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The Storm

Page 9

by K. C. Crowne

  I leaned up and kissed the scars, the ultimate symbols of his bravery, and felt their harshness against my lips. He ran his fingers through my hair and held me there as I kissed him. When I looked up, his eyes were closed.

  Brushing my lips lower, I kissed his stomach, flicking out my tongue to taste skin that was just as sweet as I remembered. He shook slightly beneath my kiss and let out a gasp as it tickled.

  I looked up at him, my eyes holding his gaze as I darted my tongue over the sensitive spot beside his hip bone; the same spot that used to make him wriggle and laugh with delicious pleasure.

  He did it now too, laughed and pushed me away as it became too sensitive. Then he pushed me down onto the sofa, his hands holding my arms to the side of my body.

  "You still know how to drive me wild," he said.

  I opened my legs for him, and he lowered himself between my thighs.

  "You're even more beautiful now, you know that?"

  He was holding me in place as though he was scared that if he let go, I would disappear. Looking at the bulge in the front of his jeans, I could see just how hard and ready he was for me. He saw me looking, saw the desire in my eyes.

  I freed myself from his grasp and sat up, lowering my hands to his belt, pulling at it to free his body from the last of his clothes. It fell to the floor with a clunk as I ripped down his zipper and yanked his jeans down over his hips.

  Sliding his fingertips into the waistband of his boxer shorts, he pulled them down over his ass, his cock springing out from underneath them. I hadn’t forgotten how big he was, but it was still a shock to see his length. As I struggled to contain his girth inside my fingers, I stroked him, softly at first then harder as I lowered my lips to his tip and kissed him.

  Between my legs a torrent of heat was flooding out of me. Wrapping my lips around his head, I swallowed him and sucked, groaning as I felt his heat throb in my mouth.

  "Fuck," he groaned, his hands holding my head in place. "Oh, Jesus Christ."

  I sucked harder, then harder still as I struggled to hold him inside my mouth.

  "Easy," he said, pushing my head away.

  He was gasping, his face bright red with a thin layer of sweat covering his brow.

  "You're too good at that."

  Chapter 12


  She was the best I'd ever had, but she was even better than I remembered. All I could do was look down at her in shock at how gorgeous she was, at how expertly she caressed my length and pleasured it with her mouth. It was too much too fast, and I pulled away.

  "You're gonna kill me if you keep sucking me like that," I joked.

  She lay on her back, opening her legs, and pulled me down on top of her. Our stomachs met, our skin sticking together as our bodies writhed against one another. My mouth explored hers as our kisses grew hungrier. I lowered my hands to her thighs, pulled her open even more as she raised her hips to me.

  Her hand was around my cock, stroking it softly as she guided it forward. At first, I waited, wanting to relish the moment, the excitement, the heart-racing anticipation that came the second before I entered her.

  "Come here," she breathed, pulling me to her.

  “Wait,” I replied reaching down to pluck my wallet from my pants. From it, I pulled out the condom that had remained almost forgotten for the last few months.

  “Wow. Are you always so prepared?” she asked.

  Without giving her the satisfaction of an answer, I rolled the latex down over my cock and focused on her fingers that lay on her pussy. With my eyes staring into hers, I sank deep inside her, thrusting slowly at first, a moan escaping her mouth as she flung back her head against the couch.

  "Oh, God. Jackson!"

  I thrust hard. Harder than I'd ever been with her.

  "Oh, God!" she cried again.

  She was gripping me, her nails digging into the skin of my back as she screamed. Her legs were around my waist, pulling me even closer to her, urging me to go even deeper. I thrust harder, reaching a steady, frantic rhythm as I reached deeper and deeper inside her. She dug her heels into my ass to pull me in, a sign that she wanted more. Shifting onto my knees, I caressed the length of her leg, raising it to my mouth to kiss her calves and lick the sensitive skin of her ankles.

  "Oh, fuck!"

  She was growing wetter the harder I thrust, moaning louder as her face flushed red. Her nipples were hard, her breasts swelling as I grabbed them. Inside me, I could feel a rush of heat, adrenaline, and endorphins as my entire body was gripped by a gushing pleasure, a euphoric invasion of delicious feelings that made my legs shake.

  "Harder!" she cried, pulling me even closer to her.

  Pinning her legs to her sides, my fingers making red imprints on her soft skin, I fucked her hard as she cried out, her eyes rolling back in her head as an orgasm threatened to engulf her.

  Reaching between us, I rubbed my thumb over her clit, and it was game over. She let out a shout, sobbing and heaving as an orgasm ripped through her. Beneath my body, she shuddered hard and violently as her fingers scratched my ribs.

  I couldn't hold it in any longer. I clenched my eyes closed as I reached a roaring climax that sent me even deeper inside her. Yelling as I came, I tumbled down on top of her, exhausted, drained, and so totally satisfied.

  I had never felt anything so good before, had never been so overcome with pleasure. As I lay on her, sucking in air to regain my breath, I felt a calming, tingling sensation all over my body as my head buzzed.

  For a long while, we said nothing, just lay in each other's arms. I listened to the sound of her breathing as it eventually slowed down and lay my head between her breasts to hear her heartbeat. Stroking the sides of her body, I felt her silky skin beneath my fingers and the goosebumps rise as I tickled her ribs.

  She was so quiet, I was sure she had fallen asleep, but as I looked up at her face, I saw she was wide awake and staring at the ceiling. A dazed look in her eyes as the glow from the overhead light danced on her face.

  Sensing me staring, she looked down at me. "That was amazing."

  "That's an understatement," I said, sitting up. I stroked her cooling body wishing she never had to cover it up again. “You're still the best."

  She smiled and bit her lip. "I've missed that," she confessed. "I'd be lying if I said I hadn't fantasized about feeling you again."

  Lowering my hand between her legs, I felt her wetness. She was red-hot inside, and let out a short, sharp gasp as my fingers entered her.

  "You like that?"


  "Like this?"

  "Oh, yeah."

  I stroked her gently and lovingly as I looked into her eyes. Her body moved in waves beneath my hand as I rubbed her swollen clit.

  She closed her eyes as pleasure took hold and clamped her thighs around my hand. I could feel a second orgasm vibrate from somewhere deep inside her, but I was in no rush to bring it to the surface. I softened my touch on her so my fingertips were little more than feathery strokes on her burning skin.

  She cried out, lifting her hips to grind against my hand.

  "No," I commanded. "Stay down."

  I held her in place as I teased her, touching her as softly as I could.

  "Oh, God. Harder," she demanded, but I just grinned and made my touch even lighter.

  She began shaking, gasping for air, crying out as she bit her lips. "You're killing me," she breathed.

  "And I'm loving every single fucking second of it."

  When her frustration grew unbearable, I pulled away completely, and she gritted her teeth and pulled at me.

  "Jackson! Don't stop!"

  I held her gaze as I lowered myself down between her legs, kissing her stomach, her hips, the inside of her thighs. With my eyes still boring into her, I touched my lips to her clit, felt its burning heat. I kissed her softly at first, just enough to drive her wild.

  "Do you want me to suck it?"


  "Say it."

  "I want you to suck it!"

  I lingered for a moment, enjoying the torture I was dishing out.

  "Please!" she cried. "Suck it!"

  With my hands gripping her hips, I wrapped my lips around her and sucked, dragging the length of my tongue up her clitoris. She cried out, tangling her fingers in my hair as she trembled.

  "Aw... Ah.... Oh, my God!"

  I sucked harder, making sure there wasn't an inch of my tongue that didn't connect with the aching throb of her pussy. A scream ripped out of her throat as her nails dug into my scalp, her thighs clamping around the sides of my face as she reached a hard and fast climax.

  Then she collapsed back on the couch, her eyes glossed over, all the strength gone from her body. She was limp in my arms as I lay down beside her. I stroked her stomach, her breasts, the soft skin of her shoulders as I kissed her neck. She said nothing, just stared at the ceiling, dazed. Rolling over to me, she buried her face in my neck and I breathed her in, holding her tight to my body.

  I love you.

  The words I was so desperate to say but didn't dare. So I just remained silent, holding her as I wound a gossamer strand of her hair around my finger. Kissing her forehead, I felt her breathing as her breasts rose and fell against me.

  Closing my eyes, I relished the moment. When I opened them again, she was gone. I sat up and looked around the room. She was in the kitchen area, the silky robe gone and a pair of skintight jeans, a strappy top, and a pair of heels in its place.

  "Fuck," I said. "How long was I asleep?"

  "About an hour."

  Suddenly, I was aware of my nakedness and pulled on my clothes. She watched me get dressed as she sipped on a glass of wine.

  “I'm worried about Carly and Jared," she said. "If she doesn't get back soon, we're gonna miss Roxi."

  Outside, the wind howled. As I zipped up my jeans, I walked over to the window and peered out.

  "I reckon you'll be missing Roxi anyway. There's no way the gig's still going ahead."

  "Stop saying that."

  The click of her high heels approached me from behind. There was a seductive glint in her eyes as she handed me glass of scotch.

  "I'm amazed you can walk at all," I said. "Let alone in those heels."

  "I won't be able to sit for a week," she laughed.

  Stepping forward to kiss her, I expected her to just sink into my arms, but she walked away looking over my shoulder. Something was off about the way her eyes darted away from mine, and how her whole body was now aimed away from me rather than toward me.

  "What's up?” I asked.

  "Nothing. Why would you think something was up?”"

  "Just thought you might be thinking about us."

  She frowned and looked at me as if I was crazy. “Jackson, there is no us."

  The words hit me like a bombshell. "What the fuck do you mean there's no us? What was that then?" I asked, tossing a thumb at the couch.

  "That was nostalgia," she said, though she didn’t look like she believed it herself.

  "You don't really mean that."

  She looked down at the floor and took a long drink from her glass.

  "Gabby, I know what you're doing. You're playing it cool, pretending you're not feeling the same way I do because you don't want to get pulled back in, don't want to get hurt. I can see right through you."

  "I wouldn't waste your time trying to analyze me. There's not some complicated psychological reasoning behind what happened. It's just what I said, nostalgia. We were remembering how things used to be. That’s it.”

  "That’s bullshit, and you know it."

  I took another step toward her and tried to gather her to me, but she moved out of arm's reach and switched the channel on the TV. The news was on, once again reporting on the weather gripping the whole town.

  "Gabby, talk to me."

  She remained standing, staring at the TV screen although I could tell she wasn't watching paying attention to a single thing. Her little aloof, hard-to-get act was really grating on my nerves, and I strode over to her and spun her around by the shoulders.

  "Gabby, don't tell me that was just meaningless fun. I felt something between us, and I know you felt it too."

  Her eyes were telling me she felt it, but her lips formed the words, "No, Jackson, there is nothing between us anymore."

  "Cut the shit, Gabby. Quit playing games."

  She wriggled out of my grasp and angrily walked over to the kitchen.

  "Since when did you get so sentimental?"

  But as much as she could pretend to be disinterested and cold, the sadness in her eyes told me she wasn't the hard, callous bitch she was pretending to be.

  I wanted to shake some sense into her, convince her that what we had was the real thing. But before I could get near her, the front door burst open and in blustered Jared and Carly with a blast of freezing air coming in after them.

  "Where the hell have you been?" Gabby asked, obviously grateful for the interruption.

  "Oh, my God, you won't believe the day we've just had," Carly replied flopping down on the sofa.

  A puddle of melting snow pooled around her boots as she pulled off her gloves.

  "The truck got snowed in on the way back from the diner," Jared explained. "We had to dig it out."

  "Really?" asked Gabby. "It's really that bad?"

  "Oh, it’s the worst."

  "But don't worry," Carly said, smiling broadly. “I checked on Roxi's Twitter, and she said the gig's going ahead."

  "Thank God for that!" Gabby grinned, looking relieved to be able to get away from me.

  Jared and I shared a concerned look before glancing at the girls.

  “I really don't think it's a good idea for you to go,” he said.

  “Neither do it.”

  They both looked at us, rolling their eyes.

  “We’re not children. We can handle the weather,” Carly said. “I spent a fortune on this ticket.”

  Chapter 13


  I was trying to keep up a normal conversation as though Jackson and I hadn't had earth-shattering sex.

  "Yeah, we'll be fine tonight," I scoffed. "We'll call a cab."

  "Good idea," Carly said. "I'll call one now. We should probably head up there soon. I'll start getting ready!"

  She dashed out of the room. Meanwhile, I stood behind the kitchen counter, legs pressed together as I felt the heat still smoldering inside me. I’d never felt anything so amazing in my life. Didn't even know it was possible to have an orgasm that strong not once, but twice.

  My eyes drifted to Jackson's hands, and I felt wet again just looking at the strength in his muscles and how the veins flowed up to his forearm.

  "You okay?" Jared asked.

  As I caught my reflection in the mirror on the wall, I realized I'd been staring into space.

  "Yeah, I was just thinking about my outfit. I'll probably need something warmer."

  I set down my wine and disappeared into the spare bedroom, where I let out a long breath and pressed my forehead into the door.

  "Shit. What is happening to me?"

  I needed to collect my thoughts, needed to start thinking straight and focus on the night ahead of us, but instead all I could think of was Jackson and how he felt inside me. How his eyes bore into mine as he reached climax, and how he had lain on my chest afterward, listening to my heartbeat as he stroked me lovingly. It was like no time had passed between us, like we were more in love than ever. But was that really the case? Did I really still love him? Or was I just on the rebound from Todd and in need of a good time?

  Of course you don't love him. He broke your heart. He’s just a blast from the past and nothing else.

  So why did my heart almost beat out of my chest at the sight of him? Why did a deep warmth spread through my body whenever he looked at me?

  A knock sounded on the door, and Carly entered wearing a white fur coat, white jeans, and white high heeled boots with a cream-colored fur

  "What do you think?"

  "Uh, wow. You look ready for a winter wonderland."

  "You hate it."

  "No, I don't. You look awesome!"

  "You do. I can tell. Ugh. I don't know what to wear!"

  She stomped her feet and pouted as Jared came over to see what the fuss was about.

  "Sis, why are you dressed like the abominable snowman?"

  "Ah! I knew I looked stupid."

  She went back into the bedroom and delved into her suitcase in search of a new outfit.

  "I really don't think you should go," Jared repeated from the doorway. "You'll get snowed in up there. I'm amazed the mayor hasn't demanded the whole thing be called off."

  "He's grateful for all those tourist dollars," Jackson said from the couch. "What's he going to do? Turn away thousands of young women eager to spend their money in this town?"

  "Guess not," Jared mumbled. "Anyway, I'm grabbing a beer."

  He wandered away. Jackson was still looking over the back of the couch, his eyes exploring mine for a hint of warmth toward him, but I couldn't give it to him. I knew how harsh I’d sounded, but I needed to protect myself, needed to keep that distance between us. At least that way I wouldn't get hurt again.

  I could tell he was looking at me, waiting for me to invite him inside the room. But instead, I stood up and closed the door.

  That should let him get the hint.

  Looking in the mirror, I realized my skimpy outfit was most likely going to give me hypothermia, so I pulled off the silly, strappy heels and opted for a durable pair of boots with steel toes. I'd had them for years and usually wore them hiking, not on a night out, but the weather wasn't exactly the best for getting dolled up. Next, I grabbed a baggy, comfortable hoody, zipped it up to my neck, then reached for my coat. By the time I left the room, I felt like the Michelin Man.

  I pulled the scarf down over my nose and adjusted the woolly hat on my head.

  "I don't think any guys will be hitting on me tonight," I joked. "Not when I look like I'm ready to go on an arctic expedition."

  "I'd hit on you if I was a guy," Carly said from the mirror as she put on her lip gloss.


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