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Under The Magnolia

Page 20

by Kelsey Soliz

people from high school. We wanted to keep it small.”

  “Wait. Are you all serious right now? We’re like, legit about to exchange

  rings and do the thing?”

  “We’re doing the damn thing, baby. We drew names to figure out who

  got to be legally married to you, but you know that won’t make a damn bit

  of difference to us. You’ll be our wife whether or not we have a piece of

  paper that says you are.”

  Just breathe. It’s not that big of a deal, right? I mean…its’ not like…shit.

  Nope, I’m definitely about to cry. It’s exactly like I’ve been waiting my

  whole life to lay claim to these guys, to show everyone that they’re mine.

  “You okay, Mils?” Constantine leans into me, sweet peppermint from his

  breath mingling with me and drawing me in. I kiss him, holding onto his

  quiet strength to get me through this.

  “Am…I…okay? Ummm…yeah. Yes. I think so? Sure. No, I’m great.

  Better than a hedgehog with a toothbrush.”

  “Is that supposed to mean something?”

  I think about it. “If I say no?”

  “I’ll just chalk it up to an eccentricity of yours. You’re still adorable. Still

  want to marry you.”

  “Constantine? Hello? Anybody home??”


  “Who is that?”

  Constantine gets real close again so I can see him, close enough to

  breathe on. “I love you. Just hold on to that for a minute. I have to go break

  up with my girlfriend.”

  I’m not sure whether I should slap him or…I start laughing.

  Maniacally.Logical response, right? Wedding sprung on you by your

  childhood sweetheart, his uninvited girlfriend showing up…

  “Are you serious right now, man? You never told her you guys weren’t

  dating anymore?”

  “She’s been out of town and I…yeah. Totally forgot I had a girlfriend.”

  “I have some questions…”

  “And I will answer all of them. Let me go stop her before she gets any

  closer and ruins this. Well, ruins it anymore.”

  I get a kiss on the cheek and the rush of wind from him turning tail and

  running, Cam letting out an exasperated sigh.

  “He has a girlfriend?” Good question to start on, Theo.

  “Well, had a girlfriend. Started dating like four months ago or

  something…obviously wasn’t serious.”

  I can hear some yelling in the background, the distinct sound of flesh

  being slapped, some more yelling, some colorful profanities aimed our way,

  then eventually Constantine steps back up and grabs my hand.

  “Sorry about that, baby.”

  “Should I be concerned you forgot to dump your girlfriend before you

  proposed to me? Or that you were technically still dating her right before

  we slid a ring on your hand? Wait, are you guys all wearing rings? Because

  if I’m wearing this monster you better have something to show for it, too.”

  “That was really shitty of me. I’m sorry. Honestly, when we first found

  out you were Theo’s roommate, I kind of forgot about a lot of stuff. You

  shouldn’t be concerned. Well, not as concerned as…Jess. Yeah. Fuck. Did I

  just ruin everything?

  “Amelia, I swear to you, I don’t love her, don’t want her, she was…a

  time filler. I don’t think you realized how empty we all were without you.”

  I try to process everything. Should I be freaking out about the fact his

  girlfriend just showed up to our wedding ceremony wanting to visit? Does

  this tell me that maybe he’s not ready to get married? Should I be worried

  that I won’t be enough for him?

  “Stop every single though that just flew across your face. Get in my face,

  Amelia, and read me. I told you once that if you were to let me start kissing

  you, I wasn’t likely to stop. I meant that then, and I still mean that now.

  That was…unfortunate, but it in no way reflects on what we have, okay?

  Do you have any doubts that you’re it for me?”

  “No.” Easy. Didn’t even flinch. Responding to that question was actually

  a gut reaction, not something I had to think about at all.

  I get my hands on Tina’s face, feeling his smile and swiping his dark hair

  out of his eyes. “That’s my girl.”

  “Does anyone else have any girlfriends they forgot about?”

  This makes them laugh, which I’m hoping means no.

  Cam gets up and starts speaking to the small crowd. “Just want to thank

  you all for coming, we know this must seem really strange to probably all

  of you, but if you know Amelia like we know Amelia, then you’ll know

  how perfectly incredible she is, and that one man could never hold her. She

  goes beyond any other woman any of us have ever met, and if you’re

  unfamiliar with our story, you can read about it in the guest book my

  Mother put together for us.

  “All of you should know we’ve known Amelia damn near our whole life,

  well, except for this stud here. Theo pulled her from a house fire and not

  only saved her, but was there for her when she was too scared to let any of

  us in. We owe you everything, Theo, and we’re proud to stand here next to

  you and share this with you.

  “We had to draw names to figure out who got their name on the official

  document, so Theo, it’s on you, man. Since I’m not going to be listed as the

  husband on there, I’ll be officiating, and the theme for the day is simplicity.

  “Getting to this point has been…well, rough doesn’t really cover it.

  Amelia Poppy, you’ve been through it. We are in awe of the woman you

  are, of the ease with which you smile. You alone are the beacon we’ve all

  been reaching for since we were old enough to know about the difference

  between girls and boys, and the fact that we’re finally at this moment is

  nothing short of a miracle.

  “Theo, you ready? Amelia? You still with us?”

  I wipe my eyes off, wishing like hell I could see my beautiful men spread

  out in front of me, to see their faces as we all pledge ourselves to each

  other. But then they take into account that I can’t see them where they

  stand, Theo kneeling down so he’s as close to me as he can get with the

  chair being there, his face inches away so I can look into his eyes.

  I feel the small collection of people scoot closer, circling around us, some

  of them reaching out a hand to place on my shoulder or smooth my hair.

  Everything feels intimate, and like it’s just for us. Well, I gess that’s a stupid

  thought if it’s our wedding.

  I remember myself and nod, hoping Cam will know I’m answering his

  question, hoping he knows that I’ve been ready for years.

  “Alright. We’re going to go one at a time, I’ll let Theo repeat after me,

  but I think you’ll all get the hang of it after that. Theo?”

  “You ready, Amelia?” Theo kisses my palm as I put it on his cheek, eyes

  locked on me. I hear Cam in the background feeding us the words and we

  repeat them like good little children.

  “I, Theo Adams, take you, Amelia Knight, to be my wife. To have and to

  hold, from this day forward, in sickness and in health, for better or for

  worse, for richer, for poorer, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.”

  “I, Ame
lia Knight, take you, Theo Adams, to be my husband.” I have to

  pause, clearing my voice to make sure it will keep working. I’m kind of

  whispering, but he’s right in front of my face so he can hear just fine. “To

  have and to hold, from this day forward, in sickness and in health, for better

  or for worse, for richer, for poorer, to love and to cherish, till death do us


  “What God has created, let no man destroy. Theo and Amelia, I

  pronounce you to be husband and wife. Theo, kiss your bride.”

  He grabs me from my chair, straightening out so I can hang on him as he

  kisses me. He supports my hips and kisses the shit out of me, the realness of

  everything hitting me as he whispers that he loves me. His tongue makes

  me forget we have a bigger audience than normal, polite/nervous laughter

  starting to pull us back.

  “Okay, one down, three to go. Alex, you’re up.”

  And so it goes, the three of them all repeating the same vows, but taking

  the time to celebrate and seal it with a kiss after each conclusion. By the

  time I’ve got four husbands, my lips are chapped and my cheeks hurt from

  smiling, my eyes from happy crying, and my chair has become a useless


  I love that everything is low-key, that I didn’t have to get dolled up or put

  on shoes, it was perfect. As I lay in bed later that night, surrounded by all of

  them, I know that I’m finally getting my happily ever after, that I don’t have

  to worry about finding my place.

  We’ve closed the door on the past, sold the land my father left me, and I

  know that I can be the wife they want, not the one I think they need. The

  magnolia tree has witnessed the start of our new life, we’ve marked it as

  deep as it’s marked me.

  All the darkness doesn’t matter, the struggle has made me value these

  blessings I get to call my husbands more than maybe if everything had gone

  in a more linear trajectory. Their hands rubbing my skin, their mouths

  searing onto me, nothing else to be in our way and keep these souls apart.

  The End

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  I love hearing from fans! I am a one woman show so I love hearing

  feedback and knowing what it is you liked about the story, or what you

  want to read more of.

  Books By This Author

  Four Betrothals

  Four Bonds

  One Family

  Getting Back Me

  First Addition

  Second Glances

  Three to Find

  Four Trials

  Territory One

  Document Outline

  Title Page



  Amelia, age 5

  Amelia, age 10

  Amelia, age 13

  Amelia, age 14

  Amelia, age 15

  Amelia, age 16


  Cameron, age 17

  Amelia, age 18






  Alex, age 18

  Amelia, age 18

  Constantine, age 19


  Amelia, age 20






















  Books By This Author




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