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Irresistible Invitation: Love comes after Hate

Page 46

by S. S. Sahoo

  “What the...” he said and stopped mid-sentence while I laughed at him inwardly.

  “I am wearing a dress,” I said and he muttered something under his breath before reaching forward to take my hand in his but once again I avoided his contact.

  “What do you think you are doing?” he asked with rage filling his eyes.

  “What did I do now?” I asked innocently battling my eyelashes.

  “This!” he gritted.

  “This what?” I asked.

  “This!” he gritted once again.

  I looked down and gasped “You are right Zachary. How did I not notice that?” I asked looking horrified as if I just witnessed a ghost.

  “What?” he questioned looking confused.

  “How come I didn’t notice this? Look! here are some snap buttons!” I said as I showed him the hem of my dress.

  “It to shorten the dress. I can fold it and snap it. Then boom! The dress will” I pulled the dress up little high from its hem revealing the skin on my thigh “look more am-”

  “Nonsense!” forcibly he pulled the hem of my dress down by himself.

  “What?” I asked amazed by his reaction.

  “What what? You are wearing a dress too short for my liking. I don’t people seeing yo-”

  “But I remember you brought me a dress like last time for the business award. Did you forget that? You didn’t have any problem back th-”

  “Of course I did! That and this dress is too short. I am telling you I don’t like this-”

  “So should I remove this dress?” I questioned holding the straps and pulling it down a little bit. A little bit...

  “Juliette!” he snapped at me and pulled the straps up all by himself. But as his fingers touched my bare skin I couldn’t help but shiver with the need to be touched by him.

  But then breaking myself out of the moment, I stepped back avoiding his touch and this time his face contoured with anger and he looked as if he would lash and yell at me any second but then he gritted out “What are you doing?”

  “What?” I asked shrugging at him.

  “Don’t play smart with me Juliette, I am warning you or-”

  “Or what?” I challenged looking straight into his eyes. He gazed into my eyes and then exhaled out a breath.

  “What is your problem, Zachary? I am doing what you wanted me to do!” I told him and he squinted his eyes at me.

  “Did you forget? You told me not to touch you yesterda- oh I mean today” I smiled sheepishly at him.

  “What?” he questioned.

  “I mean early in the morning! when you came to my house! At the time of leaving...Remember now?” I asked wiggling my eyebrows.

  “I remember that!” he snapped.

  “I didn’t mean that!” he gritted as he racked his hands through his hair.

  “Really? Oh, so that means I can touch you?” I asked all of a sudden and watched as he froze in his position with his hand on his hair.

  “By the way, I love your new hairstyle!” I said eyeing his hair.

  “Juliette!” he held both of my arms and I watched as his facial expression changed to a worried one.

  “What is wrong with you?” he asked worriedness clear in his voice.

  “You know something?” I asked smiling at him.

  “I guess this is the first time in your life when you have to open your mouth so many times to speak isn’t it hu? hu?” I wiggled my eyebrows at him and he looked at me void of any emotions. He stood there still holding my arms in his hands before he blinked few times and opened his mouth to speak but then closed it as if no words formed in his mouth. The moment was interrupted by none other than the noisy Loana herself.

  “Zackie!” she chirped standing next to Zachary who was still looking at me avoiding or should I say oblivious to her presence.

  She looked at Zachary’s hands on mine and then at me. I watched as her jaws locked and she gritted her teeth in annoyance.


  “It’s Mr. Sullivan to you Ms. Ularu,” Zachary spoke after a while cutting her off.

  “Oh c’mon” she laughed “What’s the forma-”

  “Did you not hear him? It’s Mr. Sullivan to you,” I said narrowing my eyes at her. She stopped mid-sentence and glared at me.

  “I can call him whatever I want! It’s personal. It’s between him and-” removing Zachary’s hand from my arms I took a side step and stood directly before Loana “There is nothing between you and him. Everything related to him is related to me because...” I smiled sweetly at her “I am his wife and he is my husband after all,” I completed smirking at her.

  She balled her fists and her breathing shortened as she eyed me angrily “Zackie look at h-”

  “I said it’s Mr. Sullivan for you Ms. Ularu! You heard my wife already” I heard Zachary’s cold tone and I knew it that he was already looking at her with his sharp soul-piercing look which he uses on his second business to deal with his enemies.

  Ularu eyes widened and I watched sweat formed on her chin and forehead as she looked at Zachary and then back at me. She took a step back but I lunged forward and hugged her catching her off guard.

  “Saw it? Heard it? Got it? I am his wife. His WIFE. And by the way, he told me that he loves me and nobody else in this world.So remember that next time you try to put your filthy hands on my husband because next time I see your plastic hands on my man I’ll rip your throat by my own hands,” I whispered with venom filled in my voice.

  As I pulled myself from her I looked at her and with a smile, I completed “And I mean it!”

  She looked taken aback for a second but then composed herself and smiling at the people who were intently watching us turned on her heels and disappeared into the crowd.

  I hope she doesn’t trail after him again...

  “Juliette!” I smiled to myself and turned around to face Zachary.

  “We are leaving right now!” he whispered-yelled at me and narrowed his eyes at me when I opened my mouth to speak as if warning me not speak a word.

  “But what about this party?” I asked as I followed him while he took long strides to get out of the hall.

  “Party can go to hell,” I heard him mutter which immediately made me giggle. But I stopped when he turned and glared at me.

  “After you gentleman,” I held the door open for him as I gestured him to walk out first.

  He looked at me and muttering “what an Idiot...Clown!” he walked out and I followed him laughing silently at him.

  As we walked past the guards who tried to stop me when I first came here from entering looked at in shock and in horror when they saw Zachary walking out with anger emitting from his body. Probably, they thought I have complained about the incident to him and he was here to fire them but to their shock, Zachary walked past them without even bothering to witnessing their presence. I ran after him out of the hall but stopped and looked back at the guards who were still looking our way. I winked at them comically, letting them know that everything is alright. They looked taken aback for a second but then smiled at me and to each other looking relieved.

  “Juliette!” roared the tiger.

  “Ah! Coming!” I yelled and followed Zachary out of the building.



  “Where are you going?” he called after me sounding irritated when I stopped following him and walked the other direction where I had parked Tess’s car.

  “Eh? To my car!” I said and turned around walking towards the car.

  “Juliette!” he called and soon I felt his hand on my shoulder.

  “You are coming with me!” he told me as he turned me around and I looked at him uninterestingly.

  “Why? Where are we going and stop touching me!” I removed his hand from my shoulder as I took a step backward.

  “I’ll do whatever I want!” he gritted his teeth and got hold of my arm tightly as he began to pull me towards his car’s direction.

  “Wait! But what about
my car? It’s not actually mine, I borrowed it from my friend Tess. I can’t just abandon it here!” I said and tried to match his pace with my heels as he dragged me towards his car.

  “I’ll have my driver take it back to your house!” was all he said.

  “Really? That would be great! By the way whe-” he turned around swiftly as he pulled me towards him.

  “Keep your mouth shut!” he said in a low tone warning me to open my mouth and I put my finger on my lips nodding agreeing with him.

  As if...

  He huffed out air and turned around while I smirked at him but composed myself when he turned once again to look at me.

  “Get in!” he said as his car beeped when he unlocked it using his remote keys.

  “But where ar-” he pulled the door open and shoved me inside.

  “Hey! You don’t need to be so mean!” I yelled but he slammed the door on my face and walked to the other side. I watched as he stood there for some minutes before opening the car door and entering.

  “Put your seat belts on!” he said more like commanded whilst he put on his seatbelt and ignited the engine. I did as he said not because I followed his order but for my own safety or else I knew I would fly out of the damn car if he loses his mind in the middle of the ride.

  “So? Where are we going?” I asked as I played with the strap of my belt.

  He stayed quiet not even glancing my way. I looked at him while he drove using his one hand and with the other, he rubbed his temple. He looked agitated and restless all of a sudden.

  “What did you eat today?” I heard him and I hummed in response.

  “I asked,” he said and then snapped at me “What did you eat today?” which made me jerked up in my seat.

  “Woah!” I laughed and then shook my head no.

  “Nothing!” I replied and he looked back at the road.

  “Then what did you drink?” he asked and I shrugged my shoulders “water I guess,” I replied.

  “Why are you asking?” I asked and he looked at me and then back at the road and honked multiple times even though there was no one in his way.

  “You are weird sometimes,” I muttered to myself.

  “Not as you!” he replied.

  Dog ears...

  As I watched the turn he took I recalled the direction Willi had told me previously to his penthouse.

  So we are going to his penthouse...

  “I see!” I mumbled.

  As the car took a halt, I looked out of the window to find us under the gigantic building called ‘Grand Virid Premium’.

  “You live here?” I asked amazed by the majestic grandeur of the building but when no one replied I turned to look at him only to find his seat empty.

  “Zachary?” I said and the door on my side opened “Come out!” he offered me his hand which I ignored as I removed my seat belts and jumped out of the car completely ignoring him., I heard him taking sharp intakes though.

  “Oh wow!” I said impressed by the surrounding as I walked into his penthouse. I walked up to the glass window where the view of the city was nostalgic. I wondered how it would look in the night and even though we were in great heights the hustle and bustle of the city still reached our ears if paid close attention to it. Everything inside was magnificent and extraordinarily beautiful. The interior was of top-class and everything was designed to trifles. But contrasting to his personality the interior was warm and loving. Starting from the floor to the roof, and even the furniture was chosen white.

  “Now tell me!” I heard his voice from behind me and I turned around raising my eyebrows at him.

  “You know what Zachary let’s play a game, shall we?” I asked as I took a seat on the couch.

  “Answer my questions Juliette, don’t try to change the subject!” he said and stood before me. His soul penetrating eyes gazing down at me as if trying to read me.

  “What about my game?” I questioned and once again he chose to avoid my question.

  “Why were you there today and in- in this dress? I thought you had told me beforehand that you don’t wear this type of dresses so why?” he questioned and that brought a smile on my face. A sly smile.

  “You are surely talking a lot today Zachar-”

  “Juliette!” he slammed his hand on the headrest of the couch “Answer the damn question,” he asked in a deep low voice.

  His eyes glaring at me but instead of being frightened like I used to be I smirked and crossed my arms over my chest. His eyes followed my action and ended up on my chest but then he shot up from his position and turned around shoving his hands into pant pockets.

  “Answer my question,”

  “Not until you play the game with me,” I said which made him turn around to face me.


  “Let’s have something interesting in this. If you win I’ll answer your questions,” I said as I stood up from my place and walked towards the table where I poured a glass of water for myself and gulped it down.

  “And if I win,” I turned around with a sly smile on my face “You will have to give me something,” folding my hands on my back I walked up to him.

  “What do you want?′ he asked as he looked nervous all of a sudden.

  “You will see that!” I answered and walked around him whilst he stood in the same place.

  “What type of game is it?” he asked and I smiled inwardly before answering.

  “Q and A”


  “Simple Question and Answers...”

  “Questions about what?” he questioned when I stood behind him.

  “Oh, you know the general stuff. General knowledge,” I said and walked closer to him when he removed his hand from his pants pockets.

  “What?” I heard him mumble. He must be really confused right now and I knew it because it was already my intention from the beginning to make him, even more, confuse than he already is.

  “By the way, I forgot to tell you about the rules,” I said more like whispered into his ears from behind.


  “Number One, Only I am the one who is going to ask you questions and you will the one who will be answering,”


  “Let me finish!”

  “So? Yeah Number two, you can’t interfere me,”

  “Number three, you can’t move from your place”

  “Number four, you can’t answer anything else than the questions that is asked to you,” I chuckled a little before continuing “let me check your IQ level today,”

  “And finally number five, you can’t close your eyes,” I finished as I stood before him and made an eye contact.


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