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Highland Rake

Page 25

by Terry Spear

  Dougald should have known Alana would try to free him. He smiled to himself, then he was irate with Cameron all over again.

  "Cameron! Release us at once!" Dougald shouted. To Niall and Gunnolf he said, "I believe this is the only time I have ever been used as bait. I dinna like it. Especially when I meant to protect my wife." Dougald stood at his cell door, then called out, "I am ill and in need of a healer!" He swore he heard Cameron chuckle along with a couple of his men.

  Even Gunnolf and Niall were grinning at him.

  Dougald stalked over to his pallet and sat down. "Who does he believe intended to come down here and rescue us?"

  Niall snorted and crossed his arms over his chest. "According to you, if I got naked, a lassie would have appeared."

  Remembering when Alana had seen all the men naked at the loch, Dougald studied him for a moment, then shook his head. "'Twas good that you didna if Alana had happened to join us."

  "You asked if the lass would come to rescue you if you were locked in the dungeon," Niall said, taking a seat again. "Now you have your answer."

  Aye, he did. He loved her.

  Dougald stood and walked over to the bars again. "Cameron! It willna work. Whatever your plan was, it didna work! Release us! Now!"

  They heard the stomping of boots on the stairs, then several armed men strode toward Dougald's cell and at once he felt relief, anger, and apprehension.

  "Dinna cause any trouble," one of the men said, poised to unlock the cell. "Laird Cameron asked that we free you so you can take Lady Alana back to her chamber and stay with her the rest of the eve."

  "Because whosoever was supposed to free us didna show?" Dougald asked.

  "Aye. His lairdship didna believe his niece would be the one to try and do so." The man chuckled softly and unlocked the cell door.

  Dougald was sorely tempted to slam a fist into every Cameron's face there, but he reined in his temper. He had to make peace with these men if he was ever to someday lead them. And he knew his actions and his reactions would always be judged by the rest of the clan.

  "Why didna he speak to me first of the matter?"

  "He knew you wouldna go along with it." The man turned to unlock Gunnolf and Niall's cell, while another handed Dougald his sword. Then they waited for Niall and Gunnolf to leave their cell. Another man returned their swords.

  In a rush to gather Alana up in his arms and sequester her away to her chamber—to his also now—Dougald led the group out.

  Cameron had that right. Dougald would never have agreed to be locked up while his wife was without his protection. "Where is Laird Cameron?" Dougald asked.

  "He has gone to speak with his niece to explain to her his reasoning. He didna want her to believe you had done anything wrong."

  "Too late for that," Dougald scoffed.

  "Everyone wishes to know how you do it," the man said.

  Dougald glanced back at him. The man was smiling, blue eyes sparkling as he scratched his red beard. "You know. Always have a bonny lass come to your rescue when you are locked in a dungeon. We all were wagering which maid might come to free you, hoping they wouldna spoil the plan. But none of us believed the rumors were true, that a lassie would make the effort."

  "Which of you won the bet?"

  "None of us. No one thought to bet on Lady Alana. She had guards keeping her in her room. That was another reason Laird Cameron went to speak to her, to learn how she managed to break out of her room without alerting the guard."

  "And break out the lads as well?" Dougald asked. He'd heard Tavis defend Alana by proclaiming her to be one of the MacNeills. He was proud of the boy. He assumed Callum, usually the quieter of the two, was ready to do battle as well.

  "Aye, and them, too. They also had a guard. If the guards left their posts, they will regret it when Cameron gets through with them. Did you need anything?" the man asked.

  "Your name?"


  "Well, Duff, ensure Gunnolf and Niall have a chamber to sleep in, and ask two of our men to keep watch outside Alana's chamber door."

  "Aye." The man said to one of the others, "Do as he says." To another man, he said, "Take Niall and Gunnolf to their chamber. I will escort MacNeill to the laird's chamber."

  When they reached the laird's chamber, they found Bran outside of it, guarding it. He smiled at Dougald and bowed his head a little in acknowledgement, then he knocked on the door. "Dougald MacNeill is here, my laird."

  Before Cameron could call out, Alana threw open the door and rushed into Dougald's arms. "Take me to bed."

  Dougald smiled down at her, all his worries washed away in that moment. He looked up to see Cameron shake his head. "I will speak with you about this in the morn. Do as the lass wishes," Cameron said.

  No apology, not that Dougald expected it. Bran was grinning.

  Dougald swept Alana up in his arms and stalked off for her chamber. They were not rising early for mass or to break their fast. "I want to know how you escaped your chamber as well as the lads escaping theirs without alerting the guards."

  In her chamber, he set her on her feet and went to shut the door and bolt it.

  She said, "It was a secret chamber in the maids' room. Connell showed it to me."

  Dougald shook his head. "I should have known he would get you in trouble."

  "Only to come rescue you," she said, in defense of her brother.

  He was already removing her brat as she spoke. She was so bonny and all his.

  "How did you think to rescue me with just two lads to aid you?"

  "We thought there would be only one guard and three of us."

  He dropped her plaid and began to pull off her léine. "You?"

  "I have my dagger. And he wouldna have wished to harm me or fear my uncle's wrath."

  "As well as he would have feared your uncle's wrath should he have allowed one woman and two lads to free us." He slipped off her chemise, then dropped it ont the floor and hurried to strip out of his own clothes. "But I will speak with him further of this matter of using me to get at those who had you leave the keep." He paused, looked at her, loving the sight of her, thinking of the difference from being in the dungeon to being in the lass's chamber ready to make love to her.

  He gave her a wolfish smile as she smiled up at him, her brows raised slightly. Then he scooped her up in his arms and deposited her on the bed.

  "This is where I belonged hours ago to keep you safe and from roaming freely about the castle on your own, lass." When she opened her mouth to speak, most likely to remind him that the two lads had accompanied her, he said, "With Callum and Tavis, aye, which wouldna have been enough."

  Then he kissed her long and thoroughly, his tongue stroking hers. Her mouth curved upward, and her eyes were dark with intrigue. "You are so bonny."

  He smiled and stroked her silky hair. Then he was kissing her again. She responded with the same kind of rabid enthusiasm, her tongue exploring his mouth, her tongue caressing his, encouraging his already heightened need to investigate every bit of her and give her pleasure. He loved how quickly she was beginning to be accustomed to him and was just as eager to make love back.

  He cherished her and he couldn't imagine being anywhere else in the world but here, pleasuring her.

  He settled between her legs. He was so ready to enter her, to fill her completely. Her body relaxed beneath his, her nipples hard against his chest.

  He wanted to feel every luscious inch of her writhing beneath him as his mouth left hers and his tongue swept over her warm, soft skin, down her throat to a swollen breast, the nipple puckered. He licked and tasted and smiled as she moaned, her fingers grappling with his hair. She arched her body against him.

  He prized her responsiveness, the way she wanted more. Her eyes were closed now. She sighed with pleasure. She was a dream. His dream. He stroked her woman's need, rubbing the knotted area that made her moan and writhe.

  When he slipped his fingers into her wet heat, she cried out, shuddering. He con
tinued to stroke her, to enjoy the way her body responded so quickly to his touch.

  Unable to wait any further, he pressed his staff between her legs, parting her folds, entering her until he'd buried himself to the hilt. He loved joining with her, thrilled that she enjoyed their lovemaking just as much. He began to thrust into her and pressed his lips against hers again, her breathing fast, her heart beating hard. Her mouth kissed him back with just as much enthusiasm. She wrapped her legs around his waist, making the connection between them even more pleasurable.

  "Dougald," she said on a half sigh, half whisper.

  How could he ever have gotten so lucky to catch her in the heather?

  She dug her heels in, her hands gripping his back as he dove in again and again. He never wanted the night to end as he drew close to completion. So close, wanting to hold on, to enjoy every minute. He thought of the bairn they would have. The bairns. Loving and laughing, and just as lovely as their mother.

  Then he released, joining her, filling her, loving her.

  He collapsed, kissed her cheek, combed his fingers through her silky hair and wondered why he hadn't stolen her away from her uncle years earlier.

  "You, lass, mo chridhe, my heart," he said, then kissed her mouth, "you are the reason a man wouldna look any further."

  "Just remember that, husband," Alana said, smiling, as he moved off her, pulled her into his embrace, and tugged the furs over them.

  She felt as though she was in heaven, her body thrumming with the pleasure of his lovemaking, and the general overall happiness that being held in his arms, snuggling as man and wife, brought her.

  She and Dougald were feeling naught but delight and pure satisfaction, so she knew she shouldn't bring this issue up now—though she had discussed it thoroughly with her uncle and he was agreeable. Yet she was afraid Dougald would leave on the hunt without her, and she wanted to go also. She didn't want to wait until tomorrow to tell him what she intended to do, either.

  "About the hunt on the morrow—"

  "Aye, lass," Dougald said, his voice already taking on a negative tone as if he thought she was going to tell him she didn't want him to go.

  She tried very hard not to stiffen in his arms. "When we go on it tomorrow—"


  She knew he wouldn't like the plan.

  Chapter 26

  It was one thing for Alana to come to rescue him from the dungeon while only the two lads guarded her—though Dougald hadn't liked that she had been running around the castle without a dozen of his men as escort to protect her should MacDonald have learned she was practically roaming about the keep alone—but the lass was not going on the hunt with them.

  He could already feel her tensing in his embrace and wanted to head this argument off right away. He opened his mouth to speak, but she said, "My uncle agreed I would go on the hunt."

  He snapped his mouth shut. Her uncle was no longer her guardian. She was Dougald's wife, and he was the one responsible for her protection.

  Dougald wouldn't allow her to go with them when the MacDonalds would also be on the hunt. "Lass…," he said in a consoling manner.

  "We will go to the place where my father was killed. My uncle has agreed."

  Stiffening at the idea, Dougald knew he shouldn't have tried to placate her and instead told her the way of things. The forest she was talking about was near the stream that bordered their lands. He didn't want her that far from the safety of the keep—not with MacDonald and his men with them. Truth be told, he didn't want her that far away even if MacDonald and his men weren't riding with them on the hunt.


  "I have no' been back since my da was murdered," she said, her voice soft. She was stroking his chest in a tender way.

  He wondered if she did so because it gave her solace or if it was a means of appeasing him. "Lass, I dinna—"

  "I have been afraid to return," Alana admitted.

  He couldn't see her face, but he thought she was fighting tears the way her voice choked a little with emotion. He hated for her to be distressed. He pulled her tighter and kissed her head. "You dinna—"

  "I must return." She didn't sound like she was willing to concede.

  "I canna—"

  "MacDonald's men will stay at the castle tomorrow. Only he and his sons will be permitted to ride with us. All of your men can come on the hunt. My uncle will bring some of his men while the remainder will ensure MacDonald's men dinna cause mischief."

  "Alana—" Dougald couldn't keep the censor out of his voice. He didn't want her to go. What was wrong with her uncle?

  "Do you want to know why I am going?"

  To give Dougald gray hairs!

  "My uncle and I discussed it, and you know how he hasna wished me to talk about my ability to see and speak with spirits."

  He scowled at the thought that his wife was discussing such matters with her uncle while Dougald was left out of the conversation! He would put a stop to it at once.

  "It was many years ago, but what if some of the men are still there? The ghosts, I mean? What if they could tell me what they know? Mayhap even who had fought them?"

  Dougald ground his teeth. He still didn't like the idea that she would return there with the MacDonald men. It was too far from the safety of the keep. Yet he was glad that her reasoning wasn't just that she always went on the hunt. If they could learn who the murderers were, he had to admit that was a sound motivation for taking her. As much as he hated to confess it.

  "Of course," she said, still stroking his skin. If he wasn't so uptight about her going on the hunt, he would have had other thoughts in mind as she caressed him. "The ghosts may no longer be there."

  True, which was a very good reason not to go.

  "But if any of the men are still there and could help us clear up the matter concerning the murder of my da, wouldna it be a good idea?"

  "Alana, lass…"

  "I knew you would agree. That is what I love about you. You are strong and every bit a warrior, yet you are also verra clever."

  He shook his head, but then kissed her forehead and held her tightly in his arms. "If it could help us to learn the truth about your da and the other men's death, 'tis worth a try. No' that I am saying I am keen on the notion of you going along. If someone else had your talents, I would take him or her with us instead and keep you safely guarded at the castle."

  "Aye, but no one has my talent. And I thank you, husband, for calling it that."

  "Ah, lass, your safety is all that matters to me."

  "And in keeping me safe, we need to learn who was behind the murders."

  "Do you really believe anyone will still be haunting the forest?"

  She shook her head. "I dinna think so because the only ghosts I have ever met are ones that have no' been dead for verra long. But we shall see."


  The next morning, they broke their fast quickly so they could be on their way to hunt, but Alana could barely eat because of the way the MacDonalds watched her. She was certain they were annoyed with her because she had left her uncle's lands. Then the MacNeills found her in their own territory, and Dougald had felt compelled to marry her.

  The MacDonald men didn't scowl though, as if they were trying to be civil with her in the event that if someone dispatched her current husband, she'd suddenly have need of a new one. They didn't smile exactly, either, as if they were still so irritated with her, it was impossible to act pleased to be dining with her that morn.

  She didn't care. All that mattered was that she was married to Dougald. She loved him for his protectiveness and—despite his misgivings about her going on the hunt and his desire to make her stay home to keep her safe—he had agreed to allow her to come. He fully accepted that she might be able to speak to someone at the site where her da and the others had died and no one—but the dead—had ever truly tolerated that she could do so. His believing in her meant the world to her.

  With that thought in mind, she drew her chair a litt
le closer to Dougald's and smiled up at him. He returned the smile, though his brows were raised a little in question.

  She mouthed, "I love you."

  He chuckled and shook his head. "'Tis no' because you had your way with me, eh, lass?"

  She laughed. "For that and so much more."

  "I am speaking about the so much more."

  That made her face flush. He was such a rogue, and she loved him for it. It was true that after he had conceded she could go on the hunt, they'd made love again. And that was another thing she treasured about him. He made her soar to the sun and to the moon and every bit of sky in between.

  "Do you think 'tis a good idea to bring the lass with us?" MacDonald said to her uncle, garnering her attention.

  Dougald immediately said, "Aye." He didn't give any reason to MacDonald, but instead winked at Alana and squeezed her hand. She appreciated him all the more.

  She knew, despite what Dougald said, he was reluctant for her to go with them still. Yet, she assumed he had quickly responded to show MacDonald that he would answer for Alana, not her uncle. And that he was agreeable with Alana's participating on the hunt, particularly if MacDonald wasn't.

  Cameron nodded, but continued to eat with haste.

  "I didna believe she liked to hunt," MacDonald said, casting a concerned look her way.

  She didn't think he appeared sincere.

  "She has hunted with me and my men for years," Cameron said, then finished off his ale and rose from his seat. "'Tis time to ride."

  Not only had he signaled the end of the meal, but the end of the conversation. Did her uncle think anyone might let it slip that she was going to try and commune with ghosts at the hunting site? Neither her uncle, nor her husband would speak of it to anyone. Certainly, she wouldn't.

  Her uncle had not told MacDonald or his own men where they were going, either. Only Dougald's men were well aware of the location and knew to say nothing to the MacDonald or Cameron men about it.

  She liked the MacNeill men. They all seemed to view her as one of their clan, rather than of the Cameron's. Just as Tavis had said last eve.


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