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Irresistible Invitation: Love comes after Hate

Page 20

by S. S. Sahoo

  “Let me go!” I snapped.

  “So you find me despicable hu? What about that mutt?” I stopped wiggling and eyed him up with confusion.

  “What is he?” he asked further.

  “Who?” I asked in confusion.

  “That lover of yours” he answered my question.

  “If I’m despicable than what is he hu?” his question angered me.

  “He is a lot better than you. Do you understand? Don’t pull him into this. At least he knows how to treat a woman and here look at you! What are you? Is this the way you treat a woman? Every woman? He is a lot better than you. Better than you in every field!” I snapped at him and felt my eyes stinging from the unshed tears thinking about Emmett. Emmett would have never treated me like this.

  “Don’t ever compare me to that mutt!” Zachary growled on my face.

  “Mutt? Don’t you dare call him that? You are the one to be holding such adjective not him. Do you understand? He is way much better than you,” I yelled on his face.

  “Better? Because he bedded you?” Zachary’s question made me stop in shock.

  “Wh-What?” I whispered.

  “Is that what you are talking about? Are you comparing me with him because he gave you pleasure in bed and I never? Is that it?” he asked and chuckled darkly seeing my expression.

  “Is that what you want? Sex?” he pushed me further even more to the wall.

  “Why don’t you test me? Test me if I could make you scream even more than him. You are pissed, right? Pissed that I never looked up towards you in that way? Nor ever approached you or even glanced your way? Is this what pisses you off and you take his side more than me? Then why don’t you let me change the fact? I will show you how better sex partner I can be” he said which made my heart beat rise, not in a good way.

  “Is that what you want?” he questioned.

  “Is that how low you think of me?” I questioned not believing what he just said.

  “Low? Isn’t that the truth? Bittersweet truth hu?” he countered.

  This angered me even more. Is this how low he thinks of me. Do I look like a slut to him? I know that we don’t know each other nor do we have any serious relationship rather than unknown enmity but I used to think that he does have a little maybe a tiny bit of respect for me, for which he never abused me in any kind of physical way because I used to think that maybe, just maybe.

  A lone tear escaped my eyes and I mustered up all the anger that I have inside me towards him. In a swift motion, I freed my hands and a loud sharp noise was heard in the room. It was me slapping him right on his face.

  His face turned the other side when I slapped him and I tried to control my breathing because of the anger that I felt towards him. How dare he insult me?

  His face masked pure shock but all of a sudden he took his revolver from his back and pulled the slide of it before pointing it directly at my head.

  “How dare you?” he growled.

  His eyes were devoid of any emotions and his face held pure hatred and rage for me. I was sure that my face held the same thing towards him too. I didn’t even flinch when he aimed the gun at my head. I was no longer afraid of death.

  He hurt my dignity, my self-respect. How dare he?

  “What are you waiting for?” I asked as I held the front of the gun.

  “Pull the trigger and end this all,” I said in a low voice not wanting to express my feelings.

  “You have already killed me. This won’t kill me,” I said and let go of the gun.

  “C’mon! Shoot!” I said encouragingly.

  Tears shredded down my face. I was hurt badly. He hurt my sentiments and emotions. It was as if he slapped my dignity. He ruined my image.

  He breathed heavily as he stood there pointing the revolver on my forehead but I saw as his eyes flickered some emotions within them when he saw my tears.

  I was expecting that today it was my last day on this earth. But surprisingly, I witnessed as he lowered the gun down still looking at my face.

  “Why are you like this?” he whispered but I heard it.

  I leaned my head against the wall as I looked directly into his eyes.

  “Ask yourself!” I muttered answering his question.

  His face contorted back into anger and the revolver fell to the ground from his hand as he took a step forward again holding me by my arms.

  “Why are like this?” he yelled on my face jerking me a little.

  “Let me go!” I screamed trying to free my hands from his.

  I said leave me” I shouted as I yanked my hand back from his hold.

  “Why are you behaving like this?” He hissed at me as he took hold of my arms and pushed me against the wall.

  “I don’t want to do anything with you. You are a murderer and I can never forget what you did to him” I cried as I tried to free myself.

  “First of all, you are my wife and next time I am not going to tolerate any such activity from you. Do you understand?” He spoke through gritted teeth.

  I glared at him and pushed his chest hard using all my force and he stumbles back shocked.

  “I told you I don’t want anything to do with you,” I told him icily while the head of Mafia and the billionaire who was my husband glared at me.

  He stood there and stared at me for some minute. I was expecting for him to lash out again at me or maybe something which would hurt me in any way but he surprised me by bending down and picking up his gun.

  He shoved it back on his back and walked out of the room taking long strides as he banged the door shut behind him. I flinched at the impact of the door and let my tears fall down as I slid down against the wall to the ground hugging my knees and crying my eyes out for he tried to question to my dignity.

  I will never forgive him for this.

  For the words he spoke today was a signal of a new fight between us for which I hate him for eternity.



  “I should have known,” snarled Nicholas while I smirked at his bloodied condition.

  “You know what? You are seriously an ungrateful bastard! Just count how many times had I saved you. It will be countless but here you are being ungrateful and snarling at your savior. Without me you are nothing! If it wasn’t for me, you would have been dead a long time ago but here you are handcuffed to the bed while I wrap new bandage on your body. Geez! I wish I could ever do anything else rather than saving your sorry ass every day and night.”

  “Watch your mouth!” he sneered which irritated me. I applied too much pressure on his shoulder where Zachary’s bullet hit him previously and as the wound was still raw he winced in pain and glared at me which earned him a sly grin from my side.

  “I should have known. You traitor!” he said and coughed a little.

  I laughed a little and tied the bandage before getting off the stool and walking towards the sink.

  “As I have said before, ungrateful bastard!” I said and washed my hands thoroughly using the antiseptic hand wash.

  “You are going to be dead soon. Wait! till my dad finds out about this,” he said which made me chuckle.

  “Says the one who is in the bed of death” I commented and saw as he balled his fists in anger.

  After we got him captured, boss ordered us to take him to our main gang house where he was to be treated for his wounds, because the boss wanted him alive much to my dismay. It would be so easy if Zachary killed him already or better let me kill him.

  “You will have to pay for this!” he sneered.

  “We will see that,” I heard Zachary and I turned around to see him walking into the room with Seth and another guy after him holding a rifle.

  “You bastard!” Nicholas clutched onto the handcuffs and tried to pull it in anger.

  “Enjoying?” Zachary smirked at him seeing his failing efforts. He walked to the stool where I was sitting previously and sat on it stretching his legs crossed over each other on the bed right beside Nicholas’s torso. With j
ust a flick of his finger, he signaled me, and the other two to get out of the room.

  Though I wanted to stay and watch the drama, I chose not to anger him and momentarily I walked out of the room closing the door behind me.

  “He is going to die today!” Seth said to the other guy.

  “I don’t think so,” he remarked.

  “What makes you think that?” Seth asked.

  “Because…boss wanted him dead he could have killed him already. Why has he not killed him already?” the other guy questioned and that made me wonder too.

  Why doesn’t he just kill him?

  “What do you think?” Seth asked me and I looked up at him as he stood five more inches taller than me.

  “I don’t know!” I shrugged and both of them looked at each other.

  “What?” I asked confused because of their questioning looks.

  “We have heard that the man is your previous boss,” Seth said and I pursed my lips and shoved my hands into my pant pockets.

  “Yes. So?” I asked.

  “So?” he repeated me and chuckled.

  “Your previous boss may get killed by your current boss. Do you not feel anything for him?” he asked signaling towards the door where both of my ‘boss’ were supposedly having a private meeting.

  “Yes. I do feel for him” I said casually and got my hand out of my pocket to touch the ring attached to my chain on my neck.

  “And what is that?” the other guy asked.

  “Pity and hatred,” I said clutching the ring tightly.

  Both of them again looked at each other while the other guy shrugged to Seth when Seth whispered to him something.

  Sera was my life. I had loved only one person in my total life and that was Sera. We were married for only six months when she died. I can never forget that day.

  I was in my house and for the first time ever. I was fed up with my life. Every day, when I was away I would worry about Sera living alone in the house. Because for my profession, one would never know what would happen anytime and anywhere.

  I chose to quit my job and live a normal life with Sera. But this didn’t go well with Nicholas he threatened me, warned me that if I dared to quit then he would ruin my life forever. Because I was his only trustworthy man. His life depended on me. But he didn’t even understand that I am not a machine. I too have a life.

  And when I called it quits, this angered Nicholas to the extent where he was even ready to kill me. But surprisingly, he let me go. I thought everything was over now. Now I will be living my life happily with my wife forever. But that night, when I was waiting for Sera all of a sudden I got a phone call from the police and I was informed that Sera had an accident on the highway.

  I felt as if I had been stabbed several times in my chest. I couldn’t belief what I was hearing. Stumbling across the room, grabbing my coat I ran grabbing my car keys from the table.

  The whole way I was crying thinking about her. I prayed to god for her safety.

  “Please be okay. Please God!”

  But when I reached there the sight before me, broke my heart. People were crowding the place and cops were standing doing there work of keeping the crowd away from the spot. But what got my attention was the car that was on the side of the road crashed brutally against another red car. I got out of my car and slowly walked towards the spot pushing past the crowd. All the while, my heart pounded against my chest. Anxiety building up within me.

  I wished to god that let Sera be alright. But all my prayers went in vain when I saw a feminine hand laced with blood, out of the car’s door. It was Sera.

  She was already dead when I reached there. My life was ruined. Everything was gone for forever. Sera was never returning back. She left me forever.

  It was hard for me to cope up with her death. But soon I came to know that it wasn’t just an accident. It was a well-planned crime and it was planned none other but Nicholas. I found out that the Nicholas was behind all this. He planned Sera’s accident.

  So, I returned back to my profession.

  “Good choice!” he had told me when I was back.

  But he never knew that I was back for revenge not for loyalty. He had taken my life away from me and in return, I would do the same with him. I had to play my cards patiently and cleverly. Day by day I proved him my loyalty and saved him many times only for the moment where I could kill him by myself. And the moment came when he assigned me to get into Zachary’s area.

  He killed my love. I will kill him.

  That’s my promise to you Sera.

  Zachary has been not in control from these last two days. He would come here and torture Nicholas and then leave him alone. I wonder what is wrong with him.

  He even destroyed his own office room in anger.

  It all started that day. We were standing in the hall when all of a sudden the door of the room where Nicholas was kept tied down to the bed banged open and came out Zachary in rage. He looked different.

  I have always seen him calculative, collective and well composed but never ever in this psychic. He looked mad. He took the vase from the table and threw it on the wall destroying it.

  “Boss!” Seth tried to stop him but he was pushed away by an angry as bull Zachary.

  “Don’t forget your position. Don’t touch me” he enunciated each word in pure hatred which made Seth visibly flinch.

  I looked astonished at his behavior.

  “What is wrong with him?”

  “Clean all this!” he commanded and walked out of the room.

  “What just happened to him?” I asked.

  “He looks enraged by something,” Seth said as he picked up the pieces of the vase from the floor.

  “I think that Nicholas told him something which has miffed him,” Seth said.

  I looked back at the way where Zachary just left. Never seen him this out of control. He is clearly miffed with something.

  “What was that?” Seth and I both got alerted when we heard gun shots from within the house.

  “That way!” Seth said and ran out of the room taking his own gun out from his belt.

  We ran to the front of the house and that is where we saw a man lying on the grassy ground dead.

  Zachary shot him.

  He was one of our men.

  He shot his own man? Is he like Nicholas too?

  “Boss!” Seth stammered.

  Zachary pointed his gun up towards the other guy that was standing next to the dead body. He was too one of our men.

  “Boss! Wha-” Seth was cut off when Zachary spoke.

  “So you were the one. Traitor! Informing everything about us to Nicholas and his dad huh?” Zachary’s words were laced with venom.

  “Austin?” Seth asked all shocked.


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