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Switching Witches

Page 3

by Robyn Peterman

  “The Witchypoo Convention? Seriously?” Mac asked with a grin as he gently wiped the applesauce out of Henry’s hair.

  “Yep,” I replied, lifting Audrey out of her highchair and planting a big wet smooch on her chubby cheek. “Sassy and I got sucker-punched by Baba Yodorko and have to go figure out the witchy shenanigans.”

  Mac paused in thought for a moment as Henry joyously applied more applesauce to his red curls. “Jeeves and I will accompany you. We can check in with the local Shifter pack and see if they’ve noticed anything unusual.”

  “You know what that means?” I asked as a wide grin pulled at my lips.

  Mac squinted at me and smiled even though my beautiful man had no clue where my mind was headed. “Umm…. Nope.”

  “Hotel sex,” I squealed, doing a mostly uncoordinated dance around the room much to Audrey and Henry’s delight.

  “Smeeeeeeex!” Henry squealed, blowing an applesauce raspberry and pumping his little arms over his head. “Yayayayayayayayay!”

  I froze in mortification and closed my eyes. I loved my children more than I ever knew I could love anyone or anything. I would happily and willingly die for them. I was also clearly giving them daily reasons to need therapy—decades of therapy. Shitshitshit.

  “Noooo,” I choked out, desperately trying to save the day… or at least the moment. “Mommy said hex. Like a magic trick.”

  “Like dis?” Audrey asked as she wiggled her little fingers and doused Henry in so much applesauce that it was difficult to tell he was a toddler.

  “Yummy,” Henry grunted as he ate his way out of the spell his twin sister had performed.

  And not to be outdone by his sibling, he sliced his small arm through the air and made chocolate chips rain down from the ceiling—thousands of chocolate chips.

  “Smexy hexy,” Henry bellowed with pride.

  Our babies were two of a kind—literally. Never in our history had there been twin witch-werewolves. They were both redheaded healer witches like me and could shift into werewolves with a magical affinity for the earth like Mac. The Goddess had blessed Henry and Audrey with unimaginable gifts, which scared the crap out of me. Time would only tell how powerful our little goofballs would turn out to be.

  “No more,” Mac said sternly, trying not to laugh. “Clean this up, you two.”

  With sad little sighs, Henry and Audrey clapped their hands and the food fight was over, except for a few chocolate chips that I’d swiped for later.

  “Okay, loves of my life,” I said as I put Audrey on the floor. “It’s naptime. Do you wanna fly to your room or ride daddy?”

  “Ride Daaaaddy!” Henry shouted with glee as he toddled across the room towards Mac like a tiny drunken sailor.

  Mac grinned and shifted effortlessly to his wolf. The beauty and simplicity of his transition still took my breath away. He was huge and a shiny chocolate brown. His sapphire eyes were exactly the same color in his human form as in his wolf form. Mac nudged our giggling children with his wet nose and they immediately climbed on board.

  “Run, daddy!” Audrey squealed as she grabbed his fur and bounced on his back.

  “Fast, daddy,” Henry added.

  Mac was not one to deny his babies anything, so fast it was. I grinned as they zipped out of the kitchen screaming with laughter. My life had turned out so fantastic it unnerved me. However, Roger, my porno loving rabbit therapist, told me that I deserved it and to enjoy every moment.

  I was working on that.

  Although, Henry, Audrey and Mac made it pretty dang easy to enjoy the moments.

  “They’re asleep,” Mac announced in a whisper.

  “How much time does that give us?” I asked as I whipped my dress over my head and went for my platform wedges.

  “Leave the shoes on. They make my dick hard,” Mac said, tearing his t-shirt apart in his haste to remove it. “They conked out fast, so I’d say we have forty-five minutes to an hour and a half.”

  “Should I elongate my hair so we can play Rapunzel?” I questioned as I raced around the great room and closed all the shutters.

  “No time,” Mac grunted as he pulled off his jeans and boxer briefs in one move. “Maybe we could act out Goldilocks and the Wolf.”

  “That’s Red Riding Hood and the Wolf,” I corrected him with a giggle.

  “Right,” he replied with a sexy lopsided grin that made me tingle all over. “All of my blood is residing in my Bon Jovi at the moment—not thinking real clearly.”

  “I could whip up the granny cap and glasses.”

  He paused and considered. “We played that last night. I say we switch it up.”

  “The Little Mermaid?” I suggested.

  “We flooded the house the last time we tried that one,” Mac pointed out as he began to stalk me like prey.

  It was all kinds of hot. I kept darting around the room so he would have to chase me.

  “The Lion King?” I proposed as I wiggled my nose and flew to the other side of the room just as he was about to pounce on me.

  “That’s kind of weird,” he said, grinning like a fool as he moved across the room faster than could be tracked with a human eye and pinned me happily against the wall.

  “What would you suggest we play?” I purred as I rubbed my naked body against his.

  The sound he made deep in his throat was so sexy my knees almost buckled.

  “How about the Witch and the Werewolf?” he inquired as his fangs dropped and his eyes glowed with desire.

  “I don’t think I know that one,” I whispered and then moaned as his hands began to expertly explore my overheated body. “How do we play it?”

  “It’s very hard,” Mac said with a chuckle, jutting his hips forward so I could feel just how hard it was. “Would you like to hear the story, little witch?”

  “Do you think you’ll still be able to speak in two minutes?” I shot back, taking his enormous and gorgeous length in my hands and stroking it.

  “Possibly,” he hissed out as pleasure made him drop his head back to his shoulders.

  “Should I stop so you can tell me the story?” I teased with a naughty grin.

  “Umm… no,” he said gruffly, grabbing my hand and holding it in place. “I think it will enhance the length and size of the story.”

  The giggle that erupted from my throat was quickly silenced with a kiss that left me dizzy. It was all kinds of insane that sex with Mac kept getting better and better. Sex was great. Love plus sex made it freakin’ fabulous.

  “Goddess, I love you,” he said as his eyes searched my face like he was memorizing it.

  I shivered and it wasn't because I was naked except for my fabulous Jimmy Choo wedges. Mac’s expression caused my shudder. His lids were hooded and his lust unmistakable. His breathing was heavy and his body tense with desire.

  “You are gorgeous,” I whispered, running my fingertips through the light sprinkling of dark hair on his chest.

  “Not nearly as gorgeous as you are,” he replied as his lips found my collarbone and began to slide lower.

  I arched back wantonly as he latched onto my nipple. The firm pulls from his lips went straight to my toes and the moan that left my mouth begged for more.

  He smelled like heaven—all soapy and sexy. He pulled back and stared at me with so much love and adoration in his eyes that I wanted to cry. My heart was heavy in my throat as he traced my bottom lip with his finger and watched his motion with intensity.

  “I don't think we should fuck,” he said.

  “Wait.” I squinted at Mac and pursed my lips. “I’m not sure I like this story anymore. And I’d like to point out with all the blood hanging out in your Bon Jovi instead of your brain, you should not be thinking at all. You feel me?”

  “Let me explain,” he said as scooped me up and tossed me onto the couch. "We are definitely going to fuck, but not until I've made love to every inch of your sexy body.”

  “Oh my Goddess, that’s so freakin’ hot,” I gasped out, begin
ning to like the story—a lot.

  “I am pretty hot,” he agreed with a sexy smirk.

  “Well, you're certainly obnoxious and confident,” I shot back with a delighted laugh.

  Mac flexed his ridiculously and perfectly muscled arms like an idiot and grinned. “I’m confident that you’re gonna come so hard you’ll pass out.”

  “You sure about that, werewolf?” I challenged, loving how goofy my sexy man was.

  “I don't make promises I can't keep, little witch. Never have, never will.”

  My heart beat with excitement so loudly in my chest I was sure he would hear it. “I dare you.”

  “My pleasure,” he replied with a raised brow and a chuckle.

  He lowered his head between my legs and held me motionless as I gasped and tried to move. My hips wanted to thrust, but his hands held me still. The sensation was so intense I wanted to scream.

  “Goddess, Mac,” I hissed as my body verged on orgasm.

  “I prefer God, but Goddess will work in a pinch.”

  He had no intention of stopping and used his fingers and tongue in ways I didn't know were legal. Grabbing a pillow from the couch, I slammed it over my face to muffle my screams. My screams made Mac intensify his efforts. Glittering golden sparkles rained down gently around us as I was unable to hold back my magic. I trembled and cried out under his expertise.

  “Is this the part of the story where we do the deed?” I gasped out as a heat coiled between my legs and the pressure threatened to undo me.

  “Gettin’ there, baby,” he said gruffly as he continued making magic with his fingers, causing stars to burst across my vision. “It would be a real shame to rush to the end of the story.”

  Goddess, he was a dick—a sexy, well-hung wanker.

  “I’m pretty sure we’re close to the end of the story,” I insisted as I pressed my legs together to trap his hand and keep it where I wanted it.

  “Beg,” he demanded as he lowered his head to my breast and nipped.

  “Witches don’t beg, werewolf,” I shot back as my hips undulated and belied my words.

  “Today they do. That’s in the story, witch.”

  “Who made this story up?” I demanded as my body danced to a carnal rhythm, begging for more.

  “I did,” he replied with a laugh.

  His mouth replaced his fingers and he bit down and then sucked. The orgasm ripped through me like a tornado. My body thrashed and twisted with absolute joy. Mac never stopped and ramped me right back to the place where I was out of control.

  “Beg,” he hissed as he ran his tongue from my belly to my aching breasts.

  “Fuck me, wolf,” I whispered.

  “Can't hear you, witch,” he ground out and positioned his cock against my wet and needy opening.

  “Do me now or I’ll turn you into a toad,” I hissed as he pushed the head of his cock into me.

  “Not sure that’s part of the story,” he said with a grin.

  “Sorry. My bad. I was improvising. Just do me. If the twins wake up your balls will be so blue, they’ll fall off your body.”

  “Good point,” he said, pushing a little farther into my body. “So fucking perfect," he ground out and then stilled.

  The feeling of fullness was like a drug I couldn't live without. I dug my nails into his broad shoulders and tried to push my body onto his, but he held me fast.

  He continued to rotate his hips and nipped at my neck. Mac’s fangs initially scared me silly but were now a serious turn on. I wanted him to slam his body into mine and bite me. He needed to get to the good part of the story and just fuck me.

  “Pretty sure we’re at the end of the story," I told him as I arched and rubbed my breasts against his chest.

  His quick harsh intake of breath was way hotter than August in Assjacket, West Virginia. I grinned and tightened my body around the part of him that was inside me and squeezed hard. His sexy muttered curse was exactly what I wanted to hear and I contracted around him again.

  “Son of a bitch,” he growled and buried himself to the hilt with a swift thrust.

  He was almost too big to handle, but my body softened immediately. I closed my eyes and vivid colors danced across my vision as he began to move. My hips joyously met each deep thrust as he powered his way into my body, heart and soul.

  “Slow or fast?” he ground out as the muscle in his jaw worked overtime.

  “Fast. We’re parents, for the love of the Goddess. Slow is for childless couples.”

  “I’m on it.”

  The speed of his thrusts increased and he began to fuck me like the animal he was. It was so incredible, I felt like I was floating. My magic continued to dance around us and the great room looked like a pornographic fairy tale come to life. I gasped in astonishment as he withdrew from my body, but before I could say a word in protest he flipped me over to my hands and knees and slammed back into me.

  “Need to be closer,” he growled as he tangled his fingers in my wild hair and held me where he wanted me. “You're perfection.”

  “Not even close,” I said as I fell forward onto my outstretched arms, giving him even better access to my body.

  “Perfect for me,” he hissed as his speed ramped up to something that should have sent us to the Next Adventure.

  I loved his possession of my body and pumped back against his thrusts sending us both into a wild frenzy. The power of rational thought deserted me as an explosive orgasm tore through my body. Mac howled as he joined me.

  I felt like I was falling down the rabbit hole as waves of tingling pleasure consumed me. For a second everything turned black.

  "I think I passed out," I said with surprise.

  "Told ya," Mac replied with total male satisfaction. “Pretty damned good story.”

  I rolled my eyes and giggled. He certainly didn't break his promises. The story was damned good. Mac rolled us to our sides. Still buried deep inside me, he spooned me and kissed my hair and neck.

  “You are my everything, Zelda,” he whispered.

  “And you’re mine, Mac,” I said, snuggling close. “Do you think we have time for another story before Henry and Audrey wake up?”

  “I certainly think we could try,” he said as I felt him harden again inside my body.

  We had time for two more stories. The kids took a very long nap.

  The day had started horribly and ended perfectly.

  As of now, Mac was in charge of all the stories. He was a damned good storyteller.

  Chapter Four

  “Under no circumstances can you reveal that you are a true witch,” Baba Yaga announced as she reeled off the rules for the Witchypoo Convention to Sassy and me. “No magic shall be performed in front of humans unless it’s a life or death situation. You will behave and refrain from zapping humans or each other bald. The Goddess will be monitoring your progress and will blast your asses into next year if you screw up.”

  “You mean fuck up?” I asked with a yawn.

  “You eat with that mouth?” Baba Yaga demanded with narrowed eyes.

  “She most certainly fucking does,” Sassy answered for me.

  I almost laughed, but Baba was starting to sparkle ominously. Not a good sign.

  Baba Yorudeass had shown up at seven am. Her outfit was so loud and garish I almost slugged her. Henry and Audrey had taken such a long nap yesterday that they decided to stay up most of the night. While I was thankful that I’d enjoyed multiple orgasms yesterday afternoon, I was exhausted today. Staring at a bossy-ass witch clad in yellow spandex dotted with purple feathers and sequins at the butt crack of dawn wasn’t working for me.

  “And what exactly am I supposed to do if everyone starts pooping?” Sassy demanded, staring daggers at anyone brave enough to make eye contact with her.

  “No one will be pooping,” Baba Yaga snapped and rolled her eyes. “We have already established that.”

  “Oh yeah. Right,” Sassy said with her own eye roll. “They’re all going to hold it. Which is wa
aaaay unhealthy.”

  My idiotic BFF was treading on some thin ice smack-talking our fashion-impaired leader, but she didn’t seem to be concerned. I was actually kind of proud of Sassy the same way a parent would be if she’d learned her child had head-butted the school bully. Not that violence was ever the way to go, but sometimes it was appropriate… or at least satisfying… or funny.

  Sassy wasn’t a morning person at all. She was grumpy about being yanked out of bed by Marge and poofed over to my house against her will. She’d already blown up my coffee table, the TV and two lamps. Possibly because I was basically asleep on my feet or maybe it was because I was pissed that my shit was being destroyed, but I’d already zapped Sassy bald. Of course, I felt bad and gave her back her hair as soon as I woke up a bit, but not until she threatened to decrease my bust size. I really liked my boobs.

  “I need to eat or I’m going to throat punch someone,” Sassy muttered.

  “No worries,” Marge sang, sounding far too bright and cheery for the early hour. “Jeeves, Fabio, Roy, Mac, and the babies are creating a breakfast feast as we speak.”

  “Goddess in crotch-less panties, that could certainly turn out to be a shitshow,” I groaned, wondering if I was going to have to magically repair my kitchen. Mac, Jeeves and my dad, Fabio were excellent cooks. My children were amazingly destructive in the kitchen. And Roy? Roy Bermangoggleshitz couldn’t cook to save his formerly evil life.

  Roy was a newly reformed assface of a warlock. He was Sassy’s dad and Marge’s one and only true love. I’d gone from wanting to enhance his looks with a thousand warts to loving him like one would love a seriously dysfunctional drunk uncle—the kind of guy who tells off-color jokes and burps at the dinner table and doesn’t say excuse me. However, he’d basically given his life for the lives of Henry and Audrey. Thanks to the Goddess and Marge’s magical kiss, he was alive and kicking. But he still couldn’t cook.

  “Moving on,” Baba Yaga said, shaking her head. “As I told you, we’re not sure what the problem is. We just have a feeling there’s a problem.”

  “That’s about as clear as mud,” I muttered as I opened the front door and ushered everyone outside. If Sassy was going to blow shit up, it was going to be in my yard, not my house.


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