Book Read Free

Addicted to Her Curves

Page 1

by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2020 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-0-3695-0187-5

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Audrey Bobak


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2020

  Chapter One

  Beau Caine watched the sexy, buxom brunette behind the bar as she reached up to the tallest shelf to grab a beer glass. The only reason he ever came to Connie’s Place was for the owner herself. Connie Reeves. Sexy as fuck with a nice, round ass, big tits, nice thighs, and every time he looked at her, all he wanted to do was fuck her. She was a tough woman, but a nice one.

  Everyone came to this bar for the company and good food, and it was just a nice place. Sure, fights broke out, but they were easily handled, and in most cases, the damages were paid for by the men who’d caused the problem. Even if they weren’t, he imagined there would be some kind of pool to help pay for any damage.

  Connie had a heart of gold. She spun around, and her full brown hair cascaded around her in ringlets. The smile on her lips was always there. She nodded her head at whatever one of the customers was saying before she threw her head back and laughed, then shook her head.

  “You’re drooling,” Scott James said, coming to sit beside him. His one true enemy.

  Both of them wanted Connie. Neither would admit defeat and so they were constantly hanging around the bar, trying to gain her favor. Of course, she’d not given either of them a single inch.

  “You shouldn’t be here.”

  “On Friday night? It’s no one’s claimed night.”

  They shared some of their nights. His were Monday and Wednesday. Scott’s were Tuesday and Thursday. Each of them using their own independent night to claim this woman. It was fucking crazy and so far, neither of them had been successful. He knew from rumor how Scott helped to break up many fights for her. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were all of their combined dates. No one could take the other off them. They were always here, by seven, until closing.

  One of the barmaids arrived and Connie took the time to start cleaning up the bar. It was only past ten, but she liked to keep shit tight. She had a tray in her hand and started to gather the empty glasses and empty chip bags. There were also trays of food.

  Every now and then, some of the women and guys would stop Connie to have a chat. This was just how she was. No angry wives or any kind of animosity. He did know when she arrived on the scene over five years ago she did have a run-in with a wife. One of the men’s wives found her in the supermarket and gave her a black eye, after which Connie took a baseball bat to the wife’s car and the husband’s, forcing the bastard to admit nothing was going on. She then demanded an apology from them.

  “Hey, boys,” Connie said, approaching their table. “You finished? Want a refill?”

  He and Scott both finished drinking their beers and handed the glasses to her.

  “How about I help you with that?” he asked, getting to his feet.

  “A pretty lady like you shouldn’t be carrying around a tray like this,” Scott said, going to her other side.

  “Boys, please, seriously, tone it down a little, yeah? I do this for a living, every single night. Don’t sweat it.” She swatted their hands away and moved to the next table.

  “Fuck, what I wouldn’t give to have her next to me at night,” Scott said.

  “Not going to happen.”

  “We’ve been playing this dance for months. It’s not going to happen. Let’s face it, she’s not interested in either of us.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I like watching her.” Beau wasn’t lying. He’d give anything to just have her in his sights. Yes, he wanted his hands on those curves but for now, he was more than happy to just watch her. She was beautiful.

  The night wore on and he only had a couple more beers. He really should go home because he had an old classic car to work on tomorrow as part of an ongoing project for one of his customers, but he wasn’t going to give up the opportunity of being alone with Connie.

  “Don’t you have somewhere else to be?” he asked. “Your gym won’t take care of itself.”

  Where he owned his own mechanic shop, Scott had the one and only gym in town, complete with a pool, personal trainers, weightlifting, and anything that required any kind of effort in losing weight.

  “Could say the same about you. Don’t even think of trying to make this about me. I’m not going anywhere. The bonus of owning your own place is you’re the boss. I’ve got no one to bow down to.” Scott sat back as if he had all the time in the world.

  If that was the case, he’d be doing exactly the same.

  They watched, waited, and by the time the last customer left, they were already helping Connie with the bar.

  “You know, you guys are amazing. You really don’t have to stay behind to help me,” she said, cleaning up the floor. “Ugh, I hate sticky beer.”

  “It’s a pleasure,” Beau said. “I have nothing else to do tonight.”

  “Me neither. Consider us your heroes for the night.”

  “I can live with that. Even though you both are always my heroes. I don’t know what I’d do without either of you. Are you guys hungry? I’ve got some burgers in the back and some fries left to cook. I was going to cook them up and put them in the freezer for my leftovers when I got home but now seeing as you’re here, I don’t see why I can’t share. I’m a sharing kind of girl.”

  “Count me in,” Scott said.

  “Do you need to be eating those extra carbs and fat?” Beau asked, wanting him gone.

  “Connie makes the most amazing bean burgers. They’re a hit and I don’t have to worry about hitting the gym afterward,” he said.

  She burst out laughing. “Come on, we can go in the back. You boys can argue about fat and calories like a couple of girls.”


  It was bad enough when they were each here on different nights, but together, the kind of magnetism they displayed was impossible to ignore.

  Connie wouldn’t allow herself to fall. Both men were fucking hot on a big scale. Like panty-melting hot. Beau with his thick mechanic muscles, slicked-back hair, and easy smile, he looked like he knew what to do with his hands. Then of course there was Scott. He lifted weights for fun, and she’d seen him a couple of times in the summer without a shirt—wow, just wow. He wasn’t super slim or anything like that; his body was hard, muscled, and defined.

  Each guy made her feel small and delicate, and that was something she was never used to. Growing up, she’d always been the fat girl, the chubby kid. The girl with the big tits and fat ass, and kids were mean. They were evil and made sure she knew it as well. Of course she could convince herself it was all jealousy and to some, it might be. It had taken her a long time to appreciate her body, to love herself just the way she was, and if that meant she wanted to eat cake and ice cream, she damn well would. No one was going to make her do or be anything she didn’t want to do.

  The fryer was already on and she lowered her pre-cooked fries. After going to the fridge, she pulled out the patty for Beau and two bean burgers for herself and Scott. She grilled them on two different grills and began setting up the burger buns.
br />   “You know you’re a damn good cook,” Scott said.

  She laughed. “You haven’t even eaten anything yet.”

  “I know a couple of the guys and some of the women have asked you to consider opening earlier for families.”

  “Yeah, because families need to be in a bar. There’s the diner for that. Besides, I don’t offer a whole lot.” The very thought of opening a diner or a restaurant had filled her with so much anxiety she’d immediately turned off the idea. She loved owning a bar, hearing about people’s troubles, providing good food. Besides, the town had a lot of fairs and potlucks, and she was accepted as part of their community, which also meant she could provide baked goods of any kind when she needed, or just to be nice to a neighbor.

  “No, but we all know you could.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You two are going to give me a big head with all this ego talking. Stop it.” She waved her hand even though she loved this about them. Neither of them was afraid to tell her how they felt.

  Humming to herself, she pulled the crispy fries out, drained them on some paper towels, finished each burger, and plated up. She put the plates in front of each man, and she took the spot at the head of the table, climbing onto the stool.

  Each man took a bite with relish. Both of these men were dangerous to her equilibrium, but this was what she loved, feeding people.

  She started to eat her own food, shoving a fry in her mouth.

  “So, Connie, I was wondering. How do you feel about going out with me next Friday?” Scott asked. “Ouch, what the fuck, dude?”

  “I also want to go out with you,” Beau said.

  She laughed. “Guys, I don’t know what’s going on here.” Was there something in the food?

  She glanced at Scott then at Beau. There was no way she’d said how sexy they both were out loud, was there?

  “Simple, both of us want to date you,” Beau said. He threw his hands up in the air. “However, we wanted to see which one you liked first.”

  “I … what?”

  They were both glaring at each other.

  “Let me get this straight, you both have been hanging around here because you both want to date me?”

  “It’s not as bad as it sounds,” Scott said.

  “It’s not?”

  “It sounds bad, like the only reason we came around was because we wanted to date you, but our hearts are in it,” Beau said.

  “Look, I don’t know what you guys are thinking and to be honest, I’m a little uncomfortable right now. You’re best friends, right?” she asked, looking between the two.

  “Well, yeah,” Scott said.

  “Then I don’t think this is a very good idea. I’m not the kind of girl to get between friends and I’m not going to cause any kind of rift here.” She got to her feet, suddenly losing her appetite.

  “Wait, what?” Beau asked.

  “You heard me. I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, or if this is to see which one will be able to score first or what, but I’m not part of it. Really, I just want to live my life trouble and drama free.” She turned her back to them, walking to the sink. She threw her food in the trash, feeling the tension mount in the room.

  “We won’t take it personally,” Beau said.

  “You’ve told me you’ve been friends for life, and you’re both standing there saying how much you want to date me. It’s not going to work. I’m not interested. Really not interested in having two friends fight with each other. I’ve got a good thing going and I know for a fact you two are well-respected and liked in town. Even though I’ve been here for six years, it doesn’t stop the fact they’d kick me out if you two started hurting each other. I don’t come between friends, and I’m not going to be the kind of girl to pick sides. Sorry, but you need to find someone else.”


  Scott had a shitty morning. First of all, three of his clients hadn’t lost any weight and had openly admitted to binging on fried chicken and chocolate pie. They didn’t even know if they wanted to continue working out. He didn’t mind difficult clients, the ones who struggled with weight loss. When they came to him, they’d made the decision to change. He didn’t believe in forcing anyone to do something they didn’t want to do.

  His gym was about accepting everyone and giving everyone the comfort they needed to take a chance on a gym. He didn’t accept horrible trainers, and if anyone who lodged a complaint, each one was investigated thoroughly. He didn’t want his gym membership to be the kind of regret people made in the new year, and six months later canceled.

  Besides all of that, he was still pissed off after last night. In truth, he’d expected Connie to laugh and say, sure, no problem. Then of course Beau had to open his stupid mouth, and now she wouldn’t even give either of them the time of day.

  He was pissed. No, he was furious.

  With the last of his appointments dealt with, he jogged all the way over to the mechanic shop. It was probably a good thing it was on the other side of town, otherwise, he’d have killed the bastard. As it was, his anger subsided a bit as he jogged over. It still didn’t help the way he felt though, which was extremely pissed off.

  He had no choice but to dodge a flying wrench as it came hurtling at his head.

  “Fuck, bastard, fuck!” Beau shook his hand out, cupping it with his other, glaring like he could shoot laser beams from his eyes.

  “Bad morning?”

  “Fuck off.”

  “You could have taken my head off with that thing.”

  “You deserve it after last night’s crap. What were you thinking? I thought we agreed to let her do the picking and not to pressure her.”

  “There was no pressure,” Scott said, leaning against the wall, folding his arms.

  “No? Really? What part of asking her out on a date was not pressuring her?”

  “Come on, Beau, you can’t tell me you didn’t see it, can you? Let’s face it, she’s putting us in the friends column, which means some useless asshole will get a shot at her. I was tired of being put in that zone. I don’t want to be in that zone.” Between them helping her close the bar and the food, he saw a long life of literally being nothing more than a friend. He didn’t want to be a friend.

  He’d wanted Connie the moment he saw her, before she opened her bar. He’d caught sight of her in the grocery store, sniffing an orange. It wasn’t the most attractive first time, but she clearly had an appreciation for food, as did he.

  Not only had he liked her smile, but also her body. He was more than happy with a woman with a lot of padding. Nice big tits, full hips, rounded stomach. He was a strong guy and he liked to fuck hard. Connie didn’t look like she’d be in pain if he gripped her hips too tightly, or complained if he held in her place as he fucked her harder.

  She looked like a woman who needed a good, strong man in her life.

  “Friend zone or not, we’re not in any kind of zone. I fucking hate you right now.”

  “No, you don’t, otherwise, you’d have actually hit me with that wrench.”

  “Why are you here?” Beau asked. “Don’t you have someplace to be? A business to run?”

  “Unlike you, I want to resolve our problem with Connie.”

  “She’s not going to pick between us, asshole. Face it, neither of us are going to get her in our bed.”

  “Exactly, which is why I think we should look at this as the two of us chasing her together.”

  This made Beau pause. “Pardon?”

  “You heard me. Come on, we’ve been best friends for years. This wouldn’t be the first woman we’ve shared.”

  “You’re talking about a hot one-night stand. Connie’s not going to be a one-time thing for me. I like her, Scott. I mean, really like her.”

  “Are you thinking settling down, kids, a wife, that kind of thing?”


  Scott nodded. “And my offer still stands.”

  “I’m not going to play with her or her emotions. She deserves better t
han that.”

  “I completely agree, which is why I say we pursue her together. I want her, Beau. This isn’t about sex for me. I like her. I want her in my bed, in my life. I’m not going to fight you for her. We’ve got good taste in women, and I think if we put our minds together, we can both have Connie for life.”

  Beau wiped his hand on the cloth. “I think you’re crazy.”

  “Come on, she’s a good woman. She’s not going to trade one of us off against the other. We’re in this together or not at all. What’s it going to be?” he asked.

  “You know I fucking hate you right now?” Beau asked. “None of what you’re saying makes sense.”

  “It does. It makes perfect sense. We both get the girl, and we get to stay best friends. She doesn’t feel bad nor does the town give her a hard time. As far as I can tell, it’s a damn good plan. Besides, we both know how hot it is to have a woman between us. I bet together we can rock Connie’s world.”

  “This is if she goes for the two of us,” Beau said. “Last night, she couldn’t get rid of us fast enough.”

  “Last night we were nothing but drama and trouble to her. By the time we’re finished, she’s going to know she wants to be in the middle of a trouble sandwich.”

  Chapter Two

  Connie headed into town to enjoy the fair the following week. She’d closed up the bar, which she always did this time of year. The idea for the fair was for all the tourists to get a taste of what people had to offer. With her closing her bar, they were more inclined to go to the fair than hang out at the bar. She also got a short time off where she could eat and have a good time and a little fun herself.

  Ever since she’d kicked Scott and Beau out, she’d been having a lot of regrets. They were good guys, nice. Neither of them had turned up and as much as she hated to admit it, she missed them.

  She wasn’t going to be that woman though, the one to come between friends.


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