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Ghost to the Game

Page 7

by Orion Pharoah

  C shook his head, “I'm down with that. We gone spend some sleepless nights but damn, that will be next level for the fam Bro. I got construction and security if you and Belle can make a deal.” he smiled.

  Chapter 25

  Today was the big day! We had come in so far over budget it was ridiculous but we had our own private facility to host and celebrate the family; along with a spectacular thriving private airport and five-star accommodations and chauffeurs to all of Houston's finest attractions. I could tell C was excited when we met the contractor at the private parking in front of hanger 7.

  The tour started at hanger 5, the parking facility with valet and tunneled shuttle service to hangar 7- was enormous. Two layers of parking, every space was huge and looked like you could park doublewide and there was a detail shop you could get your oil changed in. The shuttle to hangar 7 was lit up and painted like the Houston skyline, a perfect welcome into the city. We walked through a set of doors and our senses were inundated. The hanger looked looked spectacular! There was a soundstage with a light-show and multiple bars around the outer walls and looking up you could see a horseshoe of balcony VIP lounges with the third floor just big enough for the inner circle. I couldn't believe my idea had finally come together, once we got the keys and all the codes, C and I sat there amazed, thinking about how big this party was really going to be when Belle called.

  She was bawling hysterically, “They’re following me! It's a black SUV and it won't leave me!”

  “Are you sure Baby?”

  “I’ve been to both sides of Katy.”

  “Alright, well then, get on Sam Rayborn and take it to our spot.”

  “Please hurry!”

  “I'm right here baby.”

  I jumped up as C said, “What's up?”

  “It's Belle.”

  I could hear the panic in her voice as I ran out of the lounge, got into my car and tried to calm her down. I caught up to her on the highway and as I got closer, I could see the black SUV on her tail. I pushed my car hard to catch up as they exited and got behind him. The second I did, out of nowhere another black SUV pulled up behind me and they lit up the sky with blaring lights.

  I heard Belle ask, “What do I do?”

  I told her, “Just pull over nice and easy baby, but keep the car in drive.”

  All four vehicles came to a stop and four men with fully loaded semi-automatic weapons jumped out of the first SUV and surrounded Belle’s car- guns pointed into every window.

  I heard her whisper, “I’m scared, Orion, I don't want to die like this!. I love you.”

  “You’re not gonna die but there is no going back after this.” I talked smooth to keep her calm but her voice trembled, “Tell me what to do.”

  I grabbed a gun out of the glove box as I saw a shadow walk beside my car. A man shouted, “I don't want it to end like this, Orion. Why don’t you let your window down and talk to me?”

  I replied out my window, “Doesn't seem like you're playing real fair today.”

  He laughed “Oh not fair at all Orion. I know it's a lot to take in, but think about it a second, is this really how you want to see everything go down?”

  “I’ll roll the window down when all those weapons are down!” I shouted.

  I whispered to Belle, “As soon as you hear the first shot, hit the gas. I’ll get there as soon as I can.”

  She cried, “okay.”

  I turned my attention back to the shadow, “Alright man, check this out, you take those guns off my girl and I guess we have no choice but to have a conversation.”

  I pointed my gun up at an angle that I knew his head would be when I let the window down and from my windshield I could see the men lower their guns. I put pressure on the trigger as I reached for the control to lower the window and heard bullets ring out. I looked up in fear that they had shot through Belle's car and I saw blood fly all over her hood. The man at Belle’s driver side window and three others were dispatched simultaneously with headshots. I heard one more loud gunshot as the shadow at my window hit his knees in anguish.

  He screamed out, “This doesn’t have to go down like this!” but the only rebuttal he heard was another gunshot and his body hit the ground. I set my focus back on Belle's Mercedes and I saw Big Mike pull her out as other family members grabbed the fallen gunmen and threw them into the back of the SUV. I lowered my window and saw C murder’s face-it was stoic when he looked at me. “You gotta get the hell out of here.” My side door opened as Big Mike through Belle in the car and he continued, “I can clean this up but you gotta go now.”

  I hit the gas as Belle cried hysterically and I wrapped my arm around her and moved her as close as I could to me to calm her down. We drove directly to the auction house, traded out cars and I gave instructions to destroy the car and we quickly but calmly drove home.

  When C murder called, I shouted, “What the hell was that!”

  “Orion that was me tellin’ you that there are some promises you just can't keep man, I know where I want to be bro till I die.”

  “And what about tonight C?” I asked, “That was federal.”

  “Don’t worry about tonight Brother, only five people knew about tonight's mission 'cause everybody is on the damn payroll. Somebody decided he wanted his cake and eat it too so the news is about to report a Mercedes on the side of some Frontage Rd somewhere between Katy and Houston that had a gas leak and blew up. In a few days they’ll be reportin’ about a DEA task force that took two SUV's on an unauthorized mission against cartel members in South Texas, and lost. It’s just a little blood spilled bro. No harm no foul.” He chuckled, “It’s too bad.”

  “Yeah, it is.” I agreed, “I love you brother.”

  “I love you too.”

  C and I got off the phone and I wrapped my arms around Belle as she cried out, “I'm sorry I don't know what I did wrong, I don't know what precautions I didn't take.”

  I smiled at her, “Now baby, sometimes you can take every precaution in the world and things are just gonna go wrong.”

  She rose her head, “No, no, that's not fair, that’s not how the world is supposed to work-” I interrupted, “That's how this world works.”

  “Then can't we just leave this world?” I shook my head, “We can't baby.”

  I could feel the tears hit my chest as she whispered, “It was worth a try.”

  I kissed the top of her head, “You know what we can do? We can check that last box off our bucket list.” I felt her squeeze me tight and I turned the lights off and walked her to bed.

  Chapter 26

  The wheels of the jet hit the ground in Ireland on December 14th, 1999 and there was a cold breeze in the air that felt remarkable. We got into the private helicopter and I could see Belle’s eyes light up as Ashford Castle came into view. She kissed me passionately and I could see the sparkle in her eyes, “A whole week? No one’s gonna call you or need you? It’s just us?”

  “It’s just you and me baby.”

  She squeezed me hard and squealed.

  The castle was astonishingly spectacular with green ivy covering most of its towering outside walls and a fascinating water feature in the middle with the greenest trees all around. We had a private suite overlooking a lake and we spent our days listening to castle history and eating the best foods that Ireland had to offer. We spent our nights reminding each other how a king and queen once celebrated their love and on our last night there, December 21st, (the longest night of the year) we added the last check off our bucket lists. To live as King and Queen in a castle. I laid in the bed with Belle on my chest and she spoke soft, “Remember when you would have to leave for business and you would say, Baby, I'm only one shout away, if you need me just yell?”

  I smiled, “Yeah, I remember that.” Letting my fingertips play on her soft naked skin. She exhaled and I felt the weight of her body sink into my chest. “I love you with every breath in me Orion.” I kissed her and we spent the remainder of the longest night of the yea
r wrapped in each other's arms in silence.

  The next morning, we said goodbye to our gracious host and got in a limo. Belle stayed quiet the entire ride to the airport and when it pulled into the hangar, I could feel her nails squeeze into my palm and see the tears flow down her cheeks. The site of two G5’s in the hanger was more then her heart could handle and she started to sobb, “Orion, I can't do this. I'm sorry, please.” I wrapped her in my arms and kissed her forehead as a limo came to a stop.

  I said, “It’s time Isabelle.”

  She clenched my hand tight as we stepped out of the car, I grabbed her and smirked, then straightened my smile, “Baby, the very first day we met you knew the cost we would pay for our damn near perfect love. We knew there would be an abrupt ending, Isabelle Fregoso, I love you and you and I will live forever in that life, in that world.” I wiped her tears and kissed her strong enough to tell her soul I loved every molecule in her body. Then, I turned and walked towards the steps of my jet and I heard her yell, “How will I know if you're dead or alive?”

  It made me smile. I replied but didn’t turn around, “You'll know.” As I walked on the plane I heard her cry out, “I LOVE YOU TOO!!” and the pilot closed the door.

  Chapter 27

  I never saw her jet get in the air, I just sat there alone as the G5 made its way to the Bahamas. It hurt to think about my entire life in this game and the things that had been won, lost, taken and destroyed. It was a lot to lose but I can't complain, that money allowed me to send Belle home with enough money to live whatever life she wanted. She can do whatever she wants to do, hell, she can do nothing for the rest of her life and never have to worry about a dime. This life has allowed me to do a lot of good in this bad world. The endless blue I saw crossing the Atlantic gave me too much time to think about Belle. I knew the only way to keep her safe and out of harm was for her to never be in my life again. You would think out of all the losses in my life, this would be easier than the rest (it would be easier this time). I’ve intentionally walked away from so many golden opportunities over the last decade and what her and I had together- to be able to tell her how much I loved her; to tell her how much she meant to me. I wanted to tell her that the nightmares of the car explosion in front of the shop in Kingston stopped the night we met. It was more than my mind could justify losing so I picked up the phone to hear her voice one last time and I sat there, almost sick as I heard the first ring pierce through my ear. I broke into laughter when I heard her ringtone and felt the vibration from the inside of my jacket pocket. I leaned back in my seat and for the first time in a long time I felt like a good son as my pop’s advice echoed true with the last ring of Belle’s phone. My heart would make mistakes if my mind wasn’t sharp. I had tears in my eyes when I saw Pete walk up and he smiled at me, “Murri Chris’mas!”

  “Merry Christmas Uncle Pete.”

  Me had a feelin’ dat dis Christmas was gunna not be so Irie.

  “Yea, not really..” I cried.

  “Den let's go opin dat safe and see how Murri Chris’mas we gunna be.” Pete smiled.

  I sat down on the couch looking at the contents of the leather case and asked Uncle Pete, “Is that old lady still alive? I remember thanking her but never said goodbye.”

  Pete smiled, “No, she and dat whol’ Kingston neiba-hood got lost in de early ninties. Jason knew ya connected an, he made it Irie. Now all ya need is dis papars. I love you, Son. I always gunna be ya compass.”

  Tears filled my eyes and I wiped them away, “Uncle Pete, that’s only true as long as I‘m walkin’ a path that you know.”

  He smiled, grabbed my hands and said, “Even afder Me last breath, if I never see ya on the odder side, I’ll always be livin’ in you.” He put our hands on my chest.

  We hugged and celebrated Christmas Caribbean style. I got up the next morning and walked outside to my old hammock spot on the patio, I was looking out at the waves and thinking about the last time I was here. I walked the beach and made my way up to the grassy hill that was once an altar for my pops and sat there with him for hours just watching the tide roll in.

  Chapter 28

  I finally made my way back to Houston only to be awakened by an excited C murder beating on my door, I let him in and he looked at me and then my now lonely bed.

  He said, “Bro, we’re 72 hours away from throwing the party of the new millennia and you look like hell.”

  I sat on the side of the bed and tried to smile at him. “Those bells man,” I grabbed my head, “I just can't make those damn bells stop ringing.”

  C put his hand on my shoulder, “I understand Bro, let's go grab some food, we got a party to get ready for.”

  I nodded, “You right, now get outta my room so I can get dressed.”

  We laughed.

  Chapter 29

  The party was the biggest celebration The Family has ever had. We were three hours from midnight and everybody was laughing, smiling and reaping the rewards of their hard work. I sat back and admired how large we really were and at the fact that now, business was performing like a high-end luxury vehicle- everyone knew their roll and took pride in performing it at their best. I walked to the podium as I did almost a decade ago and shots of Crown began to be handed out. I grabbed everyone's attention, “Ladies and gentlemen, thank y’all for bein’ here tonight to honor what my Pops-your king, envisioned a wolf pack would look like. Tonight everything is on me, it’s how I’ve chosen to show my appreciation for your hard work, loyalty and support over the past ten years. We’ve lost some great ones over those years but tonight is for the livin’. I’ve never been happier lookin’ out on a group of people as I am right now.” I paused and took a deep breath. “We have done more for this community then anyone will ever understand, not always in the limelight but always there. I look around at the thousands of you, and remember when I told you to start an entourage and look how far we've come. When the clock hits midnight y’all start a new Millenia and y’all will bring this family into a new phase. Now, let's party like it's 1999!”

  The music kicked in and everyone lost their minds with excitement as we all rose our glasses and toasted. I walked outside just before midnight and looked up at the sky, and wondered if Belle was doing the same. I heard the explosion of bottles popping and laughed when I heard them count to zero. I saw the lights on at the airport and the planes still taking off so I figured we made through the Y2K bug. I shook my head and laughed. I walked back into the lounge and it was going crazy with excited family members- wall to wall, upstairs and down, all having a great time. I gave my share of hugs and made my way through the crowd to grab C Murder and walk him out the side door, “C, I’m gonna get out of here.” I said as I hugged him. “Happy New Year.”

  “Ol man turning 30 this year,” he laughed. “Can’t party like you used to, huh? Seriously, get out of here, this this is gonna go down in history as the party to beat all parties. It really was exactly what the family needed, a celebration to beat all celebrations, a way to reward all the work that they've been doing.”

  “Where you goin?” He asked.

  “I got a date.” I winked.

  “A date? It's about damn time, please tell me it’s that little chunky girl from the grocery store.” He laughed.

  “Nah, this is a mental date, just sexy enough to clear my head for a while.”

  C nodded, “Oh damn, then I'll try to keep this place in one piece but I can't make any promises. We're gonna be partyin for a while.”

  I told him, “Well, keep an eye out.”

  “Enjoy your date.”

  “I'll do that C.”

  I paused for a minute and grabbed C Murder. I said low, “Malcolm C Murder Jr, I love you brother, the hood is a better place because of the man you’ve become.” C was desperately trying to hold back his tears as I broke our embrace. I got in the car and drove off looking at what we had created in the review.

  Chapter 30

  The normal smiling faces that cascaded the off
ice building as he walked in were somber that morning. Malcolm Junior made his way into the lobby saying hello to old and new faces and took the elevator up to the penthouse suite. He walked into a huge conference room with the inner circle, fifty strong and took his place at the head of the table.

  “Before we discuss business, I would like to take a moment to acknowledge that my brother- the head of this family, is turning 30 today, that means it's been exactly nine months and twenty-eight days since I've heard my his voice. I guess it's only fair the game devastated his life with a car bomb and Jason Duncan gave him his new one. He entered our world as a ghost made by the game so I guess its poetic justice that he disappeared like one too. I don't really know his real name or if we are even celebrating his real birthday but I do know this, he did something to an organization that will echo through forever.”

  He rose his glass, “May your entourage serve you through eternity brother. We love you Orion.”


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  About the Author

  I’ve been told my dyslexia gave me a love of numbers and the ability to paint pictures with my words, but I think it’s more the fact that not one teacher failed to advise me how over active my imagination was.

  I don't know if I'm a good writer but I know I'm a great storyteller and I have a unique vision that is expressed through my pen.


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