When He Stays: A Student Teacher Romance

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When He Stays: A Student Teacher Romance Page 12

by A. R. Breck

  Ugh, hate when that happens.

  Pulling out my phone, I decide to dial Aunt Jenna first.

  "Good morning, Callie. How was last night? I'm surprised you're up so early."

  Laughing, I say, "I know, right? Last night was... good. The game was fun and kind of wild. I ended up not going to the dance though... my uh... head started to hurt towards the end of the game, so Leah and Mya just brought me back to their house before going to the dance. I actually crashed right away... that's why I didn't come home instead." I hope I sound more convincing in her ears then I do in mine.

  "Oh, no! Well, that's too bad. I'm sorry that happened. You're feeling better now?" Her concern makes my heart warm.

  "Yes, I'm fine now. I think it was just the noise and lights and all that. I'm feeling a lot better now. I do think I'm going to hang out with them today though, if that's alright? You weren't expecting me home at all?"

  "Oh, that's fine dear! I was going to go visit a friend over in Boulder today, actually. So I won't be around until later this evening. Will you be home tonight? Or were you planning to come home tomorrow?"

  "Umm, I think tomorrow? I will call you if anything changes."

  "Yes, please do. I'm glad you're feeling better, Callie. Let me know if you need me for anything, otherwise I will see you tomorrow, okay? Let's plan on something for dinner."

  Smiling, I say, "Okay, sounds good. Talk to you tomorrow. Bye."

  "Bye." Hanging up, I lean back in my chair and exhale a large breath. That wasn't bad, and she seemed to have bought my story with no hesitation.

  Looking back through the window, I see Alec setting up the table, so he must be finishing up with breakfast. I almost pocket my phone and call them later, but decide to just call now. If I don't call, I'm sure they will be blowing up my phone soon with a million questions.

  It's times like this that I wish I had a cigarette. Which makes me realize - I haven't smoked in a few days now. This is the longest it has been in... years. Alec's complaint about me smoking actually made me turn away from them. I'm not sure if I realized that they really weren't good for me, or if I was just trying to please him. Either way, I have cut down and my cravings have diminished.

  Pulling up Mya's name in my contacts, I hit call and listen as it goes straight to voicemail. With a relieved sigh, I go to Leah's name and press dial. Leah is the easier choice anyway. I know Mya would give me shit for missing out on the dance last night and question me until I actually do get a headache.

  "Hello?" Comes a sleepy voice

  "Leah, it's Callie."

  "Callie? How are you feeling?" She asks on a yawn. I hear some shuffling around and then a door close.

  "How am I feeling? Oh! Yes, I'm feeling better... just needed a good night sleep. How was the dance?"

  "Oh, Callie. You should have been there! It was so fun. I had the greatest time with Sawyer. He really is so sweet and smart. I'm actually at his house now. We... you know." She mumbles the last part.

  "You did not!" I gasp.

  "I did! And it was actually really good. Ugh, I feel like this is all a dream or something! Gah!"

  Chuckling, I say, "Good for you, Leah. Just... be careful? You guys seem like you're diving in a little fast." Hah, and I'm one to talk.

  "Yeah, yeah. Sure. I know. We are both taking it a day at a time and just enjoying each other. I'm not even sure what colleges he is planning or anything. So, yeah...we're really not too serious." Her tone makes it sound like she is trying to convince herself instead of me.

  "Okay. Well, anyways, I kinda have a favor to ask. I don't think it will come up, but if my Aunt asks where I was... I was with you and Mya and your house last night and today, okay?" I bite my lip, nervous asking her to lie for me. What if she won't? Ugh, I shouldn't have even called! I'm about to make an excuse to my excuse when she speaks up.

  "What's going on? Is everything okay? Where are you even? I thought you had a headache and went home." Her voice takes on a serious tone.

  "Yeah, I'm fine." I see movement from the corner of my eye and see Alec gesturing to me that breakfast is ready. I give him a small nod and a smile. "Look, I will talk to you about everything later, okay? I promise. Just cover for me if need be. I don't think my Aunt will say anything... but just in case."

  "Okay...you definitely have some explaining to do, though."

  Laughing, I say, "Yeah, no worries. Hey, I tried to call Mya and it went straight to voice mail. Do you know where she is?"

  "She got into it with Lane last night. I'm not sure what it was about, but she said she was leaving and walked out. He followed her and no one heard from them the rest of the night. I'm assuming they made up and went to his house or a hotel or something." Suddenly, I hear a rumbling, deep voice come from the other end of the phone, and I know we woke up Sawyer.

  "Hmm, okay. Well, I'll let you go. I need to stop by tonight and pick up my things, but I'll see you tomorrow if you're not home."

  "Okay. Talk to you later." And she hangs up. Well, okay then.

  Grabbing my cup of coffee and walking back inside, I think about what Leah said about Mya and make a note to try and get ahold of her this evening to see what happened last night.

  "How did it go?" Alec asks as I walk into the kitchen. I nearly swoon at the sight. The table is completely set and everything looks amazing. He seriously is the whole package. And he looks divine sitting there with his messy bed head and sweatpants that are hanging so low that his V is practically begging to be touched. "Callie?" He repeats.

  I stop my ogling and snap my head up. "Huh?"

  He gives me a devilish stare that shows he knows exactly where my mind was wandering. "I was asking how your phone calls went?"

  "Oh, they were fine. I told Aunt Jenna that I would be home later this evening and she was fine with it." Alec leans over and starts dishing up my plate with eggs, toast and fruit. "This looks delicious." I say as I grab my fork and take a bite. My eyes go wide and I let out a big moan. "Oh my God, Alec! This is amazing. Where did you learn to cook like this?"

  He chuckles, digging into his own plate. "Growing up on a farm, we always had hearty meals. My mom kind of taught me a thing or two in the kitchen." He winks at me, making a zap of warmth shoot right down between my legs.

  I wiggle in my seat, trying to find relief to some of the tension I'm feeling, and watch as Alec's eyes turn dark and wanting. I go from eating his food to staring at him like some sex fiend, unable to control the sexual heat that has risen to uncontrollable heights in the room. Alec gets up out of his chair and stalks towards me, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the bedroom.

  "But, what about breakfast?" I say, but not even caring, honestly.

  "Fuck breakfast. I'll eat you." He growls.

  Good Lord.


  Monday morning comes faster than I would have liked. Saturday at Alec's house was amazing. We stayed in bed most of the day. Actually, Alec spent most of the day inside of me. To say I was exhausted and sore on Sunday was an understatement. I have marks on my hips that show how dominant he gets in the bedroom, the power he holds over me. Just looking at them makes me squirm in the seat of my car.

  I've never felt like this before. It is almost like a floating feeling – I feel like my feet have barely touched the ground since he showed up at the game. He pays attention to me – to what I'm saying, to what I'm feeling, to the words I speak. I feel like he gets me and understands me. It's been hard, since losing my mom. I felt like I was in a never-ending vortex of despair, but the moment that Alec came into my life, he has shown me that happiness can exist after hopelessness. I just… I just hope it lasts.

  Pulling up into the parking lot of the school, I see Mya and Leah leaning up against their car and park right next to them. I turn off my Weezer playlist and hop out of the car, shouldering my backpack and walking over to them. "Hey, what's up?"

  Mya scowls at me. "What's up is right. How is your head feeling, liar?"

hh. Stop. I will tell you guys later, okay? Just – just don't anything right now. And don't make this a big deal!" I whisper yell, grabbing onto her arm to let her know I'm serious.

  She yanks her arm away from mine. "Yeesh, okay. What's the big deal? Is this some top-secret shit that is going on, or what?"

  "It's nothing. Nothing that I can get into right now, anyway. So, what happened on Friday night? Word is that you and Lane got into it." I lift my eyebrows in a spill it look.

  Rolling her eyes, she says, "Ughhhh. Nothing happened. He is a jackass douche bag that I want to punch in the face sometimes, and I told him as much. He didn't like that so I walked out. He followed me, where he proceeded to drag me to his car and bang the living hell out of me. We then went to his house and repeated this the rest of the night." She smirks devilishly at me.

  "Jesus." Leah whispers under her breath.

  "Well, alrighty then. A little bit more than I was looking for, but I guess I'll take it." I say.

  "You asked." Mya laughs.

  "Yeah, I know, but… you know what? Never mind. Should be head inside? It's colder than Antarctica out here." I shiver dramatically as I zip my coat up to my chin. Aunt Jenna came home yesterday with a brand-new Steve Madden winter coat for me and some matching boots. They are both really cute, brown, and the coat has a furry hood. They are also extremely comfortable. This is not something that I ever needed in California, and I honestly didn't even think about needing them when I moved out here. I'm glad that Aunt Jenna was thinking ahead, because although I'm still cold, I at least won't get frost bitten.

  Mya and Leah nod in agreement and we head inside. We stop at their locker first and then head to mine. As I'm grabbing my things, a thought comes to mind. "Hey, what ever happened with Brock? Did he go to the dance, or what?"

  They both look over at me like they completely forgot too. "Oh my God! I forgot to even tell you. Right after you told him that you weren't going to the dance, he looked pretty upset. But then he kept texting at the game, you know? I asked him who he was talking to and he tried to brush me off. When I peaked over his shoulder I saw he was texting Melanie from Mr. Lennington's class." Mya says wide-eyed.

  I gasp and even put my hand up to my chest for dramatic effect. "Melanie?!" I whisper shout. Melanie is some studious girl with glasses and barely says a word to anyone. She is the definition of a nerd. Frizzy hair, glasses, clothes that belong in the trash about ten years ago. It’s not like she’s poor, she’s just…nerdy. "How do you know it was that Melanie? It could have been anyone."

  "Because she ended up being at the dance. And who did she end up hanging out with all night? Brock! And that's not even the craziest part. Melanie apparently had some big makeover thing for the dance, because glasses? Gone. Frizzy hair? Straightened. Dress? Killer! And she has some awesome legs, girl. You should have seen it. They were all over each other all night. I don't know if he saw her at the game and reached out to her or what. But they were all goo-goo over each other."

  "Wow…" I say, speechless. I'm glad to say that there are absolutely no pangs of jealousy that hit me when I hear this. I am happy for Brock, and I wish him happiness. I am glad that he wasn't moping around all night because then I would have felt uber guilty. Relief pours off of my shoulders in waves and I feel ten pounds lighter. "That's good for him."

  "You're not upset at all that he moved on at the drop of a hat?" Leah asks wide-eyed.

  "No, I'm not. I've told you guys I only thought of him as a friend. I just want him to be happy, that's all."

  Mya gasps and looks at me like she's looking at a stranger.

  I look around. "Mya? What? What is it?"

  "You were with a guy! Weren't you?"

  Leah gasps next and slaps a hand over her mouth. "You were!"

  Turning red as a tomato, I say out of the side of my mouth. "Don't say another word and I promise I will tell you guys everything at lunch, okay?"

  They both mime zipping up their lips and throwing away the key just as the warning bell rings. "Let's head to class, shall we?" Leah asks.

  Slamming my locker door closed, I agree. "Yep, let's go."

  * * * *

  Sliding into my desk for history class, I'm almost surprised that I'm the first one here. Slowly, others start to trickle in. I try to pretend I’m working and not make it to obvious that I'm keeping an eye out for someone, but every time someone walks I’m sure I look like some desperate, love sick fool.

  And then he walks in. I have to clamp down the audible groan that attempts to climb its way out of my throat. He looks so sexy today in his dark pants and form fitting sweater with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, showing off his sexy, toned forearms. That, combined with his neatly trimmed beard that he must have trimmed this morning, and his hair in a small pony at the back of his head, I'm almost certain if I dipped my hand into my pants I would find some soaking wet panties.

  As if hearing my thoughts, he looks up at me with smoldering eyes and gives me a secretive wink, one that I grab and store away in my memories for later. A moment later, Brock and his buddies walk in, snapping us out of our bubble. Alec tries to hide his scowl, but I saw it. He continues on to his desk and unpacks his briefcase.

  "Hey you, how you doin’?" Brock asks, which makes me whip my gaze up to him from staring at Alec.

  "I'm good, thanks." I give him a small smile.

  "So, your head is feeling better then?"

  "Oh yeah, my head is better. Just a bad migraine, you know?"

  "I haven't had one before, but my older brother gets them all the time, so I know they're killer. Glad you're better." He gives me a smirk.

  "So, I hear you had a fun time on Friday?"

  He looks sheepish. "Oh, you heard about that?"

  "Yeah, but Brock, there is nothing to feel bad about. I'm glad you had a good time. I'm not upset."

  He looks slightly relieved. "Oh, okay." He sounds unsure, but I don't have time to interpret why he sounds this way, because Alec is on the other side of the room looking like he is moments away from saying something, and I can't have him continuously freaking out over me talking with Brock.

  I stick my head back into my work, hoping that he takes the hint and walks to his desk. After a moment, I hear him shuffle away, and then Alec begins his class discussion. It’s odd now, listening to him lecture me when not even 48 hours ago he was inside of me. Is that what we are doing, fucking? Am I just a booty call to him, or am I more?

  More seriously, do I love him? I don't think so, but maybe I do? Are we dating? A couple? Are we even exclusive or is he seeing other people when I'm not around?

  Oh, God.

  Now I am not so quietly freaking out, and the girl a few rows over is looking at me like I'm about to have a seizure. I give her a smile, hoping to reassure her I'm not about to keel over. But seriously, what the fuck. We didn't even talk about this stuff over the weekend and now I'm feeling all sorts of nervous he doesn't feel the same way I do.

  Before I know it, class is over and I don't remember a word of what Alec said the whole period. Sighing and grumbling to myself, I start shoving my papers and books into my bag, not liking how this Monday is starting out.

  "Callie, would you mind staying back a minute please?" Alec says from his desk, not even bothering to look up from whatever it is he's doing.

  "Um, sure?" I plop back down into my chair, waiting for everyone else to leave the classroom. A few people give me curious looks, and I just give them a thumbs up and a fuck off smile, and they turn around and go about their day with a sneer.

  I hear the classroom door close and heavy footsteps slowly come towards me. "Callie." Comes Alec's soft voice as he trails his finger along the back of my neck.

  Looking up at him, I ask, "Do you like me, Alec?"

  "Of course I do. Don't you like me?" He frowns heavily.

  "Yes. Obviously." I roll my eyes.

  "Well then what's the matter?"

  "I just - I don't know. Are we exclusive?" I d
on't know how to bring up all of my concerns without sounding immature or childish.

  He scowls, "Yeah, why? You aren't planning on fucking anyone else, are you?"

  "What! No! I’m just asking, you buffoon. I didn't know if you were seeing other people when we weren't together? Or...?" I leave my sentence hanging, hoping that he will be able to read the rest of my thoughts without me even saying them.

  The line between his eyebrows smooths out and he grabs me by the waist, lifting me from my chair and putting me on top of my desk, stepping in between my legs. "Baby, I'm not seeing anyone else, okay? And either will you. I enjoy our time together, and I would like to keep spending time with you. Alright?" He smiles, making his dimple pop out in his cheek and making me swoon.

  "Okay, are we like, dating?" God, shut up, Callie!

  Laughing, he nuzzles into my neck. "Yes, Callie. We're dating. Okay?"

  Blushing and feeling relieved, I say. "Okay...okay." Leaning up, I give him a kiss, which instantly turns deeper then I was intending it to go. Our tongues tangle together and dance. I nip at his bottom lip, making a rumble escape from deep in his chest. He runs his hand up and palms my breast, squeezing it and manipulating my nipple as much as he can through my shirt.

  Within a moment too soon, he tears his mouth from mine and takes a step back. "You have to get out of here babe, kids will be showing up here any moment." He lifts me off the desk and plants me on my feet.

  Feeling disappointed, I pout. "But when can I see you? I have to work tonight." I frown, making my lower lip extra pouty.

  He sticks his hand out and runs his thumb across my lower lip, eyes darkening. "What time do you get off work?"

  "Eight." I whisper, feeling much too warm for this time of year.

  "Come over for a bit once you get off." He rasps.


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