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Irresistible Invitation: Love comes after Hate

Page 18

by S. S. Sahoo

  You are shameless.

  I lowered my head feeling shameless. My own inner-self is mocking and taunting me now for being shamelessly wanting a man’s touch who did nothing but destroyed the every single thing that I loved.

  Why did he kiss me?

  I wanted to punch myself for thinking about the same thing again and again. I looked towards him to find him talking and occasionally smiling at his grandfather.

  He looks so unaffected.

  Of course! Unlike you, he isn’t even affected by that kiss. It must be so easy for him.

  I clenched my palms into a tight fist and pursed my lips.

  “What is your name?” I looked up to find grandfather looking at me smiling warmly.

  “Juliette,” I told him and he nodded.

  “Very nice name,” he said looking at Zachary.

  “Do you love her Udolf?” he asked and somehow I felt myself cringing at his question.

  Of course! he doesn’t......

  “Yes,” Zachary said not even looking at me.

  “Hmm,” I looked back at grandfather. Though he was smiling and nodding at Zachary his eyes looked questioning. As if he was unsure and he was doubting all this.

  “Why didn’t grandma join you in the trip?” Zachary asked.

  “She is with Kristian now. Kristian will be joining us too” he replied and I looked back at Zachary thinking who Kristian was.

  “Kristian is his cousin brother,” mom whispered to me probably noticing my expression.

  “Oh!” I replied to myself.

  “It’s been a long time since I have seen him” dad spoke after a long time.

  “Indeed!” mom replied.

  The dinner was served and we all began eating. I could hardly gulp down any food because of all the thoughts revolving in my mind. So, I tried to concentrate more on my food trying to forget that the ex-mafia leader was sitting before me and eating casually as if he has never committed all those sins and crime that I saw on the tv when I was little.

  Trying to forget that Zachary, the present mafia leader who is also my husband is sitting next to me eating his food casually as if he had never married me or even killed anyone before me.

  Trying to forget mom and dad who were eating their food so casually as if they oblivious to the fact that his father and her father-in-law is the world’s topmost dangerous man sitting alive with us. As if they do not know what their own son, Zachary has done to me.

  Trying to forget Cosmina, who was eating her food so casually as if she doesn’t even have any idea who Zachary was and with what type of people she was dealing with.

  So why should I not eat?

  Unlike them, I couldn’t forget what my true identity was. What has happened to me. Why am I even sitting between them?

  Still, I munched down on my food mentally thinking if I was going to get an ice-cream for desert.

  “So how far has the construction of your house gone?” grandfather asked and I saw dad scoffing at the Zachary while mom pursed her lips.

  “It’s nearly done,” Zachary replied.

  “Why do you even want to move out? We can all stay here,” dad said and mom nodded at his statement.

  “Oh shut up already. It’s his wish. He wants to have some time with his wife,” grandfather spoke and I nearly spat the water hearing him but I managed to control myself and gulped down the water wiping away the drops from my lips.

  “If I remember correctly, grandma told me that dad too moved out of the house with mom after the marriage,” Zachary said and I looked at mom to see her smiling a little looking lost in thoughts.

  Recently, I have come to know that Zachary’s really father isn’t alive. After his death his twin brother, Gale married mom and took care of his brother’s family.

  “Like grandpa said,” I felt a hand encircling me from my shoulder and pulling me.

  I looked at Zachary who pulled me towards his side by my shoulder. His act confusing me as well as irritating me.

  “I want to spend some quality time with my wife,” Zachary said looking directly at my eyes.

  My heart skipped a beat hearing him. All of a sudden the thoughts of him with me alone in a house began surfacing my mind.

  Why did he kiss me?

  “Spent some quality time with my wife. My wife,” his words kept rotating before my eyes and the more strange thing was, even if I knew his words meant nothing but a mean to deceive others, but I didn’t know why the intensity in his eyes looked true to me. As if he wanted to tell me something, ask me something but he couldn’t because he doesn’t want to.

  What do you want Zachary?

  “Aww! Look at them,” I heard mom and both of us broke out of the staring contest and he removed his arm away from me and I sat properly on my seat dragging the chair away from his.

  As soon as I did that I felt his hand on my chair below my thigh and the next moment I was jerked towards his direction with me gasping at the sudden action.

  I glanced his way confused but soon glared at him when everyone laughed probably noticing what he just did.

  “Jerk!” I whispered to him and noticed as he smirked slightly at me and looked the other way.

  “There is a limit to facade everything. He doesn’t need to act every minute. No one is noticing nor cares” I huffed crossing my arms against my chest.

  “This couple has a bright future,” grandpa said and as though I wanted to do nothing but to roll my eyes at his comment I gave out a forced smile at him and inwardly screamed “Yeah! Bright future in the sense with me stabbing him until death with an ice-cream stick if nobody serves me an ice-cream in next five minutes!”

  Ice-cream! Ice-cream! Ice-cream! I screamed inwardly.



  “Well! Well! Who do we have here?” I smirked as I looked out of the stranded building’s window towards the target.

  Willi chuckled a bit and loaded his rifle aiming it towards the target.

  “Now do you believe me? That I’m on your team?” he asked pointing the gun downwards.

  I smirked and though I nodded in positive, inwardly I still didn’t have a bit of trust on him, because it was what I was taught from the beginning by grandpa.

  “Never trust a friend let alone an enemy.”

  “Who would have ever imagined that this bastard will be digging his own grave by coming here. Romania” I said and watched intently from the sixth floor of the building towards where he was standing talking to his men.

  Silly man, he doesn’t even have a single idea that his moves would have been watched and I was just waiting for a right opportunity. And the opportunity is here. I came to know that he has a small but important company here, i.e Romania. So, I did what I needed to do for him to come out of the bill.

  I created circumstances in which he had to show up himself in order to save his company.

  “Good work Willi,” I complimented.

  Little did Mr. Nicholas Greer know that his steps are been watched.

  My blood boiled when he laughed shaking his hand with a man. Oh, much I loathed the man.

  “Give me that,” I stretched my hand asking for the rifle.

  “You will shoot?” Willi asked.

  I saw as the other men turned around to leave and Nicholas turned around walking towards his SUV.

  “I said give me that!” I literally barked because I only had one chance to shoot and capture him, if I miss then perhaps I would never get my hands on him ever in my life. He is smart of all that I know about him.

  Willi handed me the rifle and I used a silencer before walking nearer towards a window where I could get a clear vision of Nicholas. I opened the glass window and smirked seeing my target right before me.

  Somehow, he stopped on his track and was looking at his phone.

  Perfect timing!

  I kept one of my feet on the window frame and positioned myself like a sniper for shooting.

  “Are you going to kill him?” I heard Wil
li, his voice was little sad and unsure.

  “Why? Are you not the same person who told me that you wanted revenge? So what happened now?” I asked looking back at Willi.

  He sighed and looked down.

  “If only he didn’t involve my family,” I heard him whisper sadly.

  I rolled my eyes at his sudden emotions and looked back at the target who was now talking to someone on his phone.

  “Say bye! bye!” I chuckled.

  The silencer prevents from any sudden firing noise and my heart swelled seeing the man whom I loathed the most falling on the floor bloodied.

  How many times are you going to be shot by me?

  From my peripheral vision, I saw Willi scurrying towards my side to get a glimpse of what I just did.

  “You didn’t kill him?” I heard his confused yet astonishment in his voice.

  I clicked my tongue and watched as my men who were already surrounding him from far away in case we failed, for backup running towards his bloodied body.

  “Nah! What’s the fun?” I asked and looked back straight in Willi’s eyes.

  He watched me blinking several times and perhaps he understood what I meant because the next moment he smirked and looked back towards the scene.

  The bullet pierced Nicholas’s shoulder. But as he is just a weak asshole, he passed out immediately.

  I don’t even understand what Juliette saw and liked in him.

  “Again Juliette!” I whispered and cursed rubbing my face with my palm, frustrated. This was the seventh or maybe tenth time in the day where I was thinking about Juliette.

  “Did you say something boss?” asked Willi confused.

  “No! Nothing. Go and help them,” I said pointing at the people who were trying to lift Nicholas’s bloodied body.

  “Yess boss!” He said and scurried off hurriedly to help them.

  As soon as he left I sighed and took my phone out still watching my men who were carrying Nicholas’s body towards the car.

  “Cosmina!” I said as soon as she answered my call.

  “Yes sir,” she replied.

  “Where is Juliette?” I asked finally giving up on the urge to know about her. I have been ignoring the urge from the morning but finally, I ended up on calling Cosmina who was supposed to look after Juliette from a safe distance in our absence.

  “Ma’am is with Mrs. Sullivan in her bedroom,” she said and I sighed relieved that she is safe. Both of them are safe.

  “Okay!” I pursed my lips.

  “Let me talk to her,” I said and rubbed my forehead because I never really intended to talk to Juliette. Why did those words even come out of my mouth? It’s okay! Cosmina said she is with mom in her bedroom. That’s all! Damn it!

  “Yes, sir! Just a minute!” she said and I heard some voices of paper scrapping and the background noises. Meanwhile, I looked down out of the window to find Willi already reaching the spot and he was picking up the cell phone from the ground while Max looked inside Nicholas’s SUV for any clue or anything.

  Nicholas was already put inside the car and my men were getting ready to drive off to our place with Nicholas.

  “Sir wants to talk to you ma’am,” I heard Cosmina and I concentrated back on my phone.

  “What me? But why?” I heard Juliette’s voice. I rolled my eyes at her illogical questions.

  Stupid! Idiot!

  “What do you mean by why? He is husband. Of course, he will only want to talk to you,” I heard mom but when I heard the word husband, something irked me and I didn’t really like the feeling.

  Before Juliette could answer the phone, I ended up the call and shoved the phone back into my pant pockets.

  “Get a hold of yourself!” I scolded myself.

  “You are being distracted by your target,” I said to myself and turned walking towards the stairs which would lead me downwards towards the ground floor.

  “Boss everything has been taken care off,” Max said and I nodded.

  “Let’s leave,” I informed and the boys nodded walking towards our car.

  “Are you going to take him to your house basement cell?” Willi asked all of a sudden which stopped me in my tracks.

  “That wouldn’t be a good idea,” he finished.

  “You shut up! Don’t you dare question boss’s decision!” Max sneered up beside him.

  “Enough you two!” I yelled.

  “This is not the place and time for you two to fight. And no, I am not planning on taking him to my house where it could be dangerous for my family for he is dangerous,” I said looking at Nicholas’s unconscious body.

  “Take him to our main cellar,” I ordered and the boys nodded before we got inside the car and drove off to the place where the asshole was to be kept.

  I would have kept in our house cellar but that would have been dangerous. Not because as if he would cause any harm to anyone in my house, but I wanted him to stay away from Juliette.

  Also, its not really the right time to let Juliette know about everything that has been going on. I have decided, that her father will be explaining everything to her but until that this brat needs to stay away from Juliette.

  I scoffed seeing his unconscious self from the rearview mirror of the car.

  What do you see in him, Juliette?

  We drove to our destination with the SUV that Nicholas brought being driven by Max and he was tailing behind us. Willi was quietly driving the car while I sat on the passenger seat next to Willi, silently gazing out of the car’s tinted glass window.

  “What are you planning to do with him?” the silence was broken by Willi asking me questions.

  “You surely ask too many questions,” I said not even bothering to look his way. I heard him chuckling and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

  “Nothing!” he shook his head.

  “But I wanted to ask you a question!” he said and I gave him a sharp look.

  “Didn’t you just ask one a few seconds ago?” I questioned.

  “No! No! This one is last!” he said and I nodded pointing him to ask with my finger.

  “Will I get my chance with him?” all of a sudden he looked cold and terrible. As if he wanted to kill someone almost immediately. His knuckles turned white at the rate in which he held the steering wheel.

  I leaned against the door and rested my left cheek on my wrist supporting my hand from my elbow as I kept it on the window frame.

  “Chance? On what? Talking?” I asked in a tone as if I was taunting him. I surely was taunting him.

  “Talking? Huh!” he scoffed.

  “It’s torturing the motherfucker” he completed and his enthusiasm in torturing the asshole on our back seat made me chuckle deeply.


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