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Phoenixrise: A Reverse Harem Romance (The Rogue Witch Book 5)

Page 11

by KT Strange

  Ace murmured quiet praise in my ear, the fingers I had just licked dragging a trail of moisture down my stomach. Charlie moved up onto the bed; his hands wrapped around each of my breasts, thumbs dragging hard over the nipples. The stimulation was almost too much, Cash rubbing into my back from behind, his cock dragging over the curve of my ass when his hips rocked down low.

  Finn held me tight, his hips churning between my thighs as he fucked me hard from the bottom. I was so close, that all it took was one touch of Ace’s fingers over my aching clit before I came hard, not even able to make a sound beyond a shaky gasp.

  All my muscles shivered and tensed. The warmth of all the men pressed in around me sent pleasure spiraling out of control inside of me. Finn growled and swatted at Charlie and Ace, making Cash pull back in surprise. With a grunt, Finn rolled me onto my back, fingers grabbing mine and holding them tight. The look on his face was intense, and I shivered under him as he fucked me hard. The other guys, stroked their hands along my hips, my legs, letting me know they were still there.

  Finn buried his face in the side of my neck, mouth finding the bond mark he’d given me what felt like a century before, and I was arching up into him when he bit down.

  My cry rocketed right through me, the heat spreading through my whole body bringing me close again. It was too soon. My nerves were sparking with pleasure in a way that was almost painful, but the insistent thrust of his cock inside me and his mouth on me were pushing me past my breaking point.

  The world seemed muffled, and out of the corner of my eye I saw movement.

  Eli was standing in the doorway, eyes burning as he watched me moving underneath his brother. My gaze dropped to the waistband of his pants, shock filling me when I saw his hand moving under the stiff fabric of his jeans as he palmed his erection.

  Someone’s hand snuck between me and Finn, teasing along my clit and I cried out, pushing up to meet Finn as one more earth-shattering orgasm rolled through me. Eli and my eyes were locked, and he watched me watching him until exhaustion overtook me and I closed my eyes.

  When I opened them up again, he was gone.



  You ever wanna get in a debate with me over who’s tougher, a human woman or a male werewolf? Hands down it’s a human woman any day of the week. Watching Darcy take Finn right to the end of his orgasm, then catching her breath and shooting the rest of us a defiant, sexy look as if to say ‘is that all you’ve got?’ was probably the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

  It was hard letting the other guys take their turns making love to our girl and not devour her all by myself. It wasn't all explosive like it had been with Finn. Hell, Ace was downright sweet with her in a way I never had the patience for. When she finally gasped, coming hard as she lay flat on her back, one arm thrown across her eyes and a sheet rumpled over her hips, I was the last one left standing.

  Except for that chump, Eli, of course.

  “Darcy,” I said into her ear and she shook her head slowly.

  “Nooooookay,” she said and then let out a breathless laugh, lifting her arm off her face to smile at me. Our girl was so beautiful, curling hair wild and sprawled across the pillows. When I pulled the sheet away from her and Ace, who was curved around her side, she had small patches of beard burn on her neck, and a few on her thighs. Ace grumbled.

  “Let her rest,” he said, and Cash chuckled.

  “Oh you got yours, so you're good now?” he asked, and Ace smacked him. Finn laughed. Darcy's eyes were half-lidded and sleepy when she reached for me, her fingers curving around the back of my neck.

  “I love you,” she said, and I knew what she meant. I'm good to go. Another round. Your dick and my lady-cave have a date, mister. Sometimes she got a little bit fuckdrunk and ridiculous, something I was learning firsthand. My heart fluttered in my chest, and I'm more than man enough to admit that this woman would bring me to my knees every day for the rest of my life, even if she was sneaky and always ate the last of the potato chips.

  “Woman,” I said and she moaned, pushing herself up on one elbow to kiss me. I followed her down, my cock aching and ready for it.

  “What are you waiting for?” she asked, sounding breathless. Her eyelashes flickered when her gaze slid down my body, and she hitched one hip up to curl her leg around me.

  “Insatiable,” I teased her, and kissed the side of her neck.

  “Oh — you mean, you'd rather I'd be a one-and-done kinda girl?” she asked, her fingers clawing at the back of my neck and then down my spine. I growled softly, nipping at her collar bone to get her to stop. She squirmed under me.

  The guys murmuring made me glance up. Finn's eyes were glowing in the light that filtered into the room, a lazy smile on his lips. He reached over and cupped a hand over Darcy's mouth. Her eyes went wide.

  “You keep mouthing off, I'll give you something to do with that tongue other than talk,” he said, the threat as gentle as it wasn't subtle. Her cheeks glowed like the bite marks all over her skin where we'd given her love nips and pinches. Her eyes closed tight and she rolled her hips up, encouraging me to slip between her thighs.

  She didn't have to ask again. I got my hand under her knee and settled myself over top of her. Finn's hand stayed, covering her mouth. She was breathing hard, hips giving small jerks, asking for it without words. Cash worked his way over, looking half-asleep as he did, and lifted a hand to brush away the hair away from her cheek so he could kiss it, dragging his lips to her ear.

  He started whispering to her, and she moaned as I slid inside her. Her body welcomed mine, her muscles fluttering and twitching, well warmed up from that afternoon's romantic exertions.

  “I know how good you feel, and all you gotta do is look at him, Darcy,” Cash's whispers had her shivering, her eyes flicking open, her gaze landing on my face. This was how I always wanted to have her, with the pack around us, driving her crazy, making her breath catch and sigh as they closed in on us. It was perfect, it was safe, and it was damn sexy when Finn's fingers dipped inside her lips and she parted them to suck slowly as I rocked my hips into hers.

  Some other time, when it was just the two of us, I would take her hard and fast. Right now she needed something soft and slow.

  Her hips fit perfectly into my hands as as I slid them under her ass, lifting her up to meet me. A low groan rolled out of her throat that ended in a muffled shriek as I bottomed out inside her.

  “Gentle,” Ace said, slapping me on the shoulder. I growled at him, hunching over her.

  “Darce, you tell him if it's too much,” Cash said, kissing her ear.

  “I know it feels too good for you to ask him to stop,” Finn added. “I know how tight you're gripping his cock, like you don't want him to stop. Don't worry —” he paused and leveled me with a hot glare. “He won't stop. He's gonna make you feel amazing."

  Maybe some guys were insecure and couldn't handle a peanut gallery commenting on their every move, but wolves were different. We wanted the pack, needed the pack with us to make sure we did right by our women. They deserved only the best from us, in every aspect, and especially in bed.

  I arched down low, thrusting at a steady, slow pace, that seemed to be driving her crazy if the soft noises she was making were anything to go by. Her breath was coming faster, changing in pitch, and she hugged her leg against my side. I shuddered and tried to keep from losing it right then.

  “Love you,” she whispered, her fingers dragging over my shoulders, up to tousle in my hair. She pulled me in for a slow kiss and I groaned into her mouth. Someone, Ace, slapped me on the ass, and muttered some sort of encouraging onward, stallion comment that I would murder him for later. Much later.

  It was better this way, letting me fuck her into the sheets with single-minded focus, and someone's hand cupping the curve of her mons, teasing her until she was arching up under me and flying apart. Her orgasm came so fast it caught me by surprise, and I buried myself inside her, shuddering hard i
nto my own hot orgasm as the look on her face tipped me over the edge.

  Finn’s arm slung along my lower back as Darcy clung to me tight, her fingers cupping my cheeks. She pressed kiss after trembling kiss to my lips, drawing me down to lay on top of her. Cash sighed, relaxing like he’d been the one to come just then, snuggling up against her shoulder.

  In the distance I heard the sound of running water coming from the bathroom. A minute later Ace came back, a hot, damp washcloth in his hand. I shifted to give him room as he offered it to Darcy so she could wipe down. She shook her head and grabbed his wrist, tugging it to her skin.

  With a grumble I pulled out of her as Ace moved in to wash her down. She looked exhausted.

  “That feels so good,” she whispered, “almost as good as sex.”

  Finn chuckled, propping his head on one hand.

  “You hear that guys? We’re almost beat out by a wet rag.”

  “A warm wet rag,” she said, popping one eye open and shooting him a defiant smirk. “Wielded by one of the hottest guys I know.” She gave a little wriggle of her hips, closing her eyes again as Ace finished up with a slow kiss on her nose. He was such a sap, but I liked seeing him treat her right. We lay there, the five of us, relaxing as the afternoon sun slid over the bed, warming our bare skin. Darcy spoke up, her voice dreamy “You know what would make today perfect?”

  “Cookies?” Finn asked, amusement coloring his voice.

  “Mmm. And a hamburger. Like, five hamburgers.” She sat up with more energy than I expected after an afternoon sex-a-thon. “Can we do hamburgers?”

  Cash laughed and caught her around the waist.

  “You’re hungry?” he asked.

  “Starving,” she said. “Think about how many calories I just burned? That was a crazy cardio workout. C’mon. Leggo. I want hamburgers. We can order them on our phones, guys, seriously, technology is amazing. Cookies too, or at least donuts. I’m sure we can get donuts.” She wiggled out of Cash’s grip, naked and unrepentant as she wobbled to her feet. When she winced, we all sat up as one.

  “I’m fine,” she assured us. “My ankle’s still sore that’s all.” She sighed. “I don’t heal fast like some people.”

  Finn rolled his eyes so hard I thought they were gonna pop right out of his head.

  “Well maybe you shouldn’t have tramped all over the damn downtown core today,” he said as he rolled off the bed and went to her, offering her a hand as she picked up her clothes from the ground. I watched with regret as she pulled her jeans up over her ass. Cash poked me and winked with a grin. We were both dogs, eyeing up our girl like that after she’d given us the best afternoon our pack had ever had, but I couldn’t help it and neither could he.

  “Where’s my phone?” she asked, looking around for it.

  “Try your pocket,” Ace said, as he walked to the bathroom, stretching as he went. She fished it out.

  “How many burgers do we want?” She started for the door and I heard her calling for Eli, asking him if he was hungry.

  “Hell yeah he’s hungry, but I don’t think they deliver what he wants with UberEats,” Cash snickered as we got out of bed and shrugged into our clothes. Finn snorted.

  “I can’t figure it out,” he said, “Eli was always the one who wanted a mate for our pack, always. And now we have one, and sure she’s unconventional, and who the fuck ever thought we’d end up with a witch, but she’s amazing, and he won’t touch her.” Finn yanked his shirt over his head and shook his hair out.

  “He’s patient,” Ace said as he joined us. “He’s waiting.”

  “Well if he keeps waiting, he’s gonna give her a damn complex,” Cash snorted. “Fucking idiot.”

  “Hey!” Darcy called us from down the hall. “How many burgers do you guys want? And cookies or donuts?”

  My stomach rumbled.

  Maybe after-sex snacks were a genius idea after all.

  We sat around the living room, surrounded by the destroyed aftermath from our early dinner. Even Eli looked content, with no sign of the raging boner he’d been packing earlier that day. Darcy was snuggled into Finn’s side; she seemed to have a hard time leaving his orbit since he’d been tortured by her ex. Also Finn had been the first of us to give in to her siren call, that indefinable allure that had mystified us from the first day we met her.

  “I’m not sure if I’m gonna vomit or pass out,” Darcy said. Finn patted her stomach and she winced. “No touching the food baby. It’ll kick you.”

  He barked out a laugh and kissed the top of her head.

  “There’s another burger,” he offered.

  “You’re fucking evil,” she said, closing her eyes. “There’s another burger,” she repeated, mocking his tone. “Just eat another burger Darcy, I want to murder you with meat.”

  I snickered and sighed, relaxing. I hadn’t eaten quite as much as Darcy had. She’d challenged Finn to a meat-off, and she was obviously regretting her life choices.

  “Behave kids, or no post-sex hamburger buffets next time,” Cash said, his eyes closed as he lay on the floor, his hands under his neck. I caught Eli’s look as he glanced at Darcy, a tense expression crossing his face for a second before it melted away.

  Well if he wanted to be stubborn then he’d pay the price of hearing the rest of the pack make love to our girl. I sure as shit wasn’t going to pull punches. It was beginning to feel like Eli was holding back just to prove a point, and given how I knew that it was making Darcy feel like she wasn’t good enough, I was kinda pissed at him.

  Eli grunted and sat up, shoving his hand in his pocket, yanking out his phone.

  “Hello?” he said as he lifted it to his ear. “Willa, hey.” Finn perked up, Darcy’s opened her eyes as the rest of us sat up. Even Cash, groaning under his breath, sat up. Eli’s eyes slid past us, staring into nothing as he listened to Willa at the other end of the phone. “Uh huh.”

  I strained to hear what she was saying, but her voice was too low of a buzz over the line.

  Darcy sat forward on the couch, frowning at Eli. He closed his eyes and sighed.

  “Yeah, we can come down right away. Darcy’s with us —-” he paused and cleared his throat as Darcy’s eyes went wide and her fingers went to her sex-hair, still unbrushed after our session. It was a good look on her, but I knew she’d never show up at XOhX’s offices like that. “Sounds good. Thirty minutes. Thanks.” He pulled his phone away from his ear and we all waited a moment for the call to end before speaking.

  “What was that?” Finn asked.

  “You don’t look thrilled,” Cash added.

  “Is everything okay?” Darcy asked. Eli sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

  “Well. Yes and no. We got some of our views stripped on Youtube, they think they were faked, or something like that, but…”

  Darcy’s eyes narrowed.


  “We got a lot of organic traffic, so that’s a good thing, but Troy still wants to talk to us about it, and a few other things,” Eli said, getting to his feet. He reached for his hamburger wrapper. The warm, fuzzy feeling in my gut faded. “It doesn’t sound good, whatever it is he wants to talk about. Willa was, not pissed, but off. That’s all I can tell you until we get there.”

  “I’m coming too, right?” Darcy asked. Eli glanced at her for a brief moment before walking to the kitchen.

  “Sure,” he said. Finn glared at his back and then looked at Darcy, his expression softening.

  “It can’t be that bad,” Darcy insisted, “You guys were a trending hashtag. Like, whatever it is, we’ll get through it.”

  It somehow felt like those were going to be famous last words.



  The only thing helping keep my nerves in order? Clean, new clothes. Nothing makes you feel brave like new clothes. The car service picked us up outside the apartment building, and I sat sandwiched between Cash and Charlie. Cash was acting like he couldn't keep his hands off of me, his fingers cl
asping mine in his lap. Charlie's eyes flicked to where Cash was hanging onto me and then caught my gaze and smiled. A flutter of emotion hummed in my stomach; no matter what happened, the guys were mine and I was theirs.

  “Just over there,” Eli said, sitting up front with our driver as he pointed to a place just outside of the label where cars could stop to unload passengers. The driver nodded his head and pulled over.

  We spilled out of the car and I had to pull away from Cash. His eyes flickered with regret for a moment before he sighed in resignation.

  “Guess we're here,” he said.

  “Yeah, time to be professional,” Ace said, nudging his shoulder into Cash's. “Pro-fesh-ah-nal,” he dragged out the word and stared down the older wolf until Cash grumbled under his breath.

  “I'm professional.”

  Finn laughed at Cash's words, brushing past him in time to grab me by the hand, a wicked-smug look on his face.

  “To the victor go the spoils,” he said to me, voice low.

  “Are you calling me spoiled?” I asked, teasing him. I knew what he meant. We’d agreed that Finn was the one who I would be publicly linked to, since he was so damn bad at keeping secrets, and had basically spilled the beans that we were together on his social media just a few days into this thing.

  “I'd like to spoil you,” Finn replied, his smile turned smoldering.

  “Knock it off,” Eli said before he pressed the intercom and shot Finn a heavy glare. Finn squeezed my hand, letting go of it so he could scoop his hand against the small of my back. We were buzzed in a few seconds later, the guys shuffling their feet before clomping up the stairs like a herd of beefy bad-boy elephants.

  Willa appeared in the doorway of the boardroom as soon we got onto the production floor. “Hey, guys, thanks so much for coming down, I know it’s getting on in the day,” she said. “We're right in here.” She smiled when she saw me and motioned for me to step to the side. “I didn't have time to grab refreshments for the meeting, can you come help me get some water and tea?” The guys filtered into the boardroom without me, the door clicking shut behind them. I could hear their muffled voices squeezing underneath the door as they greeted Troy, and then the higher voice of a woman I didn't recognize.


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