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Gang Raped Virgin

Page 9

by Paul Gable

  Minutes passed, perhaps hours.

  Janet raised her head from the crumpled pillow and looked past the men to the dirty front windows. It was still light outside. Perhaps it was only four, maybe five. She would be missed at home within an hour or so. What would she tell her mother? How could she ever explain something this evil, this perverted to her mother? No, no, never would her mother know about this incident in her life. Even Julie would be kept in the dark. She would make up some story about seeing a guy to keep Julie satisfied.

  “Hey, baby, you rested up?”

  Janet had hoped they would forget her. But from the tone of Jack’s voice, the end of her ordeal hadn’t come yet.

  “Please, just let me go. You’ve done enough to me already, haven’t you?”

  She heard laughter. Apparently they hadn’t. She heard chairs scuffling across the wood.

  Peering up again, Janet saw them approaching, their chests bare although all three had slipped their Levi’s back on. They stopped short of the couch, their faces sneering down at her.

  She knew they were looking at her as if she were the lowest creature on earth! They weren’t the scum any longer. She was the dirt, the mud they could trample on. She had proven just how sluttish she was a few moments ago. She could have resisted, could have refused to participate in their awful game. But instead she had taken them on willingly, had embraced their perversions with an enthusiasm that surprised even these animals! Yes, they were right in looking down at her! She was scum, the lowest of the low!

  “Get on down, baby… get on down and lick them boots,” Jack said.

  Janet pushed herself weakly up from the couch, brushing her hair from her eyes. She looked blankly into his eyes. Her mind was still scrambled from the mind-blasting fuck she’d just received. “Wh-what?”

  Something about boots? What had he said? What had he ordered her to do? Something awful? Probably. She couldn’t imagine Jack was asking her to do anything decent.

  “I said lick my fuckin’ boots. You been doin’ everything else around here, baby. You ain’t fit for decent people any more. Fuck, you got about as much class as a toilet bottom. So, baby, you gonna show yourself just how low you are. Now lick them boots.”

  Jack shot one hand out, griping her by the hair and tugging hard.

  Janet screamed, her eyelids fluttering. She beat at his fingers, her legs flailing against the sofa. The pain was excruciating. For a moment there Janet had thought the men had numbed her reactions. But she could still feel pain, still feel fear.

  She slid off the couch, tumbling in a heap at the big man’s feet. He let go of her hair, his hands on his hips, his lips curled once more into a broad sneer. She had heard him correctly.

  “Lick ’em!”

  He shoved his filthy boots caked with mud under her chin.

  Janet jerked away, her blonde hair curtaining her face once more. Maniacs, all of them! They should all be put away somewhere where they couldn’t harm the rest of society. “I said lick ’em!”

  He would hit her if she didn’t obey quickly. Janet leaned forward, supporting her body with both hands while her legs lay tucked under her butt. She could smell the filth rising like a sick vapor from his boots. And he wanted her to lick them? Closing her eyes, Janet swallowed hard, dropping her head down, down until her lips were nearly touching the dirty leather.

  “Toilet mouth,” Greig murmured.

  The young stud stepped behind Janet as she began polishing Jack’s boot with choking, gagging sounds. Just when she grabbed at her throat to keep from retching, Greig raised one booted foot, putting the heel down hard on the back of her neck. Pushing down hard, he shoved her flat on the floor, her chin striking the toe of Jack’s boot hard enough to knock the wind from her.


  “What’s the matter, babe? Don’t you know how to lick somethin’ clean? Ain’t your old lady never told you how to clean up a plate? Come on, bitch, lick ’em clean. I wanna see your fuckin’ face in cum,” Jack taunted.

  Janet pushed herself back up again, casting a look of loathing at Greig before she pushed back her hair and once more lowered her mouth to the awful boot. How horrible it tasted. After every second or third lick she had to turn her head and spit out the mud gathering on her tongue! And they were all laughing, laughing at this horror! It amused them to watch her groveling like this, panting like a dog, licking their boots clean! Surely this had to be the end! Surely there could be little else they would do to her!

  Chapter 11


  Janet turned away from the men, both hands clutching her stomach. She had licked Jack’s boots clean and was working on Bill’s when she thought she was going to lose her lunch.

  She gagged, feeling the sour taste of the bile rising in her throat. Bending over, her tits nearly touching the floor, she fought back the desire to retch in front of these men. She wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of watching her shame herself like that! Spitting out the dirt, Janet panted sickly, wishing once more she could have a knife to end her miserable life.

  “Rope the bitch! If she don’t know how the fuck to behave now, we’ll just have to drive the lesson home, right guys?” Jack said, raising an eyebrow.

  Rope! More torture, more beating, more belting!

  “No, no! NO! NO!” Janet screamed hysterically, alternately laughing and shrieking as Greig and Bill grabbed her under the arms and hauled her down the darkened hall toward the bedroom.

  The bedroom! Jack had said she’d get there when she proved herself worthy. Worthy! The thought made her laugh again. She threw back her head and screamed with hysteria.

  “Come on, you looney. Man, she’s goin’ nuts. Guess we fucked her crazy!” Bill commented as they dragged the girl into the small room.

  Janet stopped her wild cries as they threw her on the bed. She landed with a grunt, pushing herself up quickly and staring wide-eyed around the room. The room was small, dirty, bare of any furnishings except this crumpled double bed and a cracked mirror nailed to the wall behind it. Dirty, empty, deserted, just like her life!

  Looking at the mirror, she saw her face distorted by all the cracks in the glass. As distorted as her life was! Then she saw Jack enter the room, pieces of rope dangling from one hand. She laughed again, drawing her fingers over her mouth.

  “Fucking? Oh God, no, yes, no, yessss!”

  Her mind whirled out of control as he stepped into the bedroom, swinging the ropes.

  “Dumb bitch!” he growled, raising one hand and slapping her right cheek.

  The blow knocked Janet flat on the bed, her hair sweeping over her face. She grunted, half rolling to one side. The hysterical laughter was over, replaced by a soft, gentle moaning.

  Janet didn’t, fight them, didn’t even give them the satisfaction of groaning with some kind of delight as she felt someone looping the line tightly around one ankle, then slipping another rope around her other leg. They were spreading her thighs apart, securing the ropes with a double figure-eight around her ankles, then tying the loose end around a leg of the bed with a square knot.

  She was split open again, her cunt and asshole exposed, pried open by the tension of the heavy-duty line. Still the girl could feel cum oozing out of her violated holes, wetting down the filthy white sheet gathered under her body. What now? Defeated, deserted, the young teen didn’t care. She was already a zombie. There was little they could do, she thought, that would rouse her much from her stupor.

  “Come on, get up on your fuckin’ hands and knees, baby,” Jack ordered.

  It was an effort, perhaps the greatest effort of her life to haul herself up from the bed. Staring at her reflection in the mirror, Janet saw what she had become – trampled on, a slovenly whore driven to the depths of depravity, a willing victim of these animals who knew nothing else except the vilest kind of sexual contact. She lowered her head, her hair splashing across her whitened knuckles. Digging at the torn sheets, she thought of her mother and wept.

/>   “You take anything, right, baby? See if you dig this,” Jack said.

  Staring into the broken mirror, she saw Jack standing behind her. He was pulling something out of a small leather pouch he’d carried on his right side. A knife! God! So this was how her life was going to end, knifed to death in this slum house, a victim of her own perversity!


  She bolted, then froze when she felt the flat of the iron blade pressed against her cunt. The shock nearly made Janet faint. Trembling, curling her fingers until they cramped, waiting for the final blow, she watched as Jack and the others drew closer to the bed. “Nice, huh?”

  She felt the knife slide across one buttock, then dip into her narrow asscrack. Jack traced the blade up toward her waist, then carefully down to where her ass met her thigh. The pressure increased as the surgically sharp knife neared her clit. How shameful, how horrible, and yet how exciting! Yes, it was too true. The girl felt herself warming once more between her legs, actually becoming aroused by the subtle drag of that knife.

  Then the blade went away.

  Janet let out a long shuddering sigh, unsure whether or not she was glad Jack had withdrawn it. Then suddenly there was a chill at the center of her cunt. Jack, had pressed the blade against her wet slit, rocking it from her clit to the bottom junction of her cuntlips. She heard him laughing, commenting on how her juices were oozing out of her slit and wetting down, the gleaming silver blade.

  Jack rocked the knife up and down, pressing the tip against her rising clit.

  Janet gasped, shaking her head from side to side. No, no, please God, not this, not this! It was one degrading act after another, each one more horrifying, more humiliating than the last! And there was nothing she could do to stop them, to stop her body’s positive reaction to what Jack and his buddies were doing. Jerking to one side, tugging her feet against the ropes, she arched her back, opening her cunt almost eagerly td the blade.

  “Yeah, slut, yeah, you want anything to take care of that bitchin’ cunt of yours,” Jack muttered.

  He kept rocking the blade back and forth. The touch and coldness of the iron sent excitement rushing through the blonde teen. It was almost the same feeling she had when the men were toying with her, fucking with her. It didn’t seem to matter what or who touched her cunt – just as long as something did!

  “Oh, oh, oh!”

  Janet felt her cunt clamp down, the razor edge of the blade slitting her outer cuntlips.

  “No, no, don’t… don’t make me do this!” Janet cried.

  She stared at her lust-bloated face in the mirror. She was turning onto this horror, loving every perverted moment of it! When Jack rocked the knife down, shoving the tip harder against her clit once more, the young girl thought she would faint from pleasure. She closed her eyes, feeling her flesh crawl, feeling those sharp delightful shivers of sexuality ripple up and down her spine. It was unbelievable, but she felt her clit swelling, felt a hotter, more intense lust flowing from her crotch. Fucking! Yes, that had done it to her, had warped her mind, had turned her into a sex machine!

  Janet’s pulse raced. She opened her eyes and saw Jack hovering over her. He was stroking his long, thick cock that stuck out from his halved Levi’s.

  “Fuck me, fuck me!” the girl cried.

  “Man, now she’s beggin’ for it… just like all the other cunts we’ve had up here,” Jack muttered. Janet screamed, her elbows bowing out. The tip of the knife her pierced her clit, her cuntlips burned, flamed with delight.

  Janet had thought that Jack might hurt her with that knife, might cut her. That possibility added yet even more spice to the girl’s fear, made her cunt juices ooze out faster.

  “Go for it,” Jack whispered, dragging the sharp edge of the blade tack, tracing a groove down to the edge of Janet’s cuntmouth.

  The buzzing, spinning flashes from her clit ebbed, but the fear of having her pussy cut remained. With another grunt, Janet shoved her ass back at the big man, feeling the tip of the knife slip around her cuntal rim. Glancing back into the mirror once more, Janet could see she was shaming herself, letting her body show that it was hungry for his red-knobbed cock. She wanted Jack to shove his rod into her hungry, sucking hole.

  Jack was panting now, still jacking his cock, his fist moving faster and faster.

  Janet rolled her hips from side to side, arching and shoving back her buttocks at him. She felt the oily, slippery sweat rolling down her thighs, mixing with her cuntjuice.

  “Bitch! Pig! Take a cock, baby, a real man’s cock!” Jack shouted, climbing onto the bed.

  Janet smiled, her eyes closed tightly as she felt the stabs of his cock against her pussy. Rolling her hips forward and hunching her back, she felt his cockhead slip in, then move around in her cunthole. How easily it slipped into her pussy, just like a greased finger?

  Jack steadied himself for a moment, then slipped his fingers down, down until he was again playing with her tits, kneading the flesh, pinching her nipples. Janet loved the sensation of being fucked like a dog, of being degraded by this man and his friends. She wished this could go on all night. She hunched her back against him harder, feeling the full length of his fat prick in her body. She felt his cockhead like a plum on a pole, swirling and rotating around and round inside her.

  “Oh, oh, ohhhh!” she whimpered, unable to stop the wild chain of thoughts, the rapid building of her orgasm.

  Jack laughed, twisting her nipples viciously, draping himself again over her back and biting down hard on the back of her neck. Janet sobbed. The bruising fingers on her nipples made every ounce of her tits ache. And those teeth on her neck! The bite made Janet throw her head back. She raised herself up.

  “Ugh! Ughhh! Ughh!”

  Jack’s belly, slapped against hers. That itching, burning sensation in and around her cunt and ass was driving her crazy. Soon she would shame herself again, soon she would cum.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” she screamed, her head rolling from side to side. She clawed at the pillow, driving her shoulders forward. Cum now! Cum now! That’s, the only thing she could think of.

  Growling like a dog, she felt the whirling knot of lust in her crotch about to explode. The immense blast furnace of chilly heat grew and grew. It was so wonderful hearing her juices squishing between the heavy slaps of his belly against her ass.

  “Fuck!” Jack shouted.

  With a savage jab, Jack shoved down. A lava-like blast of cum sprayed against her cuntal walls. Janet could feel it, feel that gush of hot jizz spatter in. Gasping, blowing out the breath she had just held, Janet felt her cunt walls crash in orgasm.

  The first fuck jolt of her orgasm shattered the girl completely. Her cunt spasmed, wringing tighter at the dick than before. Her hips jerked from side to side as she opened her mouth and screamed out her delight. Oh God, God, this was the most intense cum yet! Her pussy clutched and milked more and more spunk from Jack’s swinging balls! Again and again her pussy spasmed, holding tightly onto the fat rod, greedily gumming at the big man’s prick until there was nothing left in his balls to shoot out.

  “Man, man, real bitchin’… good fuck,” Jack whispered, pulling out his cock and slipping it back into his pants.

  “Hey, we get some chances now?” Bill asked, ready to mount the panting, whimpering blonde now spread out on the bed.

  “It’s gettin’ late. Time for the little bitch to get home. We don’t want her gettin’ her mama worried on where she is. That’s okay, blondie,” Jack said, reaching down and tugging at her hair. “We’ll drive you close to your home. The least we can do, right?”

  Janet lay on the bed for several minutes, gathering what strength she had. They had done their worst. They had defiled her, dragged her through the gutter and made her love it! She was no better than they – perhaps much worse.

  Pushing herself up from the bed, shoving the now-tangled locks of her hair from her face, Janet peered again into the cracked mirror. Whore! It was written all over her face. Whore!
  “Come on, bitch, we ain’t got all fuckin’ day,” Jack said, throwing her clothes at her when he returned from the living room.

  Would they call her again? Perhaps they had had enough with her. She caught snatches of conversation between Bill and Jack, heard the leader call her nothing better than a sewer right now. Maybe they were right. She was certainly at the bottom of the barrel now.

  “Come on!”

  It was so hard to dress! Pulling on her blouse and buttoning it, Janet thought about the horror she had just endured. Horror, yes. But she had enjoyed it also, had discovered a part of her that, for better or for worse, just wouldn’t go away. Perhaps it would have been better left alone. But now she had to deal with it.

  “Come on, bitch, or I’ll lay this belt into you!” Jack barked.

  Janet smiled. That wouldn’t be that bad, would it? She would have to think about that on the way home. Sliding her sandals on and buckling them tightly, she thought of the beating, of the ropes, of that knife, of all the fucking and smiled. A new world. Yes, she was entering a new world, once she found exciting as well as threatening.

  Standing up from the bed, feeling a little wobbly, the young girl walked to the bedroom doorway. Perhaps they would call. She must be careful. Unsure of where her sexuality would lead her, Janet nevertheless decided she would follow that path. How could something that felt this good be bad in the end?


  “Coming,” Janet said, feeling so much older now!

  The end.




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