When He Stays: A Student Teacher Romance

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When He Stays: A Student Teacher Romance Page 11

by A. R. Breck

  I shoot off my next text to him.

  Callie: Hey. I had to go home. Some killer migraine came over me and I could barely even see with all the bright lights and noises. Please don't hate me! I just need to go home and go to sleep. Go and have a good time tonight. Talk soon.

  Brock: Oh, that sucks. I'm sorry. And yeah… it sucks, but I just hope you feel better. You owe me though.

  Rolling my eyes at his last comment, I pocket my phone and look out the window, seeing a modest neighborhood with beautiful, log-type homes. Pulling up into the driveway of a two-story log cabin, my mouth nearly drops to my lap. The home is absolutely beautiful, with tall trees scattered throughout the front yard, it gives it a privacy feel.

  The driveway is long and leads up to a sidewalk that paves its way over to a swing in the front yard near a small fountain and garden. The porch has some lounging chairs and a small table in between. A perfect place to enjoy a cup of morning coffee as you watch the mountains. Looking around, I see that the house has many different large windows around the house, allowing in the natural sunlight.

  "This is where you live?" I ask in awe.

  Alec chuckles. "Yes. Come on, I'll show you around." He opens up his door and hops out, walking around to my side of the vehicle. Opening my door, he holds out his hand for me to take. Lifting my eyebrows in question, his only answer is to laugh. Taking his hand, he helps me out of his tall Jeep and together we walk towards the front door.

  He unlocks the door and lets me walk in first. The first thing I notice is the high ceilings and wood work throughout the home. A huge stone fireplace is the center of the living room with a TV mounted above it with one of the largest sectional couches I have ever seen surrounding it. The kitchen is off to the side with a bar-height island in the center. Marble countertops with dark cabinetry flow throughout. Off to the other side looks like a couple rooms, possibly a dining room and what looks to be like an office. There is a staircase off to the side which I'm sure leads up to the bedrooms.

  Outside on the deck, there is an outdoor seating area with portable heaters, and off to the side – a hot tub. I feel instead of see Alec come up behind me. He reaches out and puts his pointer finger under my chin, pushing up and closing my mouth. I didn't even realize my mouth was still hanging open. Looking up at him with stars in my eyes, I ask, "Why the hell are you a teacher if you can afford all of this?" I'm completely baffled.

  "My family owns a few ranches up in northern Colorado… they are pretty well off. Technically, I don’t need to work, but I enjoy what I do and it feels good to earn my own income, you know?" He doesn't seem offended, which is good.

  "I don't know anything about your family. What are they like?" I ask, trailing after him as he walks into the kitchen.

  He grabs a water for himself and offers me one, which I gratefully accept and down half of it. "My family is amazing. My mom and dad run both of the ranches full time. I am the oldest, and have a younger sister and a younger brother – twenty-four and twenty. My younger sister, Ashlie, is engaged to an accountant, kind of boring if you ask me but he seems like a nice enough guy. My brother, Tanner, has decided to skip college and is learning the ropes to running the ranches, getting ready to take over when my parents retire.

  "You didn't want to own the ranches?"

  "No. Not really my thing, to be honest. I can do it with my eyes closed, but I just couldn't see myself working the rest of my life on the farm. Doesn't bother my parents much though, and Tanner is really into it so at least it is going to stay in the family."

  "They sound nice." I smile.

  He frowns a little. "What about you, Callie? You don't ever talk about your family besides your Aunt. I know about your Mom, but what about your Dad, siblings?"

  Sighing, I say, "I have an older brother, Mack. He is in college out in California. We aren't that close, but we're trying. He is actually coming out here for a little bit of his winter break. My dad died when I was really young, heart problems. And you know about my mom…so… that's it." Shrugging, I try to smile but it falls flat. Talking about my family always puts me in a mood.

  He comes up to me, wrapping his arms around me and giving me a squeeze. "I'm sorry, Callie. You have been through so much in your life."

  Sniffling, I take a few big breaths and push my sadness away, not wanting to let my depressing life of a story take over our evening. Still having that hot tub in the back of my mind, I ask. "Hot tub?"

  His eyebrows lift. "You want to go in the hot tub? Now? You don't have a suit."

  Rolling my eyes, I shove him away from me. "What, are you eighty? I have underwear." Walking backwards away from him, I reach down and whip my shirt over my head, leaving me in just my bra and pants. "If I even need that." Winking, I turn around and make a bee line for the hot tub, shocked by my own boldness.

  I hear a growl behind me and then, "Take those pants off before I rip them off of you." Feeling my whole body warm at his words, I quickly kick my leggings off, leaving them where they land. Turning back around, I see his eyes dark and wanting. "Those are some sexy little panties you've got there for your date with Brock." His voice has taken on a dangerous tone.

  Gulping, I say, "I never would have done anything with him. I just wanted to feel sexy. And in the very, very back of my mind I was hoping you would have come for me."

  He smirks a bit, "And I sure did, baby." He whips his clothes off in a matter of seconds, and my mouth pools with water at the sight. Swallowing audibly, my eyes follow the road maps of his muscles, over planes of his body, and my eyes greedily take in everything he has to offer.

  He turns around, lifting the lid to the hot tub, which gives me a good look at his tight butt in his briefs. I resist the temptation to reach out and squeeze it, then giggle at the thought of what his reaction might be. He turns around, smirking, "What's so funny?"

  "Nothing." I bite my lip to keep from grinning.

  I get in as he adjusts some of the controls on the hot tub, starting up the jets. Sighing, I lean back and relax as the water takes away my stress as it always does. The cool Colorado air combined with the hot tub is an aphrodisiac. The combination almost gives me a high.

  Alec steps in and grabs me, resituating me on his lap. I relax back up against his chest, letting out a relaxed groan. He brings my hair to the side, running his nose up along my neck and giving me a small kiss behind my ear. I shiver, the sensation ticklish yet arousing.

  Alec's hands slowly roam over my body, massaging me and slowly, I can feel myself growing wet and him growing hard beneath me. When it gets to be too much, I turn around on his lap and straddle him.

  Reaching behind me, he unhooks my bra and tosses it on his deck. He leans forward with his hands and brushes his fingers over my nipples, squeezing them gently. The crisp air has already gotten them hard, and his manipulations are only heightening the sensations.

  "You can scream all you want out here, baby. No one can hear you." He says a moment before he leans forward and captures one of my nipples in his mouth, sucking almost to the point of pain. I cry out, overcome with need.

  I start rocking on his lap, trying to find some friction and release to the tension that is building. He releases my nipple on a pop and stands me up, peeling my panties down and then taking off his briefs too. Grabbing me, he places me on the edge of the hot tub and bends down without warning, giving my pussy a long swipe with his tongue. I reach forward and hold onto his shoulders, half to keep me from falling and half because I'm quivering from him feasting on me.

  I've never had someone know the exact buttons to hit to get me off so quickly. It's like he's read the manual to my body before we even got together. It's usually a task of the other person fumbling around to get me off, or even sometimes I just fake it to get it over. There is no chance of that with Alec, he was made for my body, pure and simple.

  After slowly building towards my orgasm, he sticks two fingers in me which catapults me into Neverland, making me see stars and galaxies,
and everything magical. Once I come down, Alec grabs me and turns me around, plunging into me from behind, he lowers me a bit below the water, and I'm about to ask what he is doing when –

  "OH, GOD!"

  He placed my pussy right up against a jet, having it rain fury up against my clit in a punishing rhythm. I tremble constantly as he pounds into me, his mind a single focus and that is to tear me apart. Without warning, a second orgasm rips through me, making me scream because, holy shit, this pleasure is actually painful. Alec comes with a grunt behind me, leaning forward and biting the skin where my shoulder meets my neck, causing goosebumps to break out against my skin.

  Grabbing my jaw, he turns me towards him and kisses me passionately. I reach up and wrap my hands around his face, loving the intimacy he is giving me. We kiss for a few more minutes until he leans back and asks, "You staying the night?"

  "If you want me to?" I ask hesitantly.

  "Of course, I do. Let's go." He leans down and picks me up, which makes me grab onto him for dear life, laughing and crying for him to put me down. He ignores me, carrying me bridal style out of the hot tub and into his house, up the massive stairs and into his bedroom, dropping me down onto his bed in a mess of wet, awkward limbs.

  "I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere." He winks and is out of his room in a flash.

  Smirking to myself, I fall back onto his comfortable bed, which is a California King from the looks of it. It is huge with the fluffiest pillows and dark navy comforter. I shiver, still naked and wet from the hot tub. Climbing underneath the covers, I wiggle around and get myself situated, letting out an audible sigh as I lay back onto his pillows, which feel more like clouds than pillows.

  Looking around his room, I notice it's pretty simplistic. Not many decorations in his room - just a dresser, night stand, TV, bed, and a dark wing back chair in the corner of his room. I make note to ask him later who decorated his house. It all looks like it fits his personality well, but I have a hard time believing he did all of the decorating himself. I scowl at the thought of an ex-girlfriend decorating his house with him. Or – an ex-wife? No. Couldn't be. He has never mentioned or even hinted of him being married before. There is no evidence around his house of a woman or children.

  Swatting those thoughts away like a pesky fly, I hear footsteps approach and see Alec coming around the corner with popcorn and snacks. He has covered up with a pair of low-lying sweats, which accentuate his hips and defined V that leads to his goods. How am I even in the mood still? I have never been this aroused before, but it's like whenever I am around Alec he flips the switch in me to auto-horny, and I can't seem to turn it off.

  Alec chuckles, noticing the look in my eyes. He sets the tray of food down on the bed and goes to his dresser, finding a pair of shorts and t-shirt, and tosses them at me. "You will drown in these, but I figure you're freezing and want something on."

  "Thanks. I'm just going to use the restroom. And it is…?" I look around, trying to figure out which door leads to his closet and which one leads to his bathroom.

  "The one on the left. Hurry up." He gives my butt a pat, and I squeal, rushing off to the bathroom to get dressed. I use the restroom and when I wash my hands, I notice my rosy cheeks and permanent smile that is etched on my face. I feel happy. This might even be the first time I feel completely happy since…I can't even remember when.

  I exit the bathroom, and stop at the sight. Alec is sprawled out on top of the bed, one arm behind his head and the other using the remote to flip through On Demand. The way he is laying is making his abs tense and flex, each ridge and plane of his muscles rippling with each move he makes, giving me a show of my own. I rake my hand through my hair, walking up to him and sliding into bed beside him, getting comfortable.

  Digging my hand into the popcorn bowl, I ask, "What're we watchin?" Mouth full, the words came out muffled.

  Eyes gleaming with laughter, he says, "Well, what kind of movies do you like? I've narrowed it down to Lord of the Rings, Billy Madison or Insidious."

  "OH! I am a horror movie addict. Let's go with Insidious." I clap my hands in excitement.

  "Insidious it is then." He turns it on and leans over for a remote control that he uses to dim his lights, giving us just enough room to see our snacks.

  We eat for a bit, then set the tray aside and snuggle up with each other. There are a few times when I get scared and have to look between the cracks of my fingers, which makes Alec laugh at me for being a baby.

  By the time the movie ends, we're both tired and throw on Billy Madison, but are both asleep before Billy even makes it to First Grade.


  I wake up to the sun glaring into my eyes, alerting me of its arrival. I groan, rolling over but having a hard time doing so, as there is a mammoth arm weighing me down. Turning my head over, I glance at Alec. His messy hair sprawled out over his pillow, his face relaxed without the tension of the day wearing him down, his lips a little extra pouty in his sleep, making me want to lean over and press mine to his cushioned lips.

  Feeling my bladder screaming at me, I slide out of his arms as quietly as possible, not wanting to wake him. Tip-toeing over to the bathroom, I relieve myself and wash my hands then tip-toe back into the bedroom, stopping at the edge of the bed and gazing down at Alec. He really is a sight to behold. It's a good thing that he has a California King with how much he sprawls out. He still looks so menacing, even asleep. Softer maybe, but still not someone I would want to mess with.

  As quietly as possible, I climb up on the bed and slowly pull the covers down, revealing his lower half. Noticing his erection, my mouth fills up with saliva, eager to have a taste of him finally. Peeling his pants over his hips, I give myself a moment to just admire his cock. It's thick, long and perfectly smooth. I lean forward and swipe my tongue across the tip, noting the salty flavor and a bit of precum leaking out. Loving his musky flavor, I go in for more. Taking him fully into my mouth, or as much as I can take, I moan around his cock, loving the feel of it gliding up against my tongue.

  I can feel the moment he wakes up; his thigh muscles stiffen and he lets out a loud groan. His hand goes around to the back of my head and he grabs a fist full of my hair, clenching his fist and moving my head to the rhythm he desires. He groans again, stiffening to stone. I reach down and grab his balls, giving them a little tug, which is like a trigger as he shoots his cum into my mouth, filling it up so quickly I am unable to swallow it all, some dribbling out the side of my mouth.

  Sitting up onto my butt, I wipe my mouth and let out a big sigh, catching my breath. "Holy shit." I huff.

  Laying back with one hand covering his abdomen and the other across his eyes he says, "Holy shit is right."

  Chuckling, I lay back down beside him. He uncovers his face and rolls over to face me. "Good morning." He flips over and slides down the bed, giving me bedroom eyes that make my cheeks redden. "Just going to return the favor." He winks, then slides down, swiping his tongue between my folds and sucking hard on my clit. I arch off the bed, needing to find purchase of some sort to help stabilize me. I reach back and grab on to the headboard, holding on for dear life as he eats me like a starved man.

  As I climb, climb, climb the mountain towards my free fall, he reaches forward and inserts one, then two fingers inside of me, arching them up and hitting that oh so sensitive spot that makes me jump off the cliff. "Oh, fuck." I cry, squeezing my eyes shut when the sensation gets too much to bear. Flopping back down on the bed, I lay there as I try to catch my breath.

  Alec leans over and gives me a wet kiss. After I catch my breath, he asks, "You hungry? I make some mean french toast."

  Cracking one eye open, I say, "Seriously?" I huff out a laugh.

  "Come on, lazy. I'll make you some of the coffee I know you love. I see you downing it like it's water during school." He gets up, adjusting his pants and then makes his way to the bathroom.

  "Coffee sounds good." I stretch out like a cat, listening to my muscles crack and the
n roll out of bed, pulling up my shorts and rolling them at the waist a few times so they don't fall down.

  Alec comes out of the bathroom and I smirk at him, noticing that he still has a little bit of sleepiness left in his eyes and he looks absolutely swoon worthy. He stalks towards me and bends down, giving me another peck on the lips as he is walking out the door. I follow behind him, looking forward to watching him work in the kitchen.

  I hop up at a bar stool at the island in the kitchen and prop my chin up in my palm, watching as he pulls out the ingredients and various bowls and pans that he needs. He gets to work cracking the eggs and whisking the ingredients in a bowl, simultaneously turning me on and impressing me all in one.

  He looks up at me, "Do you have plans for today?" He stops what he is doing and goes to pour me a cup of freshly brewed coffee "Uh, no, actually. I don't have to work this weekend, thankfully. I figured I would just be hanging out with Mya and Leah, but I have no idea what happened with them last night."

  "You could hang out here for the day, if you want." He shrugs and continues on with cooking, acting like what he said isn't a big deal.

  "Uh – yes! I mean, sure, that's fine. I just need to call Aunt Jenna. And I should call Mya and Leah and see what happened with them last night. My car is still over there with some of my things and – "

  Alec walks up to me and puts his hands on my shoulders. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down there, Sparky. You don't have to stay here if you don't want to. I thought I would just ask. I enjoy having you here, makes this place not feel so empty."

  "No! I really want to be here. I guess it just caught me off guard is all. I just need to make a few calls, okay? I'll be right back." I give him a smile and hop off the bar stool, walking towards the back deck with my cup of coffee and my phone. I might as well call everyone now instead of having it in the back of my mind all day.

  Sitting down in the outdoor lounger, I look out at his spectacular view, seeing that the mountain range appears to go on for miles and miles. The air is crisp and cool this morning and I can see my breath with each puff of air I breathe. I cup both of my hands around my cup and bring it up close to my face, letting the steam float over my face before taking a large gulp, gasping when it scorches all the way down from my throat to stomach.


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