Insult and the Making of the Gay Self

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Insult and the Making of the Gay Self Page 62

by Didier Eribon

  Russo, Vito. The Celluloid Closet. New York: Harper and Row, 1981.

  Said, Edward. Culture and Imperialism. New York: Vintage, 1994.

  Sartre, Jean-Paul. Anti-Semite and Jew. Trans. George J. Becker. New York: Grove Press, 1960.

  ———. Being and Nothingness. Trans. Hazel E. Barnes. New York, Washington Square Press, 1966.

  ———. Black Orpheus. Trans. S. W. Allen. Paris: Présence africaine, 1963.

  w o r k s c i t e d


  ———. Critique of Dialectical Reason, Volume 1: Theory of Practical Ensembles. Trans. Alan Sheridan-Smith. Ed. Jonathan Rée. London: NLB, 1976.

  ———. ‘‘De la vocation d’écrivain.’’ In Les Écrits de Sartre: Chronologie, Bibliographie commentée. Ed. Michel Contat and Michel Rybalka. Pp. 694–98. Paris: Gallimard, 1970.

  ———. ‘‘Entretien.’’ Gay Pied Hebdo No. 13, April 1980.

  ———. The Family Idiot: Gustave Flaubert, 1821–1857. 5 vols. Trans. Carol Cosman.

  Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981–1993.

  ———. ‘‘Qu’est-ce qu’un collaborateur?’’ In Situations III. Pp. 43–61. Paris: Gallimard, 1949.

  ———. Saint Genet: Actor and Martyr. Trans. Bernard Frechtman. New York: George Braziller, 1963.

  ———. ‘‘Textes politiques.’’ In Situations X. Paris: Gallimard, 1976.

  ———. What Is Literature? Trans. Bernard Frechtman. In What Is Literature? and Other Essays. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1988.

  ———. The Words. Trans. Bernard Frechtman. New York: George Braziller, 1964.

  Schiltz, Marie-Ange. ‘‘Parcours de jeunes homosexuels dans le contexte du vih: la conquête des modes de vie.’’ Population 52, no. 6 (Nov.–Dec. 1997).

  Schlumberger, Jean. Madeleine et André Gide. Paris: Gallimard, 1956.

  Schmidgall, Gary. The Stranger Wilde: Interpreting Oscar. New York: Abacus, 1994.

  ———. Walt Whitman: A Gay Life. New York: Dutton, 1997.

  Scott, Joan Wallach. ‘‘The Evidence of Experience.’’ Critical Inquiry 17 (1991): 773–


  ———. Only Paradoxes to O√er: French Feminists and the Rights of Man. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1996.

  Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. Between Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire.

  2nd edition. New York: Columbia University Press, 1992.

  ———. ‘‘Construire des significations queer. ’’ In Les Études gay et lesbiennes. Ed. Didier Eribon. Pp. 109–16. Paris: Éditions du Centre Pompidou, 1998.

  ———. Epistemology of the Closet. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990.

  ———. ‘‘Gender Criticism.’’ In Redrawing the Boundaries: The Transformations of English and American Literary Studies. Eds. Stephen Greenblatt and Giles Gunn. Pp. 271–

  302. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1992.

  ———. ‘‘How to Bring Your Kids Up Gay: The War against E√eminate Boys.’’ Tendencies. Pp. 154–64. Durham: Duke University Press, 1993.

  ———. ‘‘Queer Performativity.’’ glq : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 1, no. 1 (1993): 1–16.

  Sibalis, Michael. ‘‘The Regulation of Male Homosexuality in Revolutionary and Napoleonic France, 1789–1815.’’ In Homosexuality in Modern France. Ed. Je√rey Merrick and Bryant Ragan Jr. Pp. 80–101. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.


  w o r k s c i t e d

  Steakley, James. The Homosexual Emancipation Movement in Germany. Salem, N.H.: Ayer, 1975.

  Stein, Edward, ed. Forms of Desire: Sexual Orientation and the Social Constructionist Contro-versy. New York: Routledge, 1990.

  Symonds, John Addington. The Letters of John Addington Symonds. Ed. Herbert Schuel-ler and Robert Peters. 3 vols. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1969.

  ———. Male Love: A Problem in Greek Ethics and Other Writings. Ed. John Lauritsen. New York: Pagan Press, 1983.

  ———. The Memoirs of John Addington Symonds. Ed. Phyllis Grosskurth. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984.

  ———. A Problem in Modern Ethics. London, 1896.

  Tadié, Jean-Yves. Marcel Proust: A Life. Trans. Euan Cameron. New York: Penguin, 2000.

  ———. Proust: Le Dossier. Pp. 86–92. Paris: Pocket, 1998.

  Tamagne, Florence. Recherches sur l’homosexualité dans la France, l’Angleterre et l’Allemagne du début des années vingt à la fin des années trente. Doctoral dissertation. Institut d’études politiques de Paris, 1997.

  Taylor, Martin P. Lads: Love Poetry of the Trenches. London: Duckworth, 1998.

  Thompson, Victoria. ‘‘Creating Boundaries: Homosexuality and the Changing Social Order in France, 1830–1870.’’ In Homosexuality in Modern France. Ed. Je√rey Merrick and Bryant Ragan Jr. Pp. 103–26. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.

  Timmons, Stuart. The Trouble with Harry Hay, Founder of the Modern Gay Movement.

  Boston: Alyson, 1990.

  Trumbach, Randolph. ‘‘The Birth of the Queen: Sodomy and the Emergence of Gender Equality in Modern Culture, 1660–1750.’’ In Hidden from History: Reclaiming the Gay and Lesbian Past. Ed. George Chauncey, Martin Duberman, Martha Vicinus. Pp. 129–40. New York: Meridian, 1990.

  ———.‘‘Sodomitical Subculture, Sodomitical Roles, and the Gender Revolution in the Eighteenth Century: The Recent Historiography.’’ In ’ Tis Nature’s Fault: Unauthorized Sexuality during the Enlightenment. Ed. Robert Purks Maccubbin. Pp.

  109–21. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987.

  Vanita, Ruth. Sappho and the Virgin Mary: Same-Sex Love and the English Literary Imagination. New York: Columbia University Press, 1996.

  Vidal, Gore. Palimpsest: A Memoir. New York: Penguin, 1995.

  Voeltzel, Thierry. Vingt ans et après. Paris: Grasset, 1978.

  Weeks, Je√rey. Coming Out: Homosexual Politics in Britain from the Nineteenth Century to the Present. London: Quartet Books, 1990.

  ———. Sex, Politics, and Society: The Regulation of Sexuality Since 1800. London: Longman, 1981.

  w o r k s c i t e d


  Weindel, Henri de, and F. P. Fischer. L’Homosexualité en Allemagne: Étude documentaire et anecdotique. Paris: La Renaissance du Livre, 1908.

  Whitman, Walt. Leaves of Grass, Complete Poetry and Collected Prose. New York: Library of America, 1982.

  Wilde, Oscar. The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde. New York: Harper and Row, 1989.

  ———. De Profundis. In The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde. Pp. 873–957. New York: Harper and Row, 1989.

  ———. The Letters of Oscar Wilde. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1962.

  ———. Lettres. Paris: Gallimard, 1994.

  ———. Œuvres. Paris: Gallimard [Pléiade], 1996.

  ———. The Picture of Dorian Gray: Authoritative Texts, Backgrounds, Reviews and Reactions, Criticism. Ed. Donald Lawler. New York: Norton, 1988.

  ———. The Picture of Dorian Gray. In The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde. Pp. 17–167. New York: Harper and Row, 1989.

  ———. The Portrait of Mr. W. H. In The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde. Pp. 1150–1201. New York: Harper and Row, 1989.

  ———. The Soul of Man Under Socialism. In The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde. Pp. 1079–

  104. New York: Harper and Row, 1989.

  Wittmann, Carl. ‘‘A Gay Manifesto.’’ In Out of the Closet: Voices of Liberation. Ed. Karla Jay and Allen Young. Pp. 330–42. New York: New York University Press, 1992.

  Wol√, Charlotte. Magnus Hirschfeld: A Portrait of a Pioneer in Sexology. London: Quartet Books, 1986.

  Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth. ‘‘Hannah Arendt Among Feminists.’’ In Hannah Arendt Twenty Years Later. Ed. Larry May and Jerome Kohn. Pp. 307–22. Cambridge, Massachusetts: mit Press, 1996.

  ———. Hannah Arendt: For the Love of the World. New Haven
: Yale University Press, 1982.


  Acts (and identities), 3, 50–51

  Harlot High and Low ( Splendeurs et Mis-

  Adam, Barry D., 71, 129, 136

  ères des Courtisanes), 381 n.10, 400

  Adorno, Theodor, 321

  n.14; Lost Illusions, 360; Proust, Mar-

  aids, 41–42, 43, 45; activism and, 138,

  cel, and, 147–48

  351 n.5, 362 n.4

  Barbin, Herculine, 311

  Albufera, Louis d’, 236

  Barbusse, Henri, 239

  Allégret, Marc, 215, 226, 387 n.5, 388 n.1

  Barraqué, Jean, 250–52, 254–55

  Althusser, Louis, xii, 56–58, 61, 251,

  Barthes, Roland, xii, xiii; Barthes by Bar-

  253, 256–57, 392–93 n.17, 398 n.20

  thes, 116

  Anzieu, Didier, 252

  Bartlett, Neil, 7, 60, 144, 166–67, 180,

  Arcadie (French homophile organiza-

  208, 382 n.21

  tion), 122, 125, 255, 300, 301, 373

  Baudelaire, Charles, 237, 336–37

  n.2, 403 n.1

  Baudry, André, 301, 403 n.1

  Arendt, Hannah, 110, 339–49, 371 n.6,

  Bauer, Gérard, 239, 241

  416 n.1; The Human Condition, 344;

  Bazalgette, Leon, 216–17

  The Origins of Totalitarianism, 345–46,

  Beaton, Cecil, 380 n.15

  348; ‘‘Reflections on Little Rock,’’

  Beauvoir, Simone de, xii, 109, 348


  Bech, Henning, 20, 25, 111, 379 n.4

  Ascesis, xiii, 337; homosexual ascesis,

  Beerbohm, Max, 188

  117. See also Foucault, Michel; Subjec-

  Bell, Allan P., 129


  Bellah, Robert, 327–28

  Assimiliation, 118–23, 124. See also Gay

  Benhabib, Seyla, 345


  Benjamin, Walter, 337

  Auden, W. H., 20, 68, 185, 212

  Bentham, Jeremy, 155–56

  Austin, J. L., 16–17, 79, 115

  Bergson, Henri, 36

  Berlin, 44

  Balzac, Honoré de, 82, 381 n.10; Cousin

  Bersani, Leo, 118, 124, 404–5 n.10;

  Bette, 241; Cousin Pons, 42–43; A

  Homos, 119, 126


  i n d e x

  Bérubé, Allan, 19, 331

  Charlus (character in Proust), 1–3, 33,

  Bibesco, Emmanuel, 236

  39, 43–44, 53, 82–84, 92–94, 147–

  Binswanger, Ludwig: Dream and Exis-

  48, 186, 210, 298, 360 n.4, 366 n.8

  tence, 253, 266

  Chauncey, George, 10, 20, 41, 95, 96,

  Bisexuality, 233, 298, 304–5, 329, 377

  285, 300; Gay New York, 22, 26, 43,

  n.28, 404 n.5

  94, 286, 357 n.16, 360 n.6

  Black identity, 61–62, 69. See also Iden-

  Christianity: Counter Reformation,


  274, 276, 316

  Blum, Leon: On Marriage, 221

  City: anonymity and, 21, 24; gay migra-

  Bonaparte, Napoleon, 150

  tion to, 31, 360 n.6; gay movement

  Boswell, John, 8, 161, 315, 316–18, 378

  and, 43; illness and, 41–42, 44–45;

  n.6, 379 n.4, 408 n.12

  mythology of, 20

  Boulton, ‘‘Stella,’’ 208

  Cleveland Street Scandal, 208

  Bourdieu, Pierre, xix–xxii, 10, 51, 57,

  Closet, 49; literature and, 49–50; work

  64, 74, 79–80, 92, 96, 103, 115, 252,

  place and, 47–48, 52

  353 n.7, 358–59 n.8, 360 n.5; Distinc-

  Cocteau, Jean, 124; The White Book, 97

  tion, 33–34; Masculine Domination, 6,

  Codes, 7, 217; linguistic, 3

  128, 367 n.2; positional su√ering

  Cohn, Roy, 68

  and, 37–38; The Weight of the World,

  Colette, xiv


  Curzon, George, 188

  Bourget, Emile, 153

  Brand, Adolf: Der Eigene, 233–35

  Dana International, 126

  Brassaï, 232

  Daudet, Léon, 389 n.15

  Brossard, Nicole: My Continent, 60

  Daudet, Lucien, 236

  Brown, John, 160

  David and Jonathan (French gay Cath-

  Brown, Peter, 316

  olic organization), 47

  Burckhardt, Jacob, 336

  Delay, Jean, 251, 252, 376 n.11; The

  Butler, Judith, xix–xx, 7, 10, 36–38,

  Youth of Andre Gide, 146

  56–57, 61, 79, 313, 359 n.8

  Deleuze, Gilles, 122–23, 257–58, 260–

  62, 299, 337; Anti-Oedipus, 122, 297,

  Cambacérès, Jean-Jacques, 71, 150, 317

  406 n.14; Negotiations, 394 n.14, 395

  Camp, 3, 91


  Capote, Truman, 73

  D’Emilio, John, 19

  Carpenter, Edward, 194–95, 199, 201–

  Derrida, Jacques, 8, 35, 371–72 n.4

  4, 401 n.18; Iolaüs, 218

  Dickens, Charles, 366 n.11; Little Dorrit,

  Carson, Edward, 176–77


  Catholic church, 51–52

  Discrimination, 339–42

  Chameleon, The (Oxford), 158

  Domination, 294, systems of, 127–28.

  Char, René, 338

  See also Inferiorization

  Charasson, Henriette, 239

  Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 242, 257

  i n d e x


  Douglas, Alfred, 143, 158–59, 176–77,

  267, 272; The Archaeology of Knowledge,

  180, 189, 198

  259–60, 290–91; ascesis, homosex-

  Dover, K. J.: Greek Homosexuality, 316–17

  ual, 117; The Birth of the Clinic, 260; The

  Dowling, Linda, 159, 160, 168, 184

  Care of the Self, 274; The Confessions of

  DuBarry, Armand: Les Déséquilibrés de

  the Flesh, 274, 316; Discipline and

  l’Amour, 285; Les Invertis, 285

  Punish, 266, 277, 294, 395 n.28, 397

  Dumézil, George, xii, 20, 153–54, 156,

  n.15, 398 n.20; friendship and, 324–

  161–62, 254, 255, 333; Mythe et Ép-

  25, 326, 331–32, 411 n.9, 414 n.16;

  opée, 330

  gay politics of, 314, 318, 323–24;

  Dunning, Eric, 107

  gip (Group for Information about

  Durkheim, Emile, xix

  Prisons), 310; The History of Sexuality,

  xii–xiv, 247–49, 259, 266–67, 281–

  E√eminacy, 2–3, 80, 89–91, 160–61,

  82, 284, 292, 299, 311, 319, 331, 336,

  193, 207, 232, 288, 364 n.3, 365 n.8.

  399 n.1; I, Pierre Rivière, 266; identity

  See also Inversion

  and, 123; La Volonté de savoir, xii–xiv,

  Ellis, Havelock, 194–95; Sexual Inversion,

  8–9, 123, 190–91, 193, 264, 274–75,


  279, 281–83, 285, 289–90, 292–94,

  Ellison, Ralph, 340

  297–99, 301, 303, 308, 311, 315,

  Ellman, Richard, 143, 173, 174, 179

  319–20, 417 n.18, 420–21 n.5; mad-

  Étienne, Pierce, 251, 392 n.6

  ness and, 264–73, 396 n.6; Madness

  Eulenburg A√air, 71, 92, 146–49, 219,

  and Civilization, xii, xiii, 9, 77, 249,

  231, 288, 365 n.1, 376 n.12, 386 n.16

  253–54, 256–61, 264–70, 275, 281–

  83, 290, 293–94, 296, 298, 299, 311,

  Fabre, Lucien, 24

  392–93 n.17, 394 n.16, 398 n.20, 402

  Faderman, Lillian, 400 n.9, 414 n.14;

  n.7; Mental Illness and Psychology,

  Surpassing the Love of Men, 331–32

  252–53, 266, 267, 396 n.7; The Order

  Families, chosen, 35–36

  of Things, 259–60, 290; sadomasoch-

  Fargue, Léon-Paul, 241

  ism and, 327, 413 n.7; The Use of Plea-

  Fascism, 44

  sure, 274, 366 n.8

  Feminism, 28, 102, 344–45

  Freud, Sigmund, 36, 70, 88, 300, 304,

  fhar (Homosexual Front for Revolu-

  399 n.1; Freudo-marxism, 275, 289;

  tionary Action), 296–300, 310, 352

  inversion and, 157; Three Contributions

  n.5, 373 n.1, 408 n.3

  to the Theory of Sex, 80–81

  Flaubert, Gustave: Salammbo, 241–42

  Friedländer, Benedict, 233–35

  Forster, E. M.: Maurice, 154–55, 185,

  201, 211–12

  Gallerand, Régis, 47

  Foucault, Michel, xi–xv, 1, 7, 8–10, 27–

  Gaspard, Françoise, xix

  28, 66–67, 71, 125, 127, 190–91, 379

  Gay and lesbian studies, xiv, xv, 10

  n.4, 384 n.6, 390–91 n.5, 391 n.3,

  Gay communities, 326–28

  397 n.11, 400 n.2; abnormality and,

  Gay culture, 2, 4, 8, 29, 41, 91, 123,


  i n d e x

  Gay culture ( cont. )

  and, 231–32; The Vatican Cellars, 237;

  157–58, 296, 314, 324, 326–33, 377

  Wilde, Oscar and, 145–46

  n.3, 412 n.20

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 169–70

  Gay identity, 4, 46, 50–51, 77–78, 79,

  Go√man, Erving, 3–4, 10, 17, 24, 48,

  117, 124, 352 n.5, 377 n.28, 404 n.5;

  99, 105, 128, 358 n.8, 392 n.11;

  literature and 150–52. See also Iden-

  Stigma, 103, 358–59 n.8


  Gombrich, Ernst, 70

  Gay movement, 28, 38, 119, 128–29,

  Grandmontagne, Gérard, 310

  136–37, 296–97, 299–301, 310, 319,

  Green, Julien, 49

  322, 335, 349, 352 n.5; assimilation

  Guattari, Félix, 122–23, 299; Anti-

  and, 121–22, 124; city and, 43; com-

  Oedipus, 122, 297, 406 n.14

  mercialization and, 138–39, 413 n.7

  Gay outlaw, 118

  Habermas, Jürgen, 100

  Gay pride, xv, 23, 44, 45, 136, 351 n.5

  Habitus, xxii, 57

  Gay speech, 150–52

  Hadot, Pierre, 336

  Gay subculture, xiv–xv, 4, 21–23, 26–

  Hall, Radcly√e: The Well of Loneliness,


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