will tell us
when she’s ready, and until then, we should just support her decision,” Molly said.

  June agreed, but she was still going to try to find some way to draw her friend out. She had to.


  The moment they entered Aria’s apartment, Max pressed her up against the door, keeping her hands above her head as he claimed her lips.

  He couldn’t stand to have another man touch her. She belonged to him and only him. He’d been the first man inside her cunt, and he was going to be the last.

  “Keep your hands there.” He lifted up her dress until it was around her waist.

  “Don’t you want to take this into the bedroom?”

  “There’s no fucking time. I’m not going to waste a moment.” He pulled his cock from his jeans, and then, without a condom, he lifted her up and slid her down on his naked cock.


  “No time. Do you want me to stop?” He held still within her, prepared to stop.

  “No, please, don’t stop. You feel so good.” He pulled out of her, only to slam back inside, fucking her harder. He took her lips and wanted more of her all to himself. He didn’t want to share her. These feelings he was having with her, they were more than just the sex. He felt completely and totally obsessed with this woman. He wanted her every second of every single day. No other woman had ever come this close to making him feel this way. He knew how Trey and Dale felt with their women. If they felt this way toward June and Molly, he totally understood why they married their women, why they spent all of their time wanting to make them happy.

  With Aria, he wanted her to be happy. To see her smile, to watch her laugh. He pulled out of her tight pussy, slamming inside, knowing he didn’t want anyone else for the rest of his life. She was it for him. He wondered if other men had this same feeling when they finally found the one. Either way, he was completely besotted with her, and that need wasn’t going away. It was only getting stronger with every passing second.

  Slipping his fingers between them, he stroked her pussy. He was a greedy man when it came to her orgasms. He wanted them all to himself, every single little one.

  “Max, you feel so good. Don’t stop.”

  Riding her pussy, he felt her come, and watched her as she threw her head back, screaming for more. Holding her in place, he fucked her hard, taking what belonged to him, and when he came, he didn’t pull out. He slammed in deep, filling her with his cum.


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