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Addicted to Her Curves

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Beau cupped Connie’s face and kissed her. Next, he grabbed Steve’s shoulder. “I will take care of the both of you. Nothing I do anymore will be done out of selfish reasons. I will be here for you, for all of you. I love you so much, Connie. I want to be a father to your children, and a husband to you. Of course, I also want to hang out with my best friend as well.”

  They all chuckled.

  “I promise.”

  Scott handed Connie the ring. “I think it’s only fair you get the honor of making him your second husband.”

  Connie chuckled. He watched as she took the ring then held his fingers. She took a deep breath. “Beau, would you be my husband?”

  “I’d love it more than anything.”

  As she slid the ring onto his finger, he felt her stroke the band back and forth.

  Her finger already held their rings. Scott had found the perfect one that bound two pieces together as one, held with a diamond in the center.

  “Now I think it’s only fair we consummate this marriage.” Beau lifted her up over his shoulder, being careful with her potential bump. She wasn’t showing too much yet, but the morning sickness was a killer for her.

  With Scott leading the way, he carried her up to the bedroom.

  Rose petals covered the floor and bed. Beau wasn’t about to complain, not as he placed her on the floor and kissed her hard. Scott was already removing her dress.

  This was even more perfect than he could have ever imagined. He’d hoped for something like this but he didn’t think it would be possible for him to get it. Now that he had the perfect woman, his best friend, and a baby on the way, he didn’t for a second believe it could get any better.


  Seven months later

  Connie screamed as another contraction rushed through her body. All day she’d been feeling uncomfortable but she hadn’t said anything to Beau and Scott. The last time she’d gotten pain it had turned out to be Braxton Hicks. She hadn’t wanted a repeat of rushing to the hospital.

  She took a deep breath.

  Let it out.

  Scott was at work.

  Beau was also at work.

  In the last month of her pregnancy, she’d had no choice but to stay at home. She tended to the garden, cleaned, cooked, researched, and prepared the nursery for their little girl.

  “You need to call my husbands,” she said to the nurse. There hadn’t been any time. Between the pain and the fear, she knew this time it was real.

  The baby was coming. After all this time, she’d finally get to see her little girl.

  She curled over as another wave rushed over and she cried. “Get them. Scott James and Beau Caine. They need to be here right now!” There was no way she was going to give birth without them here. They had done this to her.

  She collapsed back to the bed. The closer together the pain came meant she was getting even more closer to the actual birth. She was going to be giving birth so soon. She wasn’t ready.


  It couldn’t happen.

  Not today.


  Not without her men.

  “We need you to stay calm, relax, and take deep breaths.”

  “Did you call them?” she asked the nurse, not interested in following instructions.

  “We did. They’re on their way.”

  “Good, because this baby isn’t coming out of me until they’re here.”

  “Sweetheart, you’re going to have to give birth.”

  She shook her head. “Nope. I don’t have to do anything. I am the mother. I will not push.” She wasn’t about to tell the woman that she already had this incredible urge to push. Like an extremely painful urge. She wanted to scream at the unfairness of it all. She really wanted to push.

  She didn’t push. No, she held herself together.

  Her hands clenched and then, against all the odds, she had no choice. She started to push.

  “Here we go, guys,” the doctor said, coming into the room. “You’re doing really well, Connie. Come on, honey, you’ve got this.”

  “Not without Scott and Beau.”

  “They’re going to be here. They will,” the doctor said. “But for now, I need you to push.”

  Just as she was about to push, Scott and Beau burst into the room. A couple of the nurses tried to make them leave, but they came forward, holding her.

  She didn’t need to push at that moment. Relief filled her as she held on to both of her men. They’d arrived.

  “We’re here, sweetheart,” Scott said.

  “The longest fucking car ride, believe me,” Beau said, kissing her head.

  A few of the nurses in the room looked shocked, but she was ready now to play her part, to push, and to finally see her baby.

  With Scott holding one hand, Beau the other, she prepared to push, doing as the doctor ordered.

  The pain was intense. It hurt more than anything ever had.

  On the final push, she heard the cry though. The most precious and beautiful sound in the world.

  “Our little girl is here, sweetheart,” Scott said.

  The doctor came toward them, carrying the little bundle.

  Sitting up, Connie didn’t care about the pain. Not as her baby girl was placed in her arms and she stared into the most beautiful blue eyes. Her little girl looked at her, and she just felt this overwhelming need to love and protect her.

  During her entire pregnancy, she’d been worried she wouldn’t love her daughter or bond with her. She’d read in rare cases it didn’t happen and she really didn’t want to believe it.

  Staring at her girl, she knew she would do whatever she had to love, to protect her from the world.

  “Hello, Ava,” she said. “You scared me.”

  “And me,” Scott said. “You’re a couple of days early.”

  “I couldn’t wait to meet you.”

  “These are both of your dads.” Being married to two men, Connie had gotten used to the odd looks, and now she no longer cared. The options were to ignore people and keep the men she loved, or agree with the assholes and never know what true love felt like. It was time for her to stop worrying what others thought and only focus on her love.

  “You did it,” Beau said.

  He glided a finger across Ava’s cheek. Scott stroked her head, ever so lightly.

  “She’s smaller than I imagined,” Scott said.

  Connie laughed. “That’s because I was the size of a tank.” She had gotten to the stage where she could no longer see her feet. “Look what we made.”


  “So perfect. I love her so much and I just want to care for her. Show her that she’s loved no matter what.” She pressed her face against her girl and closed her eyes. At the same time, Scott and Beau held her.

  They were together, united as one, exactly how they were supposed to be. When Scott and Beau had first told her that they wanted her, she couldn’t imagine what that actually meant for her future. But like always, her men had surprised her. Marriage was a dream come true in more ways than she could have imagined. Her life perfect and whole.

  She looked at her men each in turn and smiled. This was real love. Ava opened her mouth and let out a little moan.

  Connie laughed and was overcome with joy as Ava started to try to nuzzle her. She didn’t think there was any way she could be happier at this moment, but knowing her men, they always had a surprise up their sleeves.


  Ten years later

  “ … and then Daddy said that I shouldn’t be nice to boys that they’re evil and I should find any reason I can to forget about them because they’re horrible human beings,” Ava said.

  Connie paused as she sprinkled some of the cheese, vegan friendly for Scott, onto the lasagna she’d made.

  Ava nodded, slapping her hands on the counter. “What do you think, Mom?”

  She loved her talks with her eldest daughter. Her youngest, Katherine, was currently making a mess of the toma
to sauce she’d given her.

  In the distance, she heard her middle child, Charlie, playing on a video game. He was only allowed on it if he got extra credit or awards at school. Beau had set a restriction on all devices for the kids. He didn’t want them to become addicted.

  “What do I think?” Connie asked. “I think your dads want you to stay away from boys because they know how much trouble they are.” She winked at her.

  “They are trouble,” Beau said, coming into the kitchen. He was covered in grease as her car had decided to finally give up on her, and he’d been fixing it all afternoon. He banded his hand around her waist, covering her apron in oil. She was thankful she’d already put the lasagna in the oven.

  Ava giggled.

  “What do I smell?” Scott asked, coming through the front door. Ava rushed toward her dad, pulling him into the room.

  Beau had let her go as Scott kissed her. Now Ava was hugging Beau, and her clothes were all dirty. “Can I help fix the engine? Can I? I’m all dirty now and I’ve been studying on engines. Please, Daddy, please.”

  Ava had a love for all things mechanical.

  “Go ahead. So long as all of your homework is done.”

  “It is, I’ve already checked.”

  Ava was gone like a lightning bolt.

  “We’ve got another little mechanic in our midst,” Beau said.

  Scott and Beau turned their attention to her as Katherine rubbed her hands in tomato sauce.

  Beau and Scott each put their hand on her stomach. “How are you?”

  “I’m fine.” She always suffered with terrible morning sickness. With three kids to look after, she was finding it hard to keep it in control, but she wasn’t going to let anyone else take her kids to school or pick them up. The sickness would pass.

  “I love you two, so damn much.”

  Ten years they’d been together. They had difficult times, like any couple. Beau had to seriously consider selling the shop at one point, but they’d been able to gather the funds to keep it open. Then Scott had a fall and broke his leg in two places, and he didn’t think he’d be able to train again. Her bar suffered a huge fire and she lost everything, but it had been rebuilt and was now thriving.

  All trials and tribulations, but together, they had faced it. Through the roughness of life, and the joy of their kids and each other. Just the way it was supposed to be.

  They were her men, just as she belonged to each of them.

  The End

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  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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  Breeding Season, 5

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2020

  Sample Chapter

  Pierce Casey, or Forge as most of his club called him, took a long, deep draw on his cigarette and waited for Peterson to arrive. His crew, Hell’s Slaves MC, were behind him, waiting for the son of a bitch to turn up. He didn’t like to be kept waiting.

  Peterson owed him a lot of money, and he was tired of the excuses. The only reason he put up with the bullshit was because he happened to find the old man entertaining. The son of a bitch was mayor of this town and happened to have a serious gambling problem. Forge was all about helping those in need. The mayor liked to use his club to deal with certain problems, old skeletons in the closet, and being the nice guy he was, Forge was more than happy to oblige at a cost.

  Now the debt was overdue, and Forge and his crew had done what was necessary to keep Peterson’s reputation squeaky clean.

  He was bored of the entertainment, and it was time to step it up a notch or two, or even three. He didn’t have any problems hurting the bastard, and in fact, would rather enjoy hearing him squeal. There hadn’t been enough bloodshed in his life of a late, and he was growing tired of being nice.

  Just as Forge was about to give up and head back to his clubhouse to plan his strategy with his men, three black cars slowly pulled up across the abandoned plot. He took a final draw on his cigarette before throwing it to the ground and stamping on it.

  Stepping forward, he knew two of his men were by his sides, Dog and Hound. Dog was his VP and Hound his enforcer.

  There was no doubt his other men were waiting, hands poised on weapons, prepared to make this very bloody if they had to. Before the night was over, if Peterson had fucked with him, he’d slit the bastard’s throat.

  One of the guards opened the back door and Peterson, with all his airs and graces, climbed out, buttoning his jacket as he did.

  “You think this is a fucking joke?” Forge asked.

  The door of the car remained open as Peterson stepped forward. If Forge didn’t recognize terror so well, he would have assumed the man before him was cool as a cucumber. But he wasn’t. The telltale shaking, the pale face, and overall fear dripped off him. He liked to make men nervous and well, this fucker was exceedingly so. Even with his band of security, it didn’t mean he was safe.

  “I apologize for my lateness,” Peterson said.

  “Where’s my money?”

  “I … I don’t have it.”

  Forge tutted. “You know I don’t like it when someone tries to take the piss.” He grabbed Peterson by his jacket, pulling him forward so they were nose to nose. “You better call off your men now!” He spoke slowly.

  Peterson’s guards had all drawn their weapons, ready to shoot to kill. Forge had no doubt his men were in exactly the same stance. He trusted them to aim and take their enemies out. What he didn’t know was if Peterson’s men were properly trained or designed to look like fighters. Most of them looked a little too young for his tastes.

  “It’s fine. Back off. Lower your weapons,” Peterson said, his voice shaking.

  “Now, I’m thinking I break a couple of your arms. Maybe even your legs. I want to hear you scream. Hell’s Slaves are not to be made a fool of, do you understand me?” He’d gladly hear the sound of breaking bones.

  “Wait, wait,” Peterson said. Perspiration dotted his brow.

  “You think you can order me around?”

  “It’s … I have an arrangement that may be suitable for you.”

  Forge laughed. “You think you can buy me? The only thing I want is my money.”

  “But what if there was something else? Something that is so hard to come by in this day and age. Something only you will ever be able to claim. To own. To possess.”

  He hated being a curious bastard. There was nothing he didn’t know about this son of a bitch and yet, here he was, offering him something more, and he was interested.

  “Go on.”

  “You’re going to need to let me go long enough to arrange it.”

  Forge thrust him away from him but didn’t let him go. “This is as far as you’re getting.”

  “Fine. Fine.” Peterson looked behind him. His entire body shook as he nodded at one of his men.

  Glancing over the man’s shoulder, he watched as someone entered the car. He heard a muffled scream and in the next minute, a woman was pulled from the car. She wore a robe and someone had tied a piece of rope across her mouth, stopping any sound from her.

  He noticed how blonde her hair was. It was almost white and it looked soft, silken to the touch. Next, her eyes. They were blue, like a clear ocean, only these were swimming with tears. She wore no makeup. Tears traced down her cheek and he didn’t know why seeing her scared sent a wave of protective need rushing through him. He wanted to protect her.

  The man restraining her held her up.
r />   “What is this?” he asked.

  “This … is my bastard daughter. No one knows about her but me. This is Beth Peterson. The result of an unfortunate affair with the nanny. As far as anyone is concerned, she works for me. Only those closest to me know who she truly is.”

  “And why would I want the offspring you won’t even claim?” Forge asked. “I can get any pussy I want.”

  “Exactly. You can have any. I can have a doctor confirm my daughter is … a virgin. No man has ever touched her and I know, I’ve made sure of it. I knew one day she’d come in useful and seeing as you’re surrounded by very loose women, I figured something tight and hot would do the trick.”

  With each word Peterson spoke, Forge watched the daughter. She hung her head in shame. She didn’t like her father and what he was doing scared her, but there was something else. She was used to this kind of treatment.

  “Open it,” Peterson said.

  Without waiting, the guard tore the robe off Beth’s body, showing her to everyone, including his men.

  Forge gritted his teeth as he wanted to bash Peterson’s head in. When she tried to cover herself, the guard held her arms out, stopping her from doing exactly that. He wanted to slam his fist into the bastard’s face but he wasn’t going to get the satisfaction. Not today.

  Beth’s body was beautiful. Curves in all the right places. Heavy tits. Nice rounded hips. The kind designed to lure a man to hold on to. Breeding hips. For a moment, he wondered how she would look with a nice rounded stomach, full of his child.


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