Project Sabertooth
Page 18
generally speaking, the majority of his victims seem to be totally normal people from all walks of life! That is why they cannot find a common denominator with all the people he has liquidated. Hopefully he sees your quest as an honorable trait! My colleagues used to talk quite a lot about him, especially after seeing police photographs of how brutal and savage he will sometimes kill. His calling card is always a pair of dice placed over both eyes of the contract. They even have his DNA on file, as if he leaves it on the dice, like it’s some sort of game for him. He is known all over the world from all the higher policing agencies, and he has rightly earned the title “The Ghost.” The French security once intercepted a conversation while spying on incoming calls to the country and they heard the name, price, and the city. They didn’t think much about it because it sounded like some business deal. Till the man turned up dead in the middle of Paris after having an ice pick driven into his brain. Just a small hole and because the heart stops beating immediately, no blood. They then did a GPS search and located the phone. It was found on some homeless man near the Seine river, and he was so drunk that he only remembered some stranger giving him the phone and Twenty Euros to buy some cheap wine. A dead end with no leads anywhere. The man can apparently blend into any crowd in any country, and nobody will remember seeing him.
“I have seen him after a man met his demise in a parking lot in Ankara. As he left the parking lot, we both stopped and stared at each other, and we both realized who the other one was. He walked, and me not being totally sure enough to arrest him, let him walk, and for that he let me live to see another day. Upon seeing the body and the dice, I knew it was the Ghost I had seen. That is why you quit immediately my friend. For if they hire the Ghost and he sees me, he will definitely remember my face. And after he eliminates me and he goes to my funeral, then the rest of the family would also be in jeopardy.”
“A man called The Ghost?” Walter asked. “Simply the name is too preposterous to believe! Do you seriously believe what he told you about this killer for hire?” “Oh yeah!” Marcus answered. “Because when we were talking about him, his face went more and more pale. And a man of his stature and past experience would not be scared that easily I’ll bet!”
“Funny though,” Marcus started. “I never got a chance to try those fancy modified cable ties!” “And do you know what really makes me angry every time I think about all what had happened?” Marcus asked. “The fact that there is still one of them running around, and I know for sure that he won’t stop just because his other club members are gone! And I am afraid to hear of something happening before I die, knowing that maybe I could have prevented it somehow.” “So that’s the reason you refuse television, radio and newspapers!” Walter said. “Yeah!” Marcus exclaimed. “If not I would have to try and break out of here and finish the job!”
Walter just laughed and said; “Marcus, you’re beyond help!”
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As I thought that too many pictures would not be good, here are two more which inspired my chain of thought while writing this short story.
The first one is of the street sign saying Tuerkengasse which translates into Turk Way and not Turk road or street. Strange that I walked down the street since many years and never really paid attention to what it was called!
And last but not the least important, the cat that I always have time to pet when I’m walking by.